Lead Player: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

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Lead Player: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World) Page 5

by Alex Grayson

  His head is bent as he says something in her ear. She laughs, and the sound grates against my nerves. When the guy lifts his head again, his eyes meet mine. They widen fractionally when he sees the intensity in my gaze.

  I stop at Alaina’s back and stare the man down. When I jerk my chin up, indicating he needs to get lost, he hesitates a moment before he releases her and takes a step back. With a muttered, “Catch you later,” he takes off.

  Before she has a chance to turn around, I snake my arms around Alaina’s waist and pull her flush to my chest, my hands settling on her stomach. She stiffens for a moment, but then surprises me by relaxing against me.

  “You scared off my dance partner,” she says loudly over the music.

  “Guess that means I should take his place.”

  I begin swaying us to the soft beat of the song. She feels so goddamn good in my arms. Leaning down, I graze my nose along the side of her head, inhaling the fruity scent of her shampoo.

  I dip my head closer to her ear. “You should have told me you were looking for another one-night stand. You know I’m a sure bet.”

  She tenses again, and I brace for the heated blast she’s sure to deliver. But it doesn’t come. Instead, she swivels her hips in some sexy move and dips her knees slightly, sliding her lower back against my erection. A guttural groan leaves my lips when she slowly slides back up. Dipping my thumb under the edge of her shirt, I rub it along her bare skin.

  “Even if I were looking for a bed partner, which I’m not, there are plenty of guys here who I’m sure could satisfy me.”

  “Maybe.” I scrape my beard along the side of her neck and goosebumps appear. “But at least with me you’d know for sure.” I nip her ear and feel the vibration of her moan against my lips.

  Why the hell is she fighting this when there’s no doubt she wants me as much as I want her?

  She spins in my arms and tips her head back to look at me. “I’ve told you already. What you have to give isn’t what I’m looking for.”

  “You won’t know unless you give it a try.”

  She releases a tired breath and moves her eyes to my chest. Her fingers fiddle with one of the buttons of my shirt.

  “That’s just it, Enzo. I do know. I know your kind. And quite frankly, even if we did attempt to see where this leads, I’ve had shitty luck with men and no longer trust my judgement.”

  Frustration builds inside me. I’ve never been the type to chase a woman, and I’ve certainly never been desperate enough to beg. I damn sure won’t start now.

  I release her and drop my arms to my sides. For a split second, something like regret flashes on her face before it’s gone. She smiles at me, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. They flicker back and forth between mine before she takes a deep breath and walks away. My chest grows tight as I watch her go back to the corner where our group has commandeered a table.

  A woman walks up to me and asks for a dance, but I politely decline. After a few seconds, where I probably look like a fool standing on the dance floor alone, I go over to the table. I opt to go to the other side where she’s not standing. James is pressed to Juliet’s back, looking over her shoulder as she shows him something on her phone. They both laugh. Grabbing one of the shot glasses I saw him bring back to the table, I toss it back, relishing the burn as it goes down my throat.

  “Holy shit, if it isn’t Enzo and James.”

  I look up as an old friend, Grant Malone, stops at our table, Emerson, the owner of Wings Out, by his side.

  I grin as I hold out my hand. “Grant Malone. Damn, it’s been a long time. How have you been?”

  “Good.” He claps my hand then does the same to James. “When Em told me who her clients were today, I couldn’t believe it. The rock star god, Enzo Bishop, coming back to little ol’ Sunnyville.” He looks to James, his eyes briefly sliding to Juliet. “And you? Getting married? Never thought I’d see the day.”

  James laughs and looks down at his hand holding Emerson’s, and the rock on her finger. “Looks like I’m not the only one who took the plunge.”

  His smile turns prideful as he tugs Emerson closer to his side. “Best decision she ever made.”

  Emerson laughs and playfully slaps his stomach. “That’s still up for debate.”

  Grant chuckles and kisses the top of her head.

  “Juliet, meet an old friend of mine and Enzo’s. Grant, this is Juliet and her two best friends, Alaina and Nikki.”

