Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8)

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Thug Mansion (Thug Passion Book 8) Page 8

by Mz. Lady P

  She reached back and grabbed my head pressing it farther into her ass. With her bent all the way over, I was able to dip my tongue in and out her pussy from time to time while I continued to eat her ass. I was trying to suck the soul out her ass and her pussy. I had to make her remember why she was sprung on a nigga at the age of fifteen, when I taught her how to suck dick. I might’ve fucked her over, but at the end of the day Khia knew I was the motherfucking truth. I raised up and dropped the basketball shorts I had on. I turned her around and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I walked her over to the couch, laying her body down gently.

  “I missed the fuck out of you, Khia,” I said as I penetrated her. I had to stop for a minute because her shit was gripping my dick like a glove.

  “I missed you too, but you can’t keep playing with my heart and thinking it’s okay. I swear to God there will not be a next time. I’ll leave with the kids and never come back.”

  She opened her legs wider and received my entire dick. I couldn’t help it, I had to let out the moans. Khia’s pussy was doing shit that it had never done for me. I got angry. Just thinking about her being with that nigga made my dick soft.

  “What’s wrong? Nigga, I was about to cum. How the fuck are you going to just stop in mid damn stroke? Your ass done fucked up my nut.”

  I didn’t even say shit. I put my shorts back on and walked to my man cave. I needed a fucking blunt to deal with this shit. I needed to stimulate my mind and try to clear my head. Thinking about Khia and this nigga was fucking up my mental state. I always kept blunts rolled and in a cigar box on the bar. I didn’t fuck with nothing but Remy so that’s was all that was on top of the bar. I grabbed a bottle and poured me a shot. I know I’m being a bitch at the moment, but that shit got me hot.

  I flamed up the blunt and inhaled deeply. I exhaled and Khia walked in the room completely naked. Her body was stacked in all the right places. She didn’t even look like she had given birth to two kids. She didn’t have a stretchmark in sight. Just admiring her curves reminded me of how thick she was for a teenager. Them niggas used to be at her and all she wanted was me. I’ve played many games with Khia, but that shit is dead and over with.

  “Look, I now why you stopped and that shit ain’t fair to me, Dro. I’m here although I shouldn’t be. Just like the thought of a nigga fucking me is getting to you, it gets to me knowing that a bitch was able to come between us. Why, I don’t know? I’m prettier than that bitch and my body is badder than hers. All the way around that hoe ain’t fucking with me, period. So trust and believe me, it hurts me knowing that you were out giving that bitch what belonged to me. I sat back and watched you love her.”

  “Let me stop you right there. I don’t love that bitch. Never have and I never will. I love my daughter that we share.”

  I knocked back a shot and watched as he shook her head. She grabbed the blunt from my hand and took a long pull from it.

  “Did it ever occur to you how much it hurt me to know that you gave another woman outside of Keisha something that only I should be able to give to you? It was one thing for me to have to deal with Keisha and the fact that she’d always made life for me a living hell. When we were younger, I had to watch as you paraded her around the hood like she was a ghetto princess. I used to dream of the day when you would treat me like that.

  “Then by luck, we found each other in the unluckiest of circumstances. Finally, you had chosen me and that shit had me feeling like fifteen year old Khia. You made me feel like I was the luckiest girl in the world. You came into my life at a time when my son and I needed you the most. You became everything we needed. Any doubts and fears I had about ever having a happy life subsided when you took us as your own. I had to be the stupidest bitch on Earth to think that I would ever get a chance at that happy life that I desired.

  “You played me like I was that young stupid ass Khia that used to let you treat her like shit. I’m walking around here thinking that things are over with you and Keisha, but all along you were still fucking with the bitch. Playing with her emotions and shit. So she comes to our home and tries to kill me. She hated me so much that she killed our baby. It killed my soul to see my friends with their babies but mine was dead because his father couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. I thought shit was going to get back to normal for us and then I find out that you have a baby with another bitch. Not only did you have a baby with the bitch, but you treated me like shit in the process.

