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Victoria Page 18

by Laura Marie Henion

Bret shook. “I don't know who he is!"

  Colt and Warren made eye contact. This was it. They had him.

  On the other side of the mirror that hung in the interrogation room, other agents stood watching along with Don Phelps.

  "Who is he, Bret? Tell us about him.” Warren acted calm as he took a seat right next to Bret. Warren played the role of good cop.

  "He's ruthless, always a few steps ahead."

  "What's his name? How do you contact him?” Warren asked.

  "I don't know his name."

  "Bullshit! You're lying!” Colt yelled in Bret's face. Bret continued to shake.

  "I'm not, I swear. He never told me his name. He contacted me and got things started, said that we'd get rich and I'd get my supervisor position."

  "Well, fucking-A, he set your ass up and now your gonna take the fall because you haven't a clue who this guy is? Didn't you want to know? Didn't you want to make sure you could get him just as easily? What the fuck kind of scam artist are you?” Colt egged Bret on, angering him, antagonizing him into giving them information. Colt was great at playing bad cop.

  "I'm not saying anything more. I want my lawyer,” Bret demanded and the interrogation was over.

  * * * *

  Steven awoke and glanced at the clock on the night table. It was one fifteen in the morning. The floral scent that always reminded him of his Victoria filled his nostrils. He peeked at Victoria as she lay sleeping against his chest, and he smiled at the fact her long, delicate fingers rested softly against his scars.

  "I made it. This is exactly the kind of moment I dreamt about."

  Thank God, he had survived and got a second chance with her. He had never stopped thinking about her, continuously worried whether he would ever see her again, hold her in his arms again, and make love to her again.

  Steven couldn't wait to get back home and gain some normalcy in his life. It was a thrill to be back on the force as Training Commander, easily and graciously welcomed back to the force with such enthusiasm.

  However, right now, he didn't want to think about work. He loved being here with Victoria. He didn't ever want to be separated from her.

  Glancing down, over the curves of Victoria's body, Steven felt content and relieved that she was safe. Victoria was gorgeous, sexy, and so perfect. She had waited for him, and he couldn't believe someone else hadn't scooped her up. Recalling that her brother, Peter, confided she wasn't interested in anyone, gave him some peace of mind. Peter also said she had closed herself up, focused on her job, and didn't date. He knew she was good at her job and Steven enjoyed reading some of her articles in Search and Seizure. Victoria was a talented writer with a great reputation. Everyone respected her.

  Obvious that her job meant everything to her, it had to have been so difficult for her to pretend she was in a relationship with Bret Collins. Steven let his fingertips roam gently over her back and ribcage. Her breast lay pressed against his chest. Her leg lay over his. His heart hammered against his chest.

  The thought of Bret touching her, kissing her, annoyed the hell out of Steven. A guy like that was scum and rumors had it he was into some kinky sexual activities, even with underage girls, besides his ability to blackmail, con, and exploit people. Thank God, Victoria was safe. He would die if anything ever happened to her.

  He knew her well. Victoria was always strong minded, determined, and a fighter. She never gave up easily, Steven recalled as he gently touched her long brown hair.

  He was certain many men found her attractive, and interestingly enough, Tod Kafrey came to mind.

  Tod and the way he had looked at Victoria were unnerving. Steven didn't like it one bit and it was more than just a simple jealousy.

  He had an uneasy feeling that just wouldn't budge. He wanted to ask Victoria about Tod, but he wasn't sure he wanted to know just how close they were. He thought about the way Tod grabbed Victoria back at her mom's house. The way he kissed her and showed concern for her safety.

  Did Victoria have deeper feelings for Tod that maybe her brother wasn't aware of? Did she sleep with him? Did Victoria share her bed with Tod? He wondered as he held her tighter, hoping that she didn't but knowing if Victoria slept with Tod, then Steven was partly to blame.

  * * * *

  Victoria slowly opened her eyes, immediately pleased with the feel of Steven's muscles under her chin and cheek. She turned slightly and softly kissed his skin, again and again.

