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When Darkness Comes

Page 9

by Beck Cummings

  I wiped away my tears and pulled the recorder from my pocket. Trent sat down in the middle of the hall, and I walked into the tiny room and sat down directly in front of him. I pressed the record button and Trent began by rattling off questions into thin air, leaving a moderate length of time in between each one for the possibility of an answer. As soon as I regained my bearings, I took over the questioning. I was assertive, just as I had been when playing with the Ouija board with Nic. This time though, I didn’t get any responses. No more feelings of sickness, no more spider webs, and definitely no more laughter. When Trent agreed all activity had ceased, we vacated our spots and continued on to investigate the rest of the Fort to no avail.

  By 5 a.m., we were all exhausted and ready to head home. I was physically drained and after whatever it was that happened to me in the Fort earlier, I was emotionally drained as well. I had to lean on the Yukon for support in order to remain standing; my legs felt like Jell-O and my head felt like mush.

  “Well, we’re really glad you came out to investigate with us, Paige.” Riley said as he shook my hand. “Hope we get to see you again soon.”

  “Me, too.” I smiled tiredly. “Maybe just not on an investigation.”

  “Not exactly your idea of fun?” Zoe asked, slapping me on the shoulder as she walked past and loaded some things into the bed of the Sierra.

  “It’s interesting, I’ll give you that. I just think I’ll leave it to the pros. You guys kick some serious ass, and I don’t know how you do what you do.” I said while shrugging and pushing off the Yukon, so Trent could open the lift-gate.

  “So, there’s no way we can convince you to help us review the evidence? We’re heading over to Rye’s now to start the process.” J.J. said loudly, hoisting a black case into the back of the Yukon.

  “Rain check.” I politely declined.

  “Alright, well...” J.J. stepped away from the Yukon and came to a stop in front of me. He gave me a friendly hug. “Make sure Knox brings you around again sometime.” He lowered his voice, so only I could hear, “He seems happier when you’re around.”

  “I’m happier when he’s around too.” I whispered to J.J. “It was nice to meet you all.” I smiled at Riley and Zoe. I waved to them and walked to the passenger side of the Yukon, opening the door and getting in. I buckled my seatbelt, as I waited for the boys to finish loading up.

  “You’re still coming right, Knox?” I heard J.J. question Trent.

  “Yeah, just let me take Paige home and then I’ll head over.” Trent replied before walking around and climbing into the driver’s seat.

  Trent started the car and began to flip through songs on his iPod before finally stopping on one and turning the volume up slightly. I closed my eyes, exhausted from the evening, and simply relished the sound of Trent singing along with the song. His deep voice was soft and soulful as he sang.

  “Give me love like her... Cause lately I’ve been waking up alone.”

  I smiled at the realization he had put on Ed Sheeran.

  “Mr. Sensitive returns.” I sighed.


  “Nothing.” I smiled.

  The drive home seemed to pass quickly thanks to minimal traffic on the roads. We parked in the garage and were at my door all too soon, and I was somewhat disappointed because I could’ve driven for hours just listening to Trent sing along with Ed Sheeran.

  I put my key in the lock and turned it, walking into my loft. Trent followed me in and stopped just inside the door, our comfortable silence still surrounding us. I set my purse on the back of the couch, and with a yawn, slipped off my jacket.

  “New York.” Trent said out of the blue, catching my attention.

  I turned around to face him. “Texas.” I replied.

  Trent scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. “What?”

  “Huh?” I tilted my head.

  “What?” Trent asked.

  “What are you talking about?” I looked at him as if he had a third eye. This man can be so confusing sometimes.

  “I’m talking about you coming to New York with me. What are YOU talking about?” He spoke quickly and quietly.

  “I thought we were just randomly naming states.” I shrugged and then, it struck me. “Wait... You want me to go to New York with you?” I stared at him in disbelief.

  “Yeah.” Trent said, shifting his weight on his feet. “I know you probably think I’m crazy and I promise I’m not a psycho killer, you will be safe with me. I hope you felt safe tonight. But I just really want you to go with me. And, I completely understand if you don’t want to, I just...” He shook his head at himself. “I just wanted my girlfriend to see my hometown.”