  He smiles and nods. “Nice to meet you ladies.” His eyes lock on Juliet’s. “If you ever need any embarrassing stories about these two, come find me.”

  She flashes him a grin. “I may just take you up on that.”

  “How are your brothers doing?” I ask.

  “Good. Gray’s a rescue pilot and Grady’s a firefighter. Both are now married. Gray has a son. Emerson and I have a daughter.”

  “No shit?” I say, not altogether surprised. Out of the three brothers, I figured Grant would be the first to start a family.

  “And let me guess. You became a cop?” James inquires.

  He nods. “You know it.”

  Emerson breaks away from Grant and walks around the table to where the other women are standing. James, Grant, and I spend a few more minutes catching up, but my eyes keep straying to Alaina, watching her laugh and interact with the women. I could spend hours observing her and never get tired.

  “When’s the wedding?” Grant asks, pulling my thoughts away from Alaina.

  “Next weekend.”

  “I’m offended I never got an invite.” Grant’s eyes hold a playful glint.

  “You and Emerson are more than welcome to attend. And that goes for Grayson and Grady, along with their families.”

  “I’ll let them know.”

  After he and Emerson leave, Alaina, Juliet, and Nikki go back out to the dance floor, leaving me and James to watch like pathetic fools. Luckily, this time they dance with at least a foot between them. I’m not sure my brain could handle watching them grind on each other again. And from the sigh that comes from James, he feels the same.

  “You know you’re fucked, right?” he asks, slamming back one of the lukewarm shots.

  I grind my molars, because he’s got me pegged. Despite her rejection, there’s not a chance in hell I can ignore my attraction to the maddening woman. It’s too fucking strong.

  Without looking at him, I mutter, “Yeah.” Then sit back in my chair, stretch my legs out in front of me, and watch Alaina dance the night away.

  Chapter Five


  When Juliet told Nikki and me that James was meeting us for lunch after we picked up her wedding dress, I thought nothing of it. Had I known Enzo would be there as well, I would have made an excuse not to go. It shouldn’t surprise me, though. Enzo is James’ best friend and he’s been gone for two years. According to James, he only came home to visit a couple of times. So, of course, they’ll be up each other’s ass like two long lost souls for the next several weeks. Nova snickers inside my head, and I can’t help but agree that it’s pretty funny. The guys would be spitting nails if they heard my thoughts.

  I look across the table when I feel eyes on me. Enzo is staring, his gaze intense. I think back to the first time I saw him and how I couldn’t look away. Yeah, there’s still some of that going on, but luckily, if I concentrate hard enough, I can break the hold. He seems to be having the same problem. Every time I look at him, it’s to find his eyes on me.

  Why does the man have to be so damn gorgeous? Why can’t he have yellow teeth, or maybe a cowlick in the middle of his hair? Is it too much to ask for him to have bad breath or a big mole on the side of his neck?

  “Hello? Earth to Lay.” Juliet snaps her fingers in front of my face, and I jerk my eyes to her.

  I almost die of mortification when I realize I’ve been staring at Enzo for the past five minutes. Not just staring, but elbow on the table with my chin propped in my hand, kind of staring.

  “I-I’m sorry,
” I stammer, blinking rapidly. “What were you saying?”

  Juliet’s eyes bounce from me to Enzo and back again. I squint at the humor in her expression.

  The first thing she did when we were back in the hotel room after skydiving was force me on the couch and grill me about my night with Enzo. When I refused and tried to get up to change my clothes, the bitch actually plopped down on my lap. Nikki threatened to sit on Juliet’s lap to ensure I couldn’t go anywhere if I didn’t start talking. So, I did. I told them all about our night together, leaving out the more intimate details. I also didn’t reveal how much him leaving without so much as a goodbye bothered me. Had the guy not been who he was, I would have revealed all, but he was, so I kept that little tidbit to myself. Both women looked at me like I was crazy when I told them I wasn’t interested in sleeping with him again. Nikki has always been the go-with-the-flow type of person, while Juliet is very perceptive. I knew she saw behind my excuses. I did want to bang the rockstar Enzo Bishop again, but I didn’t want to want to. I’ve never been a casual fuck kind of girl. My night with Enzo had been a one off.

