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Victoria Page 11

by Laura Marie Henion

  Looking away from him made it easier to tell such lies. Her heart raced, her stomach ached, but she forced herself to play the part.

  Bret put his hand on her knee, and she focused on her mission.

  "He's no good for you. You deserve so much more. I can give you anything you want, Victoria—anything.” He touched her cheek and inched his body closer to her on the couch.

  Victoria held her hand against his. She bowed her head and sighed, pretending to agree.

  He whispered to her, “You're so much better than them. You're destined to be with someone who can provide the finest things for you. Everything and anything your little heart desires."

  * * * *

  He lifted her chin with his hand, looking into her big brown eyes, knowing she needed him, wanted him to protect her, control her, own her, and he smiled. She would play the role of submissive when he finally had the chance to consummate this relationship, and the thought made him smile deep down inside. She hadn't a clue.

  Touching her, practically hearing the triumph that came with her defeat, he knew he couldn't have planned this better if he tried. Everything was working naturally and in his book, that meant fate was on his side.

  Staring at Victoria as she stared at her clasped hands, he had an overwhelming urge to take her right there on the couch. Consent or by force, it didn't really matter. He nearly ruled her, had her separating from her family, the family he hated. The Mardullo's and Malley's thought they owned this town. Their righteous ways stood in the way of every change he imagined achieving in River Point's re-birth. Danny Mardullo resisted change. Look where it landed him.

  Whoever stood in the way of his plans was certain to achieve the same fate.

  He refocused on Victoria and sealed the partnership she was oblivious to.

  "Tell me, baby, what do you want? What are your dreams?"

  * * * *

  Victoria followed the pattern of buttons on Bret's shirt, slowly raising her gaze until she was level with his. The gleam in his eyes, the confident, arrogant expression displayed that the sick bastard was on a power trip, capable of deceit, murder, and he offered to share it all with her. This was it.

  "I can't take it anymore, Bret. My family wants to control me, tell me who I should be with, what I should be doing. I'm sorry they won't give you a chance, that they hate you. I hate them for it!” She shocked herself at how convincing she sounded.

  In an instant, Bret's lips covered her own.

  He kissed her lips softly, then more deeply. His hands groped her shoulders, her back, her sides, like a slimy octopus, his hands were everywhere.

  Shifting in her seat, attempting to place some space between them and dislodge his lips from her own, she placed her hands against his chest.

  His breathing was rapid, his eyes red and savage like. Not capable of hiding her shock and apprehension, Bret smiled then calmly regained control.

  "I'm here for you. We're a team, you and I, and no one will break us. Between all of our connections, we can own this town, this county, if you're willing to be my partner?"

  His thumb caressed her chin before holding it between his palm and fingers.

  "What do I have to do?” Her eyes were wide, showed her innocence, fear, and vulnerability. He was confident and enjoyed this.

  "Whatever I ask you to. We can start tomorrow at the memorial for your father."

  Victoria was shocked. The son of a bitch was using her and she wondered why she was so surprised.

  "What do you have in mind, Bret? I'm not sure what you mean."

  Bret placed his hand on her inner thigh and leaned in to kiss her. She was disgusted, annoyed, and angry, but this was what Warren was looking for.

  "Trust me, Victoria, and we'll be rich."

  He continued to touch her, talk softly to her, and try to seduce her as his hand moved past her upper thigh.

  "Bret, please stop, we're moving too fast.” She pushed her hands against his chest. His body leaned against hers, pinning her to the couch.

  She was powerless against him and scared to think he would hurt her, or worse.

  "Does this have something to do with Steven?"

  "What?” Steven's name caught her off guard again. What was Bret planning? Her heart raced, her palms began to sweat, and her voice shook.

  "I know what you two once had.” He leaned closer, laid his lips against her neck, then down the valley between her breasts. When his tongue hit her blouse, he looked up into her eyes.

