Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 2 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series)

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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 2 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series) Page 14

by Charlie Buxton

  "Cock," she growled.

  "Cunt," he cried with a thrust.

  These words which had drifted curiously in their brains now made sense.

  It was time to learn what to do with the things to which these names belonged.

  It was not elegant or graceful, their first sex, but it was certainly intense. They looked into each other's eyes as they began moving together. Each evaluated the reactions of the other body as they coupled in a somewhat awkward standing position.

  Perhaps it was due to being in perfect physical condition due to the automated routine his body had undergone every day. Perhaps it was because his entire system was still not entirely linked together and his brain was still learning his body. Whatever the reason, Marcus lasted a surprising long time for his first ever sexual experience. He lasted so long, in fact, that it was A'nish who first climaxed.

  Marcus paused as the orgasm overtook her. He watched with some curiosity and then experimented with his lips upon her nipples as the last waves rocked through her. When she was done, he began thrusting again. It was only a few minutes later when he felt the odd almost pulling sensation in his loins. In some way, it felt as though A'nish was drawing the semen out of him. He moaned as the first spurt shot out and seemed to gush endlessly into her 'pussy' as he knew the word to be.

  Another followed, and then another. She observed him with a kindly expression as his climax progressed. When he was done, he removed himself from her. The two of them turned to examine their Aquilan relations -- floating about in the huge gaseous environs just beyond the thick plasteel. Marcus and A'nish were forced to squint at the beautiful brightness of their kin.

  "Not - same," observed Marcus, contemplating the creatures beyond -- creatures which they had once been.

  "No," agreed A'nish. "S... s... sex not same. Sex, not as good."

  "Practice," said Marcus. "We must - practice."

  "Agreed," said A'nish.

  They heard a noise and turned to see two other individuals approaching. It was another couple, who must have been from tanks further around the arc of the Center. They were a fascinating contrast in color and shape. The male was quite tall, even taller than A'nish and his skin was shockingly white. The woman was shorter than Marcus, and her skin was a crimson red. If measured, her breasts were possibly smaller than A'nish's but did not appear so due to her smaller frame.

  A'nish crossed to the tall, ivory man of Venatacorion stock and pulled him into an intense kiss. Marcus approached the voluptuous rubicund woman and they contemplated each other.

  She reached down to grasp his cock, which had rapidly recovered -- having twenty years of waiting stored up inside.

  "Hard," she commented.

  He reached down and dipped two fingers into her pussy.

  "Wet," he observed.

  "Sex," she stated, simply -- nodding her head toward the male now entangled with A'nish.

  Marcus understood.

  He began kissing her. They also rubbed together and were well-stimulated.

  Copulating, however, was not as seamless as it had been with A'nish. He tried bending his knees and she tried standing on her tiptoes -- but they could not find a way to make it work.

  She shrugged and lay down upon the floor, beckoning him to lie upon her and enter her from above.

  As he slid into her, he looked up and saw three more couples who had recently emerged. All of them were doing the same. As they began to move, he contemplated that his body was emanating something called 'hunger' -- but that would have to wait. He had at least this union to attend to, if not several more before he needed to seek out nourishment.



  Commander Angelo Telegin watched through the view port as the Aquilan shipAlshain. It was legendary throughout the universe for both its beauty and its mysteries. It resembled a great and elegant mechanical bird. In the center was a huge body, and out from that sprang wings formed of delicate looking spines and tubes. In truth, these 'wings' were quite large. The crew was believed to live in the wing areas. The equivalent head and the tail sections were believed to be the engineering and navigation sections.

  It was thought the body contained the power source, though no one was certain what form of energy source the Aquilans used.

  It was known the Alshain could navigate nearly any environment. It had originally appeared in NGC 6751, the planetary nebula where the Aquilans resided. TheAlshain was perfectly capable of FTL travel as well as atmospheric navigation. In fact, its FTL was so sophisticated the Aquilans had no weaponry. Once, a paranoid captain had switched on his weaponry and the Alshain had popped out instantaneously -- reappearing four systems away within seconds.

  Other than the fact that there were human forms aboard the Alshain, and that the ship was beautifully engineered - the Aquilans and their ship were still a mystery to the greater population and even members of the fleet.

  Angelo had won the chance to explore these mysteries.

  He sat patiently waiting for the hatch to open. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. He'd been assigned the most coveted position in the fleet - liaison to the Aquilans. Technically, the officially term for their people was Aquilis Humanis, to differentiate the human denizens of the Alshain from their plasma/chemical-based counterparts, but in common vernacular, 'Aquilan' was the term everyone used for both forms of these mysterious people.

