Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 2 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series)

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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 2 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series) Page 19

by Charlie Buxton

  The blood was pounding in Angelo's ears. The world looked almost red from the lusty rage filling his body.

  He took her fall to her knees as yet one more challenge and began thrusting from below, pulsing even more rapidly than he had with Ophalis.

  "Oh Commander. Oh Angelo!" she cried as he thrusted almost angrily to keep her orgasm continuing. "I can take no more."

  "Yes, you can," he groaned. "I'm not done. I can't stop."

  "But you must, look at your face," she whispered.

  She put a tender hand to his cheek which was almost as red as her own skin from a feverish blush.

  "I'm fine," he growled. "I just need more. Ohh, here it comes again!"

  He exploded inside of her once more, and this time it felt as though his very insides were pouring out - or at least every drop of fluid was being sucked from within.

  "Enough," she cried, leaping off of him, even as his cock continued to spray across his chest.

  "No," he groaned. "I can't. I can't stop."

  His hips continued to buck, even without her on him, and spurt after spurt spilled across his chest.

  Marcus, who had been watching, rushed to Angelo's side and felt his forehead.

  "He's burning up," he said in a worried tone. "And his pulse is dangerously fast."

  "I need another woman," cried Angelo. "I can't stop. I can't ever stop.

  Still, the cum was pouring out.

  "Get me water. Cold water," called Marcus. "And find Leneria."

  A'nish rushed to a comm screen and sent out an urgent page for Leneria. Her face appeared.

  "Leneria, you must come to the group lounge," she said.

  "I've heard of the Commander's exploits. I've no need to see for myself," said Leneria in a terse tone.

  "No, he's in some sort of overload. Get here now!"

  Marcus and some others had formed a sort of miniature fire-brigade, bearing cups of frigid water to pour over Angelo's burning skin. Still, his hips were bucking involuntarily and even though there as little fluid left to expel, his cock still twitched with endless orgasms.

  "It hurts," he moaned to Menaea, who held his hand in concern. "It feels so good, but hurts as well - when will it stop?"

  Leneria came dashing in, an emergency medikit on her wrist and ran a quick scan.

  "My word," she muttered. "He's quite near cardiac arrest."

  She tapped a quick sequence on the medikit and a narrow needle snaked out, jabbing into Angelo's skin. His eyes grew heavy, though his hips continued twitching even as he lost consciousness.


  "You quite likely saved his life."

  Angelo was barely conscious and couldn't seem to open his eyes.

  He heard Leneria's voice saying. "His core temperature was so high his organs would have begun shutting down were it not for that water."

  "I still don't understand," said the voice of Marcus. "How did his hormonal levels get so elevated? You had noted unusual levels after the first fortnight. After that I can find no record of a reading."

  "I... I didn't perform one," said Leneria's voice. "He... I... the commander made me uncomfortable."

  "Uncomfortable how?" demanded another voice that Angelo believed to belong to Menaea.

  "Emotionally. He made too many emotional statements and..."

  "That's no excuse," quipped Menaea. "True humans do such things. You know that. All of us have experienced such behavior. We simply ignore it and move on."

  "Yes, but the way he did this - it made me uncomfortable," argued Leneria. "Emotionally. He made me emotionally uncomfortable."

  The statement hung in the air for what seemed an eternity.

  "I see," said Marcus. "That is unusual - but protocol dictates you should have delegated your duties."

  "I know," murmured Leneria. "And for that, I am truly ashamed."

  "Are you... are you crying?" said Menaea.

  "Yes, I am," sobbed Leneria. "And I apologize. Please continue supervising his recovery. The computer has outlined the appropriate plans."

  Angelo heard the sound of footsteps running away.

  "How remarkable," said Marcus.

  "Yes, the poor girl," said Menaea.

  "That's one way to view it," said Marcus softly.

  Consciousness once more slipped away from Angelo.


  Angelo had been dreaming. He'd been on ship occupied by sex-crazed Aquilans with an aversion to emotions. He'd been with woman after woman - but there had been one... Leneria, who had captured his heart.

  It had been some dream.

  He opened his eyes.

  It had not been a dream.

  Leneria was there, attending to various duties in the medical suite. She was just as naked and captivating as ever."Oh, hello Commander Telegin. It is good to see you awake again."

  "How long was I out?" asked Angelo.

  "Three days," she said calmly. "Two due to your collapse and one additional that the med unit recommended to help you recuperate."

  "Wow," said Angelo. "I was...I was different. It felt like I was another person then."

  "In a way, you were," she said.

  She crossed over to stand beside him.

