Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 2 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series)

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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 2 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series) Page 27

by Charlie Buxton

  "Algra has lived alone and free out in the Embervine Forest for months now. I've heard of at least twenty orcs who went out there to challenge her and came back with nothing but bumps and bruises having been soundly beaten and then gifted back to their former masters by her. She didn't seem to want to return until you brought her back here."

  Rudd chuckled and finished the cup he'd been sipping at throughout his explanation before pouring himself another.

  "So why did she choose me then?" Gregory found it hard to believe that Algra had willingly sent many of her own people packing but had voluntarily tried to take him on the road.

  "I suspect she was in heat and required some relief." Rudd chuckled as Gregory felt heat suddenly rush to his cheeks. "Orc women do that. They're always a rather, ahem, vigorous people but an orc female in heat can be very...demanding. She was probably wanting to use you and then free you." Rudd lifted his feet to rest on a small stool nearby.

  "Oh. I see." That explained a great deal. "So I've managed to get myself a highly prestigious slave and piss off Grolfir at the same time." He leaned forwards, drained a good deal of his cup in a few deep gulps and rested his head against his hand shortly after.

  "There now old boy, you'll be fine. Grolfir's been known to lose his temper from time to time but he's an awfully decent sort once you get to know him. Algra's refusal to be taken beneath his wing is a bit of a mystery to us all actually. If I might ask, why did you come here?" Rudd's voice turned from amused to sympathetic.

  "I came here with two people. I think some orc traders might have taken them. They have something I really need." Gregory lifted his head to look over at Rudd who was studying him curiously.

  "I see. Well in orc lands we must obey orc rules of course. Except for me and my friends out there. Diplomatic immunity is rather wonderful you know." He grinned and poured himself another cup. The man certainly put that stuff away quickly. "Though I suppose if you asked you could be taken to see the human slaves. They're usually treated decently unless they're disrespectful. In fact I'm not too proud to say that a few peasants have escaped from our kingdom looking to be taken into work by the orcs. Bloody short crop this year and all."

  "Well won't I get challenged if I go out there?" Gregory asked whilst running his fingers through his messy black locks.

  "I doubt it. You own Algra and if she's brought you here I daresay she'd step in to fight for you. That's allowed. You might get a challenge from some hot head of course but I doubt any of them would want to step up against Algra Strongblood. She has quite the reputation for brutality." Rudd stood up and moved to the door to his caravan. "Come on, I'll take you myself if you like. I find it hard to resist being part of a scandal."Reluctantly, Gregory stood and followed Rudd out of the caravan. A few of the other humans looked at them curiously before going back to their business. Rudd led him along the paths telling him this and that about orc society. Despite his current circumstances Gregory was quite fascinated by the ways of the great green giants. They were a hard people to be sure but their odd way of establishing a hierarchy had a great deal of honour to it. Apparently it was considered a very low thing to abuse a slave after winning a challenge. Sometimes a harsh gesture of devotion was required if the challenge was particularly violent such as the loser scarring themselves or breaking a bone to honour the victor. Beyond that however, masters being cruel to their slaves was practically unheard of. Rudd said it had something to do with almost everyone being a slave to someone else.

  They arrived at the trader's tents and Gregory saw a few more humans there going about setting up a cooking spit and a couple more sharpening some orcish swords. Upon spotting them, a heavy set orc stepped up and set his giant fists on his hips. He then said something in orcish that Gregory couldn't understand. Luckily Rudd picked it up easily and replied in the series of rhythmic beats of sound that made up their language.

  "He says hello." Rudd explained as he turned to look at Gregory. "What do your friends look like?"

  Well they weren't exactly his friends but he wasn't about to point that out.

  "They're both my age, a guy and a girl. He's my height, pretty strong, shaven head, pale skin. She's slim, red hair, kind of..." Gregory lifted his hands over his chest and mimed a well endowed pair of tits.

  Rudd chuckled before translating to the orc. The descriptions he gave drew a frown from the creature and he started speaking faster in an obviously annoyed manner at the emissary.

  "Ah. It seems that your friends have committed a crime. Yes. Apparently after they were taken the bald one tried to cut the throats of one of this gentleman's friends. He's been nothing but trouble since then. They assumed that the pair were bandits and...oh dear." Rudd lifted his hand to rub his temples as the big orc turned and led them across the way.

  Fearing the worst, Gregory followed and soon saw the criss-cross pattern of a caged floor resting over a very large hole in the ground. As they approached this pit which was set quite a bit away from the tents the smell hit them like a brick wall. Rudd immediately turned and vomited up his few cups of wine and Gregory nearly followed along, barely managing to keep down the dinner Algra had made for him.

  The overpowering smell of shit was daunting as they moved over to the pit and looked down inside. There Gregory didn't see the gaunt faces of unruly slaves as he'd expected but rather a machine. It was a large circular slab of wood with handles coming off in four directions. On three of these handles three large naked male orcs pushed relentlessly and on the remaining handle Gregory spotted Freddie, naked as the day he was born trying to shove his handle along and keep the machine turning.

