Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)

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Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book) Page 14

by Burns, Rachel

  I noticed that he stopped. I also noticed that the blanket under my face was all wet. Was he going to start in again? Why wasn't he comforting me?

  The baby started to cry. He must have noticed that the whipping sounds had stopped. They had come so repeatedly that he probably enjoyed the rhythm.

  I pushed away from the bed and tried to stand. I figured that if he was here that he would have gone to the baby. I fell to the floor.

  The baby was screaming. I crawled over to his bed and used the very last of my strength to lift him into my shaky arms. I laid him on bed and laid down next to him and fed my forever hungry child. I weep as I did. I was worried that one day he would care so little about me like Aide did for his mother. I fell asleep while feeding him.

  Day 15

  Aide was still mad at me. He was avoiding me. He had quickly bathed me after I had finished feeding the baby. The baby was with us in the tub. Aide held the baby and played swimming with him. He held him under in arms and let him swim around. The baby didn't actually swim but Aide was having a lot of fun with him.

  Aide gave me the baby and then he stared in my eyes for a while. He jumped out of the tub without warning. He plucked me and the baby out. Seeker had liked the water and started crying when we came out. I gave him my breast again. He clearly did love to eat too.

  Aide brushed my hair like he did every morning. He didn't speak to me at all. He was mad because I had said that it had been worth it.

  We had the same problem as always when he wanted to dress me. Seeker wouldn't let go. He was drinking like their was no tomorrow.

  Aide was starting to lose his patience. I started crying and Seeker started screaming. Aide gave up and went to sit down on the sofa. It looked like he was giving himself a time out before he did something that he would regret.

  I switched Seeker over to my other breast and sobbed as quietly as I could. It got quiet in our room. It made my crying so much more obvious.

  Aide got up and came over to me. I was leaning against the wall holding Seeker in my arms, feeding him. Aide laid his arms around me. “Please don't cry, Melissa.”

  His words had me bawling. I just couldn't stop or breathe.

  “Melissa? Melissa? Please stop. Please, I had to. You kept pushing me and pushing me. I know your heart was in the right place but you have to understand that you can never interfere in the marriage of others. I wouldn't tolerate it either. You are my wife and you will obey me. Even if you don't agree. And when I say something you may not debate with me. Especially not in front of others. Do you understand now?”

  I continued to cry.

  “Do you believe that I love you?”

  I continued to cry but I nodded a little.

  “Do you still love me?” He sounded so uncertain.

  I turned into his arms. He wrapped his arms around us. I cried on his chest. I felt I needed a break from this life. I wanted to spend the day in here alone with Seeker. I didn't want to sit on his lap and pretend that I wasn't in any pain. I was still so tired.

  “I'm tired,” I whispered.

  “Melissa, you didn't answer me.”

  I looked in his eyes. “I love you so very much. Will you use that against me?”

  “How could I use your love against you?”

  “Because you know it hurts me to be away from you for any length a time. You could make me be lonely too. Forbid me to talk to Seeker.”

  “No, I wouldn't do that to you. I want you to be happy. I want him to understand both of us and be able to speak with both of us. I want you to be happy. I want you to be happy with me. That is the most important thing for me. I will talk to you too. Melissa please stop crying and be happy again. My angel.” He kissed my head.

  I told him all of my fears and he stood, holding me and listening. He promised to love me and take care of me forever. He put me back to bed after Seeker had finally fallen asleep. He went to breakfast all by himself. I slept exhausted from the experiences from yesterday, from my own doubts and from taking care of a baby.

  Day 63

  Things went back to normal for us. Aide and I watched our son grow together. We made love, a lot. I just couldn't keep my hands off of him. He felt the same about me. Our maid would hold onto Seeker while we made our love. I didn't feel like we had lost anything just because we were now parents.

  I was perfectly behaved and everything was fine. We were so much in love. Our lives were perfect.

  One morning on the way to our room to lay Seeker down for a nap I felt very dizzy. I had to hold onto him tightly so I wouldn't drop him. I made it to our room but then I had to lie down. Understanding hit me, I had been here for two months and I was already pregnant again. I wanted to tell Aide but first I needed a nap.

  I woke because of shaking. That puzzled me. The spaceship usually flew so steady. I needed to tell Aide that he had to be careful because of the new baby. Seeker was sleeping in my arms. It would probably be best if Aide took him for a while so I could sleep some more.

  I opened my eyes to tell him. But he wasn't there. Instead it was a green man who was twice the size of my husband. The first thought that went through my head was that green men were supposed to be little.

  “What's happening?”

  “She's awake. Should we drug her again?” I heard a voice behind me. I turned to look at him. Or was it an ugly her? I couldn't tell. Basically they looked like giant green humans with arms and legs but their chest were massive. They had huge ears that spread out like wings and cow noses. I couldn't tell what they were.

  “Only if she causes problems. She needs to be unharmed so we get the ransom.” That had been the first one who was talking.