  "Commander, I owe you a most sincere apology. I was remiss in my duties. If I had been checking on you regularly, your hormonal levels wouldn't have gotten to where they were. I let...I let my feelings get in the way of proper judgment. Since Aquilans don't generally have to negotiate with feelings, it was a difficult situation."

  "Apology accepted," said Angelo. "And Leneria, I was avoiding you as well - so no harm, no foul."

  "I'm not familiar with that expression - but there was harm. You quite nearly died."

  "But I didn't, and I'm fine, right?"

  "Yes," she said. "I have adjusted your levels with a skin patch which will regulate you more efficiently. Your libido won't be as heightened before your collapse, but you will still be quite able to function enthusiastically and often. Well, goodbye."

  "Goodbye?" said Angelo. "Leneria, do you truly intend to become a doctor?"

  "Of course," said Leneria. "I sit the exam next week."

  "And do you intend on only treating Aquilans?"

  "Well, no," said Leneria. "Of course, that is my primary goal - but I would hope I could eventually be of assistance to the broader population."

  Angelo pondered this.

  "If you're going to treat 'true' humans, you will need to work on your bedside manner."

  "I have read that term, and I still don't comprehend its meaning. I have been at the bedside for the past several minutes. I have minded my manners, including issuing what I believed was a formal and proper apology. I don't know what else I could do."

  "Bedside manner," explained Angelo, "is the ability to express empathy."

  "But I don't," said Leneria, coldly. "I don't feel, so I certainly wouldn't be able to exhibit that terrible human trait."

  Angelo found her marvelous features even more fascinating when they were lit up by a blush.

  "I said 'express' empathy," he said. "There are some physicians who are born with natural empathy, but others have to learn how to at least look like they understand how the patient is feeling. Sometimes it's as simple as echoing back the patient's thoughts. For example - ask how I am feeling."

  "So, is this role playing?" asked Leneria.

  "Yes, and no," said Angelo with a smile. "I am just coming out of a three day coma. So, ask me how I'm feeling."

  "How are you feeling, Commander Telegin?"

  "I feel a bit weak,' said Angelo. "Now, you echo that back in your own words."

  "Very well," said Leneria. "I am sorry that you feel weak? Is that a correct response?"

  "Perfect," said Angelo. "I'm also hungry. Am I allowed to eat?"

  "Why yes, of course," said Leneria. "I... understand why you would be hungry, it has been a while since you've eaten. Can I offer you something?"

  "Very good," said Angelo. "And yes, I would lo
ve something to eat. You choose."

  Leneria went to the food unit and dialed up Angelo's past order history. She selected something nutritious that would also help him continue to recover. Returning, she punched in the commands to bring his bed to a sitting position. She watched him eat in silent fascination, continually playing the role of observer. Angelo was so used to the Aquilan's odd ways, he let the scrutiny pass.

  "Is there anything else you need?" she asked after she cleared the dishes.

  Angelo contemplated this request and wondered just how far he could push Leneria down the emotional path she was traversing. He figured there was really nothing to lose. He was roughly halfway through his time aboard the ship. It was time to either drift into sadness and anger like his predecessors - or try something new.

  "Well," said Angelo. "I have been missing the chance to sleep next to someone."

  "I don't understand that statement," said Leneria. "Sleep is a basic human need. What purpose could sleeping next to someone serve?"

  "Bedside manner," said Angelo. "I'm the patient. I've expressed my feelings - it is up to you to determine how to react."

  "Are you trying to tell me that a human doctor would sleep next to her patient if so requested?" said Leneria in a dubious tone.

  "No," said Angelo. "But it's hard to predict what a human doctor would do if she'd been the one who had shirked her duties and allowed an alien visitor to go into sexual overload."

  Leneria contemplated this and finally blew out a sigh of frustration.

  "If I did enter the bed with you, it would not lead to coitus?"

  "I didn't say that," said Angelo. "But no, that is not my primary intent."

  "Very well," said Leneria.

  She punched the display and the medical couch widened to be more than big enough for two people.

  She climbed up on the padded surface and lay down, staring up at the ceiling.

  "I am here now, Commander Telegin," said Leneria. "You may now go to sleep."

  "Nope," said Angelo. "That's not how it works. You need lie on my shoulder."

  "Oh for the ancestors' sake!" she said.

  "I'm the patient."

  She sighed in frustration.

  "Alright. Tell me what I should do."

  Angelo stretched out his arm and pulled her toward him.

  "Just lay your head there, like that," he encouraged her. "Now put your hand on my chest. Good. Now put your leg across mine."

  "But won't it be too stimulating?" asked Leneria. "I find this sort of proximity and this much skin contact rather sexual."

