The Battle for WondLa

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The Battle for WondLa Page 25

by Tony DiTerlizzi

  Bijou—an HRP Compact Transcarrier airship that was primarily used for cargo transport. After being converted into a manual air-breaker by the young pilot Hailey Turner, it was then used as a retriever’s ship and transported Eva Nine to New Attica.

  Bliek Mountains—a large mountain range that stretches along what was the border between New Jersey and New York during the Age of Man. It is not clear whether the range was created by the terraforming of the planet or by some natural disaster prior to the Great Migration.

  boomrod—a sonic weapon used by hunters and the royal guards of Solas. These weapons are attached to a charging unit that controls the intensity of the sonic blast that is fired.

  Cærulean—a bipedal race of aliens who arrived on Orbona during the Great Migration, so called for the hue of their fine downy plumage. A very social species, they tend to live in family tribes and uphold traditional values retained from their home planet. Cæruleans shun technology and prefer to live integrated within the natural world.

  Chamber of Historic Thought—a large assembly chamber in Attican Hall in the human city of New Attica. The chamber houses accurate, lifelike holograms of historical world leaders, thinkers, and other notables from the Age of Man.

  climatefiber—a fiber that can expand or contract to keep a constant body temperature. When combined with the processor of a utilitunic (usually located in the shoulder patch), the fiber can also be artificially heated and cooled. Invented in the twenty-first century during the Age of Man, thermotinted climatefiber adjusts automatically by changing color to maximize heat absorption or reflection of outdoor light.

  consumption—an ancient ritual in the Arsian culture where one consumes the dead with the hope that the deceased’s memories and abilities will transfer to the living. This ritual is now considered taboo among the Arsian species.

  dehy—a New Attican slang term for “thirsty,” as in “dehydrated.”

  Dorcean—a large, burly species of alien that arrived on Orbona during the Great Migration. They have several pairs of thick legs and a small set of secondary legs near their head. Each Dorcean’s furry hide has a unique pattern of mottled spots, used to distinguish individuals. Dorceans are a hardy species, living mostly solitary lives deep within forests.

  Dynastes Corporation—a large world corporation from the Age of Man that employed both Cadmus Pryde and his father, Leonardo Pryde. The corporation was responsible for creating the popular Omnipod and was routinely on the cutting edge in the field of holography.

  electra-paper—a transparent electronic paper that can record any oral dictation and convert it into a typeset page, which it displays through illumination. When read, the paper also locks on to the reader’s pupils and scrolls at the speed of the reader’s eye movement.

  Emote-Attire—trendy clothing that changes color to display the wearer’s supposed mood. The colors are similar to those of a mood ring from the Age of Man.

  eukaberry—a bushy plant found in the Northern Wastelands that produces a soft, edible fruit. Despite its foul-smelling pulp, the fruit is ingested by several animal species, including sand-snipers.

  Eva Nine—“Eva” is an acronym for “Earth in Vitro Alpha.” Eva was a test-tube baby from the first clutch (the alpha clutch) of fertilized eggs and is the ninth generation of clones created in Sanctuary 573. It is speculated that the Vitae Virus may have mutated her when she was an embryo; regardless, she became further mutated after willingly ingesting the virus as an adolescent.

  Faunas—a Cærulean village noted for its large urn-shaped huts and found in the northern region of the Wandering Forest at the edge of the Northern Wastelands. It is home to Rovender Kitt.

  floatazoan—a small floating animal that can congregate in large colonies. The species was introduced to Orbona by aliens and was likely mutated by the introduction of the Vitae Virus. Floatazoans throw eukaberries at potential sand-sniper prey, in order to immobilize the prey or hinder the prey’s escape. In return the sand-snipers will produce a predigested spittle ball that the floatazoans like to dine upon. A floatazoan is also known as a “floater.”

  gadworm—a giant worm brought to Orbona by the aliens during the Great Migration as a food source. Its eggs are considered a delicacy among many alien races.

  giant water bear—a large semiaquatic herbivore indigenous to Orbona and evolved from the minute tardigrade as a result of the introduction of the Vitae Virus. They are social herd animals and are capable of jumping great heights by snapping down their fanlike tails, which also propel them during swimming.

