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Immortal Page 9

by Lacy Armendariz

  “Yeah, if you want to be an elf remaining under his authority all your life.” Tristen sighed. “What did you say to him?”

  “I told him I would be no part of it, but I do not know what to do.”

  “I do not know how to find the Sea Child myself, but my father does.” Tristen answered.

  “He told me of the Sea Child. But no, he never said a word about the map.”

  Tristen’s brows furrowed. He gently rubbed his chin with his finger. “I think we should speak to my father about this. He could help.”

  “Really? Your father would help me?”

  “He certainly would!”

  “It would throw us off track,” Staysia sighed.

  “What is the rush, Staysia?”

  “I-I must find the man who killed them! Don’t you understand? He could leave Gnome Hills. He could go somewhere that I cannot find him. Don’t you see?” She dropped the water sword back into the water, and began to walk back towards Jasper.

  “Staysia!” Tristen came up to her and put his arm around her. “It will be okay, everything is going to work out, you will see. Let me take you to my father.”

  Staysia stopped walking. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. Okay, I will see him first. Take me to him.”

  “You will not regret this!” Tristen kissed her on her cheek.

  “What is going on with you, Staysia? Do you feel this is a good time to be playing in the water?” Jasper asked her.

  “We are off to see Cove, Jasper.” Staysia said.

  “Cove? Why are we going to see Cove? All this man has done for us is thrown us off our course! What if Gabriel comes looking for us and cannot find us?”

  “I will tell you later, Jasper.”

  “Bah!” Jasper grumbled.

  “My Father is not far from here,” Tristen said. “I think Staysia should speak to him face to face.”

  “I don’t want to start a war between Nox and your father.” Staysia said.

  “That won’t happen. My father would be angry if I did not bring you to him. We will be back on the road to Gnome Hills soon. Follow us, Jasper.”

  “This is about the immortal who has been troubling Staysia?” Jasper asked.

  “Yes,” Staysia answered.

  “In that case, I will be right behind you!” said Jasper.

  They made their way to Cove’s headquarters.

  She’s a Witch!

  The hut was dim; the only light being the fire and candles that the witch burned to set the scene for romance with Gabriel. She got up and elegantly strolled into the kitchen to pour wine for the two of them. When she returned, they toasted and looked into each other’s eyes. The witch’s only plans for Gabriel was to keep him for herself. She had always wanted a handsome man like Gabriel and she liked the thought of him being all her own.

  She moved his hair out of his eyes with her finger. “You have stunning eyes!”

  “Thank you Staysia, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

  The witch covered her mouth and giggled in an attempt to be feminine as Staysia, something that the witch was not very good at.

  “I must go for a moment to pick us some berries, my love, I will be back soon. Stay put!”

  “I will!” Gabriel smiled and folded his hands behind his head.

  He was now alone inside the witch’s hut. Rain began to fall outside. He listened to the rain fall and thought about Isis being out in the rain all by herself. He thought it strange that Isis had not been mentioned. He decided he would go outside and look for the unicorn. He opened the door and saw the witch whom he thought was Staysia. He walked toward her and heard her speaking to someone. When he saw that she was talking to a witch. He quickly hid behind a tree and listened.

  “What are you going to do with the man?” one witch asked the other.

  “I will keep him for my own!” she swung her head back and laughed.

  “Hee! Hee! Hee!” the both of them cackled.

  “She’s a witch!” he whispered to himself. “I’ve got to get out of here!”

  He ran into the forest without looking back. When he grew tired from running, he sat down on a large rock with his elbows on his knees. “Staysia, where are you?” he sighed.

  “Gabriel!” He heard a voice calling him.

  “Hello?” he replied, looking around the forest.

  “It is I, the Mother of the Fairies. Gabriel, I am going to help you get back to Staysia. She has lost her necklace, but it will be returned to her. She is on her way to the home of Cove, God of the Sea. If you hurry, you can meet her there. There is a sea creature awaiting you. Go on! Go on!”

