Lead Player: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

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Lead Player: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World) Page 11

by Alex Grayson

  My own release follows closely behind hers, and fuck if it doesn’t damn near have my eyes rolling in the back of my head.

  My thrusts slow as my dick continues to twitch, the fading effects of her orgasm pulsing around me. She stares dazedly up at me, a satisfied smile pulling up her lips.

  “Has anyone ever told you how amazing you are?” I ask, brushing a few damp hairs from her face.

  “Just you,” she answers, giving me her killer smile.

  I drop down and kiss her gently before doing a push up to climb off her. Her gaze heats my back as she watches me walk away. After disposing of the condom and wetting a washcloth with warm water, I go back into the bedroom. Today has been an exhausting day for her. She’s curled up on her side, her naked body still on display, with one hand tucked under her cheek. Her half-closed eyes rake up and down my body.

  Sitting on the side of the bed, I run the washcloth between her legs, gently rubbing her delicate flesh.

  “You’re tired,” I comment after throwing the washcloth in the corner.

  She nods as she covers her mouth when she yawns.

  My plans for being inside of her for half the night suddenly change. Not that I wouldn’t want to have her delectable body withering beneath me, but the thought of holding her while she sleeps is just as appealing.

  I carefully pull the blankets out from underneath her and get in bed. She turns until her back is facing me, sliding back at the same time I wrap an arm around her. She’s so fucking warm pressed against me. I’ve never felt the urge to snuggle with a woman while we slept, but right now with Alaina, it feels perfect.

  Chapter Eleven


  I stretch my arms over my head, dreading opening my eyes. I’m so incredibly comfortable and warm right now, my body languid and more relaxed than it’s been in a while. I don’t want to get out of bed, but I know I should.

  Cracking open my eyes, I’m met with a shadowed room. A look to my left shows the curtains pulled closed over the windows, small strips of light peeking out through the edges. I smile, knowing Enzo made sure they were closed, so I wouldn’t be blinded by the early morning light.

  So thoughtful.

  I look around the room, wondering where he is. My gaze falls on the mostly closed bathroom door. The light is on, and I hear water running.

  My already perfect morning could be even more splendid if I caught him in the shower and joined him.

  Deciding to find out if I’ll be lucky or not, I throw the blankets back and get up, the shirt Enzo gave me to use almost falling to my knees. I’m deliciously sore between my legs from the three rounds of sex we had during the night. When I think back to waking with his head between my thighs, a delightful shiver races down my spine. I could certainly get used to waking up like that every morning.

  I approach the bathroom door and peek through the narrow slit. My jaw drops, and I have the door shoved open and am across the room a second later. Before I realize what I’m doing, I slap his hand away and the razor he was holding hits the shower door.

  I’m so shocked by what I just did that all I can do is stand there with my mouth forming an “o” and my eyes as wide as saucers. I’m sure I look ridiculous.

  From his expression, Enzo seems to be just as surprised as he stares at me in the mirror with his face covered in shaving cream. He turns around, lifting his brows. “Umm… what was that?”

  His question pulls me from my stupor and heat creeps up my cheeks.

  “I am so sorry,” I say in a rush, completely embarrassed by my reaction. “When I saw you about to shave off your beard, I kinda lost it.”

  He smirks, and if it wasn’t for the shaving cream on his cheeks, his dimple would show. “I take it you don’t want me to?”

  I shake my head rapidly. “I really, really like your beard.”

  He grabs the towel from the counter and uses it to wipe away most of the cream. “I guess it stays then.”

  My shoulders sag in relief. I’ve never been much on facial hair, but it suits Enzo perfectly. I’ve seen him without it on TV and in magazines, and he looks damn good with a clean face, but if I had to choose, I’d totally pick the beard.

  He tosses the towel into the hamper, and it’s not until then that I realize he only has a towel around his waist. The man has a body like a god, something to worship and treasure.

  Lightning fast, he reaches out and snags my shirt, stretching the material when he pulls me toward him. Widening his stance, he tugs me until my front is smashed against his.