  Goldfish—a popular hovercraft vehicle from the Age of Man. This two-seater vehicle was used primarily for leisure driving. All models were available as convertibles. Like many vehicles from its heyday, it runs on water and emits only steam. Also known as a “floatster.”

  Great Migration—a lengthy cosmic alien migration led by the Ojo family and four Arsian siblings: Arius, Darius, Zin, and Loroc. The Ojos built a gigantic interstellar vessel, which housed thousands of alien immigrants from various planets within a shared solar system. These immigrants fled from a supernova that ultimately destroyed their homes, and the alien species later arrived at a dormant Earth. By use of the Vitae Virus, they were able to terraform the planet and establish new colonies on its surface.

  Halcyonus—a race of aliens that arrived on planet Orbona during the Great Migration and originated from the same planet as the Cæruleans. Like their fellow species, they prefer a rustic lifestyle and tend to shun technology. The Halcyonus are responsible for building the water village of Lacus and introducing the turnfin to Orbona.

  Heart of the Wandering Forest—the densely wooded center of the Wandering Forest that is marked by unusual tree-size spires surrounding its border. It is also the touchdown site of the Vitae Virus generator. It is here that the spirit of the forest resides.

  Historical Holography Project—a revolutionary project led by Leonardo Pryde (Cadmus’s father) and funded by the Dynastes Corporation. The project created a collection of holograms of historical figures from various fields, such as science, art, the military, and geographic exploration. These holograms of noteworthy people are rendered in lifelike accuracy and are able to converse with humans regarding the historical figure’s lifework, philosophy, and day-to-day existence in the period in which he or she lived during the Age of Man.

  holo-bulb—a lightbulb with three specialized filaments used in a holography projector.

  Homo sapiens neo—the genetically engineered subspecies of the primate Homo sapiens, which possesses immunity to most diseases and experiences a longer life-span (two hundred years or more).

  horned martick—a solitary horned carnivorous predator found in the Wandering Forest that was introduced by aliens during the Great Migration. The evolved Orbonian species is likely more dangerous and cunning than the original species because of its exposure to the Vitae Virus.

  hovchair—a hovering chair that functions using electromagnets; it is used throughout human habitation.

  hoversloop—a midsize alien hovercraft that harnesses the wind to aid in propulsion. The hoversloop can carry large loads of cargo or passengers and is similar to the humans’ covered wagons from the Age of Man.

  HRP—the initialism for the Human Repopulation Project, an initiative led by Cadmus Pryde and funded by the Dynastes Corporation. The controversial project involved the construction of a series of underground Sanctuaries, manned by robotic caretakers who cultivated test-tube embryos of Homo sapiens neo. The individuals raised in the Sanctuaries would be grown and released every one hundred years if the surface conditions of Earth remained a stable and viable environment for the reintroduction of the human species.

  hydration kit—a small set of equipment used for extracting water molecules from the air to create drinking water. The kit consists of a hydration infuser, hydration tablets, and a drinking vessel.

  Identicapture—a scientific program used by the Omnipod that records and creates (“captures”) t
hree-dimensional models of organisms from the environment. The organism is then identified by the program’s extensive natural history archive.

  imago—a term used by Cadmus to refer to a recently released Sanctuary-born human created specifically for the HRP.

  Individual Medical Assistance—a holographic program within the Omnipod that helps diagnose and treat various medical conditions. It also keeps a medical record of the user and can anticipate and treat potential long-term maladies.

  jackvest—an all-weather and all-purpose vest made of climatefiber that replaced the common jacket (or coat) used during the Age of Man.

  jolt—a slang term used, as an adjective or a noun, by New Atticans to refer to something that is exceptional.

  knifejacks—a nocturnal flying crustacean that was introduced to Orbona by the aliens during the Great Migration. Knifejacks congregate in large colonies and can be quite aggressive.

  Lacus—a fishing village located at the southern tip of Lake Concors and primarily populated by the Halcyonus race of aliens, who built the village.

