Some Lips Tell Lies

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Some Lips Tell Lies Page 16

by Mary Tribbey

  Chapter 16

  Although it was a long drive, John was happy to be heading home. He smiled as he thought about the first time he had driven Anne back to Los Angeles after she had saved Marco’s life. He remembered how she had leaned against him and shyly kissed his cheek before falling asleep. He had realized, even then, that he was in love with her. He smiled to himself as he remembered how beautiful she had looked. “Soon,” he said out loud. “Soon, Anne, I will hold you in my arms again. How I miss you and love you! What a wonderful wife and mother you are. I am so blessed to be married to you.”

  Anne was in the suite with Bryan when he arrived that evening. He tiptoed in and watched them laughing and feeding the twins. Finally, he spoke. Bryan jumped up, dashed across the room and propelled himself into John’s arms. John lifted him up and spun him around. Bryan laughed and gave him a big hug and kiss. Anne watched them and laughed to see how happy they were to be together again. She wiped her hands off and hurried over to join them. John grabbed her and gave her a happy kiss. With one arm draped around her shoulder and the other around Bryan, they walked together over to the twins. Marco and Angela’s faces were covered with baby food since they were beginning to feed themselves.

  John bent down and kissed each of them in turn. “I see you two are eating peas and carrots tonight. Have you been good for your mommy?” he asked quietly. They smiled and cooed happily.

  Bryan laughed and pointed to his face. “Hey, Dad, it looks like you’ve been eating carrots and peas, too.”

  “I’ll bet it does. The twins are very generous and were just sharing with me. Anne, come and let me give you another kiss,” he said reaching out towards her.

  Anne laughed and kissed him. Bryan chuckled and smeared some carrots and peas on his face, too. “Now we look like a proper, well-fed family,” he giggled.

  “You’ll never know how much I’ve missed all of you. Messy faces or not, I still love kissing you. It is so good to be home. What’s new?” John asked.

  “I’ve been taking swimming lessons, and I can dive into the deep end,” Bryan reported proudly.

  “That’s great, son. I’m proud of you. How have you been feeling?” John asked.

  “I feel wonderful. The doctor said my legs are growing stronger, and I don’t have any more pain in them. I think using them in the pool has helped them a lot. Mom comes down sometimes after the lesson and swims with me. Even the twins like to splash around in the shallow end. Do you want to go swimming with me later?” Bryan asked.

  “I think it’s a little too cold tonight, but I’d like to watch your lesson tomorrow, and then race you across the pool,” John laughed, gently tousling Bryan’s hair. “Does that sound OK to you?”

  “It sounds wonderful to me,” Bryan answered hugging him again.

  All serious talk was postponed so John could just relax and catch up on some family time with the kids. At bedtime, he sat by the twins and read a story to them. Later, he tucked them in and kissed them on the forehead. Anne said goodnight and they tiptoed out of the bedroom.

  Bryan was working on a jigsaw puzzle. John sat down at the desk with him, and they talked quietly as they worked on the puzzle together. John looked at the picture on the box. “That picture looks like the Golden Gate Bridge,” John exclaimed.

  “I know, Dad,” Bryan exclaimed. “That’s why I chose that puzzle. It reminded me of our trip and how wonderful it was to be part of this family. I like looking at the book we made of our trip. I’m so glad Mom had me to do that project. The other day, the twins came in my room when I was looking at it. I showed them the picture we took of them that day. They giggled, but I don’t know if they really understood the picture was of them. I can’t wait until they get older and we can look at it together. We sure saw a lot of wonderful things on our trip, and we met a lot of nice people, too. I got a letter from Jeff, the boy we met and went to the fair with in San Antonio, Texas. He was so happy and excited. His mom started the new medication and therapy four months ago. She is doing so well now. He said it is like a miracle because she can walk again now and is able to stand and cook again without pain or getting tired. Dad, isn’t that wonderful? I know Mom got a letter from Bill and Madge, too. I feel so happy for Jeff. He isn’t scared and worried about his mom any more. I liked going to the fair with him, but he was feeling really sad then, I wish we could visit with them again. I can still remember how delicious her lasagna was, too. I’d like to see for myself how she is doing. I also would like to play that video game with him again.”

