Modified Box Set

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Modified Box Set Page 10

by Kat Stiles

  “This is my other apartment.”

  “Your other apartment?” I didn’t take Jay for the kind of person to have a mistress pad, but men have disappointed me so many times before.

  “This one is safe.” He joined me and gently touched my arm. “Don’t worry, you’re safe here.”

  I closed my eyes. No, not Jay. How could he be that asshole?

  I felt his warm fingertips brush my cheek. “Kate, are you okay?” I watched the scene unfold in his mind: he carefully pushed the hair from my face and kissed me. It was so sweet, not something I would think to see in the mind of an adulterer.

  I jerked away from him. “I would be, if I knew where your wife was.”

  “Wife? What are you talking about? I’m not—”

  The sound of a crash in the adjacent room startled us both.

  Chapter 4


  It was a relief to hear Viola’s voice. Both Jay and I joined her in the kitchen. She was sitting on the floor with the remains of a broken chair, removing a piece of wood stuck in her leg. While the short skirts she wore were certainly sexy, they weren’t exactly functional.

  “I really have to work on my landings…” she muttered.

  Jay joined her on the floor. “Let me take a look.”

  Vi glanced at him skeptically. “Aren’t you a geek? I mean, no offense, but what are you going to do?”

  “He’s a healer,” I explained. “That’s his power.”

  “No, seriously?” Vi said, awestruck. “That’s so cool!”

  Jay went to work on her injury, placing his hands just above her bloody thigh.

  “Whoa, that’s really hot,” Vi said.

  I watched in awe as the cut disappeared, leaving only a trace of blood behind.

  “Thanks!” Vi rubbed the smooth skin of her leg, and then added, “Uh, sorry about your chair.”

  “It’s fine, it was old anyway.” Jay helped her to her feet. “You were right, Steve had abducted her again.”

  I looked at Vi, confused. “You two working together or something?”

  “She popped in at your apartment when I was there,” Jay explained. “She was the one who thought you might be in trouble.”

  I smiled at her. “Thanks.” Vi always had my back, even if she couldn’t go after me herself. “And I’m sorry about earlier.”

  “I’m sorry too, I overreacted. It’s been awhile for me.” She half-smiled, and the look of confusion and discomfort on Jay’s face made me regret bringing it up.

  “Just a fight we had,” I said to Jay. And then I spent the next 20 minutes catching them up on what happened at the compound—learning about Steve’s daughter, meeting Derek and learning about his plans to “collect” all the powers, as well as my imprisonment.

  “If all that’s true, then dickhead should be popping in any minute,” Vi said.

  “Vi’s pet name for Steve,” I explained to Jay, who giggled.

  “Maybe we should stay here with her,” Vi said to Jay. “If that’s okay with you. The more of us to protect her, the better our odds are of keeping her safe.”

  Jay nodded.

  “Protect me?” While I appreciated their help, it’s not like I was just a victim, waiting to be taken. “You know, I have a power too. A pretty bad ass one. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

  “Uh, no,” Vi said. “I’ve seen you around Steve, there’s no way you’d poof his brain.”

  She had a point. I would feel totally shitty if I accidentally killed him, especially knowing the motives behind his actions. And I was still attracted to him, jerk that he was. “Okay, okay. But I’m going to need some stuff from my apartment. Derek said he has my place bugged.”

  “Then it’s too risky for you to go back,” Vi said. “Tell me what you need, and I’ll get it.”

  “But then you’ll be in danger,” I said. “I don’t want them getting to you.”

  Vi snickered. “As if. Steve’s afraid of me, remember? If he shows his face there, I’ll beat the shit out of him, gladly.”

  She was the most logical choice with her power, but still I felt uneasy, putting her in harm’s way.

  Vi took hold of my hand and squeezed it. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”

  I rattled off a list of everything I needed, including Pickles (Jay graciously agreed to let him stay there with me). After Vi poofed out, Jay approached me. I dreaded the conversation, but I knew I couldn’t avoid it forever. Only so many times I could count on Vi randomly teleporting in and injuring herself mid-uncomfortable conversations about spouses.

