A Little More Discreet Madness: A Risqué Regency Romance

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A Little More Discreet Madness: A Risqué Regency Romance Page 3

by Sahara Kelly

  The room Sinjun led her into was just as cozy—a brick fireplace dominated one wall, there were windows letting in the morning sunshine and the furniture was clearly designed more for comfort than for style. A long couch rested beneath a tapestry on one wall and two enormous wing chairs flanked the hearth, bare of wood now but filled with a vase of fresh flowers.

  It was quite lovely and a room Charis would probably have created for herself if she’d ever spent time thinking about it.

  “Are you ready?”

  Sinjun’s voice recalled Charis from her contemplation of her surroundings. “For what?”

  “For your ruination to commence, of course.” He shrugged out of his coat and untied his cravat, flinging them both down on a convenient side table.

  “But-but-it’s daylight.” She blinked at him.

  “Your point?” He stared at her. “Did you think a woman couldn’t be ruined in the glare of the sun?”

  She swallowed as she watched his hands unbutton his shirt, revealing a broad chest dusted with golden hair. He pulled the tails free of his breeches and flung himself down in one of the large wing chairs. “Your turn.”

  “I-I-um—” Charis blinked. “I don’t know what to do.”

  Sinjun tilted his head. “Undress.”


  “No. Outside by the lily pond. Of course here, sweet Charis. Here where I can watch. I doubt the goldfish would appreciate the sight as much as I’m going to.”

  Charis slowly unfastened her cloak and looked around her.

  “Put your clothes on the sofa.” He shifted a little, spreading his thighs wide. There was a distinct bulge beneath his soft breeches that caught Charis’ eye. She blushed and did as she was told.

  “Now the gown.”

  Awkwardly, she let her hands find the buttons at her neck and began slipping them free.

  “Slowly. Arouse me, Charis. Seduce me with what you’re doing. Don’t rush.”

  She sighed. He was rather demanding about all this. But Charis obeyed, feeling a tingle within her body as the buttons popped open down the front of her dress. When she reached the last one, she glanced at him from beneath her eyelashes and let the gown slide off her shoulders to the floor.


  The bulge was growing. Charis stifled a shudder of excitement. She must be wicked indeed to respond so enthusiastically to what she was doing. Standing there in her petticoat and chemise, her nipples budded into peaks beneath the thin silk, her belly began to ache, low down between her thighs.

  “Continue.” His voice cracked into the stillness.

  Charis leaned down, realizing as she did so that her chemise was gaping around her breasts. She smiled to herself as she unfastened her laces and kicked her shoes away. There. That would show him she wasn’t totally ignorant of all things seductive.

  “The undergarments?” She glanced at his face as her hands moved to the ties behind her back. There was a taut look around his cheekbones as his gaze roamed her body. He simply nodded.

  It only took a few more moments. Charis hadn’t worn a corset, since she’d dressed herself in the simplest clothes she possessed without her maid’s assistance. Within a minute she was standing naked but for the light chemise which barely reached her knees.

  “Finish it. I want you nude. Right where you are. In the sunlight.”

  She was more than a little self-conscious. He was still partly dressed, it was the middle of the morning, she was in a strange house and undressing in front of a man who was virtually unknown to her. Then the thought of her purpose stiffened her resolve. Better this sensual interlude than marriage to a lackwit or a life of drudgery.

  His gaze burned hotly over her legs and she noted his throat move as he swallowed. In spite of his apparent calm, it would seem he was not unaffected by what she was doing. The thought gave her the courage to tug at the ribbon holding the chemise in place.

  Taking a deep breath, she let it drop.

  “By God you’re a beauty.”

  The softly breathed words surprised Charis and she opened her eyes wide at the man devouring her with his gaze. She was unused to thinking of herself in such terms—in fact she was unused to thinking about herself very much at all.

  She had the requisite number of arms and legs, and everything worked the way it was supposed to. Other than that, the question of beauty hadn’t been part of her thoughts on a daily basis. Who needed to be beautiful for horses or the moors of Northumberland?