  “I’m saying all this to say that you have no reason to sit up and be in your feelings about a nigga fucking me. You need to accept it and move on just like I had to accept all the bullshit you put me through. We both know that had you never done these things to me, I never would’ve walked out you. I know you don’t believe me, but I really hate that I kept Khelani and Khiandre from you.

  “We’re here now and that’s all that matters. This is hard on me, too. It’s like we have to start over from scratch and get back to the way we used to be. Back when nothing else mattered but us. You promised that you would take good care of my heart and all I want is for you to make good on that. I also want a brand new house with all new furnishings. I can smell that bitch in my bedroom. So until you get my house, the kids and I will be staying at a hotel.”

  Khia kissed me on the jaw and walked out. Everything she said was right so I couldn’t argue with her. She wanted a new house, so first thing in the morning I was putting this one on the market and searching for a new one. I wanted my wife back so I had to do whatever I could to make it up to her. I could tell that she was going to make this hard on a nigga.

  I knocked back another shot of Remy and I headed upstairs to get ready. If she was going to the hotel, I was going with her. I just want to lay in bed with my wife and kids. We needed to get back to the way we were. Before I fucked up and made her walk out of my life. I didn’t know what I had until she was gone. Now that she’s back, I’m going to do everything in my power to make good on my promises.

  Chapter 12- Regrets of a Wife


  One Month Later

  The longer I sit in this hospital I feel like I’m about to go stir crazy. I just keep seeing myself laying on my doorstep and hearing the numerous gunshots that were going off around me. I woke up two weeks ago from a medically-induced coma. The surgery I had to undergo to remove the bullet that was lodged in my back was successful and I was not paralyzed like the doctor thought that I would be. It was nothing short of a miracle. I’ve been thanking God ever since I woke up. I’m so blessed to still have my mobility. But I feel so bad.

  My actions have divided my family and it hurts my soul. Thug has yet to come up here and see me. That alone made me want to die because if I never had anyone in this life, I had my big brother. Thug is my safety net and I needed his security at the moment.

  I needed him to assure me that everything would be okay just like he used to when I was younger. I’m a grown ass woman but when it comes to my brothers, I’m a little ass girl. It’s always been that way. Thug, Malik, and Quaadir are pissed at me. I can tell in Thug’s absence and Malik and Quaadir’s voices when they talk to me.

  Of course I had Tahari and the rest of my girls, but y’all know the bond I have with my brothers. This shit is damn worse than death. I need my backbone. Malik, Quaadir, and even Remy have been here around the clock, making sure I go to therapy and talking to the doctors. I loved them for catering to me despite the hurt and pain that I’ve caused. When I did what I did to Sarge, I didn’t just hurt myself. I hurt my brothers too, because Sarge is family to them. I know the severity of the situation with regards to Thug Inc. and how they roll. So I’m fucked up about my decisions and I just want to make things right with everybody. They all look at me and say it’s okay, but deep down inside I know they’re judging me.

  “I see you’re dressed and all ready to go home. Here are your prescriptions and discharge papers. Remember, no strenuous activity of any kind for the next three months. A
lthough your surgery was a success, you still have to take it easy and go to physical therapy twice a week to strengthen your mobility. Usually this is the nurse’s job to get you all discharged, but I felt the need to be here personally. You’re nothing short of a miracle and your case will go with me during the rest of my years. It was a joy treating you, Ms. Ta’Jay.”

  “Thank you so much. I promise to follow all of your instructions.”

  The doctor handed me all of my papers and left the room. Now I’m sitting here wondering how in the hell am I about to adapt to life without Sarge in it. I haven’t heard from or seen him since the day we got shot. It’s like he said fuck me and in reality, I couldn’t blame him. However, if the shoe was on the other foot and it was him who was at fault for everything, I would be by his side with bells on. That’s a nigga for you, though. They can get away with all types of shit, but when a woman does one wrong thing, it’s the end of the world. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that he isn’t here. After all, that nigga divorced my ass before we got hit up. So we were officially over.