  “Do you really think I’m married?” He held up his left hand and wiggled his ring finger. “Notice anything missing?”

  “I’ve seen the pictures at your desk. Your little boy looks just like you.” I folded my arms against my chest. “And you wouldn’t be the first guy to pocket a wedding band.”

  Jay’s forehead wrinkled, but only for a second. “Ah, you must be referring to my sister and her son, my nephew.”

  My lips parted open. It hadn’t even occurred to me that she could be his sister, they seemed so perfect and happy together. “Your sister?” I squeaked out.

  “Kate, I… I’ve been in love with you for a while now. Ever since we met at that crappy sales seminar, I knew you were special.” He looked down. “I just never got up enough nerve to tell you how I feel. But then in the cafeteria, when I sensed your feelings for me…”

  I recalled wanting to kiss him, for taking care of that video footage. “You can sense emotions?”

  “Comes with the healing power. But that was something I could always do, to some extent. Before the modification, I was a Reiki master.”

  Alternative medicine became commonplace after the healthcare meltdown of 2029, when the cost of common prescription drugs skyrocketed. It explained why his power was healing—what Vi had said about the powers amplifying something we’re already good at. And it so fit him, with his peaceful and gentle demeanor.

  “Speaking of sensing emotions,” he began. “Are you and Vi together? She’s giving off some vibes that go way beyond friendship.”

  I sighed. “It’s complicated. I think more than anything she just wants to be with me. Not a relationship so much, but the truth is, I’m not sure.”

  He held my hand in both of his, and the warmth was so welcome, so comforting. He led me to the couch, where we both sat down. “And what do you want?”

  I laughed softly. “There were so many times I wondered what was wrong with me, why I couldn’t have a great guy like you in my life. I never thought you were an option.”

  “But now that I am?” His fingers traced a spiral pattern into my palm, amplifying the heat. It shot up my arm and spread throughout my body, calming me in a way I’d never experienced before.

  “You are amazing,” I whispered, before my eyelids became too heavy to stay open. I relaxed into his arms and felt the warmth of his hands on my head, right before I drifted off.

  Then I was jolted awake by the sound of Viola screaming, “Get the fuck away from her!”

  Chapter 5

  Fucking figures. The one time I’m actually relaxed…

  I scrambled to my feet, just in time to avoid Steve grabbing me. Vi dropped everything she carried—including a very pissed off Pickles—and dove at Steve, tackling him to the ground. She rained down punch after punch, but made the mistake of straddling him while doing so. He touched her bare thigh and she collapsed, shivering on the floor.

  “Steve, don’t do this…” I warned.

  He didn’t respond but lunged for me. Jay intercepted him, throwing an ineffective punch that grazed his cheek. Steve’s expression was a mixture of confusion and disbelief, as if to say, “Did you really just try to punch me?” Instead of freezing him, Steve simply punched Jay back, so hard it knocked him on his ass.

  I focused on Steve, trying to inflict enough pain to halt his attack, but not enough to poof his brain. I didn’t know how long I was ou
t, lying there on the couch with Jay, but I felt refreshed, like I’d slept for ten hours. It was a strange sensation, to feel relaxed yet in control at the same time.

  Steve cringed, putting his hand on his forehead. When his nose started to bleed, I eased off, but only a little.

  “You won’t win this.” It would be a lie to say I wasn’t enjoying it—not inflicting the pain as much as being able to finally control my power. He relented, sinking to the ground with his head in his hands.

  I helped Vi and Jay to the couch, all the while keeping an eye on Steve. “Are you both all right?”

  Vi wrapped herself in a throw blanket that was on the back of the couch and nodded. Jay’s eye was already starting to swell, but he nodded as well.

  “Are you okay?” Jay asked. “Did he touch you?”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  Jay edged closer to Vi. “May I?” He motioned with his hands.

  “Of course.” She exhaled when he placed his hands on her arms, and the shivering finally ceased.