  Lake Concors—a large freshwater lake that connects to the inland sea that was once the Great Lakes during the Age of Man. Concors is a thriving clean lake thanks to the introduction of the Vitae Virus. The Halcyonus refer to it as “Peaceful Lake.”

  mimic ivy—an intelligent woody tree with long sinewy branches that has the ability to form its foliage into the shape of organisms that it has encountered. Introduced by the aliens during the Great Migration, it has become established in the more temperate climates of Orbona.

  Mirthian—a tall multi-legged race of aliens that arrived on Orbona during the Great Migration. They have the ability to regenerate limbs.

  moul—a newly discovered race of intelligent beings indigenous to Orbona. They bear characteristics of both plants and animals and communicate by expelling colorful puffs of dust. Unknown during the Age of Man and during the arrival of the alien races, the mouls were likely created from a simple organism exposed to the Vitae Virus.

  munt-runner—a bipedal domesticated animal used primarily as a mount by Cæruleans and other similar races. They are also used for hauling gear and as a food source.

  Muthr—“Muthr” is an acronym for “Multi-Utility Task Help Robot.” The Muthr series was designed specifically by the Dynastes Corporation for the HRP and used in child rearing in the Sanctuaries. They are a state-of-the-art biomechanical hybrid that utilize cloned human brain tissue as part of their CPU, allowing them to feel emotion. A Muthr’s primary responsibility is the raising of human offspring within the Sanctuary and preparing them for life on the planet’s surface.

  nano—slang term used in New Attica for “nanosecond.”

  New Attica—the subterranean human city created by the Dynastes Corporation during the Age of Man and intended as the epicenter for the HRP. It was later excavated and an atmospheric membrane was stretched over it to regulate the weather within and protect the city from the harsh natural elements outside. New Attica is ruled by an oligarchy composed of holographic historical figures and Cadmus Pryde. Day-to-day tasks are regulated and controlled by means of a massive centralized CPU housed in Attican Hall.

  non-tracker—a slang term used in New Attica for a citizen who has had his or her subcutaneous tracking chip removed.

  Nuccan usquebaugh—an alien drink that has the same effect as an alcoholic beverage and, like many of the alien alcoholic drinks, is made from the nucca plant.

  nutriment capsules/pellets—chemically engineered, highly concentrated vitamin capsules that provide sustenance for humans. They can retain their freshness for incredibly long periods and, therefore, can be rationed for decades.

  Omnipod—a handheld device manufactured by the Dynastes Corporation that uses voice identification and commands to communicate. It also contains a wealth of mankind’s collected knowledge (up to the period of Terra Terminal Hibernation) and can display and record objects by using holograms. Later models were surgically imbedded into the palm of the user’s hand. Also referred to as an “O-pod.”

  Orbona—the name given to the planet Earth by the alien immigrants of the Great Migration after the planet was terraformed by the introduction of the Vitae Virus. During the Age of Man, “Orbona” was the name of a lesser Roman goddess who protected orphans.

  Organ Integration Act—a federal act that allowed technology companies to merge lab-grown human organs with robotics. It is likely that the Dynastes Corporation had much influence in lobbying for the passage of this act for their own interests.

  pillar guards—giant biomechanical sentinels created by an ancient long-forgotten alien race and brought to Orbona to protect Solas and the royal family. The guards communicate through musical sounds and light patterns displayed under their semitranslucent skin.

  quotacard—a small plastic card used by humans living in New Attica for the acquisition of goods and services. Since the city is intended to be a utopian environment, all forms of currency have been eradicated and merchandise is free to all citizens. The quotacard, however, regulates the consumption of goods and services so that the citizens will ration properly.

  reboot—slang term used in New Attica for a human raised in a Sanctuary.

  remming—a slang term for dreaming. It refers to REM (rapid eye movement).

  retrievers—a specialized unit of human pilots that were tasked with monitoring the HRP Sanctuaries and locating and delivering the in vitro–born humans to New Attica once they exited their underground homes. Since the Sanctuaries have all been disabled, the retrievers have disbanded; however, many joined the Toilers, who defected from New Attica. The retrievers’ motto is “Wherever you roam, we’ll bring you home.”

