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Modified Box Set

Page 8

by Kat Stiles

  He continued kissing me, cradling my head in his cold hands. It was an odd feeling of heat and cold, but somehow it just made the whole experience more intense. I kissed him back with the same fervor, losing myself in the moment and his deliciously sexy thoughts about me.

  But then his thoughts changed.

  I shoved him off me. “Convince me to go? Go where?”

  He half-smiled a charming, crooked smile. “I tried to control my thoughts. But my mind drifts sometimes, even when I’m… Well, you know…”

  “Kissing? Fucking? What?” I stood and got some distance from him. “What the fuck is it we’re doing?”

  “I don’t know, Kate. I am genuinely attracted to you. Surely you must sense that.”

  I couldn’t deny it—his thoughts were sensual. He was into me. But then there was always something else with him, something he was holding back. I debated trying to probe his mind further to get at it, but I was understandably reluctant to press harder. I had already killed two people with my power.

  “I’m sorry, Kate.”

  Before I could ask him why, he teleported next to me and he poofed me out of my apartment.

  Chapter 4

  As soon as we materialized, Steve touched my face and shoulder. The cold was unbearable, like a brain freeze for my entire body. Too numb to attempt an escape, I concentrated on simply staying conscious and upright. I could feel his cold breath in my hair, chilling me further.

  Our destination was some kind of complex—it wasn’t quite an office building, but it hardly looked like a private residence either. I gazed around and nothing looked familiar. There were no other buildings or streets, only a winding road that led to this place. Trees and darkness surrounded us.

  Steve led me toward the massive building.

  Through chattering teeth, I managed, “Where the fuck are we?”

  “Have you ever heard of Barker Industries?”

  I nodded. It was one of those mega companies that had their hands in everything. I knew of them because I’d used their data obfuscation software on a project. The founder, Derek Barker, was a recluse who rarely went out in public. People even joked about whether or not he was a real person.

  “This is it.”

  “You work for Derek Barker?” I rubbed my upper arms, trying to warm up, but it was no use. Steve’s cold hand rested on the small of my back, keeping me frozen.

  “I’m afraid so.” There was regret in his voice, and I could sense it too, in his emotions. “He wants to meet you.”

  I made a derisive kind of snort, not totally in control of all my faculties. It was a wonder I didn’t drool on myself or blow snot out my nose. Maybe I did, I was so fucking cold I wouldn’t have felt it. “And this is his idea of hospitality?”

  “Would you have come otherwise?”

  He had a point. I had trust issues with Steve from the start, and he had tried to take me a couple of times, presumably here. I focused closer on the building, with all its glass and steel, and realized it did look familiar. I saw it from one of Steve’s memories, when I had probed him in the car.

  “This is where you made me into a f-f-freak, isn’t it?” My head throbbed from the cold, which passed through my body in waves. More than anything else, I just wanted to go to sleep.

  “I didn’t actually do it,” he answered quietly. Again, the fucking regret. Like it made any difference. He had managed to abduct me again, to return me to the monster who had done this to me. Did he really expect me to feel pity for him?

  “Whatever.” I yawned and partially collapsed to the floor, so tired I couldn’t lower myself properly.

  Steve helped me to my feet. “I need you awake. No more cold, I promise.”

  His hands were still icy when he touched me, but the feeling of brain freeze was starting to dissipate. I shook my head, trying to clear it further, but that only made me dizzy.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “Like you fucking care.”

  “I do care.” He sighed. “I know you don’t understand, and I can’t explain—”

  A security guard waved Steve in as we approached.

  “You could try.” I wanted to simply extract the reason myself, but my head still hurt from being frozen. We walked into the building, and I immediately felt a change. The cold left me in a rush, making me feel normal again. Well, normal for a telepathic, teleporting freak.

  I concentrated on my apartment and attempted to teleport back there.

  Nothing happened.

