Complete Works of Samuel Johnson

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by Samuel Johnson

  Abbotship. n.s. The state or privilege of an abbot. Dict.

  Abbreuvoír. [in French, a watering-place. This word is derived by Menage, not much acquainted with the Teutonic dialects, from adbibare for adbibere; but more probably it comes from the same root with brew. See BREW.] It signifies, among masons, the joint or juncture of two stones, or the interstice between two stones to be filled up with mortar. Dict.

  To Abbréviate. v.a. [Lat. abbreviare.]

  1. To shorten by contraction of parts without lots of the main substance.

  It is one thing to abbreviate by contracting, another by cutting off. Bacon. Essay 26.

  The only invention of late years, which hath any way contributed towards politeness in discourse, is that of abbreviating or reducing words of many syllables into one, by lopping off the rest. Swift’s Introduction to genteel conversation.

  2. To shorten, to cut short.

  Against this opinion we may very well set the length of their days before the flood; which were abbreviated after, and in half this space contracted into hundreds and threescores. Brown’s Vulgar Errours, b. vi. c. 6.

  Abbreviátion. n.s.

  1. The act of abbreviating.

  2. The means used to abbreviate, as characters signifying whole words.

  Such is the propriety and energy of expression in them all, that they never can be changed, but to disadvantage, except in the circumstance of using abbreviations. Swift’s Introduction to genteel conversation.

  Abbreviátor. n.s. [abbreviateur, Fr.] One who abbreviates, or abridges. Abbréviature. n.s. [abbreviatura, Lat.]

  1. A mark used for the sake of shortening.

  2. A compendium or abridgment.

  He is a good man, who grieves rather for him that injures him, than for his own suffering; who prays for him, that wrongs him, forgiving all his faults; who sooner shews mercy than anger; who offers violence to his appetite, in all things endeavouring to subdue the flesh to the spirit. This is an excellent abbreviature of the whole duty of a christian. Taylor’s Guide to devotion.

  Abby. See Abbey. To Ábdicate. v.a. [Lat. abdico.] To give up right; to resign; to lay down an office.

  Old Saturn, here, with upcast eyes,

  Beheld his abdicated skies. Addison.

  Abdicátion. n.s. [abdicatio, Lat.] The act of abdicating; resignation; quitting an office by one’s own proper act before the usual or stated expiration.

  Neither doth it appear how a prince’s abdication can make any other sort of vacancy in the throne, than would be caused by his death; since he cannot abdicate for his children, otherwise than by his own consent in form to a bill from the two houses. Swift on the Sentiments of a Church of England man.

  Ábdicative. adj. That which causes or implies an abdication. Dict.

  Ábditive. adj. [from abdo, to hide] That which has the power or quality of hiding. Dict.

  Abdómen n.s. [Lat. from abdo, to hide.] A cavity commonly called the lower venter or belly: It contains the stomach, guts, liver, spleen, bladder, and is within lined with a membrane called the peritonæum. The lower part is called the hypogastrium; the foremost part is divided into the epigastrium, the right and left hypochondria, and the navel; ’tis bounded above by the cartilago ensiformis and the diaphragm, sideways by the short or lower ribs, and behind by the vertebræ of the loins, the bones of the coxendix, that of the pubes and os sacrum. It is covered with several muscles, from whose alternative relaxations and contractions in respiration, digestion is forwarded, and the due motion of all the parts therein contained promoted, both for secretion and expulsion. Quincy

  The abdomen consists moreover of parts containing and contained. Wiseman’s Surgery.



  adj. relating to the abdomen.

  To Abdúce. v.a. [Lat. abduco.] To draw to a different part; to withdraw one part from another. A word chiefly used in physic or science.

  And if we abduce the eye unto either corner, the object will not duplicate; for, in that position, the axis of the cones remain in the same plain, as is demonstrated in the optics delivered by Galen. Brown’s Vulgar Errours, b. iii. c. 20.

  Abdúcent adj. Muscles abducent, are those which serve to open or pull back divers parts of the body; their opposites being called adducent. Dict.

