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Pieces Of Us

Page 4

by Pamela Ann

  His eyes went wide with burning intensity as they explicitly took in my outfit. His tongue came out, licking his lips before he sought my eyes. “You look good enough to eat.”

  “Liam—” I was about to blurt out and tell him to cut the crap, but one look from him made me forget my words. They just vanished from my lips. He literally gazed at me like he was about to eat me alive.

  Fucking shit. I gulped down my immense anxiety. What had I been thinking wearing this short, black, bare-midriff dress? I had thought it fun and carefree when I put it on. Not to mention the extreme boost of self-confidence that came with it the second I gave myself a onceover in the full-length mirror. I was sexy, playful, and not once had I considered what it would do to Liam’s raging libido.

  He started to move with his eyes glued on me, brushing past my body before he kicked the door closed. He then leaned against the door, hungry eyes and all.

  “God help me, but I’m going to fucking sin tonight, Olivia,” he groaned. “I’m going to peel that skimpy clothing of one piece at a time and eat your pussy. Lick you until you beg for my cock.”

  My am I thirsty, I thought as I touched the base of my throat.

  I swallowed whatever saliva I had left to quench the thirst. “Liam…”

  Fuck, did he have to come here, looking so hot? He was so unlike Grey. They were black and white, but both had the capacity to get me heated up. Liam had never pushed the button before, so I wouldn’t know, but I could clearly see how dominating he could be once he was set on getting something he wanted.

  “Liam…” I uttered his name once more, still left speechless.

  In a flash, he was on me, cupping my cheeks. “You need something, my sweet?” His lips merely brushed the tip of my bottom lip.

  Yes. I want what you just said… all of it. Make me forget him. My wretched thoughts halted when Greyson’s face flashed before me, looking sad.

  Liam’s hand travelled lower until it reached the back of my thigh. Closing my eyes, I told myself Grey was never going to be mine. That maybe this was for the best.

  My train of thought vanished when I felt his large hand cup and squeeze my left cheek before he groaned into my ear. “A thong with this little dress?” He grunted, making me shiver as I felt his middle finger pull the soft garter of the underwear where the elastics met between my ass. My fingers curled against his chest when I felt his finger lightly follow the trail of said elastic before it reached the end of my pussy slit. “Wet, aren’t we tonight?” he observed loudly. “I can help you relieve some of the ache, Olivia.”

  I whimpered, too torn to answer him. I wanted to, yet Greyson was stopping me.

  His finger hovered before pressing on the skin at the end of my slit, applying pressure before rubbing it, evoking a soft moan from me. “I want to slide this finger inside you—So. Fucking. Bad. But I want my cock to know what it feels like to be inside you before my finger does.”

  I was shaking uncontrollably. It had been months since I had felt a man’s touch—Greyson’s touch. Liam revived my body, and for the first time again, I felt wanted. The desperation I hung on to was shoved in the back of my mind as I thought of only tonight and not what the future held for me.

  “Give me time to think,” I stuttered like an idiot, feeling my heart constrict as if I was betraying Greyson.

  He pulled the finger off my slit. “You have until midnight, Cinderella.” He pulled back, eyes blazing as he took me by surprise and softly inserted the finger in between my lips, making me taste my own essence. “I thought you looked hungry. Thought it best that you taste how hungry you truly are.”

  Wow. He was going all out on me tonight.

  His eyes drifted to the clock that was nestled against the wall. “You have about two and a half hours to make a decision.” He looked at me expectantly. “That should be enough time, I think.”

  Taking a deep breath, I nodded, agreeing with him. If this was Greyson, I wouldn’t have had the chance to think it over; I’d be on my back against the wall with my arms and legs around him, screaming for him not to stop.

  Sigh. This was going to be hard. I wondered how tonight was going to unfold.


  One of the things I loved about being in Australia was the drinking age limit. I didn’t need to be twenty-one to enter bars and purchase alcohol like how it was back home.

  The place was shut down to exclusively host Jazz’s party. Drinks flowed. The music jammed heavily in the background. And for a while, I drowned in the music, in its hypnotizing beat, dancing like I had not a care in the world.