  I hold Juliet’s stare. My own silently telling her if she utters a word about me looking at Enzo, I’ll slowly strangle her.

  Evidently, she receives my message loud and clear.

  “I was just telling everyone that we should make skydiving a yearly thing for our anniversary.”

  “I kinda figured you guys would vacation for your anniversary,” I state, grabbing my water glass and taking a sip.

  “Well, yeah, sure. We don’t have to do it on our actual anniversary. Just around the date.”

  I shrug. “I’m in.”


  At Enzo’s answer, I look at him. Once again, his eyes are on me, and he’s wearing that sexy smirk he has. I quickly look away before I get ensnared.


  Juliet and I both look at Nikki in astonishment.

  “Seriously? You mean I won’t have to bribe you this time?”

  Nikki lifts her foot and lovingly admires the sparkly silver Louboutins Juliet gave her to agree to go skydiving.

  “Nah.” She tilts her head this way and that way as she continues to appreciate the ridiculously overpriced shoes. “I figured these are probably worth a couple of jumps.” She drops her foot and grins at Juliet. “Not to mention it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I mean, yeah, I was scared, but once I was in the air, it was awesome.”

  I snort and roll my eyes. Those shoes cost Juliet at least two grand. God love her, but Nikki is spoiled. It comes from growing up with a plastic surgeon father and a high-powered lawyer for a mother. Her trust fund was astronomical.

  Juliet, along with her family, has money too. But whereas Nikki has absolutely no will power when it comes to spending it, Juliet does. But her one weakness is shoes.

  My own family is loaded, but we still lived conservatively.

  “So, Enzo, James told me a little bit about why you’re leaving Phenix. He said you were tired of life on the road.”

  Before he can answer Juliet, the waitress comes up and begins removing our empty plates. “Would any of you like to see the dessert menu?”

  We all decline, and she scurries away.

  “I never really wanted that kind of life for myself. When the band was formed, it was just a hobby. Something to pass the time. I loved music. Writing the lyrics and letting them play out through my fingers on the guitar. We were at a gig over on Belmont Street when a guy who owned a record label heard us. He was there having a drink with friends.”

  “Oh, wow. What are the odds of that happening? I know a lot of performers spend years trying to get the attention of someone in the music industry.”

  He nods and leans back in his chair, throwing one arm over the back. “Yeah. There was no way I could let the guys down. I loved music, but it was their life. Their goal was to make it big.”

  “How old were you?” I ask.

  His eyes flicker to me. “Twenty.”

  “So, if you didn’t care for that lifestyle, why did you stay in the band for so long?”

  “For the first couple of years, it was to help out the guys. To give them the limelight they wanted. I didn’t want to chance messing it up for them by leaving. After that,” he shrugs. “I was like most rock stars. It went to my head. The attention, the fame—”

  “The girls,” I mutter under my breath.

  Apparently, he hears me. “And yes, the girls,” he finishes, his lips tipping up.

  “So, why now? You had it all. Why get out now?”

  “Because what I had wasn’t real. I’m tired of all the fake shit that comes with being part of Phenix. It was fun for a while, but I’m ready to move on and settle somewhere. Start the next chapter of my life.”

  “My goodness. What will you do without all the bimbos with fake tits and plastic faces following you around?”

  Juliet sucks in a breath, but I ignore her.

  I have no idea why I’m intent on pissing him off. I’m just suddenly irritated.

  Instead of getting the reaction I expected, his smirk turns into a grin. “Sounds like someone might be a bit jealous.”

  I snort. “Not likely.”

  He chuckles. “Anyway. I haven’t been interested in ‘fake tits and plastic faces’ for a while now. I’m thinking something more substantial will catch my eye though.”