  “Come on let me get you home?” My mother said as she walked into the room looking like she was twenty-five years old. Peaches was beautiful for a forty-five year old woman with six kids. I could only hope to look like her at that age.

  “Yeah, I’m all ready. Did you tell Thug that I was coming home?”

  “I haven’t talked to him, but I’m quite sure his wife told him,” Peaches said as she rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand at the same time. She was trying her best to act as if she had an attitude with Thug and Tahari, but I know better. She was hurt that Thug and Tahari weren’t speaking to her. At the same time, Peaches was wrong. She had no business talking to either of them the way that I heard she did. Peaches knows how Tahari is about Thug, so I don’t understand why she’s all in her feelings. I’m still pissed at her for blaming Thug for what happened to me. This shit is my fault and mine alone. If it wasn’t for my brothers, Sarge, our kids, and me would probably be dead. So if anything, my brothers saved my life. I already knew that they took care of Cam and disposed of his ass. I didn’t feel any remorse for him because I forewarned him about thinking it was sweet to play with his own life.

  “Y’all really need to stop this silly bullshit.”

  “I know you just took some bullets, but watch your mouth Ta’Jay. I’m so fucking sick and tired of all this disrespect. Let me get you home so I can head back to Atlanta.”

  I looked at her like she had lost her mind.

  “So you’re just going to leave without fixing things.”

  “It’s obvious I’m not needed here. Quanie don’t want me no more. You, Thug, and Malik have made it perfectly clear you don’t need me. The twins and I are out there with Aunt Ruth, and I actually love it out there with her.”

  I wasn’t about to entertain Peaches or her pity party. She knows for a fact she’s out there because she’s too embarrassed to face the fact that Quanie left and it’s her fault.

  I’d created my own chaos with Sarge and it hurts me to the core that we are no longer together, but I refuse to run away. I’m going to hold my head up high and deal with it. I don’t want to be looked at like a charity case. This my mess that I created and I intend on facing it head on. In the meantime, I couldn’t deal with my mother and her issues. My plate was full as it was.

  I think it’s better if she does head out to Atlanta and work on herself. I’ve never seen her so broken in my life. The worst part about it is that she doesn’t even realize how much her misery shows. She’s so busy trying to be Super Peaches. I have to just let her be until she comes around.

  “Before I drop you off, there’s something I have to tell you?”


  She had me worried because of the look on her face.

  “The kids are with Sarge. He came and got them from my house a couple of days ago.

  “So you just let him take my kids, Ma?”

  Tears welled up in my eyes because I couldn’t believe this shit.

  “I couldn’t deny that man from seeing his kids. Plus, you know damn well Sarge ain’t gone do shit to his kids.”

  I was sitting in the passenger seat looking at my mother like she was crazy. This is the same person who was walking around a complete fool when Quanie took the kids from her. She knew he wouldn’t do shit to hurt them, yet she still caused all types of hell trying to find them. Now she’s sitting here telling me he wouldn’t hurt my kids. As if that mattered. That’s not even the point. The fact is he took my kids and didn’t tell me about it. As a matter of fact, I haven’t heard from him since I’ve been awake.

  “He’s already divorced me, Ma. Now he wants to take my kids, too.”

  I was crying so badly I was trembling. That was until Peaches started hollering at me and hitting the steering wheel.

  “Shut the fuck up Ta’Jay with all that weak bitch shit. You are a motherfucking Kenneth, not to mention a motherfucking Boss Lady. All of this crying and this depressed shit is not how we roll and you know that. So motherfucking what you cheated on your husband? It just so happened you put that pussy on a crazy motherfucker and he came gunning. You didn’t know that shit was going to happen. At the end of the day, I know that you love Sarge. You were willing to lose everything just to be with that nigga. So your momma knows how deep your love is.