  “Unpin your hair.” He choked out the command, his body no longer sprawling relaxed in the chair. Sinjun looked…tense.

  Fighting the urge to cover herself with her hands, Charis lifted her arms and pulled the pins from the untidy mass atop her head. It fell down past her shoulders, a soft tickling caress against the bare skin of her spine. Obeying some natural instinct, she ran her fingers through it to straighten the tangles, noting how his eyes followed her movements.

  “Now come here.”

  Charis went willingly. There was a certain charm to the way Sinjun smiled. The tone of his voice, the laughter in his eyes. He’d touched something inside her at their first exchange of words—he’d appealed to her on many levels.

  She already felt as if she knew him and knowing he thought her beautiful? Well, that was enough of a compliment to make her heart pound more rapidly in her breast.

  She stopped in front of his chair. “Now what?” It took all the confidence she possessed and then some to manage a nonchalant tone.

  He reached out a hand and smoothed his fingers down her side, running them delicately over her hipbone and making her stifle a giggle at the tickling sensation.

  “You have the softest skin, Charis. Like silk.” He looked her over thoroughly. “Your breasts are full and womanly, your belly curved in a way I find most appealing. Your legs are perfection in themselves and your pussy—” He brushed his fingers through the hair coiling between her thighs. “Ah, yes, your pussy. It’s beautiful, Charis.”

  “It is?” She’d heard the word before, of course. Whispered low as if sinful. But he spoke it in such a natural way that he could have been referring to her elbow. Of course she admitted to herself that if he’d been touching her elbow she probably wouldn’t have felt those hot fiery licks of heat deep inside her body.

  She was certainly feeling them now. Little darts of arousal spreading inexorably through her as Sinjun took inventory with his eyes and with little delicate strokes of his fingertips.

  He caressed her navel then moved upward, using his hand like a breath of air, a touch so light she wasn’t even sure their flesh met in some places. Then in others—oh, like there—yes, he was definitely touching her breast. Her nipple.

  She closed her eyes and swallowed down the little cry that had choked her.

  “You’re a sensual woman, sweet. Alive and burning with sexual desires. So responsive…” His voice trailed away as he leaned forward and dropped a kiss above her navel.

  Then he licked her, making her shiver. This time she couldn’t help the tiny whimper. “Oh good heavens above.” Her hands went unbidden to his head trying to hold him close to her body.

  “All in time.” He settled himself and reached for his breeches. “You have aroused me, Charis. Seduced me better than I could have believed.” She watched as his hands unfastened the ties and spread the opening wide. His cock sprang free, hard and erect, nearly exploding from the confines of the fabric. “Do you see what you have done to me?”

  She nodded, her gaze held by the sight of the rigid flesh protruding away from its nest of dark blond curls. It was smooth, yet dappled with veins and ridges—utterly fascinating. Perhaps there was something to be said for doing this sort of thing in daylight. She’d never experienced anything like it with Charles in the darkness of their stolen night.

  Sinjun tapped one knee. “Sit here. On my lap.”

  “Are you sure?” She looked uncertainly at his cock. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

��You won’t.” He grinned at her. “Put that delectable arse of yours here on my thigh. Let me worry about everything else.”

  Cautiously, Charis did as she was bid, sitting gently on one outspread thigh and only relaxing when Sinjun had her comfortably arranged, his cock lying on her naked leg, her feet raised on a small footstool.

  One arm held her close, the other was free to stroke her body as he wished. And apparently he wished it a lot, because he touched her everywhere. “You have a lovely body. I like touching you. And I want to learn about you.”

  Charis snorted. “I’m sitting naked on your lap, Sinjun. I doubt there’s much else about me to learn.”

  His lips quirked as he flicked a nipple and watched her shiver. “You are so wrong.” He dipped his head and licked her again, this time around her breast. “Your taste, for example. What gives you pleasure.” His mouth found the tight peak and he nipped at it so gently she wanted to scream with delight. “I’m guessing this is one of those things.”