  “You look really fucking good in my shirt,” he rumbles, staring down at me with his captivating eyes.

  Sliding my hands up his bare chest, marveling at the firm muscles, I wrap my arms around his neck. “And you look delicious in that towel.”

  His hands move to the hem of the shirt and they dip beneath. A small moan leaves my throat when he palms my bare ass.

  He grins. Spinning me around, he hoists me up on the counter and wedges himself between my legs. His palms are warm and slightly callused as they slowly travel up my thighs, taking the shirt with them.

  “What are your plans for the day?”

  “Hmm… it depends. I have a manuscript at home I need to work on, but I might be persuaded away from it if something better is offered.”

  My breath hitches when his fingers dip into the crease of my legs, his thumb only an inch away from my pussy lips. I lean back with my hands on the counter behind me and widen my legs, pressing my heels into his ass to bring him closer to my center.

  “And what if—” He leans forward and latches his teeth around one of my nipples through the shirt. After a gentle tug, he lets it fall free, “I had something very pleasurable planned. Would that persuade you?”

  Biting my lip, I look down at the towel and the hard ridge hidden behind it. “I’d be even more persuaded if you lost that towel.”

  His grin is ravenous when he slides his hands back down my legs and grips the towel. I hold my breath in anticipation, and Nova pants inside my head.

  “Enzo!” a voice calls right before a knock comes from his bedroom door. “I’m coming in, so you better be decent!”

  My eyes go round at the same time we hear the jiggle of the outer door handle. He kicks the bathroom door and it slams shut, then he reaches back and locks it. His eyes close and his head drops, his shoulders falling. I shove him back and scramble off the counter.

  “Who the hell is that?” I hiss, unsure if I should be pissed a female has shown up at his place or mortified at almost being caught with his dick inside me.

  Lifting his head, he actually has the gall to grin. “My sister.”

  Well, at least now I don’t have to yank some bimbo’s hair out.

  “And how is this amusing to you?” I demand, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Because she’s going to love you.” He pecks my lips and drops the towel. I momentarily forget the situation I’m in as my attention is ensnared by the fantastic sight before me. I’m brought back to the moment when he slides a pair of sweatpants over his hips and his dick disappears from view.

  “There is no way I’m going out there to meet her, Enzo.”

  “Sure, you are.” He pulls a gray shirt over his head and tugs it down. “She was disappointed she didn’t get to meet you last night before she had to leave the reception.”

  “I have no clothes here except for my dress, and I’m not going out there in only your shirt.”

  “I’ll leave you a pair of sweats on my bed.” After another brief kiss, he grabs the door handle. “I’ll take her downstairs. See you in a few.”

  Before I can further protest, he shoots me another grin and slips out the door, closing it behind him.

  I huff and spin around to face the mirror. Maddening man. No woman wants to meet the little sister of the man she’s sleeping with in his shirt and sweatpants. Not to mention with wild sex hair and smeared make-up. I cringe at my reflection in the mirror.

  If I did
n’t think he’d eventually drag my ass from the bathroom, I’d stay in here until she left. A look to my right provides me a window. If we weren’t on the second floor, I’d shimmy through the window—after I don his sweatpants, of course.

  With an unladylike growl, I jerkily turn on the faucet and snatch up the toothbrush on the counter. So fucking what if it’s Enzo’s and he may not like me using it. If I’m forced to get over meeting his sister looking like a personified hoe doing the walk of shame, then he can get over me using his toothbrush.

  Once that’s done, I go in search of a washcloth to clean away the clown effect on my face, then dig through the drawers until I find a rubber band. Rubber bands are killer on the hair, but it’s the only thing I have to use, and I refuse to go out looking like I’ve stuck my finger in an electrical socket.

  With no way of making myself more presentable, I grumble as I crack open the door. A peek through the crack shows me the room’s empty. Spotting a pair of sweatpants on the end of the bed, I rush over and pull them on, then roll my eyes when the hems of the legs are about a foot too long. I pull the waist away from my stomach and there’s at least a couple of inches of gap.