  “At the same motherfucking time, stop blaming yourself for this shit that happened and try healing from it. Now if memory serves me right, Sarge was the same motherfucker married and you had no idea until the bitch made her presence known. Sarge is the same motherfucker that you and your son observed walking down Michigan Ave. holding some random bitch hand. Let’s not forget this the same bitch was the one that was calling herself fucking with you about him so y’all had to get in that ass. Sarge ain’t no saint. Don’t let that nigga make you feel bad about cheating when he started the shit.”

  “It’s too late, Ma. We signed the divorce papers.”

  She reached inside her purse and threw some papers at me. I looked and it was the same paperwork I signed that day at the house before the shooting.

  “Tear that shit up, immediately. Don’t you ever in your life agree to no bullshit like that. Ever. If that nigga wants a motherfucking divorce, you take his ass to court and drag that shit out. If he want to leave because you cheated, then you make that motherfucker pay you for all the shit he put you through over the years. You better wipe your fucking face right now. I’ve did my share of dirt in my lifetime, but I’ve never sat up and cried ‘bout it because it wouldn’t change my actions.

  “You fucked up Ta’Jay, but it ain’t the end of the world. It’s actually your new beginning. Now the best advice I can give you as a mother is to Boss the fuck up and fight for your marriage. Sarge ain’t crazy to fuck over you or them kids. He might be a part of Thug Inc., but we all know who hails supreme around this bitch. You know Thug ain’t going at gunpoint when it comes to you. At the same time, you and I both know this shit more than personal for this family. It’s business.

  “Sarge brings in millions and The Kenneth Family is all about that money. If he doesn’t want to reconcile, then you can’t make him change his mind. However, I don’t believe for a minute he wants to really divorce you. You know them Thug Inc. niggas let their egos get the best of them. I’m about to head back to Atlanta. I just need to get away from it all. Plus, Momma not gone lie to you, she’s dick sick. I’m going crazy without Quanie, but I’ll never let that motherfucker see me sweat. Quanie is teaching my ass a lesson, and trust me I’m learning that shit the hard way. Call me if you need me. I love you, baby.”

  “I love you too, Ma. I’m going to do everything you said, but I need you to do me a favor and go make things right with Thug and Tahari. You know they love you and you love them.”

  My momma was good at giving advice, but sometimes her ass needed a reality check.

  “I already planned on doing that but I’m just not ready for all of that right
now. Here are the keys. Don’t fuck up shit in my house or I swear ya ass paying for it,” she handed me the keys through the window and she blew me a kiss before she sped off.

  I hoped like hell they made things right. It feels funny knowing that they were at odds. I walked inside my mother’s house and I made myself comfortable in one of the guest bedrooms. My body was officially tired. All I did was sit up in the car and that had my back hurting like hell. The pain I was feeling reminded me that I needed to take it easy and try not to stress. The shit was hard as hell, though.

  Once I got settled in bed, I pulled out my phone and I tried calling Sarge. I shook my head because this motherfucker had got his number changed on my ass. I was not about to play with his ass. If he wanted to pull a disappearing act then so be it, but he wasn’t going to do it while he had my kids. As their mother, I deserved to at least know their whereabouts.

  I couldn’t wait to fully heal so that I could handle this shit accordingly. Sarge knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying his best to bring me down to my knees and make me pay for this shit. Little did he know, I was about to beat him at his own game. But first I needed to heal completely before I saw his ass. I might fuck around and kill him with my bare hands for taking my kids.

  Chapter 12- Consequences and Repercussions


  I was sitting inside of the monthly Thug Inc. meeting and my mind was a million miles away. The last thing I wanted to do was have to sit in the room with Thug, Malik, and Quaadir. Shit was all bad between Ta’Jay and me so being in the room with her brothers didn’t seem right at the moment. Granted we’d been through shit in the past, but never to this magnitude. I had the kids and I didn’t want to give them back until I got ready to.


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