  Surprised he was awake; she jumped a little as her gaze moved toward Steven's face.

  "Hi,” he whispered as she leaned in closer to his lips, kissing them tenderly.

  "I didn't know you were awake. I was just enjoying your skin and being in your arms."

  "And I was enjoying being here with you too."

  Victoria smiled and snuggled closer to Steven as he caressed her hip, then her bare backside, giving it a little squeeze.

  "It was some night, huh?” Victoria asked.

  "Sure was, baby, but the best part was in that hallway over there, with you,” Steven commented as he pulled her on top of him.

  "It sure was. So how do you think my family is going to act now? Will I have escorts and bodyguards, or what?"

  "All of the above and then some."

  "Oh, God, this is gonna be fun.” Victoria rolled her eyes and groaned.

  "Well, let's see, you have police officers in your family, detectives, firemen, military personnel, construction workers, and so on. I'd say you're going to be pretty much covered."

  "You forgot Marine and SWAT Team Commander,” Victoria gently nibbled on Steven's lower lip.

  "Your brother, cousins, uncles, and I are working out a schedule. You'll be safe with your family and me around."

  "I know I will be. So how much do you think the FBI will get out of Bret?"

  "A lot, I'm sure. The local detectives that worked the case will probably be the most help. I'm sure Detective Don Phelps and your good friend Detective Kafrey will need you."

  Victoria couldn't help but notice the sarcastic way Steven said Tod's name.

  "What's wrong, Steven?"

  Steven placed his hand under Victoria's chin and gave her a serious look.

  "What exactly went on between you and that Detective Kafrey?"

  "Nothing went on between us. We're just good friends. He was working my father's murder case and is a very caring person."

  "Did you sleep with him?"

  "Steven!” Victoria yelled as she jumped up from laying-down against his chest and sat straight up, straddling his hips.

  "Well, what am I to think? This guy shows up at your place whenever he wants. He grabs you like he owns you last night, never mind the fact that he had his tongue down your throat. I thought I handled that pretty well last night."

  "Steven, stop it. Don't be silly. We're just good friends. We were never intimate, and I never even went on a date with Tod."

  "Well has anyone told him that, because the man is in love with you?"

  "He knows I love you. He always has. Besides, he said goodbye last night. He knows there will never be anything but a friendship between us."

  "Well, I sure as hell hope so because I'm not about to share you with anyone.” Steven pulled Victoria back against his chest, rolled her to the side and covered her body with his.

  Instantly, their lips met and Steven separated her legs with his, revealing his instant hardness against her belly.

  They kissed each other deeply, wanting more of one another, needing to make up for lost time.

  "You're all mine, baby, all mine,” Steven whispered as they made love into the night.

  * * * *

  Steven held Victoria around the waist as she kissed him goodbye.

  "Okay, Peter will be here in about twenty minutes. I'll call you from work today, and remember to be on guard."

  "I know, Steven, don't worry. Everything is going to be fine. I love you and you be careful."

  "I will. I love you too.” Steven hugged Victoria again, hold
ing her tight. “I don't want to leave you.” He gently held her face in his hand.

  Victoria placed her hand over his then kissed the palm of his hand. “Go, Steven, and don't worry, I'll be fine."

  Victoria closed the door and locked it. She leaned back against the door, closing her eyes, smiling wide, overjoyed at how wonderful she felt. After a few minutes, she took a quick shower and got ready for work. She was just about done when Peter arrived.

  "You look happy this morning. Did I just miss, Steven?” he asked with a smile as he watched her gather her papers for work and stuff them into a portfolio.

  "Well, why don't you tell me? I thought you guys all had a nice schedule going on where I won't have much alone time."

  Peter got serious a moment. “You know we have to, Tory. There's no telling who else may be involved with the case, and if your suspicions are right, then you could be in danger."

  "I know you're right. I just want some closure, I guess. I want Daddy's killer behind bars, and I want everything over with."

  "So do I, and so do the rest of the family."

