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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 2 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series)

Page 9

by Charlie Buxton

  "Elf take human and let Gurple live. Now Gurple hurt. Hurt much. I sleep now. Sleep pain away..."

  Right then, each light went out in the troll's head. It wasn't even a minute before it had fallen asleep, its painful moans finally coming to an end.

  "Hey, don't you fuckin' sleep on me, you oversized lard bucket! You wake your ass up right now and tell me where he went!"

  He bashed his crutch against Gurple's head, but the troll didn't even budge. Michael's face began to flush red as he drove his boot into the troll's cheek, ordering it to wake up. Receiving not so much as a twitch, he began to reach for the pistol on his hip, stopping short as a gentle hand clasped his shoulder.

  "Let it go, Michael. We have to reach your supplies and bring them to my village."

  "What about Galen?!" Michael snapped.

  The Nekonian woman only shook her head, "History tells us that when the elves take a man into their camp, the only thing an outsider can do is wait. Nobody but the elves can find their village. They shroud themselves in magic that hides them from those they do not wish to have. Legend says you could stand in the middle of their home and not know even know it was there."

  The Sergeant stared at her like she was crazy. Magic? Since when? Half of the crazy shit she had explained so far barely clicked in his mind. Now she was just plain nuts.

  And he was going nuts for believing her.

  Every passing moment in this world gave him greater reason to debate trying to find his way back home, returning to the world he knows, or enjoying the world he doesn't.

  "So we wait and twiddle our thumbs while praying that he comes back alive?"

  "The legends say that the elves wouldn't kill him. But if he does not return within the next few days, then it just might be that we may never see him again."


  The spell of the girl's beauty which had enchanted Galen had worn off. Cognitive function came back to him, though nothing in his world seemed to matter other than the one holding his hand.

  He was still following the green-haired elf through the forest, moving farther, and farther away from his crash site. The one time he tried to stop to ask a question or two, she only pulled his hand toward her and said, "Come". That word seemed like one of the few English words she knew.

  Every so often, she would glance back to make sure his eyes were upon her and not veering away. Not that he could pull his eyes away even if he tried. Something inside Galen's heart told him to stay her, as well as something in his pants. He did his best to keep that down as he kept to her back, though it wasn't easy considering the only thing she wore was a thin pair of underwear that he could clearly see through.

  The pair finally came into a wide clearing overshadowed by the trees that had bent in to block out the sky. The foliage was so thick that the sun did not reach the forest floor, choking out any plant life and leaving only the soft dirt to cover the ground.

  Here, Galen could see one more fact about the elf's body. Her skin did not have a golden undertone, but actually glowed with a golden aura that lit up the ground around her in the dim light of the shadowed grove. Again, Galen had to rediscover how to breathe as she turned to him. Her blissful beauty tenfold with the lighting of her aura in the low light. To peel his eyes away now would be impossible, yet, somehow they broke from the trance to follow her outstretched finger over to where she pointed.

  The few rays of sunlight that managed to break the barrier of leaves above the grove did so around the massive tree that grew in the center of the wide clearing. This immense body of wood before them was encased with thousands of vines blooming in lush rainbows of flowers. Roses, tulips, violets, many others unidentifiable; hundreds upon thousands of flowers flourished over its body. The tree itself could've easily been fifty feet wide and nearly five hundred feet tall, dwarfing anything Galen had ever seen or heard of before, even in fantasy stories.

  "Here," the elf stated.

  "Here?" Galen repeated. "What's here?"

  The elvish girl gave him a puzzled look. It was obvious she hadn't a clue to what he had just said, just as he hadn't a clue what she meant. Ever so carefully, she raised a hand to his forehead, placing her middle three fingers across his brow while muttering something in elvish. Suddenly, her hand began to glow brighter than before. A vision of light exploded into his eyes, revealing exactly what she was trying to show him.

  All around him, several wooden buildings and canvas tents of all shapes and sizes appeared seemingly from thin air. Huge, blue, glowing lanterns hung from tall, arching posts, lighting the paths that moved between the structures.

  A few dozen elves began appearing as well, many of them staring at Galen with curious looks upon their faces as they called more of their kind out. Soon, the whole village of elves had come out to see the new arrival in their home. Each one of the elvish beauties barely wore anything more than a loincloth or pair of translucent panties, and not one of them was male.

  The only possible event that could pull his mind off the droves of beautiful women around him was the sudden transformation of the massive tree. A section of its trunk began to glow, a hole opening up moments afterward to reveal the glowing light shining out from inside.

  "Come," his guide said, taking the dumbstruck Galen's hand.

  She led him between the tents and the other elves, leading him toward the giant tree. Surprisingly, the entire tree was hollowed out, with a spiral ramp running up along its walls all the way to the top. At several spots along the way, vine-woven baskets large enough to hold several persons were suspended up the tree, with curious, elven eyes peeking out over the side. They watched as Galen was led toward a new elven woman sitting upon the wooden throne in the center of the room, a large cauldron bubbling before her.

