Complete Works of Samuel Johnson

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Complete Works of Samuel Johnson Page 422

by Samuel Johnson

  By my own present mind.

  Who by resolves and vows engag’d does stand

  For days, that yet belong to fate,

  Does, like an unthrift, mortgage his estate,

  Before it falls into his hand;

  The bondman of the cloister so,

  All that he does receive does always owe:

  And still, as time comes in, it goes away,

  Not to enjoy, but debts to pay!

  Unhappy slave, and pupil to a bell,

  Which his hour’s work, as well as hours, does tell!

  Unhappy till the last, the kind releasing knell.

  His heroick lines are often formed of monosyllables; but yet they are sometimes sweet and sonorous.

  He says of the Messiah:

  Round the whole earth his dreaded name shall sound, And reach to worlds that must not yet be found.

  In another place, of David:

  Yet bid him go securely, when he sends;

  ’Tis Saul that is his foe, and we his friends.

  The man who has his God, no aid can lack;

  And we who bid him go, will bring him back.

  Yet, amidst his negligence, he sometimes attempted an improved and scientifick versification; of which it will be best to give his own account subjoined to this line:

  Nor can the glory contain itself in th’ endless space.

  “I am sorry that it is necessary to admonish the most part of readers, that it is not by negligence that this verse is so loose, long, and, as it were, vast; it is to paint in the number the nature of the thing which it describes, which I would have observed in divers other places of this poem, that else will pass for very careless verses: as before,

  And overruns the neighb’ring fields with violent course.

  “In the second book,

  Down a precipice deep, down he casts them all.


  And fell a-down his shoulders with loose care

  “In the third,

  Brass was his helmet, his boots brass, and o’er

  His breast a thick plate of strong brass he wore.

  “In the fourth,

  Like some fair pine o’erlooking all th’ ignobler wood.


  Some from the rocks cast themselves down headlong.

  “And many more: but it is enough to instance in a few. The thing is, that the disposition of words and numbers should be such, as that, out of the order and sound of them, the things themselves may be represented. This the Greeks were not so accurate as to bind themselves to; neither have our English poets observed it, for aught I can find. The Latins (qui musas colunt severiores) sometimes did it; and their prince, Virgil, always, in whom the examples are innumerable, and taken notice of by all judicious men, so that it is superfluous to collect them.”

  I know not whether he has, in many of these instances, attained the representation or resemblance that he purposes. Verse can imitate only sound and motion. A boundless verse, a headlong verse, and a verse of brass, or of strong brass, seem to comprise very incongruous and unsociable ideas. What there is peculiar in the sound of the line expressing loose care, I cannot discover; nor why the pine is taller in an alexandrine than in ten syllables.

  But, not to defraud him of his due praise, he has given one example of representative versification, which, perhaps, no other English line can equal:

  Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise:

  He, who defers this work from day to day,

  Does on a river’s bank expecting stay

  Till the whole stream that stopp’d him shall be gone,

  Which runs, and, as it runs, for ever shall run on.

  Cowley was, I believe, the first poet that mingled alexandrines, at pleasure, with the common heroick of ten syllables; and from him Dryden borrowed the practice, whether ornamental or licentious. He considered the verse of twelve syllables as elevated and majestick, and has, therefore, deviated into that measure, when he supposes the voice heard of the supreme being.

  The author of the Davideis is commended by Dryden for having written it in couplets, because he discovered that any staff was too lyrical for an heroick poem; but this seems to have been known before by May and Sandys, the translators of the Pharsalia and the Metamorphoses.

  In the Davideis are some hemistichs, or verses left imperfect by the author, in imitation of Virgil, whom he supposes not to have intended to complete them: that this opinion is erroneous, may be probably concluded, because this truncation is imitated by no subsequent Roman poet; because Virgil himself filled up one broken line in the heat of recitation; because in one the sense is now unfinished; and because all that can be done by a broken verse, a line intersected by a caesura and a full stop, will equally effect.