  "What is this?" Gregory asked, placing his hand firmly over his mouth and nose.

  "Orc punishment. These are criminals. Most are executed on the spot but the especially annoying ones get put them down there. We gave them that machine years ago. It's connected to pipes that run under the campsite. The sewage system." Rudd explained in a shaky voice.

  He couldn't stand there any longer so Gregory turned and led the way back toward the tents. As soon as the orc and Rudd joined him he spoke again.

  "Alright then, where's the girl?" If they had done that to Freddie he almost shuddered to think what was happening to Janette right now.

  Rudd translated after his stomach had finally settled. The orc didn't seem quite so displeased this time and led them to a tent before opening it up and this time waiting for Gregory to step inside.

  "Ah." Rudd suddenly remarked.

  "What?" Gregory turned around.

  "Yes, well, no go ahead. She's in there." He was nibbling at his upper lip and avoiding Gregory's eyes.

  This did nothing to reassure Gregory who stepped into the tent apprehensively. He found it was a sizable pavilion much like Algra's with cushions laid out on the ground and a large curtain parting one half from the other. He wasn't especially thrilled when the flap of the tent closed behind him and neither the orc nor Rudd stepped inside with him.

  "Hello?" He lowered himself to sit in amongst the cushions.

  The curtain abruptly swept upward revealing Janette laid in amongst the pillows wearing only her bra and a strip of material that could barely be called a thong over her pussy. She was laid back with her eyes closed and her legs parted for his viewing pleasure. Her hands stroked up along her flat belly to trace the curves of her heaving tits. Slowly, she rolled onto her front and lifted herself up onto her hands and knees. Gregory saw as her thighs parted and her bare ass lifted into the air before his eyes, the movement of her body pulling the tiny scrap of material between her legs tight against her pussy. He could see the outline of the soft petals of her cunt through the material. Her snowy skin turned a healthy bright pink at the apex of her thighs and it was obvious that her pussy was smooth shaven. Never in all his life would he have imagined this gorgeous cold hearted redhead displaying herself like this for him.

  Rising to kneel upright, her face still looking away from him, she moved her hands behind her back
to slowly loosen her dark red bra until the straps unclasped and the flimsy material fell around her shoulders. He glimpsed the sides of her large tits from where he was sat as she lifted her hands over her head and showed off the flawless skin of her back and her gorgeous tight ass for his viewing pleasure.

  "J-Janette?" He managed to squeak out after a few moments.

  Suddenly she recognised the voice and turned around, her pretty face filled with shock.

  "Greg!? What the hell are you doing?" She squealed as her hands came up to cover her bare tits. They hardly covered much.

  "What the hell am I doing!?" He stared on with wide eyed awe.

  "How did you get here?" She turned away from him and grabbed her bra, slipping it back into place and fastening it once more. Jesus wept.

  "I hired a guide. Janette what is all this!? Have they..." He trailed off, not particularly wanting to mention his thoughts right then.

  "Uh? Oh! No, no nothing like that. It turns out that these things like strippers. I wasn't exactly overjoyed about it but...well I was considering it back home and it sure as hell beat the alternative."

  "So you're not..."

  "Whoring myself out to orcs? No Greg. I have standards. Surprised?" She growled.

  "Well I do know your boyfriend." He grumbled.

  "Freddie!? Is he still here? The fucking idiot got that damn knife out again after we were taken. They tied us up but he got free and went for one of them whilst they were asleep. Turns out orcs are pretty light sleepers. Last I saw they threw him into some stink pit and then I got put in here. They said I dance or I join him." She was looking at the floor, curling her nose at the thought.

  "Janette. Where's the ring?" Gregory asked steadily.

  "What ring?" She frowned at him.

  "The one I found that Freddie made you put on."

  "Gregory get some perspective will you!? We're trapped in a camp of orcs for fuck sake. Now is not the time to accessorise."

  He rolled his eyes and rubbed his brow. This was beginning to give him a headache.

  "You put the ring on and we ended up here. I figure if you put it on again then we go back home." He tried to keep his voice civil.

  "Greg this isn't one of those stupid books you read, this is real, we've got to..."

  "We're sat in the middle of a camp full of orcs you stupid idiot! None of this should be real!" Gregory bellowed, no longer quite able to hold back.

  The sudden outburst made Janette suddenly fall back on her bare butt. She'd given him quite a lot of shit over the years but he'd never spoken to her like that. Sitting and staring like he'd struck her, she watched as he took a breath and shook his head.

  "Look, just humour me ok? Where's the ring? You're not wearing it. I swear if Freddie's hidden it up his arse I'm just staying here and setting up a tent."

  "It...I don't know. The orcs found us whilst we were out cold. We woke up on their cart and the ring was gone." She spoke in a notably smaller voice than she had before.

  "Alright. The orcs might have taken it. I'll ask around." He turned to leave.