  There’s that word again... Girlfriend. I think it’s official.

  A smile immediately formed on my lips. I stepped forward and grabbed hold of his shirt, bringing us together in a passionate kiss. Trent responded by snaking his arms around my waist and pulling my body as close to his as it could possibly get. I felt his tongue slip between my lips and I let out a soft moan. I released my death-grip on his shirt and lifted my hands to his hair. I couldn’t help but allow my fingers to get tangled in the brown locks. I felt Trent grin against my lips and he pulled back a little, separating our mouths.

  “You’re cute when you ramble.” I whispered while twirling a lock of his hair around my finger.

  “So… can I take that as a yes?” Trent asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “This is so not casual. I hope you realize that. I mean, we’ve officially entered boyfriend/girlfriend territory.” I said, placing another kiss of his lips. When I pulled back, I was met by a huge smile plastered on Trent’s face.

  “Just figured I’d up the ante.” He winked, lacing his fingers with mine.

  “I’m in.” I said as I gave his hands a gentle squeeze.

  “I should warn you…” Trent’s smile slowly faded.

  I eyed him skeptically, urging him to continue.

  “I don’t really get along well with my father. We have a very strained relationship.”

  “I’m sure it can’t be that bad.” I let the statement linger.

  “Honestly? It kind of is. But I just wanted you to be aware. He’s… well, he’s something else.” Trent shook his head.

  “I don’t care what kind of relationship you have with your father, babe. I’m going for you. Nobody else.” I kissed him softly, reassuring him of my feelings for him through the movement of my lips.

  “Alright, well, go get some sleep.” He broke apart our kiss. “I better get to Rye’s.” Trent kissed my forehead, then turned and started toward the door. He paused and glanced back at me over his shoulder. “Want to get some lunch later?”

  I nodded and smiled, sleepily. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

  He nodded his head, showcasing that easy smile of his. As he walked out the door and closed it behind him, I realized the full magnitude of what just occurred. Trent and I were officially a couple, and I would be going to New York with him. He had upped the ante alright, and I called his bet. I was ALL in.

  chapter 9

  It’s official. I have lost my mind. It is a rare occurrence as a wedding photographer to have a Saturday off, and for some reason, I decided to make a breakfast date with my best friend instead of sleep in. What was I thinking?

  It’s now 10 a.m. and I am seated at the bar of my favorite Montreal restaurant, Les Deux Beauchemins’. The restaurant is small but very warm and inviting. Rustic wooden beams line the ceiling, adding to its old-world charm, along with the brown butcher paper covered tables. Patrons love the homey feel of the restaurant and I take great pride in knowing that I helped Matty decorate.

  Perched on one of the oak barstools, I patiently await the arrival of my new sister-in-law. Nic and Jean-Luc have been home from their honeymoon for a couple of weeks, but with all my time being consumed by weddings and my new boyfriend, I haven’t had the chance to have any one-on-one time with Nic. Until now, that is.

  I watched as
Mathieu stood behind the bar, conversing with an alcohol distributor on the phone. Since the restaurant is closed until 5 p.m., he’s wearing his street clothes, consisting of a gray Henley, blue jeans, and a pair of Vans. I turned around when I heard the front door open and I saw Nic walk in, looking stunning as always. Her espresso hair was in gorgeous, loose waves that fell past her shoulders and contrasted nicely with her white sweater. Her dark, skinny jeans tucked into her knee-high brown leather boots accentuated her svelte figure and the leopard print scarf wrapped around her neck showcased her fashionista tendencies. As she made her way to the bar, she slipped off her gold framed aviator sunglasses and smiled brightly when she saw me stand to greet her.

  “Raiding my closet?” She laughed, taking in my outfit. I was wearing a chambray button down along with black leggings and my go-to pair of cognac riding boots. And although my hair was in a messy top-knot, the leopard print scarf draped around my collar matched Nic’s perfectly.

  “Great minds think alike.” I hugged her tightly and sat back down in my seat.