  “I’ll bet you wouldn’t mind eating more of her cake,: John kidded. “I wouldn’t mind having more of her great cooking either. When all these trials are over, maybe we can go back and see them. There is still a lot of country to see, too. We’ll have to talk to your mom about it,” John answered.

  Later that night, John and Anne went in to Bryan’s room to say good night and tuck him in.

  “Mom, when will you and Dad stop coming in to tuck me in?” Bryan asked.

  “Does it bother you or make you feel like we’re treating you like a baby?” Anne asked softly.

  “No, I like it. I just wondered when will I be too grown up to be tucked in?”

  “I guess when you are married and have children of your own! I love being here to tuck you in, but I don’t think your wife would want us barging in to do it,” John added with a laugh.

  “I guess we’ll keep on doing it until you decide you don’t want us to do it any longer,” Anne said. “Like your dad said, it is one of my favorite things to do. I like saying prayers with you and telling you how much I love you. My dad tucked me in until I left for college. When I moved back in after he was ill, he came into my room and kissed me good night until he got too sick to do it. When that happened, I would go into his room and be sure he was comfortable for the night; then I’d kiss him good night. I love ending the day with my family. I treasure every day and night I have with each of you,” Anne said.

  “I agree with your mom. I’ll be right here with her every night for as long as I am able. Good night, Bryan. Sleep well and have good dreams. I’ll see you in the morning. Don’t forget we have plans to go swimming tomorrow,” John said after kissing his forehead.

  After they walked out of Bryan’s room, they walked over to their bedroom. “I’m so happy you’re home, John. I have really missed you. You must be exhausted from all the driving and all the stress of the work you’ve been doing in Los Angeles. I try to follow the news about the trials, but I don’t want to hear too much about it in case I have to testify. Come to bed. Let’s enjoy some special time together.”

  “I still love the way you think. I am tired, but I’m never too tired to snuggle with you. I was thinking about you and us all the way home tonight. Every time I have to be away from you, I feel like part of me is missing. I thought when I married you that I knew all about love, but I realize I love you a hundred times more now than I did then. Being with you had just increased my love and my desire to be with you. Please come and love me, Anne. I need to feel you in my arms,” John whispered as he pulled her into his embrace.

  Anne melted into his arms and covered his face with kisses. Slowly, he undressed her and pulled her down on the bed next to him. He drew her close and held her as if he would never let her go. Slowly he began making love to her. With infinite tenderness, they caressed and pleasured each other. Finally he curled up with her tight in his arms. He whispered words of love to her, and they fell into a deep, healing sleep.

  In the morning they awoke relaxed and eager to face another day together. Before the children woke up, John began talking to Anne about the kinds of things that the attorneys might bring up when she was on the witness stand. Anne covered her face and shivered as he said one misleading statement they might make after another. He held her close and explained what they would be trying to do and why they were doing it.

; “Oh, John, how can I get through this? I hate having all this brought up, but I know you are right. They want to discredit you and me and make the investigation look like something dirty and shameful. What can I do? How can I answer all these things?” she asked.

  “Just be yourself, Anne. You are the most honest, honorable and loving person I have ever known. Always remember that. You haven’t done anything wrong. You have nothing to be ashamed of or guilty about. Don’t let them get to you! You are armed with the truth and your own beautiful character. The worse they act toward you, the uglier their questions and behavior are, the more loving and good you will appear. There are some very important things for you to remember about testifying in court. First, you are not the criminal. You must only answer the truth. The truth is your strongest defense against these scheming lawyers for the mob bosses. Listen carefully to their questions. Only answer what they ask of you. Don’t volunteer any added information. They will try to trick you, confuse you, and try to make you appear unsure of yourself. They will try to twist anything you say against you,” John explained patiently.

  “I don’t know how you can handle it so calmly. I’m afraid I won’t do as well as you,” Anne said anxiously.

  “Anne, don’t be afraid. You will be covered with the prayers of many people, and I know God will lead you. Remember the truth will set you free. The honest truth is you only knew the ‘changed’ Marco. You don’t know anything about what he disclosed to me. All you can testify about is what you personally know from hearing him talk or from observing him. He loved you and made sure we never discussed anyone or anything about these people when you were around. That is what you need to remember. You are a strong, beautiful, and brave woman. No one who knows you or is around you for long can deny that. I just want you to understand what you may be exposed to in court,” he reminded her.