  Ugh! I can’t believe he’s making me do this!

  I roll the waist band several times until they precariously stay on my hips. So long as I don’t move too fast or jump, I won’t flash anyone my lady bits.

  Like a deer wary of nearby prey, I pull the door open slowly and peer into the hallway. Hearing voices drifting up from downstairs, I pull up my big girl panties, go to the stairs, and descend them. I find Enzo with his back toward me and the same young woman I saw at the edge of the dance floor last night watching Enzo and me dancing. Her eyes alight on me over his shoulder and her lips form a big smile. Enzo turns around, wearing the exact same smile.

  I shuffle over to them, and his arm immediately wraps around my waist, tugging me to his side.

  “’Bout time you got down here.”

  I shoot him a glare before turning to his sister and offering my own smile.

  “Hi,” she says, holding out her hand. I’m surprised at the lyrical tone to her voice. “I’m Allison, and you must be Alaina.”

  I settle my hand in hers. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise.” Her gaze moves to her brother’s before coming back to me, mischievousness lighting her eyes. “Enzo’s mentioned you a few times over the last week or so. I’m glad he’s found a woman who he wants to keep around for more than one night.”

  “Seriously, Allison? Do you want to scare her away?”

  She laughs, the sound light and jovial. “Oh, if she were to leave, it wouldn’t be because of anything I said.”

  I can’t help it; I laugh right along with her. I like this girl already.

  Feeling the tightening of Enzo’s stomach muscles against my side, I decide to take pity on him. Patting his hard abs, I look up at him. “I think I’ll stick around for a bit.”

  One side of his mouth perks up and his muscles relax. He dips down and presses a kiss against my lips.

  “You guys are just so cute together.” Allison’s sigh has me pulling back.

  Looking over her shoulder, my good mood plummets when Heidi strolls out from the hallway. Her gaze instantly moves to Enzo and the blatant heat that washes over her face has irritation spiking inside me. How the hell can Enzo not see it? And why am I letting it get to me? Enzo is with me, not her. She’s had years to make her play. It’s not my fault she hasn’t made a move.

  The look falls when Allison turns and spots her friend.

  “You met Enzo’s new girlfriend yesterday, right?” A flutter forms in my belly at her use of the word girlfriend. “Don’t they look perfect together?”

  I have to bite my tongue to keep from laughing at the forced smile on her face. Had I not known the secret interest she has for Enzo, I would have missed the sour look. The woman is good at hiding it from Enzo and Allison, but I’ve got her number. I wrap my arm around my man’s waist and rest a hand on his lower stomach.

  Eat it, bitch.

  “They sure do,” Heidi says, and I wonder how bitter the words taste coming out of her mouth.

  “Anyway,” Allison continues, “I wanted to stop by because something told me you would be here, Alaina.” She winks. “I’m a nurse at the hospital. They called me in yesterday because a couple of the other nurses were off with the flu, so I had to leave the reception before I got the chance to meet you. I wanted to see if you were free to do lunch sometime.”

  “Oh! Umm…. Sure. I’d like that.”

  She claps her hands. “Perfect!” Grabbing her purse from the couch, she digs inside and pulls out her phone. Her fingers fly across the screen. “Give me your number and I’ll shoot you a message to figure out a good time for both of us.”

  I recite my number and a moment later, my purse on the small table by the door chirps.

  “That’s me, so you have my number as well.” She tosses her phone back in her purse and pulls the strap over her shoulder. “We’re gonna head out.” I unconsciously stiffen when she steps up to me and wraps me in a hug. Before I can awkwardly hug her back, she releases me. “It was so good meeting you, Alaina. Please don’t let my big brother scare you off. I promise he’s a good guy.”

  Enzo lets out an aggrieved sigh. “You make me sound like a complete asshole.”

  Instead of commenting, she moves to him next. “Love you.” Going to her toes, she kisses his cheek then whispers something in his ear too low for me to hear. He grunts in answer.