  Gabriel began to run to the sea, he didn’t stop until he got there. As promised, there awaiting him was the majestic sea creature. Her scales were brown and black. Her three humps stuck out of the water. Her tail curled around under her chin. When she heard Gabriel, she turned her head. The creature’s ears were long and draped down on each side of her head. She had long eye lashes and gray eyes; the face of a dragon. She had spikes that ran down her back like a dinosaur. The creature was large, but kind.

  A bubble formed and rose above the water; inside, was a plant, it floated and hovered in front of Gabriel’s face. Gabriel held out his hand and the bubble popped. The plant fell into his hand.

  “Take of the plant, it will grant you temporary gills. You will need them to make it to the bottom of the sea, to the house of Cove,” the sea monster said.

  Gabriel tilted his hand from side to side and looked at the plant and ate it. It tasted like an apple. “Not bad!” he said. Gills instantly grew on each side of his neck. He felt of them.

  “Amazing!” he said. He threw his leg around the creature.

  “Hello Gabriel, I’m Zenya, I will take you to Cove’s place. Wrap your arms tight around my neck.”

  Gabriel did as she asked him, and Zenya dove across the sea to the deep. Gabriel inhaled and felt the water enter his lungs. They shot deeper and deeper into the sea. They crossed a fish woman who waved to Gabriel. She grabbed a hold of the creature’s tail to catch a ride. When they swam past a cave, the fish woman let go and waved to them. “Goodbye!” her voice echoed.

  Zenya moved in a wave-like motion. Gabriel was awestruck by the beauty he saw. The deeper they went, the more beautiful the surroundings became. A group of Jackolantern fish swam passed them. Their triangle shaped eyes were aglow, along with their smiling mouths and sharp teeth.

  When they reached the bottom of the sea, there were so many vivid colors. There were florescent pinks, purples, and greens. The plants swayed as Zenya glided above them. Fish of every color swam in schools in and out of the plants and rocks. The whales sang their songs. A golden light suddenly shone in the distance. “Almost there!” Zenya called.

  * * *

  There was a golden glow around the door. Staysia looked up at the large home of Cove. “Come on!” Tristen called to her. Staysia took Jasper’s hand and entered the house. The house was lit by Disco fish and glowing Eels, Fire plants and the likes. The ceiling was high, until they came to a tunnel with a stone over the entryway.

  A screen appeared on the stone, and a woman’s face appeared. “Tristen! Hi! Who are your friends?”

  “Abbi! This is Staysia and Jasper. We need to speak to father for a moment.” Tristen replied.

  She met eyes with Staysia. “Hello! Welcome to our salty home! Come in!” She looked down at Jasper and smiled. The stone moved to the side, making an opening to the tunnel. Tristen looked back at Staysia and smiled. She smiled back at him and squeezed Jasper’s hand.

  The tunnel was narrow and dark and empty. When they got to the other side, the home became brightly lit with a red light. There were fish men lined on each side of them, playing an aquatic symphony. Behind them, were fish women singing along. The music was triumphant, and made Staysia and Jasper even more excited to meet Cove, and to be there in his home. The floors were covered in purple plants and yellow flowers.

  They entered yet another room. There were several women and men in this room, they were not fish women and men, but they had gills. Several women giggled and waved to Tristen. Tristen raised his brows and smiled at Staysia. She smiled back and shook her head.

  “It’s Tristen!” A young girl called as she hurried over to Tristen and threw her arms around his neck.

  “This is my niece, Staysia—Jasper. Her name is Bree,” Tristen said.

  “Hello, Bree! It’s nice to meet you!” Staysia said.

  “You brought a troll!” she exclaimed, as she swam around Jasper; studying him.

  “Bree! Stop now!” Tristen told her.

  “Hee! Hee! Sorry! Grandfather is in the library.” Bree said.

  “Thank you, sweetheart,” Tristen said as he led the way to the library. Staysia and Jasper followed.

  When they went around the corner they heard a man scream, it was Cove. “I’ll get you!” he screamed as he swam into a small crevice between a bookshelf and the wall.

