My Secret Submission

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My Secret Submission Page 5

by J. M. Witt

  I should just shut my mouth and stop talking. Lol

  I’m staring at my wardrobe, stomach is already fluttering. Is it Thursday yet?

  The kids got home from school and I let them play outside since the weather was so nice. I tried on a few outfits, took some pictures and sent them to a friend. Tami. I’d opened up to her about Gregor a few days prior, unable to keep it all inside anymore. Some may say she was a bad friend because she supported me, but she was my sounding board. She didn’t judge me and sometimes that’s all we need. Whether we’re adults or children, we’re going to do what we’re going to do and what we feel is right.

  After the kids, and most likely his as well, were in bed I got another email.

  TO: [email protected]

  8:15 PM

  Subject: Re: Lunch tomorrow

  Ahhh...the butterflies and swirling stomach of apprehension. Tell-tale signs of a very naughty lady who knows she is about to be spanked like a very naughty girl...

  Jesus... Should I be so excited? The only guilt I had was that I didn’t feel guilty.

  TO: [email protected]

  8:19 PM

  Subject: Re: Lunch tomorrow

  Just remember I’m still a lady who wants a little bit of wooing...

  Don’t expect to throw me in the bed of your truck and have your way with me...yet.

  Outfit has been selected :)

  TO: [email protected]

  8:21 PM

  Subject: Re: Lunch tomorrow


  TO: [email protected]

  8:24 PM

  Subject: Re: Lunch tomorrow

  That’s all you got?! LOL?

  If you’re not careful, I’ll go commando...maybe

  Who the hell was I kidding? There was no way I was going to go commando!

  TO: [email protected]

  8:29 PM

  Subject: Re: Lunch tomorrow

  I don’t think the bed of my truck would be conducive.

  I wasn’t expecting you to just fall at my feet with your breasts exposed and breathlessly whisper ‘take me’

  TO: [email protected]

  8:31 PM

  Subject: Re: Lunch tomorrow

  Lol. Thank fucking God. We can role play that later! :)

  TO: [email protected]

  8:35 PM

  Subject: Re: Lunch tomorrow

  I am kind of amused by how much effort went into your outfit for tomorrow. Like you are going to the prom. I will decide what to wear roughly 5 min before walking out of the house assuming I even change...

  TO: [email protected]

  8:41 PM

  Subject: Re: Lunch tomorrow

  Exactly my point why you men have it so easy. I’m not wearing a dress, though! I’m a jeans and nice top kinda gal. I did paint my fingernails, though...

  If you prefer, I can wear pajama pants, a baggy t-shirt, no bra, pull my hair back, and have yesterday’s makeup smeared around my eyes. That’s hot!

  TO: [email protected]

  8:46 PM

  Subject: Re: Lunch tomorrow

  That’s fine. I’m going to wear a chaw stained wife beater with gym shorts, dress socks and shoes. After I git dun whoppin yo ass we can git on over to Walmart too and shop for jewelry to show we’re serious...

  TO: [email protected]

  8:48 PM

  Subject: Re: Lunch tomorrow

  LMAO. Now you’re speaking my language. We should get matching tattoos first. LOL

  I got the kids’ lunches and snacks together and got some more laundry done. Todd went to bed that night and didn’t even say anything to me. I decided to call Tami.

  “Hey. How are you? You ready for tomorrow?”

  I exhaled sharply. “Why am I so nervous?”

  “Because you like him. At least in email and on the phone.”

  Groaning, “I know. He’s not going to be interested. I don’t know why I’m stressing.”

  “Shut your face, whore. He’s going to be interested or he’s a fool. I’d fuck you, if I liked beaver.”

  I started cracking up, “Thanks.” I looked at the clock and sighed.

  Like she knew, she asked, “Has he emailed?”

  “Yes. No. We were joking about shit, but he hasn’t responded yet.” Yawning, I tried talking and couldn’t.

  “Girl, go to bed. You need your rest for tomorrow.”

  “I know. Alright. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “I want every fucking detail!”

  “Yes ma’am! Love you, Tami!”

  “Love you more!”

  I disconnected the call and put my cell down on my desk. Sitting down, I typed up another quick email.

  TO: [email protected]

  10:58 PM

  Subject: Bedtime

  Not sure how much longer I’m staying up. Pretty whipped. LOL

  I should be home in the morning shortly after 9am. We can finalize logistics then. Supposed to be over 80 tomorrow. Beautiful day for shenanigans...

  Talk soon...

  TO: [email protected]

  11:13 PM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  I’ve been watching the news...And trying to get caught up with emails in between breaks. We can touch base then. Sleep well!

  TO: [email protected]

  11:16 PM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  Get caught up on emails. That ass is mine tomorrow...wait. I think that’s your line. Lol

  I crawled into bed and fell asleep quite easily with a smile on my face. Of course, per usual, I woke after four hours of an email. Smirking, I read his email and then typed my response on my phone making sure Todd was still asleep.

  TO: [email protected]

  11:46 PM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  And what do you want to do with MY ass...? :)

  TO: [email protected]

  4:16 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  I can be a lil grabby... :)

  I rolled back over and passed out for another three hours, actually waking to my alarm blaring. Grabbing my phone, there he was.