  "Is anyone going to be watching over Mom? I'm worried about her."

  "Yeah, Uncle Jack, Tom, and Alex are going to work out a schedule. Mom's as thrilled as you are."

  "Well, she'll just have to deal with it like I am. Besides, I just focus on when it's Steven's watch. No offense, brother.” She winked.

  "None taken. I'm glad you two have worked things out. You are meant to be together and you love one another so much. Needless to say, I'm still trying to recover from the whole Bret Collins relationship."

  He gave Victoria a stern look.

  "I'm sorry about that, Peter. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you about the undercover operation."

  "We've always been so close, Tory. I thought you knew that you could tell me anything?"

  Victoria realized she had hurt her brother's feelings.

  "I was focused on finding Dad's killer. I knew that you, Uncle Pat, Brian, and the rest of the guys would deter me from getting involved. There didn't seem much choice in the matter and ultimately, not telling you made my act more convincing for Bret."

  Peter sighed. “I suppose I would have done the same thing. I don't think I would have performed as well as you did though.” He smirked then shook his head, running a hand through his hair. “You have no idea how irate we all were. I wanted to rip Bret's head off."

  Victoria smiled. “That was a pretty nice right hook you gave him. Personally, I would have gone for his nose."

  Instantly, he pulled her into his arms. “I love you, Tory, but you better not do anything so dangerous again. You hear me?"

  "I hear you and I love you too."

  Pulling away from the embrace, he smiled at Victoria. “Now let's get a move on it."

  She grabbed her other things and headed to work.

  * * * *

  When Victoria arrived at the Magazine, John, Debbie, and the rest of the staff greeted her. She even received applause and a standing ovation. Once things settled down, she went to her office along with her editor, John.

  "You surprised the hell out of me, young lady. I had no idea you were capable of this. You had everyone fooled. Your article, along with the charges filed against Bret Collins, is front-page news. The phones have been ringing off the hook about interviews, the release date for this issue of Search and Seizure, and your personal involvement with this story. My God, Victoria, what were you thinking? We're all so glad you're safe. Oh God, listen to me carrying on.” John finally settled down.

  "It's all right, John. I understand everyone's surprise and concern. I'm glad we were able to get the article out and that the newest issue of Search and Seizure is coming out this week, as well. So what's the plan for today?"

  "Well, that's up to you and what you'd like to do first. Everyone's fighting for the first interview."

  "They'll just have to keep fighting. I'm not talking about any of it. I can't until the FBI and District Attorney give the okay."

  "But what should we say? Are you sure you can't—"

  "I will not jeopardize this case, John. I did all of this to help find my father's killer. We have to wait and that's final."

  "Well then, you should probably start looking over the final drafts. They will go to the printer in two days. Again, Victoria, I'm very impressed, very proud of you, but most importantly, I'm glad you're safe."

  "Thanks, John. So am I,” Victoria said, as her phone rang. John excused himself and left her office, closing the door behind him.

  Victoria answered her cell phone as she looked out her office window. She had a great view of the property and a large fountain surrounded by colorful gardens. It was one of the best views in the building located directly in the middle, on the fifth floor.


  "I am so mad at you, girl, you have no idea,” Celina's voice shouted out of the phone.

  Victoria smiled, knowing this would be Celina's reaction. “I was waiting to hear from you, Celina. I've been a little busy. I'm so sorry."

  "Sorry! That's all you have to say for yourself ... is sorry? I had to find out the true story from your mom and Uncle Patrick. That's just not right. You were off playing make believe with Bret Collins, sneaking around with Steven, and working undercover like some secret agent all while playing goody-goody magazine writer who's absorbed in her work. Damn, you should be in the movies. You're a hell of an actress."

  "I am truly sorry, Celina. I had no choice. I couldn't tell anyone and you know how badly I wanted to find my father's killer."

  "I know that, that's why I'm going to forgive you. So how about we meet for lunch and you tell me everything?"