  The elf rose from her throne as they approached; her physical differences with all the other girls around her immediately clear. She was tall, a whole head higher than Galen, with long, jet-black hair hanging down over her robe of blue silk. Both her large breasts were pressed firmly together between the crooks of her arms as she framed them under her heavy bust. As unique as every other elf, her violet skin gave off a noticeable white aura that matched the white jewel sitting in the vine crown atop her head. Those ultramarine eyes of hers focused intently upon Galen, a smile growing upon her dark blue lips.

  The elven girl who had led Galen in took a knee before her leader, speaking out in elvish before turning back toward the petrified soldier.

  The head elf's grin grew larger as she approached Galen, taking his chin in hand and planting a kiss upon his forehead. The image he had of Heaven was quickly replaced with the world around him, her majestic voice becoming music in his ears.

  "Thank you for saving Celia from the troll, young man. May I ask your name?"

  "P-P-Private Galen Mart-t-tin, ma'am."

  "Private? Is that a title? May I call you Galen?"

  Much to her amusement, he nodded eagerly.

  "Excellent. Galen, I am Elder Tanza, leader of the Tree Elves of Atzla. The girl you saved is called Celia, and she expresses her gratitude for your timely rescue."

  A sneaky kiss caught Galen on the cheek, taking him off guard as Celia drew back. The expression upon his face making her giggle.

  "Excuse her, she can be very childish at times," Tanza explained.

  "I don't mind. Don't mind at all," Galen mumbled.

  Now it was Tanza's turn to giggle. "I see. Still in... What is the human word...? 'Shock', are you?"

  Galen nodded.

  "Every male we bring in is. Do not worry; we are not like the Succubus women you may find in the west. You are quite safe here with us."

  Galen gazed around at the other beauties that began to walk into the room, watching the human with the utmost interest and curiosity. Their naked bodies clustered together as they gathered, many of them giggling uncontrollably at Galen's reddening face.

"Why—," Galen squeaked sharply before going silent. By now, his whole head had turned red right to his ears. "Ahem. Why did Celia bring me here?" he asked as he adjusted the rifle sling hanging over his shoulder.

  With that question, Tanza walked past him toward the cauldron, motioning him to approach.

  "Gaze into the cauldron, and I shall reveal your answer."

  Though uneasy at first, Galen approached the giant pot and looked in to the frothing water. In an instant, the water went still as glass. The reflection on its surface suddenly shifted, twisting and reshaping itself to a new image.

  An elvish girl walked through the forest, naked as any other girl from the village with her short violet hair barely reaching the tops of her shoulders. Galen could see this same girl in the corner of the room, whispering in her own tongue to another elf beside her.

  In the water's image, a human broke out of the brush and approached her, seemingly kind at first. But as she came close, he grabbed hold of her body and threw her to the ground. Before a sound escaped her lips, he had pounced upon her and began struggling with her panties. The elvish girl kicked and screamed before she slapped a glowing hand across his face, petrifying him long enough for her to slip out from under his body. She cursed at him several times over in her tongue before running off into the forest and disappearing from sight. Moments later, the human reanimated, damning the girl to the 'Nether' as the elven damsel slipped his trap.

  The surface of the water frothed over again, swirling about many images and displaying yet another elvish girl standing in a wide clearing, this time confronted by a Neko warrior. The scene played out just as the first had. He would play nice up until her guard fell, then the man would strike. This time, as he pulled a hard erection out from under his shorts, a blade pierced his gut and a heavy kick threw him off of the elf.

  A massive wolf-like beast walking on two legs stepped in on the Neko with a long sword to deal him a finishing blow. But as he raised his blade up high, the elf stopped him, planting a kiss upon his cheek to calm his rage. It only took a second before the wolf seized the elf in his grasp, forcing her lips to stay upon his, blood rolling down her arms as his claws dug in.

  A glowing hand jabbed into his chest, and in the next moment, the wolf's body cracked as light broke through his skin. The fur turned to ash, his eyes to glass as the whole of his being burning away until his flesh was nothing more than dust at the elf's feet.

  These scenarios repeated again and again. Humans, Nekos, the wolf-beings, even some humanoids with broad wings for arms and feathers covering their bodies from the belly down; all attempting to have their way with the elves without knowing the power the sharp-eared creatures held.

  Galen stepped away from the cauldron, disbelieving as another image played through its waters.

  The image was of him fighting off the troll to save Celia.

  "What was that? Were you watching all the girls you sent out?"