  Nic chuckled as she floated behind the bar to give her brother a hug. She kissed him on the cheek, and then smiled proudly at me when Matty eyed her in annoyance. When she disappeared into the kitchen, Matty looked at me questioningly. I shrugged my shoulders in bewilderment as Matty simply rolled his eyes and turned around to continue his conversation on the phone.

  Nic reappeared after a few minutes with three empty coffee mugs and two bowls of yogurt topped with sliced, fresh strawberries and granola. I raised my hands and gave her two thumbs up as she walked around the bar and sat on the stool beside mine.

  “Okay, that works perfectly. See you then.” Matty said into the phone before hanging up. He turned around and took in our breakfast spread. “Help yourself.” He gestured toward our bowls.

  “Oh, thanks, big bro.” Nic smiled sweetly. “We would love a cup of coffee.” She said, handing him the mugs. “I brought you a mug as well, so feel free to pour yourself a cup while you’re at it.”

  Matty’s lips drew together in a thin line. He was clearly agitated by his baby sister and I didn’t want our breakfast to be ruined by an innocent joke, so I stood to get my own coffee.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Matty’s pointed question caught me off guard.

  “I’m getting the coffee, so you don’t have to.” I quietly explained.

  “Sit your ass down. I have no problem getting the coffee.” He exhaled sharply, grabbing the white, oversized mugs. I smirked in return when he glanced at me and offered me a coy smile before pouring our coffee.

  “Thank you, Matty.” Nic said, taking the hot beverage out of her brother’s hand.

  “Yes, thank you.” I grinned, and Matty winked a blue eye at me in return.

  Matty nodded his head at us. “I’m going to be in the office doing payroll, if you need me.” He picked up his cup and disappeared into the back of the restaurant.

  I put a small amount of sugar and creamer in my coffee before taking a sip. As I set my mug back down onto the glossy wooden surface, I looked over at Nic. She was watching me intently and I frowned in confusion. “What?”

  “Nothing.” She shook her head, taking a bite of her yogurt.

  “So...” I started, but was interrupted by Nic.

  “No.” She said, holding her hand up in protest. “Who knows how long Matty will be back there and we’ve got something important to discuss here. Now, what is going on with you and Trent?”

  I shrugged and put a spoonful of yogurt in my mouth. It was creamy and the perfect mixture of tartness and sweetness. I took my time chewing the granola, before replying. “We’re together.”

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it.” She scolded me.

  I looked down at my bowl, trying to decide the best way to describe what was going on with Trent and me. I couldn’t tell her that I was completely crazy about him. I couldn’t tell her that he was the only thing on my mind 24/7. She would think I was insane if I told her those things. “We... Well, he’s amazing. He’s quiet and completely guarded and reserved, but then he can turn around and be so silly with me. His sense of humor is...” I shook my head as I looked back up at Nic.

  “You’re in love with him.” She interjected, and I couldn’t say anything in return, because I knew she was almost right in her presumption. I was dangerously close to being in love with Trent Knox.

  “Do you even know him?” Nic questioned, taking a sip from her coffee mug.

  I narrowed my eyes at her before turning my gaze back to my yogurt. I began pondering her question. Did I truly know Trent? No, of course not. But I thought I knew Zane and obviously I was wrong. Way wrong.

  “Paige, I just don’t want you to get hurt. You know that. I worry about who he is, what kind of family he comes from. I know nothing about him and I’m worried you don’t either.” Nic said, and it was evident in her voice that she was genuinely concerned. “I don’t want you to be crushed like before. Is he the kind of man that will cheat on you? Because you don’t need to go through that again.”

  “I don’t know, Nic.” I sighed. “I never would’ve guessed in a million years that Zane would be the kind of guy who would cheat on me. But then again, I never would’ve guessed he’d love cocaine more than he loved me, either.” My eyes filled with tears as I looked at my best friend.

  Nic was in complete shock. Her jaw slack and eyes wide as she asked, “What did you say?”