  “As long as I can see you and know you are there, I can be strong. I hate having to testify, but I will be brave, like you, my husband. I love you so much, John,” Anne said softly.

  “Anne, I will be as close to your side as I am allowed to be. The problem is I will not be allowed in the courtroom while you are testifying. Just like now, you could not be in there when I give my testimony, because it might taint your memory or testimony. I will be waiting just outside the door, and I will be holding you up in prayer the entire time. Joe may be allowed inside, but maybe he will also be excluded. No matter what they ask, just keep repeating in your mind, ‘We will get through this together,’” John repeated. “Come, now, let’s put this out of mind and enjoy every minute together. If you want to talk about it again later, please ask me about anything. I know you and I have complete confidence in you, Anne. Let’s go see what mischief the kids may be getting into now. Thanks for loving me, sweet Angel,” John said with a hug.

  Even though time passed by quickly, John and Anne concentrated on being parents and on running the resort and making decisions about requests for help received by MSA. Because of their careful investigation and accurate bookkeeping, the foundation’s record was clear and open to public record. Anne was totally involved in the running of the foundation and was ready in case anyone questioned her use of ‘Marco’s’ money for their personal use. Anne spent time with John and became knowledgeable about the financial condition and running of the resort. Thanks to John’s changes, the resort was making a good profit without any of the gambling, drug activities, and prostitution that was common when Anne first arrived at the resort.

  The more Anne learned, the more confident she was that she could answer questions about the changes since Marco’s death. She prayed about it and trusted God to guide her in everything she was called upon to talk about. The weekend before she was supposed to testify in court, John and Anne left the resort and headed down to his new apartment. She had a couple of trusted employees who were going to take care of the children. Anne hated leaving them behind, but she clearly did not want them to become part of any media frenzy. She spoke to Bryan several times a day. She missed Bryan and the twins terribly, but knew it was best for them.

  The day finally came when she was scheduled to testify. John walked with her through the throngs of reporters and photographers waiting outside the courthouse, and escorted her into the court building. He sat with her in the hallway outside the courtroom door, holding her hand while they waited for her appearance. When the Court Bailiff came outside and called her name, John gave her a kiss and watched her as she walked quietly into the courtroom.

  After she approached the witness stand, the courtroom clerk had her raise her right hand and she was sworn in ‘to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.’ She answered loudly and clearly and took the witness stand. Before answering the first question, she took a deep breath and repeated mentally, “We’ll get through this together. I know God is with me, and John is praying for me” The first questions were fairly routine. She settled in and waited for things to get more personal. It didn’t take long for the first loaded question to be asked.

  “Isn’t it true that you were at one time Mr. Martinelli’s girlfriend?”

  Anne took a breath and answered calmly. “No, Mr. Martinelli and I were friends, and I was a young woman, but we were never boyfriend or girlfriend in any romantic sense.”

  “Now, Mrs. Williamson, we have many people who will testify that they saw you holding hands, hugging, and kissing. Do you deny that this picture, exhibit 54, is a picture of Mr. Martinelli with his arm around you giving you a kiss?”

  “I agree that is a picture of Mr. Martinelli hugging me and giving me a kiss. It was taken just after he walked me down the aisle when I was about to marry my husband John Williamson.”

  “Do you honestly expect us to believe that you and he were just ‘friends’? Isn’t it true that he gave you a car and other expensive gifts and left you a huge sum of money? What kind of ‘friend’ were you to receive all those gifts and money?” he asked with a sneer.

  “I have no idea what you will believe. I just know the truth. We were friends. Actually, Marco was like a father to me. He knew I was still mourning my father’s death when we first met. He acted like a kind, caring friend, and he always treated me with respect just as if I were his daughter, and I came to love him as a father.”

  “Isn’t it true that he is the real father of your babies? You were living with him when the children were conceived, isn’t that true?”

  “It is true that I was living at his resort when my twins were conceived,” Anne admitted,” but my husband was the one living with me, not Mr. Martinelli.”

  “Your son bears Mr. Martinelli’s name. He is the father of your twins,” the attorney interrupted with a pleased smile.