  “Father,” Tristen said with his brows raised. There was a thud, and soon there was a handsome face peering from behind the book shelf. He had blonde hair that waved in the water around his face. His eyes were a deep green. It was obvious where Tristen had gotten his nose. His father’s was pointy, but not too much as well. He had plump lips and thick brows. His physic was spectacular. He had dark skin. He was the ideal model for perfection.

  “Are you chasing that fat rat again?” Tristen asked with a smile.

  “I’m going to get him!” his father answered.

  “I don’t think you even come in here to read anymore. All you do is chase down that rat!”

  “Ha! You may be right about that, Tristen.” His father moved from behind the book shelf. He had a tail as a fish man. “Who are your friends?” he asked. Tristen introduced them.

  “We need your help,” Tristen said.

  “Go on . . .” Cove rubbed his chin.

  “It’s Nox,” Tristen began.

  “I was afraid of that,” said Cove.

  “He wants Staysia to bring him the map to the Sea Child.”

  “Ha! Of course he does. He has made a deal with you for the map, yes? A deal that excludes him from doing anything but bargaining for the map?” Cove asked her.

  “Well yes, he has offered me eternal life himself. Jasper says I would have to become an elf or a troll, and that only the Sea Child can give me life forever as a human.”

  “Of course! Nox would like to get his hands on the map to keep you from finding the Child yourself. Nox is much too sly to merely take the map.”

  “But I don’t understand what any of this is about.”

  “I have been wanting to meet you, Staysia. I just didn’t think that you would be the one to come to me. The Sea Child knows you, Staysia.” Cove put his hand on Staysia’s shoulder. “I cannot tell you anything more.”

  “Why not?” Staysia asked.

  “The man who has the map is preparing for his trip to find the Sea Child.” Cove explained.

  “What do we do?” Staysia asked.

  “Continue to Gnome Hills.” He faced Tristen. “You don’t need any more troubles for your journey, get the map from Griffon.”

  “Griffon is his name?” Staysia asked. “Are you sure? Look I have the tooth of the man who killed them.” She pulled the tooth out of her bag and showed it to Cove. “I mean, this tooth was left behind for a reason. It was left behind so I could find him and kill him myself!”

  “Yes, that is Griffon’s tooth alright,” said Cove.

  “Staysia,” Tristen said. “It all makes perfect sense, where would you be if you hadn’t have ever found it? At home? You wouldn’t be here, would you?”

  “N-No, I guess not.”

  “You wouldn’t have met me, would you have?” Tristen asked her.

  “Well no,” she replied.

  “She wouldn’t have met Gabriel and I neither.” Jasper added.

  “Staysia, what my son says is true. You did find it for a reason, maybe just not the reason you thought.” Cove said.

  “I want him to pay for what he did! And Nox has taken my unicorn, I must get her back!” Staysia said.

  “You leave that to me,” said Cove. “Get the map and go to the Sea Child.”

  Staysia hesitated. “As long as you make him pay for what he did,” Staysia said.

  “I will make sure of it.” Cove said. “Watch out for Nox, Tristen. Once you have the map Mirideous will take you to the Sea Child. Do not follow the map. You will get there much quicker and take Nox by surprise if you let her take you.” Cove instructed, speaking of the sea creature that was waiting outside for them.

  “Yes father, I will do as you have asked. We will be on our way to Gnome Hills now.”

  “Thank you,” Staysia said.

  Cove scratched his head and looked around the floors of the room. Tristen rolled his eyes and shook his head. “The rat?”

  Cove shrugged his shoulders, smiled, and shooed them away. “Go on!” he said. Tristen laughed and put his hand on Staysia’s back to guide her out of the room.

  * * *

  Gabriel watched as the gold light got larger and larger. When he arrived at Cove’s house, he slowly slid down the side of Zenya and walked towards the house. He looked back at Zenya before knocking on the door.

  Abbi answered the door. “May I help you?”

  “I am looking for Staysia.”

  “Who are you?”

  “I am Gabriel the Great Beast Tamer, and close friend of Staysia. Is she here, or has she already gone?”

  “I’m sorry. I do not know who Staysia is.”