  “Zane was an addict, Nic.” I confirmed that nothing was wrong with her hearing as the tears began to slide down my cheeks. “I don’t remember when it started, but I was already in love with him, so it didn’t matter. I thought... He promised me it was just one time. Then one turned into two, and two turned into countless. He promised he would change and that he would get clean.” I picked up a napkin and wiped my eyes. “And he did, eventually. That’s why I said yes when he proposed. He had given it up, he was the Zane I had fallen in love with in the beginning.” I was overcome with emotion and closed my eyes as the tears continued to flow freely. “I truly believed he would be able to stay clean. I thought we would get married and have kids...” I sniffled. “-and have the happy ending. But clearly I was mistaken.” I tried to steady my trembling lip, but failed miserably, so I took a deep breath before I continued. “So... Fast forward to one morning when he was supposed to meet me for breakfast at our spot, but he never showed. I went to his dorm room and found him in bed with another girl. But you know...” I shook my head. “As bad as that hurt, what hurt worse was seeing the cocaine on his night stand.”

  Nic looked as if I just told her that her dog died. The look of sadness and pity in her eyes reminded me of why I hadn’t told her in the first place.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” She questioned quietly.

  I gave her a look that said ‘really?’ and shook my head again. “Because I couldn’t handle everyone judging me for staying with him even when he wasn’t really there with me. Besides, I knew what you would think. It was bad enough that he cheated on me, but add the fact he was a drug addict to the mix... ‘Oh, look at Paige. She really knows how to pick ‘em. Well, serves her right.’ Right?”

  Nic crossed her arms over her chest. “I never would’ve said that, Paige.”

  “No, but you sure as hell would’ve thought it.”

  “I just... I want you to be as happy as I am.” She said apprehensively.

  “Well, I’m sorry that I’m not drop-dead gorgeous and that I wasn’t lucky enough to have the boy next door pining after me for years. We can’t all be you, Nic.” My sharp tongue had delivered a low blow to Nic, and she leaned back slightly on her stool as I spoke.

  “But...” She looked perplexed. “You are gorgeous. And, the boy next door has been pining after you for years. You do realize that, right?” She shook her head in exasperation and lowered her voice. “My brother has been in love with you since college. You can’t see it in the way he looks at you?”

felt the wind get knocked out of my sail and I just stared at Nic open-mouthed, astounded. Matty was, correct that, IS in love with me. Sure, I had caught glimpses of what I thought was more than friendly feelings, but he had never made a move or said anything at all. At the time, I just chalked it up to me reading more into a situation than what was really there. It really was there though. I wasn’t just imagining it.

  “You honestly had no idea, Paige?” She asked, and I gently shook my no. If I had the slightest clue, I never would’ve gone to Matty when things with Zane went south. That must’ve killed him to stand by and watch me cry over another guy.

  “How could I not have known?” I picked up my coffee and took a big gulp. “What’s wrong with me?”

  Nic tilted her head to the side and smiled wryly. “Nothing is wrong with you. He should’ve made a move. My brother is an idiot.” She said frankly.

  I chuckled, popping a piece of strawberry in my mouth and I almost choked when I heard Matty say, “I am, am I?” I bit my lip. Crap! We’ve been caught.

  Nic just laughed and played it off. “Sorry, Matty, you know it’s the truth.”

  Matty simply shook his head as he walked behind the bar and poured himself another cup of coffee. He was now wearing his black framed eyeglasses; in order to combat the small numbers on the calculator, I’m sure.

  “Dang! How much coffee do you need?” I was shocked he had already finished his first cup.

  “Quite a bit, if I have to put up with you two this morning.” He teased.

  I gaped at him. “That was rude. I haven’t done anything to you.” I pouted.

  Matty didn’t say a word in reply and just turned to walk back toward the office. I stared down at my bowl, kind of hurt by his comment. I felt a hand on my back and turned to look at Nic, but instead, I saw Matty standing right beside me. He leaned down and quickly kissed the top of my head. “I’m sorry.” He whispered in my hair. “You know I was just playing.”

  I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes and nodded my head. He gave me a dazzling smile before walking back to his office. When I heard the door close, I looked at Nic. “Sheezus, you’re right.” I said in amazement.


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