  I know what he’s insinuating, but I’m not falling for it. I’m not willing to take the chance that he’s wrong. Just from our one night together, given half the chance, I know Enzo could break my heart. It’s crazy to know that since I only met him a few days ago, but my gut tells me to be wary.

  “What about you?” he asks, and I stare at him blankly. “What kind of work do you do?”

  “I’m a fiction editor. I work for one of the biggest publishing houses in the state.” His brows shoot up, and I tilt my head to the side. “Why do you look so surprised?”

  “I can’t picture you as an editor. It seems so tame for you.”

  My hackles rise. “Tame? What does that mean?”

  “Cool your feathers, Alaina. I didn’t mean it as an insult. I just didn’t peg you for someone who sat behind a desk all day. I think it’s a pretty amazing career choice.”

  “She’s a damn good editor too,” Juliet inserts, her eyes beaming with pride. “One of the best in California.”

  “So, if you edit books.” He looks to Juliet. “And James says you make covers and other literary graphics.” His eyes move to Nikki next. “What is it you do?”

  “A writer.”

  The only indication of surprise he lets show is his brief pause before he asks, “What genre?”

  “Dark romance.”

  “No shit?”

  Nikki grins. “No shit.”

  “I’ll admit, I’m not a romance reader, but I’ll have to pick up one of your books.”

  James clears his throat while the girls and I laugh. Enzo looks to each of us, perplexed.

  “What? What am I missing?”

  “Nothing,” I say before anyone else can warn him. “I actually have a copy of one of her books at home you can borrow,” I offer helpfully, barely refraining from snickering. He’s certainly in for a treat.

  “Sure.” His eyes twinkle. “I’ll stop by your house this week and grab it.”

  “Great.” I give him a tight-lipped smile, my mirth dying away. I figured I’d give it to him the next time I saw him. The last thing I need is for him to be in my house again. I just got rid of his lingering scent.

  “Is that how you three met? The book industry?”

  “We actually met at UCLA. Nikki and I were roommates,” Juliet explains. “Alaina was in the room across the hall from us.”

  “UCLA? How did you end up here in Park Crest?”

  “It was kismet.” I share a smile with Juliet and Nikki. “Nikki submitted her first book to Roxfield Publishing our senior year. Within three months she had her first deal with them�
�which is unheard of because it usually takes six months to a year to even hear back from a publishing house. The timing was perfect because they just so happened to also be looking for a graphics designer and an editor. Juliet and I applied a few weeks before graduation and were hired as interns. The three of us have been with the same company ever since.”

  “That’s pretty amazing,” Enzo says, a smile playing on his lips.

  The waitress walks up with our check. Enzo snatches it before anyone else can grab it. He and James bicker like two little girls for a moment until James relents. After Enzo hands over a black matte credit card, the waitress walks off.

  I feel eyes on me as I finish my water. Enzo, with his arm still stretched over the back of the chair next to him, has his gaze fixed on me once again. A little shiver races down my spine at the look in his eyes. It’s as though he’s mentally undressing me. It’s not an altogether unpleasant feeling. It’s just not a wanted feeling. I un-cross and re-cross my legs.

  You keep telling yourself that, Alaina. We all know you want him as much as a starving man wants a steak.

  I jerk my eyes away from him and mentally berate Nova. She doesn’t know shit.

  Once the waitress drops off Enzo’s card, and he leaves a generous cash tip, we all get up from the table. I avoid looking at him as Juliet and James say goodbye, but I still feel the intensity of his heated gaze on me like he’s burning holes in the side of my head.

  It’s not until he and James are walking off toward Enzo’s car that I breathe easy again.

  “Come on,” Juliet says, looping her arm through mine and Nikki’s. “Our wax appointment is in twenty minutes and you know how bitchy Renee gets if we’re late.”

  As I climb into the back seat of Juliet’s car, Enzo and James drive by with a tap to the horn. Unconsciously, I look through the back windshield and meet Enzo’s eyes in the rearview mirror.

  You’re in so much trouble, Nova giggles.


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