  "That's over now. He made his choice.” She prayed she sounded confident and that he didn't sense her shudder at the touch of his tongue against her chest. Nauseous feelings consumed her.

  "He's back in town and hanging around your family."

  "He can hang around them all he wants. It won't change how I feel about him or them, and especially not you."

  As if waiting for some convincing, he stared at her as he attempted to reveal her guilt.

  This time, Victoria took control, kissing Bret, trying to prove she wasn't lying.

  Praying that kissing was enough to convince him, she pretended defeat and conceded.

  He held her by her wrists, catching her off guard by his abrupt use of force. She wondered what this guy was capable of and her gut answered—murder. She hoped he didn't go any further.

  "Are you scared?"

  She shivered beneath him.

  He scattered tiny kisses against her neck and collarbone while he continued to press her wrists at her sides.

  "Why? Should I be?” She held her ground, unsure of whether that was the right angle, and to her relief, it was as he let go and pulled her off the couch.

  "Things just might work out between us after all."

  He held her in an embrace, his arm secure around her waist, staring into her eyes with such certainty, confidence, and control.

  "Next time, when you're feeling better, I'll be staying the night."

  He kissed her goodnight and left the condo as Victoria wondered what the hell had just happened.

  * * * *

  Brushing her hair, Victoria started to get ready for the ceremony when she heard the report on the television set. A patrol officer was missing from the River Point Police Department.

  She watched as the picture of the officer appeared on the top right corner of the TV.

  She didn't recognize the man in the picture at first, but after the newscaster said ‘Ronnie Chappa,’ she remembered who he was. He had been on the force for about five years and was a bit of a know it all. Her father didn't like him much, nor did a lot of the other cops. Most importantly, he was the one corrupt cop Colt and Warren mentioned, and she couldn't help but wonder if he was dead or if his disappearance had something to do with her father's case.

  Victoria didn't have time to call Warren. Her brother was on his way.

  Thinking about last night and the way Bret was acting, she couldn't help but think he was involved as well. The way he touched her and restrained her was the most frightening experience she ever had. As soon as she had the chance, she would share her concerns with Colt and Warren. Perhaps it was best if she weren't alone with Bret Collins.

  She looked at the clock knowing Peter would be here in five minutes. He was never late. She zipped up the short, one-piece, sleeveless dress. It was floral and bright, a state she tried mentally pretending to be in as she slipped on her white, high heel sandals to match.

  She had gone over everything with Bret this morning, despite her apprehension. The plan was certain to do more damage than just ruffle some feathers. The sensation of butterflies in her stomach was nearly overwhelming.

  Victoria looked in the mirror and applied her eight-hour lip color just as the doorbell rang.

  It was Peter, all right, and off they headed to pick up Mom and meet the rest of the family at the police station.

  When they arrived, they were surprised to see how many people showed up and how much media coverage there was as well. Photographers stood everywhere, and they
bombarded Victoria's mother and the rest of the family as they arrived.

  All the firemen and police officers in the family wore their uniforms. Victoria scanned the crowd, trying to deny whom she searched for. Her breath caught in her chest. She nearly died when Steven showed up behind her. Turning toward him, she consumed the sight of him wearing his full Marine Corps dress uniform, medals and all. He stared down at her, even if she had worn a pair of stilettos or ‘hooker heels’ as her brother called them, he would still be much taller.

  His body filled out the uniform jacket to perfection. Large, wide shoulders, a chest filled with medals, achievements, honorable, but her gaze passed them over and instead, followed the tapered jacket to his trim waist. The butterflies she had earlier, now felt more like a stampede of mice. Little claws, long, whipping tails, and vibrating whiskers had her stomach in knots and pain.

  He was gorgeous, from his military hairstyle, Rambo facial expression, all the way down to his shiny black uniform shoes. A complete fantasy package wrapped up and held together by the shiny brass buckle clipped slightly above the waist.