  She nodded, unable to find the words to agree, just desperate to have him do it again. He did and this time she moved, thrusting her breast closer to him, encouraging him by her movements rather than her voice.

  “Excellent.” He was a little hoarse now, his cock iron-hard and heavy on her naked thigh. “Here’s what we’re going to do, little one.”

  She struggled through a fog of arousal, aware of her body more than his words. She ached, tingled and shivered and could feel the heat of him surrounding her. His cock moved a little, almost as if possessed of its own desires. Sneaking a glance at it, Charis licked her lips.

  He groaned. “Not yet. Soon, but not yet.”

  Almost unaware of what he meant, she looked into his eyes, only to find her breath taken away by the heat she saw there. A passion that burned, a desire that echoed the arousal flaming inside her.

  “What do you want, Sinjun?” She whispered the words, holding his gaze.

  “Make yourself come. Show me what you like, how to touch you, how to make you burn.”

  It was intimate, shocking and utterly exciting. Charis started to shake her head.

  “Don’t refuse. I know you do this—bring yourself pleasure. Show me. Here, now, in my arms. Share it with me, Charis. Give me your release. A gift if you’d like to think of it that way.” He held her more tightly. “Please?”

  Surrendering to that one word, spoken with more passion than she’d ever heard from a man in her entire life, Charis let her body relax into Sinjun’s, his bare chest burning against her naked skin. His cock was still against one thigh but he pushed at the other, parting them, exposing her most private parts, spreading her wide to his gaze.

  “Do it, Charis. My God, do it. I shall die if you don’t, I swear.”

  Daringly she looked down, seeing herself laid bare and his arousal a dark red length against her white skin. She looked back up at his face and licked her lips, amazed at her own courage and the level of her anticipation. Not to mention the complete and total wantonness of the next words she spoke. “I will if you will.”

  His nostrils flared as he sucked in air. Then nodded. “Agreed. You first.”

  Her hands moved of their own volition, hesitating as she apprehensively reached for the places she knew gave her pleasure. One arm stretched out and down, coming to rest across her abdomen as her fingers sought that magic place between her thighs.

  The other cupped one breast. Charis had discovered her nipples to be sensitive and easily aroused, the stimulation sending little lightning bolts of dazzling pleasure to her womb. Coupled with the lightest of touches on her nether lips it was the start of a process she knew would reduce her to whimpering ecstasy.

  And Sinjun was watching her every move. “Yes, my sweet. Do it. Caress those pussy lips of yours. Show me how—where—how fast—you’re aroused now, Charis. Show me how to take you higher…”

  He moved slightly and leaned to one breast, sucking it as she began to roll the other nipple between her thumb and forefinger in that particular way that gave her the utmost pleasure.

  His lips did it so much better. The wetness of his mouth and the heat of his tongue added extraordinary depth to the sensation and made her spread her thighs wide without any more hesitation. She was well on the road and couldn’t have stopped now if someone held a gun to her head.

  As if he knew, he suckled her harder then released her to turn his head and watch her fingers, sliding and slicking through her own moisture, rubbing around the tiny place that seemed to take on a life of its own at times like these.

  Charis knew her body—she’d had ample time alone to investigate these pleasures and felt no guilt about enjoying them. But being watched, sucked, caressed while she was doing it—well, that was something else entirely.

  It was amazingly erotic and made her feel so much more sensual. She was a woman sharing her body with a man, and that knowledge heightened everything a thousand times over. A personal ride to release was one thing, and very nice. This? This was exquisite ecstasy, touched by the wicked hand of things forbidden. It was outrageous, appalling, something that should never even cross the mind of a well-brought up young woman.

  And Charis was relishing every minute of it.

  She loosed the final chains on her sensuality, slipping down a little as her rhythm picked up and her body quickened. She moaned as the tingles began low in her spine, and whimpered at the touch of her own hand on her breast.