  Of triplets, in his Davideis, he makes no use, and, perhaps, did not, at first, think them allowable; but he appears afterwards to have changed his mind, for, in the verses on the government of Cromwell, he inserts them liberally with great happiness.

  After so much criticism on his poems, the essays which accompany them must not be forgotten. What is said by Sprat of his conversation, that no man could draw from it any suspicion of his excellence in poetry, may be applied to these compositions. No author ever kept his verse and his prose at a greater distance from each other. His thoughts are natural, and his style has a smooth and placid equability, which has never yet obtained its due commendation. Nothing is far-sought, or hard-laboured; but all is easy without feebleness, and familiar without grossness.

  It has been observed by Felton, in his essay on the Classicks, that Cowley was beloved by every muse that he courted; and that he has rivalled the ancients in every kind of poetry but tragedy.

  It may be affirmed, without any encomiastick fervour, that he brought to his poetick labours a mind replete with learning, and that his pages are embellished with all the ornaments which books could supply; that he was the first who imparted to English numbers the enthusiasm of the greater ode, and the gaiety of the less; that he was equally qualified for sprightly sallies, and for lofty flights; that he was among those who freed translation from servility, and, instead of following his author at a distance, walked by his side; and that if he left versification yet improvable, he left likewise, from time to time, such specimens of excellence as enabled succeeding poets to improve it.

  * * * * *

  The insertion of Cowley’s epitaph may be interesting to our readers.



  In Ecclesia D. Petri apud Westmonasterienses


  Abrahamus Cowleius,

  Anglorum Pindarus, Flaccus, Maro,

  Deliciae, Decus, Desiderium, Aevi sui,

  Hic juxta situs est.

  Aurea dum volitant late tua scripta per orbem,

  Et fama aeternum vivis, divine poeta,

  Hic placida jaceas requie: custodiat urnam

  Cana fides, vigilentque perenni lampade musae

  Sit sacer iste locus; nee quis temerarius ausit

  Sacrilega turbare manu venerabile bustum.

  Intacti maneant; maneant per saecula dulces

  Cowleii cineres, serventque immobile saxum.

  Sic vovatque

  Votumque suum apud posteros sacratum esse voluit

  Qui viro incomparabili posult sepulchrale marmor,

  Georgius Dux Buckinghamiae.

  Excessit e vita Anno Aetatis suae 49° et honorifica pompa elatus

  ex Aedibus

  Buckinghamianis, viris illustribus omnium ordinum exequias


  sepultus est die 3° M. Augusti, Anno Domini 1667.

  That of the king was the following:

  At bello audacis populi vexatus et armis,

  Finibus extorris, complexu avulsus luli,

  Auxilium imploret, videatque indigna suorum

  Funera, nec, cum se sub leges pacis iniquae

  Tradiderit, regno aut optata luce fruatur:

  Sed cadat an
te diem, mediaque inhumatus arena. Aeneid. iv. 615.

  Yet let a race untam’d, and haughty foes,

  His peaceful entrance with dire arms oppose,

  Oppress’d with numbers in th’ unequal field,

  His men discourag’d and himself expell’d:

  Let him for succour sue from place to place,

  Torn from his subjects and his son’s embrace.

  First let him see his friends in battle slain,

  And their untimely fate lament in vain:

  And when, at length, the cruel war shall cease,

  On hard conditions may he buy his peace;

  Nor let him then enjoy supreme command.

  But fall untimely by some hostile hand,

  And lie unburied on the barren sand. DRYDEN.

  Lord Falkland’s:

  Non haec, O Palla, dederas promissa parenti,

  Cautius ut saevo velles te credere Marti.

  Haud ignarus eram, quantum nova gloria in armis,

  Et praedulce decus primo certamine posset.

  Primitiae juvenis miserae, bellique propinqui

  Dura rudimenta, et nulli exaudita deorum,

  Vota precesque meae! Aeneid. xi. 152.