  I made my way over to where Steve sat on the floor. He lifted his head and I got a view of his face. His lip was busted open, and the whole left side of his face was just fucked up. If Vi had continued her assault, I’m not sure he would’ve survived it.

  “After you escaped… Derek’s on a rampage,” Steve said. “I don’t know what he’s capable of, I shudder to think what he could do to her… You must know I’m only doing this because I’m desperate.”

  “I know,” I said. “As much as I want to despise you for everything that’s happened, I get the feeling you’re just a good person in a bad situation.”

  He half-smiled. “I don’t expect you to forgive me.”

  I stood, edging away from him. If he could reach me, he could teleport me out in a blink. And trusting him only burned me in the past. “Derek’s the bad guy, right? We can work together to save your daughter.”

  “How?” Steve shook his head. “It’s impossible to get to her, I’ve tried.”

  His thoughts came through without any effort at all. It’s hopeless. My feelings for her don’t matter…I have to bring her back somehow, then he’ll let Lillian go.

  I wanted to slap some sense into him. “Don’t you fucking get it? Derek’s never going to let her go, that’s how he controls you!”

  “Get out of my bloody head!” Steve roared. “You don’t understand.”

  Vi joined me, positioning herself between Steve and me. “I understand you’re a selfish dickhead. Do you really want me to resume kicking your ass? Is that why you’re still here?”

  “God, don’t you even want to know how I escaped?” I asked Steve. “Because it’s the key to saving your daughter.”

  He softened. “I’m listening.”

  “We can’t trust him,” Jay chimed in. “He’s probably bugged.”

  He was likely correct, knowing the tech Derek had access to. I took Jay aside and whispered in his ear, “Is there a way we can check?”

  Jay shuddered and nodded, then retrieved some kind of gadget from what I guessed was his bedroom. It looked similar to the wands they used to use at airports, to check for metal. But this one was more advanced.

  Jay found two devices on Steve that both appeared to have been damaged in Vi’s assault. “What about his contacts?” he asked.

  I looked into Steve’s ocean blue eyes and realized it never occurred to me to question why they weren’t hazy like the rest of ours. But Jay picked up on it.

  “I bought them, they’re just colored lenses,” Steve said. “So that Lillian would recognize me. She never saw me, after the modification. I thought my altered eye color would scare her. That is, if I ever see her again.”

  I sensed a sadness so profound from him. Looking at Jay and the sympathetic expression he wore, I got the feeling he picked up on it too.

  “We’ll figure this out,” I said. “Together.”

  “Did you, uh, want me to heal you?” Jay asked Steve. “Vi did a number on your face.”

  Vi’s lips formed a sadistic yet proud grin. “Yep. Most fun I’ve had in months.”

  “Heal?” Steve looked painfully confused for a second. “Oh, you must be the other one we were looking for.” He carefully touched his injuries. “No, it’ll look more convincing this way.” He turned his attention to me. “You really think we have a chance?”

  “I don’t know. But we have to try.”

  Steve nodded. “I have to report back, or Derek will get suspicious. When can we meet again?”

  “Tomorrow,” I said. “We should have a game plan developed by then.”

  Steve thanked us awkwardly, and then teleported out.

  “Are we seriously going to work with him?” Vi asked, with more than a hint of frustration in her voice. “And what the fuck were the two of you doing while I was gone?” She shot Jay a reprimanding look. “We’re supposed to be watching over her.”

  He looked off to the side. “She was so exhausted, that’s all. She needed a healing.”

  “That’s fine, just be more vigilant, okay? Especially when I’m not here.”

  Jay looked like a scolded child. It was so adorable. “Understood.”

  He showed us the guest bedroom, and I moved my crap that was all over the floor into the room. Vi followed me in and hopped on the bed.

  “It goes without saying I still don’t trust Steve,” she said. “Wouldn’t put it past that dick to end up double crossing us.”