  Sinjun had cupped the other one and was flicking his thumbnail across her nipple in perfect time with the flexing of her fingers against her pussy. It was a dual assault she was helpless to resist.

  “Sinjun—” She gasped his name as her body tightened, arching over his arm like a bowstring about to explode.

  “Yes, do it, Charis. Come.”

  He gripped her hard as the shudders began, pulling her hand away and thrusting his in its place between her legs. His fingers stroked then penetrated her, one—then two—as his thumb played with the perfect spot to drive her insane.

  The spasms began then, taking her away, rolling over her in a blissful tide of release. She could feel him inside her, his fingers moving, enhancing each and every orgasmic shudder.

  She cried out, her eyes closing as her head fell back and her body shook. It was a magnificent moment of climax, a moment her body recognized as perfection. A sensual haze spread around her, claiming Charis’ body and soul in those few moments.

  She trembled again as the tremors abated and Sinjun’s hand moved out of her body, then sighed and opened her eyes.

  Sinjun was looking at her. “Beautiful, Charis. So beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as exquisite as your face when you come.” He held up his hand, damp with her juices, then surprised her by lifting it to his mouth and licking his fingers. “And you taste like the sweetest honey from impossibly magical bees.”

  She lay exhausted in his arms, watching him, marveling at his natural sensuality and how comfortable she felt at that moment. Then a weight on her thigh reminded her of one piece of unfinished business. She tipped her head and stared at his cock. “I believe it’s your turn now?”


  He was so aroused that he nearly came from looking at her gaze as it landed on his cock. She was relaxed and limp in his arms, the scent of her body a richly intoxicating fragrance surrounding them.

  But he had to keep up his end of the bargain. Not that this would be a challenge, of course—he’d probably die if he didn’t. He merely nodded and reached for her hand, clasping it in his and bringing it down to his erection. “This won’t take long.”

  “No?” She looked curious.

  “No. Just holding you like this is a stimulation. Watching you, feeling you come—all these things have driven me to the edge.” He wrapped her fingers around his length and squeezed them tightly. “And this?” He sucked in a breath of air. “Well, this will pretty much do it.”

  Charis blinked. “Oh my goodness. You’re so smooth—the way your
skin moves over the hardness underneath…” Her eyes flicked to his then back to his cock. “It’s—amazing.”

  “You’ve never…” He gulped as her hand found the right cadence and began stroking him on its own. “You’ve never touched a man like this?”

  She shook her head. “No. My experience was…limited.”

  A tight smile curved his mouth. “I’m glad.”

  Intent now on her movements and the way his cock was responding, Charis didn’t answer. Which was a good thing since at that point Sinjun’s throat closed up, his balls tightened almost unbearably and he knew he was on the brink.

  “God…” He choked on the word as every muscle in his body turned to iron and he exploded, shuddering spasms of release thundering through his cock and erupting in a milky stream of his seed.

  It dappled Charis’ thigh, glittering pools of pearlescent liquid shooting hotly onto her pale skin.

  She held her breath, her stillness an indication of her attention to his orgasm, her mouth slightly open, her eyes wide and staring at his body as it released itself beneath her grasp.

  Finally, as he softened, she looked up at him. “That was quite the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.”

  He struggled for air and words. “Really?”

  She nodded. “Oh yes. Without question. Thank you for sharing it with me.”

  Oblivious to the somewhat bedraggled state they were now both enduring, she snuggled into his arms and rested her head on his shoulder. “We’re so different in this. Men and women. But the pleasures are probably close to being the same, aren’t they?”

  He smiled at her tiny yawn as he considered her question and listened to his pulse as it returned to something approaching normal. “I can’t answer that. I only know that it’s about as perfect a sensation as there is in this world, sweetheart.”

  There was no answer.

  He pulled his head back to look at her face. She was sound asleep.

  Chapter Four

  Sinjun was completely astounded by how deeply one woman could sleep.


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