  “Ransom?” I repeated.

  They ignored me and looked around even more. I seemed to be on a much smaller ship. I could only see three big green men but I could see thousands of stars going by.

  “I want my husband. You have to give me back. I'm pregnant. That means the baby could be due any day now. Do you want to deliver it?”

  They spoke about the funny noises that I was making. That's when I understood. My ear thing wasn't just there so I could understand Aide, I could understand more languages.

  I had to figure out how I could use this to my advantage. I was in space, in a space ship. There were no advantages.

  Seeker woke up undisturbed by our new surroundings. He buried his face in my breasts and then his little head twisted back and forth looking for something to eat.

  I looked at the people surrounding us. They didn't seem interested in me personally. They wanted money, or whatever I could bring in for them.

  I couldn't let my son cry or go hungry so I carefully moved my corset to the side so my breast was free. Seeker latched right on, thankfully covering up my nipple. The flash of my naked breast got everyone's attention. They were all staring at me. When I looked closer I noticed that their faces were relaxed and soft. They weren't turned on but they thought that we were cute.

  I fed Seeker and sang to him. When Seeker was awake they all sort of smiled at him, it was hard to tell with their funny green faces. They spoke of him being a beautiful baby. They thought I was a good mother.

  I got up to stretch my legs a little and to look around for a place to change Seeker's diaper. I tried to explain what I wanted but they didn't understand. I had to go to the bathroom in the meantime too. I was suffering, bouncing from one foot to the other.

  When one guessed that I had to go I nodded at him. He stood and went to the wall, opening it. I was getting a feeling that we were very backwards on Earth. I had to push my worries aside about what had happened to my home planet and concentrate on here and now. I pointed to Seeker's diaper and then pinched my nose. That had them roaring.

  I didn't feel like I was in danger but I wanted my husband back. I was missing him so terribly again. Why was that? Was he suffering too? Was that why every day was 'take you wife to work day?'

  The men raced around to find something to diaper Seeker with
. They were able to find a cloth for him. I went into the bathroom and took care of both of us. I tried to call the computer but it didn't understand me either.

  Day 67

  I had been on this ship for four days. I was depressed and trying to hide it. Seeker wanted his Daddy too. I just wasn't feeling well. The men often held out their hands, wanting to hold Seeker but I said no. The only good thing here was the food, solids, yippie. I finally got to chew again.

  I got up and ran to the bathroom. One of them called out for the door to open. I had to throw up and they all saw that before the doors could close behind me. I washed my face with my one free hand before I went back out. Once I was out I flopped down on the bed they had for us in the middle of the room and listened to them trying to figure out what was wrong with me.

  They were guessing that it was the food. They talked about where they could find Aide's kind of food but they worried that it would be obviously that they had kidnapped us if they tried to get some. No one guessed that I was expecting. My tummy was already forming.

  Day 70

  Three days later they had figured it out. A green woman showed up and I guessed that she was their doctor. She asked questions, which I answered but she didn't understand my answers. They all decided that they had had to bring me back to my husband as quickly as possible. I was glad to hear that they had been circling near our ship and that Aide wasn't that far away. I needed him because … well I just needed to be in his arms. I was having terrible back pains. I knew what that meant.

  A few hours later I heard my ship making contact with this ship. They asked routine things like, what they wanted, how many people were on board and if they had any weapons.

  “Aide,” I screamed out. “We're here. I need you, right now. Come and get me.” I was in full swing labor at that point and panting and pushing but it hurt so much more than last time. If Aide was here then I could calm down but he wasn't. I started to whimper.

  I listened and heard nothing. They hadn't understood me. What was I going to do? The green woman doctor showed up and looked me over. She looked worried. Something had gone wrong.

  A few minutes later he came on the intercom. “Melissa?”

  “Aide, Seeker and I were kidnapped. I need you, right now. Come here.” I was screaming at him.

  I could hear a conversation going on. Aide's advisers were warning him not to come. They didn't want the whole royal family in one spot.

  “I don't believe this. Aide, I need you. The baby is coming now.”

  “What baby?” I could hear the worry in his voice.

  “Our baby.” I practically whispered. “You were wrong about the whole not being able to get pregnant while breastfeeding thing.” I started to bawl. I needed help with the pain and needed someone I trusted to hold Seeker for me.

  In an instant five people were transported to my side. One was the doctor, another was Mayra. She took Seeker and then they were gone, vanished into thin air.

  The doctor was checking me over while I cried. “She can't be moved. She is going to have the baby right here.”

  The doors to this room slid open and several guards came in.

  They were taking over the ship. My regular doctor was talking to the green lady doctor. They both looked worried. They said both said that something was wrong. The pain was getting to be too much for me to bare. I so desperately needed to take a decent breath of air and fill my lungs but I was panting.