  Liam’s hand roamed, cupping every inch of me, whispering sexy, sweet nothings in my ear. I smiled, giggled and laughed at some. And, from time to time, my smiles would immediately sour into a frown, remembering him again.

  Each day, I learned to crawl back into the woman that I had been, learning the ropes of coping with broken pieces of myself. Even though it was done in hardship, I slowly started seeing myself again. There was light in the shrouded veil of darkness. Each day it was a fight to let this light shine brightly through me, and I should congratulate myself at having the means to fight for me. For my own sanity.

  Taking a short break from dancing, I took Liam’s beer and drained it with one long gulp. He gave me a wink while I grinned at him. This thing we were dancing around was heady sometimes. If I had any sense, I would have just taken his bait and let him devour me. But still, I was holding out. I knew he wanted me, and yet, there remained a large force that stopped me from diving into what the pleasures of his touch could deliver.

  Checking my phone, I saw that Mom had called. Odd, she never called me this early, her time anyway.

  As I excused myself to go outside, Liam immediately caught my hip, pressing me against his body. “You’re not going anywhere without me, Liv,” he possessively declared.

  If I hadn’t had alcohol in my system, I would have had a nice, sassy remark to say back to him, but alas, the alcohol was making me feel good—too good. I felt light, airy and quite bubbly. Everything around me felt great, even Liam’s possessive arm around me felt right. Was I losing my mind? Most likely, but who was I to complain? Everything was dandy.

  The cool air that welcomed my heated, sweaty body made me smile towards Liam. “Tonight was fun.”

  He gave me a winning smile before we took a sharp turn at the side of the club where he hastily pushed me against the wall and kissed me like no one’s business, surprising me.

  “Fuck—Liam!” I screeched in between his kisses. I wasn’t sure if he heard me because he gripped my ass then and roughly lifted my body, taking more control of the situation. He was hungry. God, he felt it. He was losing sense as he let his dick do the thinking for him.

  “Liam!” I moaned with urgency. We couldn’t—I wouldn’t consider fucking against the wall outside the club. I wasn’t a slut he could fuck whenever and wherever he wanted.

  But if it was Greyson, you’d happily let him fuck your brains out, no doubt, my thoughts interjected, catching me by surprise. The mention of Grey’s name brought me back to my senses. Shit.

  “Not here, Liam.” I gently pushed against his chest, breathless. “Besides, don’t I have another thirty minutes or so?” I was buying time. I hoped he knew that.

  He looked out of it, as if drunk from kissing me. “Thirty minutes,” he panted, closing his eyes. “Fuck.”

  I felt bad, I truly did. I mean, I was responding to his kiss, so I couldn’t blame him for thinking I was good to go, ready to spread my legs for him to do as he pleased. BUT, I wasn’t there yet; I needed more time. Maybe a sign. Yeah, I needed another sign so that I wouldn’t feel too much guilt. Damn it. Guilt wasn’t supposed to be a part of this, yet for some unfortunate reason, it was there, eating me alive. “I need to make a quick call. Mom called.”

  He nodded. “Tell Laura I said hi,” he exhaled, and before I got the chance to get out of his hold, he kissed me again. Thoroughly. “I want you. It pains me to think ju
st how much.”

  “I know, Liam. Thirty minutes.”

  “It’s twenty-nine now.” He smirked, slapping my ass before I walked a few feet away from him.

  With three deep breaths, I curled a string of my hair behind my ear as I took the phone from my small purse that hung low on my shoulder. Unlocking it, I tapped to call Mom back as I closed my eyes, listening to the ringing in my ear while remembering the scorching way Liam kissed me, and how my body had immediately responded to it. He would be just as passionate making love to me. I wondered how he’d take me. He seemed like the rough, sexy kind. Maybe sometimes slow… maybe not? The images of me sprawled underneath him sent me into a tizzy. Oh God…


  However, hearing a voice on the other end surely squashed all thoughts of sexy times with Liam. “Brett? Hey, it’s Livvy. I missed Mom’s call. I couldn’t hear my phone inside the bar. How is she? Everything okay?”