  O Pallas, thou hast fail’d thy plighted word,

  To fight with caution, not to tempt the sword;

  I warn’d thee, but in vain, for well I knew

  What perils youthful ardour would pursue,

  That boiling blood would carry thee too far,

  Young as thou wert to dangers, raw to war.

  O curst essay of arms, disastrous doom,

  Prelude of bloody fields and fights to come!

  Hard elements of unauspicious war,

  Vain vows to heaven, and unavailing care! DRYDEN

  Hoffman, in his Lexicon, gives a very satisfactory account of this practice of seeking fates in books: and says, that it was used by the pagans, the jewish rabbins, and even the early Christians; the latter taking the New Testament for their oracle.]

  Th’ adorning thee with so much art

  Is but a barb’rous skill,

  ’Tis like the pois’ning of a dart

  Too apt before to kill. ED.]


  Of sir John Denham very little is known but what is related of him by

  Wood, or by himself.

  He was born at Dublin, 1615; the only son of sir John Denham, of Little Horsley, in Essex, then chief baron of the exchequer in Ireland, and of Eleanor, daughter of sir Garret More, baron of Mellefont.

  Two years afterwards, his father, being made one of the barons of the exchequer in England, brought him away from his native country, and educated him in London.

  In 1631 he was sent to Oxford, where he was considered “as a dreaming young man, given more to dice and cards than study:” and, therefore, gave no prognosticks of his future eminence; nor was suspected to conceal, under sluggishness and laxity, a genius born to improve the literature of his country.

  When he was, three years afterwards, removed to Lincoln’s inn, he prosecuted the common law with sufficient appearance of application; yet did not lose his propensity to cards and dice; but was very often plundered by gamesters.

  Being severely reproved for this folly, he professed, and, perhaps, believed, himself reclaimed; and, to testify the sincerity of his repentance, wrote and published an Essay upon Gaming.

  He seems to have divided his studies between law and poetry; for, in 1636, he translated the second book of the Aeneid. Two years after, his father died; and then, notwithstanding his resolutions and professions, he returned again to the vice of gaming, and lost several thousand pounds that had been left him.

  In 1641, he published the Sophy. This seems to have given him his first hold of the publick attention; for Waller remarked, “that he broke out like the Irish rebellion, three score thousand strong, when nobody was aware, or in the least suspected it;” an observation which could have had no propriety had his poetical abilities been known before.

  He was after that pricked for sheriff of Surrey, and made governour of Farnham castle for the king; but he soon resigned that charge, and retreated to Oxford, where, in 1643, he published Cooper’s Hill.

  This poem had such reputation as to excite the common artifice by which envy degrades excellence. A report was spread, that the performance was not his own, but that he had bought it of a vicar for forty pounds. The same attempt was made to rob Addison of his Cato, and Pope of his Essay on Criticism.

  In 1647, the distresses of the royal family required him to engage in more dangerous employments. He was intrusted, by the queen, with a message to the king; and, by whatever means, so far softened the ferocity of Hugh Peters, that, by his intercession, admission was procured. Of the king’s condescension he has given an account in the dedication of his works.

  He was, afterwards, employed in carrying on the king’s correspondence; and, as he says, discharged this office with great safety to the royalists: and, being accidentally discovered by the adverse party’s knowledge of Mr. Cowley’s hand, he escaped happily both for himself and his friends.

  He was yet engaged in a greater undertaking. In April, 1648, he conveyed James, the duke of York, from London into France, and delivered him there to the queen and prince of Wales. This year he published his translation of Cato Major. He now resided in France, as one of the followers of the exiled king; and, to divert the melancholy of their condition, was sometimes enjoined by his master to write occasional verses; one of which amusements was probably his ode, or song, upon the Embassy to Poland, by which he and lord Crofts procured a contribution of ten thousand pounds from the Scotch, that wandered over the kingdom. Poland was, at that time, very much frequented by itinerant traders, who, in a country of very little commerce and of great extent, where every man resided on his own estate, contributed very much to the accommodation of life, by bringing to every man’s house those little necessaries which it was very inconvenient to want, and very troublesome to fetch. I have formerly read, without much reflection, of the multitude of Scotchmen that travelled with their wares in Poland; and that their numbers were not small, the success of this negotiation gives sufficient evidence.