  I closed my eyes, as if I could just wish myself back there. Still nothing.

  Steve grabbed hold of my hands, and I was surprised at the absence of cold in his hands.

  “It’s neutralized.”

  “Neutralized?” I opened my eyes, embarrassed that I looked like an idiot with my eyes closed and all scrunched up. Of course, he figured out I was trying to teleport.

  “Powers don’t work here in the compound. That’s why we teleported outside of it and had to walk in here.”

  I shot him a skeptical look and he laughed.

  “Go ahead. Try to fry my brain.”

  “You know what, fuck you.” I shot him a middle finger and walked off.

  The security guard saw me approaching and shook his head slowly.

  I tried to use my power on him, focusing on his mind.

  But there was still nothing. “Fuck, seriously? I’m a prisoner?”

  Steve gently touched my shoulder. “If you’ll just come with me, I can—”

  I shrugged off his hand. “It appears I have no choice.”

  “I’m sorry it had to be this way.”

  “Don’t. Don’t you dare fucking apologize.” I motioned for him to lead the way. Derek Barker was intriguing, if nothing else. I was curious as to what his deal was: why he felt the urge to play Dr. Moreau, and what his endgame was in all of this.

  Steve escorted me to an elevator. Inside he pressed a button for the upper floor. I felt him staring at me.

  “What?” I asked, not giving him the satisfaction of eye contact.

  “I… I want you to know I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t have to.”

  I snickered. “I don’t see a gun to your head.”

  “No, not to my head.”

  I softened. If someone else he loved was in trouble, it would explain the conflicting emotions from him. Of all the times to NOT have my power…

  But then I remembered a little girl, from when I probed his mind in the car.

  “He’s got your daughter?”

  His lips parted open in shock. “How are you doing that?”

  “I’m not doing it now. It was something I picked up on, before.”

  A smile appeared on his face. “That time you gave me the nosebleed?”

  “Yep.” Considering the current situation, it felt good not to apologize.

  “She’s my whole world,” he whispered. “I’m not proud of my actions, but I’d do anything to keep her safe.”

  Of course, he had to go and say that. Fucker. I let out a frustrated groan. It was hard to stay mad at him, knowing that. Still, he could’ve gone about it another way. One that didn’t involve turning my entire world upside down.

  “So you have a daughter…guessing a wife, too...and still you endanger the lives of total strangers, and even come on to them…”

  “My wife died in childbirth,” he said emotionlessly. “I’ve had to raise my daughter on my own.” His eyes searched mine. “And yes, I have endangered lives, but I don’t come on to everyone!”

  It was almost comical how undone he became at the suggestion of being a slut. I knew something happened between Vi and him, but I didn’t think it was the right time to bring it up. Especially not knowing the full story.

  The elevator doors opened into a huge room. It took a few seconds to take it all in and realize it was Derek’s office. On the right was a sitting area, with two plush couches, a modern coffee table and an elaborate fireplace. What I presumed was his desk sat at
the far end, with floor to ceiling glass surrounding him on three sides. In the middle were several whiteboards on the walls and tables in L shaped configurations.

  “Mr. Barker, I’d like you to meet Ms. Godfrey,” Steve announced, to no one in particular. The room was empty.

  “What the shit…” I heard footsteps approaching, but no one was there. I gaped at the sight of Derek Barker materializing right before my eyes. The sharp suit and tie he wore probably cost more than I made in a year.

  He extended a hand for me to shake, a sly grin on his face. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  I arched an eyebrow but shook his hand nonetheless. It was an overly firm handshake, the kind they tell you to have in business and self-help books to appear confident. His short brown hair and goatee weren’t as memorable as his unique scent, no doubt some high-priced cologne. It wasn’t unpleasant, but his smug demeanor put me off. It was worse than being around other DBAs.

  “I can’t really say the same. Wanna let me go before I call the cops on your ass?” I smiled sweetly at him.