  There was a loud silence on the other end before I heard a familiar sound of someone clearing their throat. “It’s Greyson. Laura stepped out to get breakfast.”

  I could’ve dropped the phone at that point. Greyson. What the fuck was he doing there? Didn’t he move out somewhere closer to UCLA to be around his friends and school or something?

  “Oh.” Yeah, it was all I could muster. What should I say next? Should I ask him to tell Mom to call me back? “Okay then—well…” I trailed off again, biting my lip, quivering inside. “Um. Ummm. I guess—congratulations are in order?”

  “Thank you, Olivia. That’s very nice of you.” There was no emotion to his voice. It was as if he was reciting something, but there was no hint of anger, resentment or any obvious kind of enjoyment hearing from me.

  “Yeah. Um… could you tell Mom that I’ll call back tomorrow? It’s getting late and I—”

  “And you’ll be too busy doing who and what, right?” His immediate attitude shift caught me off guard. Was he trying to rile me up? It was confusing. His words were meant to hurt, yet he sounded so emotionless that it reminded me of how killers usually sounded in movies. His attitude was pissing me off. After all, it wasn’t me who had gotten married. The mention of marriage brought Edith back into the picture.

  “I need to get back inside.” Why did I sound so sad? Damn.


  Fuck, I missed his voice. Tell me something, Grey, I silently pleaded.

  “What’s taking Laura so long? Is that her on the phone, baby?” There was no mistaking Edith’s voice. My heart broke again. Emotions rolled into me like a whiplash. Thank goodness I hadn’t initiated any conversation about what had happened on his wedding day. It seemed that these two were inseparable as newlyweds. Great. Bravo, I thought sarcastically.

  “Goodbye, Greyson,” I managed to say with finality before cutting the call.

  Chapter 7


  When I’d asked for a sign, I had meant subtle ones, like maybe meeting someone named Edith perhaps, or Greyson changing his status on Facebook to Married. I hoped for little ones. Nothing too crushing or too heartbreaking that would cause me to end up curling up into a ball of pain.

  But I was getting there again—to that debilitating point—so I had to encourage myself to stay strong. Pathetically convincing myself that this was just another trial amongst many and I would have worst ones to come as I got older.

  My usual method to harden my resolve was pinching myself on the arm so I would stop myself from spilling tears. Edith might have won him, but she couldn’t win over me, too. Seeing me fall apart would make her feel triumphant, however I would rather keel over and die than give her that satisfaction. I just couldn’t let it happen—that would be the end of me. How could a dying person be that cruel? Was that how she wanted to leave the world, leaving the impression she was a fucking cruel, miserable excuse of a person?

  I was done with them both. After all, hadn’t I said my goodbyes? Conscience or not, there was no room for it in my reality—my present, which involved Liam.

  Huffing a sigh, I shoved the phone back into my purse before spinning around and purposely walking towards where Liam stood, leaning against the side of the building, waiting on me. “Do you have your car keys?” I asked brashly.

  He frowned, looking worried. “Yes, in fact I do. What’s going on?” He pulled out his keys and dangled them in my face.

  Snatching the shiny metal, I didn’t answer him as I grabbed onto his hand and yanked him to follow me, walking rapidly until we reached his silver Range Rover. Unlocking the car with the remote, I opened the backdoor and shoved Liam in it before I followed in his wake and slammed the door shut behind me.

  The once confident man looked shocked—perplexed—as he tried to figure out what was going on with me, but I never gave him the chance to speak, leaving him speechless as I straddled his thighs and pushed my top and bra down, lifting my breasts to his lips.

  “You want to fuck me? Well, here’s your chance.”

  “Fucking hell, Olivia, that was the hottest sexual proposal I’ve ever heard,” he groaned, but his eyes were too sharp. He immediately noticed the change in me.

  Cupping my cheek, he shifted my face towards the sliver of light that filtered through the glass, gazing into my eyes. “You spoke to him, didn’t you?” My, he sure was psychic.

  “I did.”

  He remained silent, eyeing me for a while before speaking again. “You’ve decided to move on… what did he tell you?”