  Abdúction. n.s. [abductio, Lat.]

  1. The act of drawing apart, or withdrawing one part from another.

  2. A particular form of argument.

  Abdúctor. n.s. [abductor, Lat.] The name given by anatomists to the muscles, which serve to draw back the several members.

  In pursuance of this theory, he supposed the constrictors of the eyelids must be strengthened in the supercilious; the abductors in drunkards, and contemplative men, who have the same steady and grave motion of the eye. Arbuthnot and Pope’s Martinus Scriblerus.

  Abecedárian. n.s. [from the names of a, b, c, the three first letters of the alphabet.] He that teaches or learns the alphabet, or first rudiments of literature.

  This word is used by Wood in his Athenae Oxonienses, where mentioning Farnaby the critic, he relates, that, in some part of his life, he was reduced to follow the trade of an abecedarian by his misfortunes.

  Ábecedary. adj. [See Abecedarian.]

  1. Belonging to the alphabet.

  2. Inscribed with the alphabet.

  This is pretended from the sympathy of two needles touched with the loadstone, and placed in the center of two abecedary circles, or rings of letters, described round about them, one friend keeping one, and another the other, and agreeing upon an hour wherein they will communicate. Brown’s Vulgar Errours, b. ii. c. 2.

  Abéd adv. [from a, for at. See (A,) and Bed.] In bed.

  It was a shame for them to mar their complexions, yea and conditions too, with long lying abed: and that, when she was of their age, she trowed, she would have made a handkerchief by that time o’ day. Sidney, b. ii.

  She has not been abed, but in her chapel

  All night devoutly watch’d, and brib’d the saints

  With prayers for her deliverance. Dryd. Span. Friar.

  Aberránce. n.s. [from aberro, Lat. to wander from the right way.] A deviation from the right way; an errour; a mistake; a false opinion.

  Could a man be composed to such an advantage of constitution, that it should not at all adulterate the images of his mind; yet this second nature would alter the crafts of his understanding, and render it as obnoxious to aberrances, as now. Glanville’s Scepsis Scientifica, c. 16

  Abérrancy. The same with ABERRANCE.

  They do not only swarm with errors, but vices depending thereon. Thus they commonly affect no man any farther than he deserts his reason, or complies with their aberrancies. Brown’s Vulgar Errours, b. i. c. 3.

  Abérrant. adj. [from aberrans, Lat.] Deviating, wandering from the right or known way. Dict.

  Aberrátion. n.s. [from aberratio, Lat.] The act of deviating from the common track.

  And if it be a mistake, it is only so; there is no heresy in such an harmless aberration; at the worst, with the ingenuous, the probability of it will render it a lapse of easy pardon. Glanville’s Scepsis Scientifica, c. 11.

  Abérring. part. [from the verb aberr, of aberro, Lat.] Wandering, going, astray.

  Though there were a fatality in this year, yet divers were, and others might be, out in their account, aberring several ways from the true and just compute, and calling that one year, which perhaps might be another. Brown’s Vulgar Errours, b. iv. c. 12.

  Of the verb aberr I have found no example.

  To Aberúncate. v.a. [averunco, Lat.] To pull up by the roots; to extirpate utterly. Dict. To Abet v.a. [from betan, Sax. signifying to enkindle or animate.] To push forward another, to support him in his designs by connivance, encouragement, or help. It is generally taken, at least by modern writers, in an ill sense; as may be seen in Abetter.

  To abet signifieth, in our common law, as much as to encourage or set on. Cowel.
  Then shall I soon, quoth he, return again,

  Abet that virgin’s cause disconsolate,

  And shortly back return unto this place,

  To walk this way in pilgrim’s poor estate. Fairy Q, b. i.

  A widow who by solemn vows,

  Contracted to me, for my spouse,

  Combin’d with him to break her word,

  And has abetted all. —— — Hudibras, p. iii. cant. 3.

  Men lay so great weight upon their being of right opinions, and their eagerness of abetting them, that they account that unum necessarium. Decay of Piety.