  He laughed. “And tell them what? I own half the force anyway. The rest know how many millions I’ve donated over the years.” The arrogant smirk on his face that appeared made me so want to punch him. “Helps being such an upstanding citizen.”

  He turned to Steve and shook his hand. “Great work, I’m impressed.”

  I folded my arms against my chest and rolled my eyes. They talked about me as if I were game they hunted.

  “I apologize, that was rude,” he said. “Why don’t we all sit down and talk for a while?”

  He led the way to the sitting area. The couches were even more comfortable than they looked. They were made of a material I’d never encountered before, a plush microfiber that felt like velvet on steroids. Part of me wanted to succumb to the loveseat, just close my eyes and pass out. Forget about my fucked up life for a few minutes.

  Derek and Steve sat across from me on the larger sofa. Steve focused on the floor, while Derek took me in, his eyes scanning every inch of my body.

  “So? What the fuck do you want?” I didn’t see the point of pleasantries, given the shitbag had kidnapped and modified me.

  “I like her. She’s feisty.” Derek reached into his suit and pulled out some kind of tablet, but nothing like I’d ever seen before. It was thinner and smaller than most, but the screen ran edge to edge. After a few swipes and clicks, he turned his attention back to me. “Kate, can I call you Kate? I admire your directness. It’s found so rarely in business these days.”

  “Okay. So?”

  “Is there something I can get you? To make you more comfortable.”

  I snickered but resisted the urge to say something snarky.

  “Surely there’s something you want that I have.” The curious smile on his face led me to believe he knew something I didn’t. Then, he reached into his suit again.

  Chapter 5

  From his coat pocket, Derek pulled out a packet that looked like Scorpion Bliss, my favorite cigarettes. I didn’t realize how much I was in nicotine withdrawal until he opened the packet and that gorgeous nicotine scent filled the air. I closed my eyes for a second, breathing it in. My hands started to shake as I reached across the table.

  “Say please,” he said and laughed.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. Bet that assclown tortured small creatures as a child. “Go fuck yourself.” I tucked my hands under my arms, so he couldn’t see how much I was shaking. It had been a while since my last smoke, and the smell must’ve triggered my addiction.

  “Oh, don’t be like that.” He tossed the packet over to me. “I just like to keep things fun here.”

  As long as you’re the one having fun. I ripped open the packet and found that while they were the cigarette brand I used, they were different. Like high-tech different—there was no way to light them.

  I took out one of the cigarettes and observed it. “What… is this?”

  “The latest upgrade to smoking. True smokeless cigarettes, it’s revolutionary. And I own the patent.”

  I looked at it from all angles. It seemed legit, and the packaging looked like it was from the manufacturer. But with the kind of money Derek had it would be easy to duplicate.

  “My dear girl, it’s perfectly safe. Well, the nicotine is still there, but if you’re thinking I’ve tampered with it, you’ve got to ask yourself why I would go through all that hassle. I have you here now. Had I wanted to drug you, you’d already be on the floor.” He stared me down, as if daring to question him.

  I wanted to resist, as another ‘fuck off’ gesture. But the tantalizing aroma of the nicotine won out. I took a drag of the cigarette and was amazed at the flavor. Sure enough, there was no smoke—when I exhaled, it was a regular breath. To this day, I don’t know how he pulled it off. It was so much better than a regular cigarette.

  “This is incredible,” I muttered before I could stop myself. I lay back in the intoxicatingly soft couch, feeling relaxed for the first time in days.

  Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. In the lair of the arch enemy, clearly the villain, and I’m relaxed? I’d like to tell you I went at him, guns blazing and all. But the truth of it is, I’m no hero. I never was. Besides, I had a feeling if I did try anything, he would shut me down in seconds.

  “I’m glad you like it. I’ll own half the planet once it’s in production, late next quarter.”

  “Am I supposed to be impressed?”