  Even after the initial contact with the Aquilans five years prior, when the Alshainhad appeared with Galactic-speaking humans, there was still very little known about the Aquilans. Their primary purpose, as the human Aquilans had plainly stated, was to serve as representatives for their race, who lived mostly in nebulae and upon gaseous planets where their native forms were long and beautiful cylinders filled with pulsating energy.

  In that shape, the Aquilans had found it too difficult to communicate with humans. That had been the purpose of their incursion two decades prior. They had absconded with the laboratory and genetic materials from the ship and had grown a pool of three hundred-plus human ambassadors through whom they could speak.

  These humans had been grown in vitro for the first twenty years of their existence. The bodies had been manually exercised and conditioned as they formed, but no brain functions had been allowed.

  Then, as the story went, over three hundred Aquilans had willed themselves to transfer their consciousnesses into the waiting bodies. It was through those bodies, now sentient, that the Aquilans had made the first true intelligible contact with the human race.

  It seemed that the first encounters had been unusual or troubling in some fashion. They had made contact with the science explorer ship Basset and no details regarding that first meeting had ever been released -- except that all military and civilian ships were ordered to avoid any contact with the Alshain.

  What was certainly known about the human Aquilans was they were fierce negotiators. The Aquilans had grown concerned with human encroachment into their space. The first demands had been for the Republic to cease their movement into Aquilan territory and to sign treaties assuring specific planets and nebula would remain untouched.

  What was rumored about the human Aquilans was wide and varied. It was said they rarely wore clothes aboard their own ship. It was further said they were sexually aggressive and insatiable. During initial encounters, people whispered that Aquilans had coupled during meetings until diplomats had convinced them it could be a distraction from proper negotiations. Since that time, Aquilan envoys had learned more decorum - but the rumors ran rampant about what exactly the Aquilans got up to aboard the Alshain.

  A little over three years prior, excitement had spread through the fleet when the Aquilan liaison program was announced. For three months at a time, a fleet representative was chosen to serve a tour of duty aboard the Alshain. The Aquilans had further requested that the liaisons alternate between male and female candidates -- under thirty years of age.

What specifically happened with those liaisons was anyone's guess. The liaisons spoke to no one about their experiences except to designated members of the Science Corps whose reports were triple classified.

  Now Angelo was to discover for himself. He had graduated from the academy top-of-class, worked his way up quickly in the ranks, and was poised to Captain his first ship after his three-month rotation aboard the Alshain. He was the eleventh liaison to be assigned to the ship. The liaison's duties were to assist with any technologies within their realm of expertise, learn about the Aquilans, but above all to serve as ambassadors for the human race to these fascinating creatures who were human in form -- but inhabited by a consciousness that had once been a coalescing jellyfish-like creature.Angelo said his farewells to the friends he had made aboard ship and then walked down the long boarding tube toward the Alshain. He waited for the hatch to open.

  The protocol was clearly defined. He was to board the ship and debrief with his predecessor, in this case Neirna Lappeng, a woman who had been an upperclassman when Angelo entered the Academy. She was intelligent, disciplined, and possessed of the kind of beauty that was not conventional, but seemed to linger in one's mind.

  The boarding hatch slid open and the first thing that struck Angelo was the air. It was humid and bore a sweet, musky smell. It wasn't unpleasant, but seemed much more 'earthy' than one would expect aboard a space vessel. Next, he saw Neirna. She was as striking as he had remembered her. Yet, there was something in her eyes. They were haunted.

  He flashed her a quick smile during his salute and he saw a strange transformation in her face. She quickly smiled as well, then took his hand in hers and pulled him down the corridor. She led him to a door marked 'liaison quarters' and led him in.

  "Well Neirna, I look forward to hearing..."

  He never got any further, she was suddenly wrapped around him, her lips seeking his, her legs wrapped around his hips, her arms holding him close.

  "You have the best smile," she said in an intense whisper. "Your smile is so amazing. It is the most beautiful thing I've seen in three months."

  "Okay, but Neirna..."

  "Shh!" she said, "don't talk about official nonsense - it's all in my report. For now, let's just talk about us."

  There wasn't much talking involved, however. She soon had his shirt open and was kissing his neck and chest lovingly, looking up occasionally to study his face. Then she had his pants open and his cock free. She stroked it lovingly and sucked it the rest of the way to hardness (there wasn't far to go). The next thing he knew her clothes were also off and she was climbing up to straddle him in the chair.

  With a deep intake of breath and of cock, she was soon enveloping him and moaning with pleasure as she reached the base of his shaft, her warmth enfolding him.

  "Neirna..." started Angelo, but again, she silenced him - this time with a finger to his lips.

  "Shh," she urged him, "just let me watch your face."

  She began a slow, sensuous ride of his cock and the entire time she was intensely focused on his face - watching his every expression with unusual fascination.

  Angelo soon gave up thinking about the oddness of her sexual attack and simply surrendered to the passion she was emanating.