  “She was traveling with a troll.” Gabriel held his hand out about Jasper’s height.

  “Oh yes! They just left.”

  “Great,” Gabriel sighed. “Well then, I guess I must go find her.”

  “I believe they were headed towards he Rock Mass. You can meet up with her there if you hurry.”

  A Little Too Late

  Staysia rode behind Tristen on Gabriel’s horse. She rode in silence. She wished she had a better understanding of why all of this was happening to her. She didn’t know what she was doing anymore. Everything had changed. Now she was dealing with gods, not just a human. Griffon would get what he deserved, this she was sure of. The cold truth had hit her. Her parents were gone and there was no longer a mystery, there was no plan or nothing left to do. Why would the Sea Child give me eternity without them? She thought. If the Sea Child knows me all so well, then the Sea Child should know I do not wish to go on forever without them. I really don’t. She felt tired. She closed her eyes and laid her head down on Tristen’s back and fell asleep.

  “We’re here!” Tristen’s voice was the next thing she heard.

  “Where?” she asked, lazily.

  “The serpent is just around the corner.” Tristen replied. He jumped off of the horse and held his hand out to Staysia. “Come here for a moment,” he said. Staysia took his hand and stood facing him. He gave her a hug. “Are you ready for this?”

  Staysia looked at the ground. “Look at me, Staysia.” Staysia looked him in the eyes.

  “Are you ready for this?” he asked her.

  “Yes, I am ready.”

  “Alright—” He smiled at her. Staysia smiled back and wrapped her arms around his neck, and gave him a tight hug. “Thank you, Tristen!” she said. Tristen brushed her cheek with the back of his hand and smiled.

  “Jasper, stay here with Barthesus and the horse. We will be back.”

  “I can go with you,” said Jasper.

  “No Jasper, I want you to stay behind. When Tristen whistles you hurry and get to us.”

  “Okay, be careful, Staysia!”

  “I will, Jasper.” She gave him a kiss on his forehead.

  “Let’s be on our way then,” she said to Tristen.

  They walked side by side into the forest. The forest was quiet. There were no animals wandering around. There were no birds sin
ging. All of the animals were afraid of the serpent. They held their hands on their swords as they neared the rock mass.

  “Hiss,” they heard.

  “That’s him, Staysia.” Tristen held his hand out in front of her.

  “SSSo—here you are, SSStaysia, I’ve been waiting for you.”

  Staysia turned to Tristen. “Did you hear that? He knows who I am!”

  “Come clossser and sssit for a while. Show your face. I could sssmell your ssscent from a mile away.” The serpent said.

  Tristen and Staysia turned a corner and could see the serpent coiled up in a ball. His forked tongue was fluttering on his lips. Tristen got in front of Staysia and held the serpent at point with his sword.

  “I sssmell sssomething or, sssomeone, rather. Who isss with you? Did you bring me sssupper?”

  “No one is with us! We just need to get to Gnome Hills.”

  “Thatsss what they all sssay. They all jussst need to get sssomewhere.” He rose his head in the air and sniffed.

  Staysia could see his heart throbbing just under his scaly skin. He continued to move his head forward until Tristen and Staysia could no longer see it.

  “Wait!” Staysia called as he got closer to Jasper.

  “Get over here and show me what you got!” Tristen called.

  Jasper sat leaned back in the seat of his buggy dangling his cat’s toy out in front of Barthesus, who struck at the toy, trying to get it in his mouth.

  “Hee! Hee!” Jasper laughed. Suddenly, a shadow cast over the face of the creeper. The creeper’s eyes widened. Jasper noticed the shadow and slowly turned his head. He tried to say Staysia, he tried to call Tristen, but could not get the words out. The creeper hissed at the serpent. The serpent laughed loudly. Suddenly, the serpent jerked his head around violently. “Take that!” Staysia screamed. She had struck him with her sword.

  “Careful!” Tristen warned, as the serpent’s tail swung around. It was too late. The serpent’s tail hit her in the head and knocked her out cold. “Staysia!” Tristen cried.


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