  The doors slip open again and then Aide was at my side. He took my hand and listened to what the doctor was saying. My vitals weren't good and they feared that they could lose both me and the baby.

  I looked into Aide's eyes. He was crying and repeating that he loved me. I wasn't going to make it. I wanted to tell him that I loved him too but I didn't have the breath for words. My eyelids were getting so heavy. I couldn't keep them open.

  Day 71

  I woke up with a loud gasp. I sat up in bed, trying to figure out where I was.

  “Hello, Melissa. How are you feeling?”

  I started to cry again. “Where are my babies?”

  “Seeker is asleep and I have Little Loved One in my arms. Calm down, Melissa. It's all over. You pulled through.” He was sitting next to me on the bed and kissing my forehead.

  “What happened?”

  “You were kidnapped and held for a ransom. But they liked having you on board so much that they didn't contact us to inform us.” He rolled his eyes. “I had the computer scanning the ship again and again. I thought that you had run away from me again. I had no idea. I'm so sorry that I thought that. We were tracking down all the ships that had docked on ours but the people, who kidnapped you are usually a harmless folk. I had no idea that another planet had been attacking theirs. The others told them if they could come up with a huge supply of goods that they would leave them alone. They were desperate and their computer told us that they treated you and Seeker well. I am even partly to blame. They have had a representative standing in line to see me for a while now. I have spent so much time with you that I was slacking my duties.

  “The you called out and I knew that you would never leave me. I hurried to your side, once again ignoring the advice from my advisors. You needed me so much. It was terrible seeing you in pain and I couldn't help you. But the new baby, our precious little girl was turned the wrong way. The doctor thinks that stress caused that. They had to cut her out of you.” He said that like it was a terrible awful thing.

  “Oh, a cesarean.”

  “I am so sorry about that.”

  “Why? It saved both of our lives.” The ends had justified the means.

  He looked surprised that I wasn't bothered by that. “We believe that a child has to break out of the womb to be strong. Others will look down on her and think that she is weak.”

  “Just let them say anything about my daughter and I will show them exactly how weak a cesarean baby is.” I felt blood rushing to my face and my fists clenching.

  Aide threw his head back and laughed. “You were a cut out baby? But you aren't at all weak. In fact, I think you are an especially strong woman.”

  “Like mother, like daughter.” I held out my hands for my daughter. Aide laid her in my arms and sighed loudly. I was crying again. “She's so beautiful. Thank you for giving her to me. You will always be loved,” I told her, thinking that he name was just perfect for her.

  “Like mother, like daughter,” Aide joked.

  Check Out Rachel Burns' Other Books

  A Man To Guide Her – A Christian Discipline Book

  This book is about Ashley and Jackson. Jackson quickly falls in love with Ashley, who has never heard of Domestic Discipline. Jackson is clearly a firm believer. Will she marry him despite that?

  Hot Cooking Spanker Wanted – A Domestic Discipline Book

  Katherine, a famous author, is writing a book about Domestic Abuse but she just can't put herself in the shoes of her main character. On the net she sees advertisements for people wanted to be spanked and other about people looking for someone to spank them. Maybe if she felt a bit of pain she could write better.

  She posts her own ad and Ryan answers. He is a professional cook, as well as an actor, and he is willing to help Katherine anyway he thinks she needs it.

  Have A Heart – Christian Discipline in a school setting as well as at home.

  Brianna was born with a heart condition. She has missed so school that her grades weren't good enough for her to get into a normal college. Her father pulled a few strings to get her into an all girls school for lazy students with potential. There she meets Scott. It's Scott's job to make sure that all the girls work up to their full potential. Unfortunately no one told him about Brianna's heart condition. This is a romance book but we are keeping it a secret from Brianna who will first find out in book two that Scott has fallen in love with her. I am working on book three at the moment.

  Sugar Daddy – A Call Girl Discipline Book

  Liz is a Freshman in College. Aft
er a falling out with her parents it becomes clear that she can't afford to stay in college. That is, unless, she finds herself a Sugar Daddy to help her with her bills.

  Luke is the owner of the biggest factory in town. Since he moved there recently he hasn't had time to start a serious relationship. And he won't have time for dating in near future either. But he does have needs. One is to make it clear to the women at work that he isn't interested in them. His other needs are more basic, he wants a beautiful woman in bed but only when he has time. What he needs is a call girl. But the one he talks to over the internet confesses that she is still a virgin.

  The arrange to meet on Thanksgiving Day. Will Liz go through with it? Could they ever have a serious relationship with the way their liaison began?

  Warning: This book is a tearjerker.

  Coming Soon - Man of the House – A Christian Discipline Book

  This book deals with very serious topic as well as Christian Domestic Discipline. Megan was an abused child but this is something that she hasn't even told her husband, Michael. She keeps all the bad memories hidden deep inside of her but when the young bride lies about the amount she spent at a Tupperware Party Michael feels that she could profit from a sound spanking.


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