  “No, that is not true. Mr. Martinelli helped John and me get married. John and I were married at the resort just before John came to work for Marco. Mr. Martinelli was grateful to me because I saved his life. He befriended me and he planned and paid for my wedding, because he knew my own father was dead. He arranged for and he paid all the wedding expenses. He escorted me down the aisle and gave me away in my father’s place. John Williamson, my husband, is the only man I have ever loved or been intimate with. I am very proud to say he is definitely the father of our twins.”

  “If he wasn’t intimately involved with you, why did he lavish gifts on you and give you a free place to live in a room next to his own suite?” he insinuated.

  “He said I reminded him of his own daughter Sophia who died tragically. He treated me like a father and said he wanted me and my children to be taken care of.” Anne said calmly. “Although I didn’t learn until many months later, Mr. Martinelli had been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer just before I met him for the first time. He knew he had only a few months to live. I only learned of his medical condition about two months before my twins were born. He died about two weeks after their birth. He was sick and lonely, and I helped take car
e of him. That is why we lived so close to his private suite.”

  “How many illegal dealings did you observe or learn Mr. Martinelli committed while you were ‘friends’ with him?” the lawyer asked.

  “That’s an easy question. I never saw him do anything illegal, and I never heard him discuss anything involving his business dealings or associates past or present,,” Anne answered quickly.

  “Do you honestly expect us to believe you had no knowledge of his activities or of the information he was telling your husband?” he asked.

  “As I said before, I have no control over what you will believe, but I know that I never heard any of the discussions concerning his business dealings, either legal or illegal. Marco never told me anything about his past business dealings, except to say that he was ashamed of many things he had done in the past,” Anne answered honestly.

  “Is it true he left all his estate to you, a sum of several million dollars? How can you explain that if you were just a ‘friend’, even a ‘close personal friend’?” he asked.

  “Mr. Martinelli left several bequests to friends and employees and large donations to the Cancer Society and several other charities that he thought highly of in his lifetime. He did not tell either John or me that we had been named in his Will. The announcement was a complete shock to us. We never asked for money and did not expect to get anything from him or his estate. He left trust funds for the twins and our older son, also. He did leave the bulk of his property and money to John and me. We have created the MSA Foundation in his honor and are using the money to help individual people, charities, hospitals, and other organizations helping children and others with medical problems. I believe he would approve of what we are doing theough the MSA Foundation. He was always generous with his employees and friends. We do not take any money from the foundation. John supports us on his salary for managing the Resort. All the other money is being accounted for by the Foundation accountants and attorneys. Our business records and books for the resort and for the MSA Foundation are all here and are open for inspection by the court, if the court feels it is important to this proceeding. We have nothing to hide. As our records will show, in the firstsix months, we have given grants and donations totaling approximately 60 million dollars to hospitals, charities, and a few individuals throughout the United States. We are also helping build a hospital in Uganda to treat families affected by AIDS. Through the auspices of MSA Foundation, John and I are in the planning stages of building a Critical Care Treatment Center and Hospital for children with life threatening diseases or catastrophic injuries on land adjacent to the resort. The Resort was one of Marco’s favorite places. Parents and families of patients will be given low cost or free places to stay so they can be near their children during treatment. It will be operated on a low cost basis and, if funding continues, no one will be turned away because of lack of money, like St. Jude’s Hospital’s programs. It is still in the planning stages, but we hope to begin breaking ground for the hospital in the next six months. Mr. Martinelli loved children and had helped many of his employees and their families when they had medical problems. I believe he left the money to John and me because he trusted us to use it wisely to help others.”

  After saying this, several people clapped their approval of what Anne had said.

  “If there are any further outbursts from the courtroom, we will have it cleared,” the judge cautioned sternly.

  After several more questions, the Defense Attorney said, “I have no further questions of this witness.” He walked glumly back to his table and sat down.

  The Prosecuting Attorney said, “I have a few more questions of this witness. Mrs. Williamson, did anyone coach you or tell you what to say while you were testifying?”

  “Yes, my husband gave me some advice on what to say?” Anne admitted.

  “What did he tell you to say?” he asked quickly.

  “My husband John told me to just tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That is exactly what I have done to the best of my ability,” Anne said simply.

  “Why did you name your twins Marco Robert Williamson and Angela Sophia Williamson?” he asked.