  "I don't think I can. I'm under surveillance. I have to stay closed-lipped, and I'm gonna be buried here under paperwork for most of the day. How about tonight we meet and you can catch up with Steven. I'll cook dinner and we'll just relax."

  "It sounds good but won't you two want to be alone, catch up on lost lovemaking time?"

  "Oh, Celina, we'll have time for that. Steven and I are going to be together forever. It's so great and I'm so happy. I thought I'd never see him again. I'm just so happy."

  "I'm glad you are, and you deserve happiness. I heard about him getting shot and his recovery. It's good to know that he never stopped loving you. Being a prisoner of war and recovering from being shot are good enough excuses for me to forgive him."

  Victoria laughed. “I would think so. Listen, I'll call you from here before I'm ready to leave. Bring Cathy with you tonight."

  "Sounds good, Tory. I'll talk to you soon."

  Victoria hung up the phone and continued working.

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  Chapter 11

  Victoria felt her heart race, along with the sensation of nausea, from reading the draft. As she absorbed the words, her words, her emotions along with the facts of the investigation, she sensed uneasiness within her. Running her fingers through her hair and rubbing her eyes, she couldn't help but wish that it were completely over. She finished reading the article drafts and felt tired, in need of a break. Some strong coffee and a stroll down the hall would do her good.

  "Hey, gorgeous."

  Victoria jumped in her seat, startled to find Tod there. She dismissed the uneasy feeling, smiled, and stood from her chair.

  "Hey, I didn't even hear you come in. What are you doing here? Is everything all right?"

  "Everything is fine. I wanted to check on you.” He stood by her desk, picking up a picture of her, Steven, her mom, and her dad.

  "This is a nice picture. I guess things are working out between Steven and you.” He placed the picture back on the desk.

  "Yeah, we're making progress. How about you? Are the agents invading your territory or what?” Victoria asked. She watched Tod who seemed only partly with it.

  "They got the department under their complete control. The media is all over the place. It's a mad house over there. I decided to take a break. Maybe we c
ould get lunch, talk a little bit. I was worried about you."

  "No need to worry anymore. I'm fine and Bret Collins is going away for good. I'm not sure if I have enough time for lunch, look at this desk.” Victoria motioned her hand toward the pile of papers and yellow sticky notes scattered about.

  "You look like you could use a break too. We could grab a couple of sandwiches and head down to the park. I'll have you back in forty minutes."

  "Well, I'll have to make sure Steven and Uncle Pat know I'm with you. They've been working out a schedule, playing bodyguard for precaution."

  "I know that. I spoke to your uncle at the department. I told him I was planning to take you out for lunch. He knows we're together, so you'll be safe with me.” Tod smiled.

  She wondered if she should call Steven anyway, then figured he could reach her on her cell phone. “Let me tell Debbie where she can find me then we'll head out. It's gorgeous out there today and lunch in the park sounds nice."

  Victoria told Debbie where she was going then left with Tod for lunch.

  * * * *

  "River Point Police Department, Officer Jerome Rodriguez speaking."

  "Officer Rodriguez, this is Detective Willie Shay with Creek Valley P.D. I'm looking for Detective Tod Kafrey."

  "Sure, Detective Shay, hold one moment, and I'll see if he's here."

  Detective Shay waited on the phone a minute hoping to speak to the detective. The homicide he had late last night definitely connected to the murders in River Point. It had to be connected.

  "I'm sorry, Detective Shay, but Detective Kafrey's not here right now. I do have Detective Don Phelps, though. He's been working with Kafrey."

  "That's fine. I'll speak with him."

  The police officer connected the call, and the two detectives introduced themselves over the phone.

  "So what's going on, Detective Shay?"

  "Well, I had a homicide last night, of a young woman, Casey Pellonie. Brutally murdered and tortured. She was bound, stabbed multiple times, her face slashed, and had wads of paper shoved down her throat. I heard you had a few homicides where the victims were tortured, stabbed, and suffocated with dirt. I'm not sure if there is a connection or not."

  "That sounds pretty interesting. What else can you tell me?"


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