  While Enzo walks the two women to the door, Heidi inconspicuously shoots me a glacial glare over her shoulder. She’s not the only one who can be bitchy. I smile prettily and give her a finger wave.

  “It was nice seeing you again, Heidi.”

  I get no response before Enzo closes the door and turns his back to it.

  “Well, that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be,” I remark, opting to leave out the hate-filled glances from Heidi.

  “Told you she would love you.” He advances forward, only stopping when he’s directly in front of me.

  “I like her.”

  He grins. “She’s a great sister when she’s not being a pain in my ass.”

  “I’ll be sure to tell her that when we have lunch.”

  “Women.” He shakes his head. “Always sticking together, huh?”

  “You know it.”

  He presses his hips against mine, and already he’s getting hard. “Now, where were we before my sister showed up?”

  I look down to where our bodies are pressed together, then drag my eyes back up to his. Tucking my fingers into the waistband of his sweats, I give him a saucy smirk. “You were getting ready to try and convince me to spend the day with you.”

  “Ahh… that’s right. I remember now.” His hands slip around my waist to my back and he dips them underneath my shirt, traveling up my sides until his thumbs stop at the bottom swell of my breasts. My eyes go heavy-lidded, anticipation making my heart pound. “I plan to spend a lot of time convincing you. Slowly and—”

  His words are cut off by a deep rumbling sound. We both drop our eyes to my stomach at the same time.

  “Right after I feed my woman,” he finishes with a chuckle.

  “Waffles,” I say. “With chocolate chips.”

  “Whatever the lady wants.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Raucous laughter greets me when I walk through the doors of the console room of Tanner Down Music. When the door clicks closed, it quiets down, and all eyes turn toward me.

  “Well, it’s about time your ass showed,” Dixon, the drummer for Phenix, says as he twirls a drumstick like it’s a baton.

  “Leave him alone, Dix.” Owen, the bass player, slaps Dixon on the back. “I heard through the grapevine he’s finally getting laid. We’re lucky he showed up at all.”

  “Fuck you both,” I grunt, dropping my bag on the leather couch. “And butt out of my s
ex life.”

  “At least you have a sex life now.”

  I shoot Seth the middle finger on my way to the fridge for a bottle of water.

  They’re right though. Up until a year ago, I had a new girl in my bed almost every night. Most of us did. But whereas they continued with their bed hopping, I slowed down, the fun having worn off. While they were having parties in their rooms, I was in mine, getting the much-needed sleep most musicians don’t get while on tour. And the thing is, I never missed the craziness.

  “His sex life is still better than yours,” Dixon jests with Seth, earning him a punch to the arm.

  While the guys’ ribbing turns on each other, I pull out my notebook. The front cover is ripped and peeling at the corner, and some of the pages are barely hanging on, but this notebook, along with the full ones I have stored at home, are my babies. They carry all my thoughts and lyrics. It’s in these books where I make our music.

  Trey, the lead singer and most calm one of the group, walks over. “I can’t believe you actually did it. Fuck, man, aren’t you going to miss it?”

  I shrug, falling back on the couch and propping my feet up on the coffee table. “I’m sure I will, but I needed something different. You know I wasn’t in it for the long haul like you guys. I already stayed longer than I intended.”

  He takes the other end of the couch, resting his arm along the back, and looks to the guys. “I get it,” he states quietly, a thoughtful look crossing his face. “I’ve been wondering lately if it’s time for me to throw in the towel as well.”

  His statement doesn’t surprise me. At seventeen, Trey got his sixteen-year-old girlfriend, Melody, pregnant. Instead of doing what a lot of teenage guys would do and refuse to acknowledge her and the baby, he stepped up and insisted on being part of their lives. While still attending school and taking part in the band we started a couple years prior, he got a part-time job to help out. They got married the week after Melody graduated. When Phenix got noticed and Tanner Down signed us, Trey almost refused when he saw we were expected to travel for tours, not wanting to leave his wife and baby. Melody insisted, knowing he’d regret it later. Out on the road, Trey came home every chance he got. He’s a good husband to Melody and an even better father to their daughter.


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