  About this time, what estate the war and the gamesters had left him was sold, by order of the parliament; and when, in 1652, he returned to England, he was entertained by the earl of Pembroke.

  Of the next years of his life there is no account. At the restoration he obtained that which many missed, the reward of his loyalty; being made surveyor of the king’s buildings, and dignified with the order of the Bath. He seems now to have learned some attention to money; for Wood says, that he got by this place seven thousand pounds.

  After the restoration, he wrote the poem on Prudence and Justice, and, perhaps, some of his other pieces; and as he appears, whenever any serious question comes before him, to have been a man of piety, he consecrated his poetical powers to religion, and made a metrical version of the psalms of David. In this attempt he has failed; but in sacred poetry who has succeeded?

  It might be hoped that the favour of his master, and esteem of the publick, would now make him happy. But human felicity is short and uncertain; a second marriage brought upon him so much disquiet, as, for a time, disordered his understanding; and Butler lampooned him for his lunacy. I know not whether the malignant lines were then made publick, nor what provocation incited Butler to do that which no provocation can excuse.

  His phrensy lasted not long; and he seems to have regained his full force of mind; for he wrote afterwards his excellent poem upon the death of Cowley, whom he was not long to survive; for, on the 19th of March, 1668, he was buried by his side.

  Denham is deservedly considered as one of the fathers of English poetry.

  “Denham and Waller,” says Prior, “improved our versification, and

  Dryden perfected it.” He has given specimens of various compositions,

  descriptive, ludicrous, didactick, and sublime.

appears to have had, in common with almost all mankind, the ambition of being, upon proper occasions, a merry fellow, and, in common with most of them, to have been by nature, or by early habits, debarred from it. Nothing is less exhilarating than the ludicrousness of Denham; he does not fail for want of efforts; he is familiar, he is gross; but he is never merry, unless the Speech against Peace in the close Committee be excepted. For grave burlesque, however, his imitation of Davenant shows him to have been well qualified.

  Of his more elevated occasional poems, there is, perhaps, none that does not deserve commendation. In the verses to Fletcher, we have an image that has since been often adopted:

  But whither am I stray’d? I need not raise

  Trophies to thee from other men’s dispraise;

  Nor is thy fame on lesser ruins built,

  Nor need thy juster title the foul guilt

  Of eastern kings, who, to secure their reign,

  Must have their brothers, sons, and kindred, slain.

  After Denham, Orrery, in one of his prologues,

  Poets are sultans, if they had their will;

  For ev’ry author would his brother kill.

  And Pope,

  Should such a man, too fond to rule alone,

  Bear like the Turk no brother near the throne.

  But this is not the best of his little pieces: it is excelled by his poem to Fanshaw, and his elegy on Cowley.

  His praise of Fanshaw’s version of Guarini contains a very sprightly and judicious character of a good translator:

  That servile path thou nobly dost decline,

  Of tracing word by word and line by line.

  Those are the labour’d births of slavish brains,

  Not the effect of poetry but pains;

  Cheap vulgar arts, whose narrowness affords

  No flight for thoughts, but poorly stick at words,

  A new and nobler way thou dost pursue,

  To make translations and translators too,

  They but preserve the ashes; thou the flame,

  True to his sense, but truer to his fame.

  The excellence of these lines is greater, as the truth which they contain was not, at that time, generally known.

  His poem on the death of Cowley was his last, and, among his shorter works, his best performance: the numbers are musical, and the thoughts are just.


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