  In the reign of king Charles the first, though that prince was married to a daughter of France, and was personally beloved and esteemed in the French court; it is well known that they abetted both parties in the civil war, and always furnished supplies to the weaker side, least there should be an end put to these fatal divisions. Addison. Freeholder, № 28.

  Abétment. n.s. The act of abetting. Dict.

  Abétter, or Abéttor. n.s. He that abets; the supporter or encourager of another.

  You shall be still plain Torrismond with me,

  Th’ abettor, partner, (if you like the name)

  The husband of a tyrant, but no king;

  Till you deserve that title by your justice. Dryden’s Spanish Friar.

  Whilst this sin of calumny has two such potent abetters, we are not to wonder at its growth; as long as men are malicious and designing, they will be traducing. Govern. of the Tongue.

  These and the like considerations, though they may have no influence on the headstrong unruly multitude, ought to sink into the minds of those who are their abettors, and who, if they escape the punishment here due to them, must very well know, that these several mischiefs will be one day laid to their charge. Addison. Freeholder, N. 50.

  Abeyánce. n.s. [from the French aboyer, allatrare, to bark at.] This word, in Littleton, cap. Discontinuance, is thus used. The right of fee-simple lieth in abeyance, when it is all only in the remembrance, intendment, and consideration of the law. The frank tenement of the globe of the the parsonage, is in no man during the time that the parsonage is void, but is in abeyance. Cowel.

  Abgregátion. n.s. [abgregatio, Lat.] A separation from the flock. Dict.

  To Abhór v.a. [abhorreo, Lat.] To hate with acrimony; to detest to extremity; to loath.

  Whilst I was big in clamour, came there a man,

  Who having seen me in my worser state,

  Shunn’d my abhorr’d society. Shakespear’s K. Lear.

  To whom thus Michael: Justly thou abhorr’st

  That son, who on the quiet state of men

  Such trouble brought, affecting to subdue

  Rational liberty. Milt. Parad. Lost, b. xii. l. 79.

  The self-same thing they will abhor

  One way, and long another for. Hudibras, p. i. cant. 1.

  A church of England man abhors the humour of the age, in delighting to fling scandals upon the clergy in general; which, besides the disgrace to the reformation, and to religion itself, cast an ignominy upon the kingdom that it doth not deserve. Swift on the Sentiments of a Church of England man.

  Abhórrence. n.s. [from abhor.]

  1. The act of abhorring, detestation.

  It draws upon him the just and universal hatred and abhorrence of all men here; and, finally, subjects him to the wrath of God, and eternal damnation hereafter. South’s Serm.

  2. The disposition to abhor, hatred.

  He knew well that even a just and necessary offence does, by giving men acquaintance with war, take off somewhat from the abhorrence of it, and insensibly dispose them to farther hostilities. Decay of Pietry.

  Abhórrency. n.s. The same with ABHORRENCE.

  The first tendency to any injustice that appears, must be suppressed with a show of wonder and abhorrency in the parents and governours. Locke on Education, §110.

  Abhórrent. adj. [from abhor]

  1. Struck with abhorrence.

  —— — For if the worlds

  In worlds inclos’d would on his senses burst,

  He would abhorrent turn. Thomson’s Summer, l. 310.

  2. Contrary to, foreign, inconsistent with. It is used with the particles from or to, but more properly with from.

  This I conceive to be an hypothesis, well worthy a rational belief; and yet is it so abhorrent from the vulgar, that they would as soon believe Anaxagoras, that snow is black, as him that should affirm it is not white; and if any should in effect assert, that the fire is not formally hot, it would be thought that the heat of his brain had fitted him for Anticyra, and that his head were so to madness. Glanville’s Scepsis Scient. c. 17.

  Why then these foreign thoughts of state employments,

  Abhorrent to your function and your breeding?

  Poor droning truants of unpractis’d cells,

  Bred in the fellowship of beardless boys,

  What wonder is it if you know not men? Dryden’s Don Sebastian.

  Abhórrer. n.s. [from abhor.] The person that abhors; a hater, detester.