  Thoughts of slowly peeling the uniform from his body entered her mind along with a feverish state.

  Thank goodness, someone she knew walked by and said ‘hello,’ helping Victoria to avert her gaze from the only man she ever loved.

  Glancing around, further trying to avoid the awkwardness of the moment and her staring fit, she felt Steven move closer, and his hand brushed against her thigh as he reached for her arm.

  "You look lovely, Victoria, stunning actually.” Steven leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

  She gave a polite little smile and turned her head away, hoping to keep her emotions in tack and not reveal his effect on her. Steven seemed to see right through her act, and he looped his arm through hers as if he were her personal escort through the cameras and crowd of people. His hold was gentle, but controlling. His presence alone emitted superiority, pride, bravery, and mostly intimidation. She needed to get away from him and fast.

  She looked up at him, wanting to demand an explanation as to why was escorting her and what did he think he was doing, yet no sound came from her lips.

  "Don't look so scared, I won't bite."

  "I might!” she replied, then insisted he let go of her arm.

  She didn't know how to react when Bret showed up, blocking their path. He wasn't as tall or as superior as Steven was, not by a long shot, but he held his own while he introduced himself.

  "I'm Bret Collins, Steven. It's so nice to meet you. Victoria mentioned you were old friends. I appreciate you helping her through that crowd. I've been busy doing interviews.” Bret placed his hand under Victoria's chin before leaning forward to kiss her on the lips. He pulled Victoria by the hand and smiled at Steven.

  "We'll sit together, honey then mingle with the media.” Bret led her away from Steven and she wanted to die. She didn't dare look over her shoulder, although, she desperately wanted to. The wish that there was some way to tell Steven she did love him quickly vanished from her mind. Photographers swarmed them as if they were movie stars.

  * * * *

  "What was that all about?” Connor asked, appearing alongside Steven.

  "Like he has her on a string and she's afraid to cut it. She doesn't want to be with him, that's obvious,” Steven said

  "What are you going to do about it?” Connor followed Steven's line of sight. He watched the photographers as they crowded around Victoria and Bret.

  Steven didn't respond and Connor seemed to get the hint.

  Steven continued to watch Victoria and Bret for the next few minutes until the ceremony started. He wasn't giving up on her, and he would make her see he loved her even if he had to tie her down to get her to listen.

  The ceremony was momentous as Peter spoke about his father then Captain Louis said a few words as well as some other friends of Danny Mardullo.

  * * * *

  When the ceremony was over, everyone gathered around the gardens.

  "Victoria!” She heard someone call her name and was surprised to see Tod Kafrey.

  "Hi, Tod, it's so good to see you. I wasn't sure if you would be able to make it. I heard about Ronnie Chappa, any news yet?"

  He kissed her cheek in greeting. “No, not yet. I almost didn't make it, but I wanted to come by and see you. Can we walk a little bit, away from the crowd?” he asked.

  Victoria knew, sooner or later, this conversation would have to happen. He had probably heard about Steven.

  They walked toward the large maple tree that stood behind the police department. No one was nearby, and most importantly, Bret was nowhere in sight.

  "I heard about Steven coming back and was wondering if you were okay with it. You must have been shocked. Then, I heard you're still seeing Bret Collins pretty steadily. What's this all about?” He ended his tirade with a stern look.

  "Tod, I'm sorry if I hurt you. Bret just kind of happened and as far as Steven is concerned, I guess a part of me will always love him. Unfortunately, I just can't forgive him for what he did, for how he treated me."

  "What about the way I treated you? I've been here for you all this time, and you said you had feelings for me but weren't ready to date. I believed you and I waited. Now that asshole, Bret Collins, a man at least ten years older than you, comes along out of nowhere, controlling you, making you push everyone away? What are you thinking? What the hell is going on?” he reprimanded.

  Victoria frantically looked around to make sure no one saw him or had heard.