  "Wait! What about me? What about Freddie? How are you even walking around out there?" Her eyes moved to the crack in the cloth where she could see a tiny sliver of the world outside.

  Gregory stopped and turned back to her. In any other circumstance he'd probably just have stormed out but if he had a weakness it was definitely hot redheads in their underwear.

  "Look, I'll try to spring you. The guy out here that owns you seems alright. I have no idea how much you cost but I'll see what I can do."

  "How much I cost!? You're not buying a side of beef Greg." She folded her arms huffily.

  "Hey you want me to complain you're not doing your job?" He wouldn't of course but she didn't know that.

  "You wish." She mumbled under her breath.

  "Actually I don't need to. That was a hell of a show. Look Janette, orcs don't really seem so bad. You're in here because they think you're a bandit because you turned up with Freddie and he tried to kill one of them." Gregory explained patiently.

  "But I didn't! Why do I have to..." She fell silent as Gregory lifted his hand in a peaceable gesture.

  "I know you didn't but that's their way. Just be glad you're not with Freddie right now. I'll speak with the big orc about you. I've got some friends around here." He assured her, his expression and tone became a little gentler.

  "How are you friends with these things?" She looked him over like he might sprout tusks at any moment.

  "It's called 'not being a douche'. I'll be back as soon as I can..." With that he turned and slipped out of the tent.

  Rudd and the orc were waiting outside. Apparently they had taken the time to let the orc show Rudd some of his other wares. He wasn't just a slave trader it seemed and had many other items for sale. Rudd was testing the swing of an orc sword that was almost as large as he was tall.

  "Ah! The legend returns!" Rudd remarked with a grin as he hefted the sword back onto the table it had been lifted from and turned to Gregory.

  "Rudd, why hasn't Janette been challenged? She got caught with Freddie but after what you've told me she has the right to defend herself doesn't she?" Gregory asked as he continued to think about cold weather and large insects in an effort to get the image of the gorgeous scantily clad Janette un-burned from his retinas.

  This time Rudd didn't even need to confer with the orc before replying.

  "It was her companion's fault. They were going to be taken here and then challenged tomorrow before being put to work but after the boy tried to attack them whilst they slept they forfeited the right to a challenge. Orcs hate nothing more than dishonour and there's not much more dishonourable than sneaking up on a sleeping foe with murder in mind. After he tried that they were both deemed bandits and..." He gestured toward Janette's tent and Freddie's pit as if to say 'the rest is history.'

  "Could I challenge the orc for her?" He asked after taking a deep breath and revelling for a moment in his own idiocy at the idea.

  Rudd blinked and then laughed nervously before glancing to the orc and then back to Gregory.

  "You could but I don't suggest doing so unless you want to get your brains beaten in. This fellow looks like all he'd need to do to squash you into mush would be to sit on you."

  "Yeah well." Gregory pulled his sweater over his head to show a tightly fitting vest beneath. The baggy clothes he wore hid the incredibly well built figure beneath quite well. Well enough that one of the passing women was paying so much attention as she walked by that she fell over a man crouching by the fire. "Lets do it anyway."

  Rudd seemed half impressed at the action. Of course he also seemed half baffled as to why his new young friend was so eager to get the living piss beaten out of him.

  "Very well." The emissary turned and spoke to the orc in a tone that seemed more formal as Gregory stretched out his arms and took a few steps back before turning to face the orc.

  The great lug of a slave merchant actually broke into a long deep throated laugh at the words of the emissary. Gregory shifted his weight from one leg to the other, affirming his balance and preparing himself for what was sure to be one of the more interesting battles of his life. The big orc nodded in agreement with Rudd and then gestured absently to Janette's tent. Rudd turned around and slipped inside to return followed by Janette herself a few moments after. She was still wearing that incredibly distracting bra and those barely there panties as she walked over the dirt on bare feet looking unsure of herself. Gregory never took his eyes off of the orc.

  That was when Algra showed up followed shortly after by her uncle.

  "What this?" Algra asked, clearly alarmed at the situation given the obvious size difference between the orc and her lover.

  "The young master Gregory has challenged this fellow for the rights to this here slave." Rudd explained diplomatically.

  Hearing this, Algra stepped between the orc and Gregory before turning to her master.

  "Why do this
? Come. We go fuck. Put silly girl out of mind." Algra announced to Gregory and anyone else in the vicinity with ears.

  That definitely got her his full attention. Ever since Algra had arrived the merchant had suddenly become very unsure of himself however, it was unlikely he'd attack without warning.

  " that's not what this is Algra. That's Janette, she's one of the ones I travelled here with."

  Algra looked over Janette with a more critical eye.

  "You say you not have woman." The female accused.

  "I don't. Actually she's more of an arch-nemesis. Still, I can't just leave her here alone."

  "I like you master. I not see you broken." Algra put her hands on his forearms, her touch brought with it many pleasant memories.

  "I have to, Algra."

  "Then I fight for you." She spoke up. Clearly the orc merchant had been dreading these words and groaned audibly at his foul luck.


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