  "It doesn't have to be," said Angelo. "This is nice. This is comfortable. We'll just lie here and go to sleep."

  "I have to sleep too?" she asked, lifting her head to look into his eyes.

  "You don't have to," said Angelo. "But what else are you going to do?"

  He gently reached up and pushed her head back down.

  In truth, it was quite erotic: her lovely skin against his; their naked bodies entwined. Had it not been for the fact he was still recovering and she was exhausted from watching over him almost constantly the past three days, something might have happened. As it was, Leneria found her eyelids growing heavy within minutes.

  She yawned.

  "This is actually quite pleasant, Commander," she murmured.

  "See?" he said, responding with a yawn of his own. "Just think what you all have been missing."

  This time, it was Leneria's hand who sought out Angelo's. She breathed a final sigh of contentment as they drifted off to sleep.


  "What are they doing?" whispered a voice.

  "I'm not sure," whispered another.

  Angelo's eyes fluttered open.

  Leneria was still blissfully draped across him, her breathing was deep and peaceful.

  Menaea, Marcus, and Lietseleh were at the end of the medical couch, staring at them with intense curiosity. Menaea was turning her head one way and another, trying to make sense out of the scenario before her.

  "Good morning," said Angelo.

  "Good day, Commander," said Marcus. "We trust you are recovering well."

  "I'm feeling much better, thank you."

  "Might I ask what you're doing?" said Menaea.

  "Well, I was sleeping," explained Angelo. "We were sleeping, it seems Leneria still is."

  "She was," said Leneria with a yawn. "Oh Commander, what a restful sleep that was. I see why you recommended it for healing. Oh, hello."

  She had just noticed their three observers.

  "Leneria, what are you doing?" asked Lietseleh. "Why are you sleeping all tangled up with the Commander?"

  "It was at his request," explained Leneria. "Bedside manner - full-human traditions, hard to explain."

  "I see," said Lietseleh.

  It was clear she didn't see.

  "Do you plan on coupling with him?" asked Menaea. "His ability to regain an erection seems quite intact after his medical scare. Is it safe to provide him sexual relief yet?"


  Leneria's hand sought out the object in question and came to rest on it gently.

  "I will have to see," she said with a blush. "I need to run some scans. Please leave us now, and I will ascertain the Commander's condition. Thank you."

  The three visitors saw themselves out and Leneria closed the door, taking the unusual step of sealing it and darkening the window. As she returned to Angelo, she tapped the control screen to disable all video feeds in the medical suite.

  "I told a slight fib, Commander," she said in sultry tone. "You have been quite functional and safe for some time when it comes to sexual contact - but for some reason I felt the need to be alone with you. Why would that be?"

  "I wouldn't have the slightest idea," said Angelo.

  Though he had some suspicion, he dared not voice it for fear of breaking the mood.

  Leneria climbed back upon the medical couch and climbed across Angelo's body - her legs straddling his hips - her body draping across his - her breasts brushing teasingly across his chest.

  "I've been having the strangest images in my mind, Commander," said Leneria. "All of the talk aboard ship is of your exploits in the group sex lounge."

  "The ones that nearly killed me?"

  "The same," she whispered. "But strangely, I do not wish to perform such athletic feats with you. After spending the night with you, my mind is filled with the most tender images. Isn't that strange, Commander? Isn't it odd that my imagination should conjure up visions of you and I having gentle and intense sexual congress?"

  "It doesn't seem so odd to me," replied Angelo.

  With a sigh, Leneria pushed herself down upon Angelo's well-recovered stiffness.

  "Oh Commander," she murmured. "What is it you do to me? With you inside of me, I feel like I am a different person - like you belong there? What of that? Can you explain that?"

  Again, Angelo thought it best not to answer her question for fear it might spoil the moment if she suspected the true answer.

  Their sex was intense and deliberate. She rode his cock slowly, feeling the need to savor every moment of their union - to feel every millimeter of his shaft as it seemed to roll in and out of her with perfect fluidity.

  She was certain she could feel each ridge and vein on his cock. He was convinced he knew where each muscle of her beautiful pussy was as she squeezed him expertly.

  They were soon both sweating, not from exertion but from the intense silent battle they seemed to have entered with each other. Both of them were on the verge of an orgasm, but neither wanted to surrender to the final pleasure.

  "Commander, I am so close," whispered Leneria.

  It had been nearly three-quarters of an hour and their slow horizontal dance had scarcely varied in pace. They had switched positions once so that he was on top, but they had alternated once again with her sliding up and down above him.

  "I am, too," said Angelo. "Maybe I could help move things along."

his final word, he had thrust upward inside of her in a surprise move.


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