  Nothing. He’d never said anything regarding us. Greyson had been unrecognizable. He couldn’t hate me… that would be absurd. If he truly wanted to be with me, he would have come right out of there, and I would have met him on his way out. But he didn’t—he never fucking came out. So, no, his callousness was unwelcomed.

  “We didn’t speak long… but yeah…” I licked my lips, feeling more conscious that my breasts were hanging out and his lips were a mere lick away. They were so close I could feel the heat of his breath. “It’s over, Liam.”

  “Is it safe to assume that you’re coming back to me—to be with me?”

  I shook my head, hesitating. “I’m not ready for that. It’s too early. I thought you wanted to have fun?”

  He seemed serious, but the second his thumb brushed against my nipple, I knew he was back to his wicked ways.

  “I always have fun, Liv, but I want to have it with you. Next to you. In you.” His free hand slithered below, cupping my crevice before he nudged my underwear to the side, rubbing my clit in circles. He felt like magic. “I need you wet. So fucking wet… because I won’t go easy on you, my sweet. I’m going to fuck you hard and you need all the lubrication you can get to last with me.”

  Fuck Greyson and Edith, I decidedly vowed as my eyes grew heavy with desire from Liam’s skillful touch.

  “Am I…” I moaned, throwing my head back, “…wet enough?”

  “Not even close,” he murmured as I felt his cock grow bigger, hardening as I slowly rocked my hips to ease the acute ache he evoked from my body. “Lean back. Stretch your arms and grip both headrests then lift your hips.”

  My lustful haze grew as I followed his orders. With both shaky arms, I clung on to the headrests as if my life depended on it before lifting my hips towards his view. Liam’s swift hands immediately slipped my thong off my body, pushing the ends of my tight skirt towards my stomach.

  He gazed at me for a second groaning as he did so. “My beautiful queen,” he grunted out possessively.

  With the use of his hands, he took hold of my calves and threw them against his shoulders before his hands cupped my ass, spreading it wide open. Darkened yearning masked his face before his tongue took me on a wild, voracious ride. The way he sucked on my clit… it left me breathless. It was almost borderline painful, so much so, in fact, that I ended up yelping and panting before he caressed it with his sharp, no-mercy tongue. It was dipping high and low, flipping my world upside down.

  “Jesus—Liam!!!” I screamed, feeling my eyes roll
to the back of my head, dizzy with unbound pleasure while my fingers dug into the leather of the headrests. I writhed my hips, pushing more onto his face. I was going out of my mind. My orgasm was well within reach, but he wouldn’t grant it to me.

  “More,” I choked out. “Give me more!”

  My body was alive, humming with newfound life. It had been dead for so long that this sudden change completely electrified me. Everything was unbelievably sensitive. I felt every, single stroke he gave me. It had been over six months since I had felt a man’s touch, and God help me, now that I had found it again, I wasn’t sure if I was ready to give up the rutting pleasures of sex.

  “Olivia,” he rasped out, making me look at him with half-closed lids.

  He gently lowered me back to him until I was straddling his lap before ravishing my lips. I tasted my own essence, but I didn’t care because I was kissing him back with the same ferocity.

  After a minute of locking lips, I felt his hands go low, hastily unbuckling his jeans before he lifted us both to slide his pants down. He then grabbed my ass, massaging it for a second before spreading it wide open, guiding it to press against his hard member. His cock felt hot, silky and huge. My juices flowed freely, spreading across his hard length as I glided against it, rubbing myself against his hard dick, loving the wonderful friction of our sexes.

  I moaned his name at the same time he spoke mine before he took hold of his impressive cock, gripping its base then using the smooth, bulbous, mushroomed head to flick against my clit. The sensation was amazing, yet I somewhat tense, knowing what was to come very soon. Not wanting to think about anything, I captured his lips, kissing him with abandon as I felt the tip of his head circle my entrance.

  My eyes were shut, however I could clearly picture it when it first pierced into my hole, pushing into me with angry purpose as it gradually stretched me out. And in that instant, I saw him. That wild and crazed look he’d had the first time he had taken me in his cabin in Big Bear. I had never felt so sure in my life then, knowing he and I were experiencing something fundamental. He had known… that’s why he bore his heart the next day.


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