  Rings of Orbona—a celestial orbiting ring system that circles the planet Orbona. It was formed from the remnants of an enormous asteroid that had been on a collision course with the planet. The Ojo family constructed an intensely powerful sonic cannon that was sent into orbit to the break the asteroid up before it could enter the planet’s atmosphere.

  robolift—a large robotic vehicle that requires a human operator and utilizes an array of powerful arms and hoists for lifting and hauling heavy cargo.

  robotail—a colorful furry fashion accessory that fastens around the waist and reacts to the wearer’s emotion through realistic movement.

  rocket—a slang term used as an exclamation. Similar to “cool” or “awesome.”

  Sanctuary—a self-sufficient underground facility created by the Dynastes Corporation. Its primary function is to create and foster in vitro humans for the HRP. Sanctuaries operate using virtual holography as well as their own artificial intelligence. Each Sanctuary comprises eight rooms placed around a central hub: the control room, holography chamber, gymnasium, greenhouse, bedroom, kitchen, supply room, and generator room. Occupants are interconnected with sibling Sanctuaries to introduce socialization and surface survival skills.

  sand-sniper—a large subterranean animal indigenous to the planet Orbona. Since they are similar to mantis shrimp from the Age of Man, they are likely a surviving species that was greatly affected by the Vitae Virus. Sand-snipers live in loose colonies formed by a network of underground tunnels. They are carnivorous predators that ambush prey and primarily hunt at night. Also known as a “sand-devil.”

  sheesa—an alien expletive.

  SHOCdart—a nonlethal projectile weapon used primarily by the authoritons of New Attica for immobilizing humans. The darts enter the body, and an electric charge administers temporary muscle paralysis. “SHOC” is an acronym for “subdue humans orderly and carefully.” Large-caliber SHOCdarts were created for the warbots and warships to use during the invasion of Lacus and Solas.

  short-out—a New Attican slang term for an idiot.

  sneakboot—a form-fitting shoe that usually extends above the ankle and has the structural support and comfort of a sneaker as well as protection for long-distance all-weather and all-terrain hiking. Most styles carry an odometer t
hat syncs with the body-monitoring software of a utilitunic.

  Solas—a large alien city set on the eastern shore of Lake Concors. Solas is home to thousands of alien immigrants that arrived on Orbona during the Great Migration. The city is primarily ruled through a form of democracy, with tribe leaders of the various alien races serving as representatives, and with the Ojo family acting as the government’s head. The city features not only a majestic royal palace but a museum, botanical garden, and menagerie as well.

  SpeedHeal ointment—a specially formulated salve that greatly accelerates tissue growth and regeneration. Used for treating both major and minor wounds.

  spiderfish—a small indigenous fish found in fresh and brackish waters of Orbona that moves along the bottom of the water by means of spidery pectoral fins. They are a food source for many, including the Halcyonus, Cæruleans, and humans.

  spirit of the forest—a Cærulean name for the Muthr that permanently resides in the Heart of the forest. The Muthr ingested the Vitae Virus repeatedly, causing the Muthr to mutate into a large amorphous form. Still under the influence of its basic programming, the Muthr believes it is the caretaker of all denizens of the forest and controls the consumption of the virus. Also known as “the Mother.”

  straintwine—a woody evergreen climbing plant that has the ability to constrict prey using its stems. This characteristic remains even after the plant has been harvested and shorn of all its leaves, which is why it is favored among huntsmen for the construction of snares.

  subferry—a subterranean transit system designed to transport humans from the surface of the planet down to the underground city of New Attica.

  SustiBar—an artificially oatmeal-flavored manufactured food that supplies maximum vitamins and minerals to humans. It expands once ingested, providing a full stomach for a long period of time.

  Terra Terminal Hibernation—Cadmus Pryde’s proposed theory that the planet Earth periodically enters a hibernation state for a nonspecific length of time, allowing surface life to die off, and then return once the planet “awakens.”


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