  It was a possibility I couldn’t argue, given his history. “They have his daughter. It’s the reason he’s been such a fucknut.” It felt good to make her smile. “It’ll be all right.”

  “Damn, I’m exhausted,” Vi said and yawned.

  “Why don’t you take a nap?” I said, as I put away my clothes. When I looked back at her, she was already out.

  I covered her with the blanket on the bed, and gently kissed her forehead. She flashed a smile but stayed asleep.

  Kicking Steve’s ass must’ve wore her out. Plus protecting me, even helping me dump a body… Then I remembered Alex—Derek mentioned he was still alive. Considering he was on the brink of death, he had to still be at the hospital. I tiptoed out of the bedroom to find Jay.

  I didn’t find him in the kitchen or the living room, though I did see Pickles narrow his eyes at me from underneath the couch.

  Jay’s bedroom door was cracked open, so I nudged it open wider.

  He stood near his bed with his back partially to me, unbuttoning his white office shirt.

  Chapter 6

  I gaped. Part of me wanted to stop him, alert him to my presence, but another part of me (a much larger part) just wanted him to continue.

  His shirt slipped off his shoulders, revealing a series of symbol tattoos across his back. It surprised me, to see ink. Jay didn’t seem like the type, but I was sure these held more significance than the usual tats I came across, which always included an enormous set of tits.

  I finally cleared my throat.

  He abruptly pulled his shirt back on. “I’m sorry, I thought I was alone.”

  “No, it’s my fault. I didn’t mean to intrude.” I moved closer to him. “Can I, uh, see them again?”

  He slid the shirt back down. I traced the pattern of the most elaborate one, on his right shoulder. “These are beautiful.”

  “Thank you. They’re the kanji symbols for light, happiness, and love.” He turned to face me. “I was about to heal myself. I usually strip naked, I get so hot. But I can put my shirt back on—”

  “Um…No, it’s…it’s fine. I’m fine.” Which of course was a total fucking lie. His body was more defined than his office attire had led me to imagine. I wanted nothing more than to touch his muscles, feel the heat of his skin. There were other symbols on his chest, but they weren’t tattoos, or if they were, they were flesh colored. A tapestry of kanji symbols, ingrained in his skin adorned him, and it was the most breathtaking thing I’d ever seen.

  “It’s gorgeous,” I whispered, and tra
ced one of the symbols lightly with my finger. His eyes closed and he groaned. I could feel he was as turned on as I, his thoughts of softly kissing me entering my mind. He opened his eyes and leaned closer to me. Our lips were about to touch when the sound of a cat screeching broke us apart.


  The cat nipped my ankle, and a thought immediately popped into my head. I can’t believe this bitch is going to make out with yet another human when I’m fucking starving.

  I couldn’t help but laugh, which only resulted in my other ankle getting bitten. I can hear animal thoughts? What the fuck… While it was kinda cool, I got the feeling that hearing Pickles’ thoughts wasn’t going to be much fun.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll get you some dinner.” I found his bowl and food, and the sound of kibble hitting the bowl caused him to run and slide on the kitchen floor. He wolfed the food down, grumbling as he ate. At least I’ve got Pickles figured out anyway. Everyone else in my life? Not so much.

  Somehow that thought reminded me of the reason I sought Jay out in the first place, before I was distracted by his unusual body.

  I waited patiently for him to exit his bedroom, trying hard not to picture him undressed.

  He emerged a few minutes later, fully clothed. His eye was completely healed.

  “Jay, I was wondering if I could ask a huge favor…”

  “Of course, how can I help?”

  I looked off to the side, thinking about what to say. I didn’t want to lie to him, but at the same time, talking about what happened with Alex just sucked. “The cop that interrogated me…he got injured.”

  “He did? You mean in the line of duty or something?”

  “Or something,” I said, continuing to avoid his eyes. “Anyway, I was hoping you could heal him.”

  Jay observed me for a moment. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was attempting a mind probe.

  “There’s something you’re not telling me.”

  He stated it as a fact, not a suspicion or feeling. Fucking empathy.


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