  “You’re supposed to pay attention, nothing more. To put it in words you understand, I’m not someone you want to fuck with.” His sycophantic grin dissolved, and the frown that took its place seemed more natural on him. Ruthless. Evil. Inhuman.

  “I don’t trust people who don’t curse. They’re the ones who end up going postal.” I took another delicious drag. “What do you want with me?”

  He pressed his fingertips together, forming a pyramid shape above his lap. “The better question is, why were you modified?”

  I turned it over in my head and realized he was right. He obviously brought me back here because of my power. If he had the ability to bestow powers on people, why choose some random DBA?

  “Okay, sure. Why me? Out of all the people in Jersey, or in the world for that matter, did you decide to screw with me?”

  “I’m so glad you asked.” A cocky smiled appeared, and I wanted to punch his patronizing face. “The truth is, you’re special. You have a DNA marker that very few individuals possess. It’s this marker that allows us, with the help of a serum I’ve developed, to infuse abilities beyond that of a normal human.”

  “And what, I’m one of your unwitting guinea pigs?”

  “In a matter of speaking. I vetted you out, of course. I have eyes on you still.”

  His sinister expression actually scared me for a second. This guy’s been watching my every move? How?

  “It really is simple, with the right equipment, software, and people in your employ.” He said it with an unearthly ease, and I wondered if anyone or anything had ever stood in his way.

  His attention focused back on his tablet. “Ah, very good. It turns out your lover is still alive.”

  At that I perked up. Could it be, is it possible he’s not dead? “Alex?”

  Derek chuckled and glanced at Steve before settling his gaze back on me. “That’s right! I have to be more specific with you, don’t I? It’s only a shame Viola isn’t here for the fun.”

  “Motherfucker,” I muttered as I lunged for him. Steve tackled me to the floor before I could reach Derek’s throat and choke the ever-loving shit out of him.

  I tried to punch Steve, but he grabbed both of my wrists and pinned me to the floor. “Get the fuck off me!”

  “I will have you sedated if need be, my dear,” Derek said. He stood towering over Steve and me. “But it really is more fun with you conscious.”

  “You good?” Steve said to me when I stopped struggling. His eyes were serious and threatening, so different from how he
was with me alone. Like he was another person when he played Derek’s watchdog.

  “Yes,” I conceded, then added in a sarcastic tone, “I’ll play nice with the big bad boss man.”

  Derek moved over to the fireplace and stared at the flames. “I thought you would be grateful to learn about Alex. After all, you did feel a tremendous guilt, did you not?”

  Steve helped me up and as he did so, whispered in my ear, “You’re playing with fire. I won’t be able to protect you.”

  I shook off the delicious sensation produced by his breath on my ear. “I don’t need you.”

  “What is that, my dear?” Derek asked from the fireplace. He turned and then smiled at Steve and me. “This unexpected infatuation he has with you is delightful. I couldn’t have planned it better myself.”

  Steve looked down, confirming Derek’s observation. I sighed. Fuck me. Like my life isn’t complicated enough.

  “Derek, it’s been fun.” I began slowly inching my way back from both of them. “Thanks for the cigarettes and news about Alex, but I need to get going…”

  “Leave?” Derek said with a laugh, and then his expression relaxed into its natural evil frown. “You belong to me now.”

  Chapter 6

  Okay, I kinda expected him to say I couldn’t leave. I knew it was a long shot. But belong to him? My cheeks began to flush in anger. I glared at him.

  “Did you really think I’d let you walk out of here?” Derek said. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for telepathy? What kind of an edge that would give me in business?”

  “I don’t give a fuck. No one owns me.”

  He smiled. “I created you, my dear. Therefore, I own you.”

  Who the fuck does this guy think he is? I concentrated on penetrating his mind. If I had any shot of escaping, it had to work.

  “I’m sure Steve explained your powers won’t work here.” Derek nonchalantly returned to his tablet. “But please, be my guest. Knock yourself out.”


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