  "The elves of my tribe are temptresses, seeking out those of noble heart. The cauldron is filled with the tears of Atzlar, god over Atzla forest. With his gift, we can see all who wander his woods, including those we think to be of noble heart to follow our temptresses home. More often than not, all my girls find are creatures who only seek pleasure and lust after what they see as an easy chance to tumble. But still, every ten years, we try once more to seek out a noble soul. Most times, we find such a man, but I must admit, it has been fifty years since we found a human with such a soul, earning the privilege to visit our land."

  "Wow." Galen stared at the crowd of sun-bathed beauties that had filled the Great Tree. Of all them though, he constantly found his eyes wandering their way back toward Celia...

  "So what happens now?" he asked.

  Tanza stepped away from her cauldron to look the soldier dead in the eye, a proud look about her angelic features.

  "We will test you, Noble Galen. If you pass, we shall commence a feast in your honor, and the elves will then reward you."

  "And if I say no to your test?"

  "Then we will strip you of your memories and send you off to a distant land, ensuring you will never return or remember where our village lies."

  A single bead of sweat ran down his back from the sheer conviction in her voice. He wouldn't be dead, but then he probably wouldn't ever find Michael again, and losing his one friend in this world wasn't something he wanted to do.

  "What are the tests?"

  Celia's hand brushed against his cheek, turning him towards her as their lips locked together. Tides of calm washed over the beaches of his mind, wiping away the worry and leaving him in a blank daze.

  Smiling uncontrollably as her lips pulled away from his, the next thing to come out his mouth was, "I'm sure I can handle them."

  Tanza smiled, "I'm sure you will. You will face a challenge of strength, and test of mind, and show of soul. Succeeding in these tests will yield a bounty beyond your wildest dreams. Do you, Galen Martin, accept?"

  The Private nodded, still grinning wildly as he thought of what exactly that bounty might be. "I accept your challenges."

  "Then let the Kampti begin."


  The side of the Great Tree looked down upon Galen as a beast loomed over its prey. A challenge of strength to prove his body strong enough to handle the any struggle, meaning he had to scale to the first branch of the Great Tree.

  One hundred feet above the ground. And he had to climb every inch.

  There were the vines to start, but they came to an end eventually to give way to the notches and gaps in the bark. The bark was spaced enough to climb, that was true, but climbing the wall wasn't the challenge. Staying on it was.

  Nervously, he gazed back to Tanza and the gathered elves behind him. He was able to count forty-six elves total, each one watching him as he stared down their Great Tree. Celia herself watched with a most hopeful look to her face as she held onto his gear.

  "What happens if I fall?" he asked, looking back up the tree.

  "Our magic will catch you, but then you will be cast off just the same as if you had said no. But know this, Galen, if you have the strength of the true noble heart, you will not fail."

  "That's good to know," he muttered. It was now or never.

  He spat into his hands and approached the tree, taking the first vines within his grasp and digging in his boots. Slowly, step by step, he began to climb. It wasn't so bad. It was like the climbing wall in basic, except the climbing wall wasn't blanketed in thousands of flowers covered in thorns.

  By the time he was twenty feet up, sweat began to run his brow. A splinter from the bark behind the vines drove itself into his palm, causing him to cry out in pain. Grasping onto the vines with one hand, he sunk his teeth into the skin around splinter and squeezed down. The metallic taste filled his mouth as he got a grip on the slice of bark, wincing as he ripped it out and spat it down to the ground below.

  "Are you alright?" Tanza called.

  "Just a scratch," he answered, reaching up and continuing to the next step. One foot at time, he forced his way up higher on the side of the tree. Not bad, only seventy feet to go.

  That was where the vines ended and the bark began. Galen gritted his teeth and reach up to the next section of bark. Several bits of wood stabbed into his palm as he took hold, tearing into his fingers. Yet the Private pressed on, reaching up to grab the next piece. Taking hold of the tree's skin with a vengeance, he lifted up his body and began to reach for the next—snap!


  -snap-, "Oh, no."

  -crack- "You gotta be kidding me!"

  The Private was left dangling by one hand as the bark under his boots gave way. Thirty-five feet above the forest floor, all he had was his grip and the adrenaline pumping through his veins to keep himself on the wall.

  Thick streams of blood trickled from his fingers as the bark dug deeper int
o his hand. Galen clenched his teeth and screamed in his mind as he reached out and grabbed onto the wall of the tree, digging his boots into bark to regain his footing. When he was sure he was secure, he pulled his hand off the wall and took a look at the damage done. Every part of the appendage was bleeding profusely; the shredded skin barely holding on. That was when his hand began to tremble, sweat building on his palms and stinging wherever the outer skin had been peeled. He was losing grip.

  "Push it out," he growled, "You can do this... Push it out of your mind!"

  He latched his wounded hand onto the wall, giving a primal roar as he pulled himself up another step. Tears began to run his face as wildly as the blood down his arms. More of the crimson life was welling up under the bandage on his bicep and as his sweat was quickly burning into his wounds. Yet, he reached up one more level. Going for just one more inch.


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