  The representatives of the lower clergy were railed at, for disputing the power of the bishops, by the known abhorrers of episcopacy, and abused for doing nothing in the convocations, by these very men who wanted to bind up their hands. Swift. Examiner, № 21.

  Abhórring. The object of abhorrence. This seems not to be the proper use of the participial noun.

  And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched, and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh. Isaiah, lxvi. 44.

  To Abíde. v.n. I abode or abid. [from bidian, or aubidian, Sax.]

  1. To dwell in a place, not remove.

  Thy servant became surety for the lad unto my father, saying, if I bring him not unto thee, then I shall bear the blame to my father for ever. Now therefore I pray thee, let my servant abide instead of the lad, a bondman to my lord; and let the lad go up with his brethren. Gen. xliv. 32, 33.

  2. To dwell.

  The Marquis Dorset, as I hear, is fled

  To Richmond, in the parts where he abides. Shakesp. Richard III.

  3. To remain, not cease or fail.

  They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever. Psalm cxxv. 1.

  4. To continue in the same state.

  The fear of the Lord tendeth to life; and he that hath it shall abide satisfied. Prov. xix. 23.

  Those who apply themselves to learning, are forced to acknowledge one God, incorruptible and unbegotten; who is the only true being, and abides for ever above the highest heavens, from whence he beholds all the things that are done in heaven and earth. Stillingfl. Defence of Disc. on Rom. Idolat.

  There can be no study without time; and the mind must abide and dwell upon things, or be always a stranger to the inside of them. South.

  5. To wait for, expect, attend, wait upon, await; used of things prepared for persons, as well as of persons expecting things.

  Home is he brought, and laid in sumptuous bed,

  Where many skilful leeches him abide,

  To slave his hurts. Fairy Queen, b. i. cant. 5. stanz. 17.

  While lions war, and battle for their dens,

  Poor harmless lambs abide their enmity. Shakesp. Hen. VI. p. 3.

  Bond and afflictions abide me. Acts xx. 23.

  6. To bear or support the consequences of a thing.

  Ah me! they little know

  How dearly I abide that boast so vain. Milton’s Par. Lost, b. iv. l. 37.

  7. To bear or support, without being conquered or destroyed.

  But the Lord he is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king; At his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation. Jer. x. 10.

  It must be allowed a fair presumption in favour of the truth of my doctrines, that they have abid a very rigorous test
now for above thirty years, stand yet firm; and the longer and more strictly they are look’d into, the more they are confirmed to this very day. Woodward, Letter i.

  8. To bear without aversion; in which sense it is commonly used with a negative.

  Thou can’st not abide Tiridates; this is but love of thyself. Sidney, b. ii.

  Thy vile race,

  Though thou didst learn, had that in’t, which good natures

  Could not abide to be with; therefore wast thou

  Deservedly confin’d into this rock Shakesp. Tempest.

  9. To bear or suffer.

  That chief (rejoin’d the God) his race derives

  From Ithaca, and wond’rous woes survives;

  Laetres’ son: girt with circumfluous tides

  He still calamatous constraint abides Pope’s Odyss. b. iv. l. 750.

  10. It is used with the particle with before a person, and at or in before a place.

  It is better that I give her to thee, than that I should give her to another man: Abide with me. Gen. xxix. 19.

  For thy servant vowed a vow, while I abode at Geshur in Syria, saying, if the Lord shall bring me again indeed to Jerusalem, then I will serve the Lord. 2. Sam. xv. 8.

  11. It is used with by before a thing; as, to abide by his testimony; to abide by his own skill; that is, to rely upon them; to abide by an opinion; to maintain it; to abide by a man, is also, to defend or support him. But these forms are something low.

  Of the participle abid, I have found only the example in Woodward.

  Abíder. n.s. [from abide.] The person that abides or dwells in a place; perhaps that lives or endures. A word little in use. Abíding. n.s. [from abide.] Continuance.

  We are strangers before thee and sojourners, as were all our fathers: our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is none abiding. 1. Chron. xxix. 15.

  The air in that region is so violently removed, and carried about with such swiftness, as nothing in that place can consist or have abiding. Rawleigh’s History of the World.


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