  “We both came to know and love Marco like a father. He dearly loved his wife Sophia and his beautiful daughter Angela. They were killed by gunmen who robbed a bank where they were waiting in line. He never stopped loving them and missing them. When we learned we were expecting a baby, we decided to name him after our dear friend Marco who helped bring us together. When we learned I was having twins, it seemed perfect to name the little girl Angela Sophia Williamson., after his wife and daughter, and Marco after him. Marco died within a week of their birth. He fought so hard to stay alive so he could see them and hold them. He was able to hold them, and that made him very happy,” Anne said with tears running down her cheeks. “I’m sorry to cry, but I loved him, and I still miss him. I understand Marco did many wrong things in his life,, but that angry, cold, vengeful Marco was not the same Marco that I knew at the end of his life. He had truly changed, and I am very proud to say, in spite of all you may have heard about him, he was my dear friend and I loved him.”

  After being excused by the Prosecution and Defense attorneys, Anne was thanked and excused from the witness stand. She walked silently down the aisle and out the door. When she walked out into the hallway, John saw the tears on her face, and he rushed to her side. “Are you all right? Anne, was it too much for you to bear?” he asked anxiously.

  Anne hugged him close, looked into his eyes, and smiled, “No, John. It was all right. I could feel your prayers, and I felt calm and peaceful until the last question by the Prosecution. I’m glad he asked me about the twins. I wanted the world to hear that Marco was not a horrible, heartless monster, especially not the way he was at the end with the twins and Bryan. That was why I was crying. I could hear you in my mind saying, “We will get through this together.”

  John hugged her and said, “Come on, Anne. Let’s go home and see our kids. I’m so glad this is over. Now we have the rest of our life to live together,”

  “That sounds wonderful to me. I’m ready to go anywhere with you. I love you,” Anne whispered. They walked out through the waiting reporters, got into their car, and left for the resort and years of loving each other.

  Post Script

  Although their story ends here, I wanted to give you a little more information. John and Anne lived together happily until John’s death just before their fortieth anniversary. They had two more children and lived to see ten grandchildren born. They built their Critical Care Center near the resort. It brought hope, compassion, and affordable health care for hundreds of patients over the years. John served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hospital. Anne continued to work with the MSA Foundation and actively worked to make sure each patient at their hospital received the best nursing care possible.

  Each week, John and Anne visited with their young patients. As a teen, Bryan volunteered at the children’s hospital. When he grew up, he went to medical school, became a pediatrician, and came back to work at the hospital. He is currently the Director of the Oncology Department.

  Angela continued in her mother’s footsteps and become a nurse. She met and married Terrance Jenkins, a young doctor who came to work at the children’s hospital. They stayed on after John’s death. Terry became the administrator of the hospital. Angela became head of the nursing staff and helped Anne with the running of the MSA foundation.

  George and Henry, the second set of twins, born three years after the end of this story, also worked tirelessly at the resort. George became a respected lawyer, and Henry became a financial consultant. They all continue to work together to make sure their parent’s dreams continued to grow and be successful.

  After Anne’s death at 78, my four brothers and I assumed control of my parent’s estate. The hospital has continued to grow and improve over the years. It is st
ill operating today. I know Marco, John, and Anne are looking down on us from heaven. We still live by their favorite expression, “We will get through this together.”

  Just like my parents, we continue to live by their favorite saying, “We will get through this together.” Proudly I finish this story about my family so their life and love will never be forgotten.

  As always,

  Angela Sophia Williamson Jenkins.

  February 11, 2001

  Book Notes and Disclaimer

  All of the characters, situations, and plot ideas in this book are totally fictitious and are the product of the author’s imagination and are not based on any person living or dead. The story was written strictly for the purpose of entertaining the reader. Any resemblance to any real person, living or dead, is purely co-incidental.

  About the Author

  Mary has enjoyed writing all of her life, but has just begun sharing her stories. She has worn many different hats in her lifetime. She worked as a church secretary and proofreader in a small weekly newspaper in California while in high school and college. She taught for seven years before stopping to adopt her son. While her son was growing up, she managed a camera store for three years and then worked ten years in a municipal court system in California as a courtroom clerk. Next, she returned to teaching at a boarding school on the Navajo Indian Reservation in Kayenta, Arizona, teaching there for two years. She finished her teaching career teaching seventh and eight grade special education students for fifteen years in Globe, Arizona. After retiring in 2005, she moved to Oracle, Arizona, to be closer to her family--her son, daughter-in-law, and her three wonderful grandchildren.


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