  "Don't yell at me, Tod. I'm sorry, but I'm dating him and that's it.” Victoria turned to walk away.

  Tod grabbed her by the arm and pulled her against him. “That's not it, Tory. This is not over by a long shot. He's going to hurt you. He doesn't care about you. He only cares about his money and his power."

  Victoria pulled her arm away from Tod. Shocked by his reaction, but she chose to simply dismiss it as jealousy and anger, nothing more.

  "I'm a big girl, Tod. I know what I'm doing, and I'm sorry that I hurt you."

  Tod placed his hands on his hips. Her words seemed to sink in.

  "And if he hurts you, I suppose you'll go off to Steven first?"

  Victoria sighed as she stared toward the ground. This wasn't easy and there was no way around it.

  Tod moved closer, and she felt his hand caress her right arm.

  "I don't want to do this. Today has to be tough for you and I don't want to be the cause of more pain or controversy. Just watch out for Bret. Don't let him fool you. I'll be here for you if you need me."

  Victoria looked into Tod's eyes. He was a great guy, but she was in love with Steven. Perhaps, if things were different, she would turn to Tod, confide in him, or be what he wanted her to be, but she couldn't.

  "Call me later if you need to talk."

  "Thanks, Tod.” She watched him walk away before she headed back to the crowd of people.

  As Victoria entered the gardens, she saw her mother's facial expression. It was shock and Victoria immediately knew the news was bad. She pushed her way through the crowd of people, determined to get to her mother's side.

  "Is it true, Mrs. Mardullo, that your husband was having an affair with Linda Delaney and that the police are now looking for a jealous lover?” one reporter called out and soon the others joined in.

  "Do the police have a suspect?” another called out.

  "How does it make you feel to know that your husband was an adulterer instead of the man you thought he was?” another reporter shouted.

  Victoria and her family were shocked and outraged.

  Catching Bret Collins facial expression as he smiled wide, Victoria realized that he was resourceful and more then likely staged the line of questioning.. It was good to have friends in the media and news business, especially young, money-hungry reporters. In his line of work, it was probably routine procedure. He immediately took his cue as one particular reporter began to interview him as if Bret w
ere a lead source. Watching, Victoria prepared for her part. Another role but this time the consequences would surely be disastrous.

  "The information the Mardullo family has recently received is a total outrage. The police department has been spending a lot of time investigating this case as well as the others in this community. They are underpaid and forced to work shorter shifts without the proper, up-to-date equipment. They can't possibly conduct a thorough and professional investigation without the right tools. If elected Town Supervisor, I can promise the much-needed changes for our police force and community. We have no forensics lab, no organization and proper homicide training. It's an outrage, a disgrace,” Bret Collins said as the crowd gathered around.

  Victoria moved forward, waiting for Bret to call her over as planned earlier.

  "So, Mr. Collins, do you believe that the police are not doing a good job investigating the Mardullo murder?” the reporter asked.

  "I think a better person to ask is a family member. Victoria, would you mind?” Bret asked.

  Victoria held her breath and took position by Bret. She could see her family cringe and knew this would be the straw to break the camel's back.

  "Thank you. I believe what Mr. Collins says is true. The police department has not been doing a thorough job investigating my father's murder. The system ... the department has failed. They're reaching at straws, at dead end leads, undocumented, guessing scenarios because of departmental procedure, lack of updated resources and equipment. Now, with no leads to go on and poor investigating by those in charge they have created and alleged my father was an adulterer, caught in a despicable act, unacceptable to the professional position he was in. This is not true.” She knew her family would hate her for saying it.

  "What proof do you have, Miss Mardullo?"

  "I have been conducting my own investigation, along with some colleagues, and have found a witness who can testify that my father and Linda Delaney were not having an affair."

  The media went crazy along with Tod and Don Phelps, now cornered by the reporters. Victoria slowly disappeared as Bret gave his speech about “If I am elected Town Supervisor,” and the media ate it up.


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