  "God, I could watch you all night. I could watch you forever," she sighed.

  He reached up and kissed her passionately, to which she responded instantly.

  "Oh gods," she moaned as spasms began in her hips. "Oh gods, Angelo, I haven't felt like this, not like this in the longest time. Oh GODS!"

  She froze in divine climax, her face a mask of pleasure, her body hot from passion. When the strongest part of her orgasm was past, she looked deeply into his eyes - a glint of a tear forming in the corners of her own.

  "Can I ask you something, and will you promise not to get too freaked out by it?"

  "Of course," said Angelo tenderly.

  "Do you think," she started, and then had to suppress some tears, "do you think you could love me? If the situation was different, do you think I'm someone you could fall in love with?"

  "Of course," said Angelo, though he was a bit taken aback by the question. "I always admired you at the Academy. You're smart, pretty, compassionate - of course I could fall in love with you."

  "You're telling the truth, aren't you?" she sobbed. "You really mean it."

  Her hips began bucking and her inner muscles began squeezing his cock intensely. It was clear she only had one goal in mind now, and she worked with a fervor to achieve it. Within minutes, she had ridden Angelo to his own climax and he moaned as he spilled himself into her.

  She cried a bit more, holding him tightly to her chest as he pumped his cum deep into her warm cavern.

  Moments later, she was dressing, her face wearing a mask of embarrassment.

  "What was all of that about?" he asked her softly.

  "I... I'm sorry Angelo. That was a shameful display, really?"

  "I disagree," said the young Commander. "It was amazing. Confusing - but amazing all the same. You were so intense, so wonderful."

  "Thank you," she said, brushing back some tears. "Now I must be going."

  She noticed that Angelo was starting to put on his own uniform.

  "Oh, don't bother," she said. "Clothes make them terribly uncomfortable."

  "They do?" he asked. "So it's true?"

  "The nudity, the constant sex, yes, those rumors are all true. You'll see."

  "But, the debrief," he asked, "aren't you going to tell me more?"

  "No point," she said quietly. "You wouldn't understand, no matter what I told you."

  "Wouldn't understand what?"

  "It's in the vidlog," she explained.

  "What vidlog?"

  "The one that only the liaisons make entries in. The one that only the liaisons can read. This cabin and everything in it is ours. Diplomatically protected - no Aquilans are allowed in here."

  "Okay?" he said, more curious than ever.

  She finished buttoning her uniform and pulled him up from the bunk, pulling him tightly to her and pulling his head down for a gentle kiss.

  "Don't despair," she said in a terribly serious tone. "No matter how dark it looks, don't give up hope. There is love. There is passion somewhere in the universe. You and I just proved it."

  "I still don't..."

  "Others have tried," she stammered. "Others have tried to explain what it's like, but none of them can. Watch the vidlogs, they bring some comfort - but only you can come to know what this place will mean to you."


  "Goodbye, Angelo. Stay strong."

  And with that, she was gone, departing toward the hatch which would take her back to the fleet transport.

  Once the hatch was closed, Angelo stood very self-consciously in the corridor. He suddenly had the feeling he was being watched - and he was. Three stunningly beautiful women suddenly peeked around the corner. The three women approached him in almost stalking fashion, evaluating his body with such scrutiny that he felt even more self-conscious.

  One was a brunette with fair skin, high round breasts, her eyes were a piercing blue.

  The next was undoubtedly from ancient African stock, chocolate-skin, long neck and body, ample hips, and big beautiful breasts. The third seemed to borrow from many ancestries, olive-shaped eyes with a slight upturn that spoke of some sort of mixed ancient Asian ancestry, light-brown skin, smaller breasts but wider hips and thighs, yet blond hair that stood in fascinating contrast to her slightly darker complexion.

  "Greetings, Liaison Angelo Telegin," said the darker skinned woman. I am crewmember A'nish and it is my honor to welcome you aboard."

  "I am Flennie," said the brunette. "It is also my honor to extend the greetings of the crew."

  "I am called Leneria," said the exotic blond.

  The women were slowly circling Angelo in a sensuous dance. Their hands were brushing playfully across his skin, their bodies rubbing against him now and again.

p; "You have a pleasing form," said A'nish, "well muscled, seemingly fit, and your sexual organ gives the appearance of being very capable. Oh, and recently used - it appears from the remaining fluids."

  "Though we will be able to teach you much in the ways of pleasure and endurance," continued the chocolate-skinned A'nish, whose large breasts had just brushed against Angelo's back.

  "Now for your first partnering," said Flennie. "We prefer that we be the ones to determine who your sexual partner should be."

  "Do you kiss?" asked A'nish. "Your kind almost always does, or so we have noticed. Kissing is a common element of foreplay."

  "I... yes, of course," stammered Angelo.


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