  TO: [email protected]

  7:26 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  I thought you were going to bed last night...?

  TO: [email protected]

  7:33 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  I did. I always wake up after a few hours of sleep and fight to get back to it.

  I’m currently calm, cool, and collected. Got some sleep. Clock is ticking...

  TO: [email protected]

  7:36 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  I’m getting ready to feed the kids and get them off to school.

  TO: [email protected]

  7:38 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  Ditto. Though mine appear to still be sleeping which is good and bad.

  TO: [email protected]

  9:01 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  I will probably be wrapped up here around 11 this morning.

  TO: [email protected]

  9:10 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  Ok. Kids are at school. Time to shower. Talk soon.

  TO: [email protected]

  9:46 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  Arrggh – so much for working out prior...

  TO: [email protected]

  10:18 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  I can wait if you want to work out...

  TO: [email protected]

  10:21 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  I will do it tonight after the kids go to bed. Need to do some yard work after we meet and before they get home from school. Hope to beat the rain that’s supposed to come... :)

  I should be ready to leave here by 11. Where do you want to meet?
Do you have your best ass jeans on...?

  TO: [email protected]

  10:26 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  Ok. I can leave here at 11 too. Casey’s, it’s about 8 miles over off 54. I can wait in the parking lot then we can order food.

  You’ll have to be the judge about the jeans...LOL

  TO: [email protected]

  11:05 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime


  Red shirt and jeans (with bulge in front). Hat

  TO: [email protected]

  11:08 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  Grey top, jeans, black know what I look like :)

  TO: [email protected]

  11:13 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  Bra size?!

  TO: [email protected]

  11:15 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  I’m parked in back...

  TO: [email protected]

  11:17 AM

  Subject: Re: Bedtime

  You like it in the back...?

  The emails as we drove helped calm my nerves. I purposefully ignored his question about bra size. I thought for sure I might pass out. Sitting, In for the Kill by Billie Marten played on my speakers, I waited. I saw a pickup truck pull in. Holding my breath, as it got closer I realized it wasn’t him. As the air burst from my lungs, I tried to calm myself. My stomach was in knots and my legs were bouncing.

  A few moments passed and another truck pulled in. Pressing my lips together, I hoped it was him and knew for sure it was when he waved at me. At least he was certain of what I looked like. I watched as he parked in the very back of the lot.

  There was no going back. I got out of my SUV, took a deep breath, and walked over to his truck. Normally, I wouldn’t do that; I’d make him come to me. But, nothing about this situation was ‘normal’. The smile he greeted me with should’ve been my warning. I’m glad I knew how to swim because I was pretty sure I’d just jumped into the deep end.

  Chapter Six


  AS I REACHED HIS truck I found his window rolled down. Crossing my arms—a nervous habit—I smiled and took him in. He wore glasses, a red polo, and had on a baseball cap. His eyes were blue, but not like mine. They had more grey in them and looking in them made me instantly more nervous and grateful I still wore my sunglasses.

  That smile, I couldn’t stop staring at it as he asked, “How are you?”

  “I’m good. You?”

  I knew instantly that I’d never run into him at school, or never paid him any attention. Of course, it’s not like I was actively looking for someone. And had I been looking, I wouldn’t have picked him out of a lineup to be the guy I was chatting with in email. He was good looking, just not someone my eyes would’ve lingered on. My eyes typically drifted to taller, more rugged looking men. He didn’t fit my mold, not that Todd did either. It was neither here nor there. I’d learned long ago that drop dead looks on a guy was rarely a good thing. And that didn’t mean Gregor wasn’t good looking, he was.

  He got out of his truck and we started walking toward the entrance to Casey’s. “You still want to do takeout?”

  Nodding, “Yes. It’s gorgeous out.” Hesitating, I asked, “If that’s good with you?”

  “That’s fine.”

  With my arms still crossed, we walked side by side. When we reached the door he held it open for me and I thanked him. Pushing my sunglasses to the top of my head, I grabbed a menu and looked it over, though I already knew what I was going to get. Handing it over to him, his eyes caught mine and flutters danced in my stomach.

  Smiling, “Your eyes are breathtaking. Your picture doesn’t do them justice.”

  I felt the blush creep up my face as I smiled shyly and thanked him. “Thank you.”

  Still smiling, he looked over the menu. The waitress behind the counter looked at us and asked if we were ready to order. Gregor motioned me forward to order first. Pulling out my wallet—because I didn’t have any expectations—I opened it up and he stopped me.

  “No, no. I got it.”

  “Thank you.”

  We waited about fifteen minutes for our food to be made and stood by the entrance chatting. Then it dawned on me that he’d never quite clarified if he’d seen me at the school or not.

  “So, did you know who I was or not?”

  Confessing, “No. I’ve seen you a couple times since you sent me your picture, but I didn’t want to muddle the waters any.”

  Grinning, “So you’ve been stalking me.”

  He belly laughed, “Hardly. Unless you like that kind of thing?”

  I snickered and was going to say something when the waitress walked over and handed us our food. He carried the bag and headed toward the door. There was a little old lady in front of us and he made sure to get the door for her and me both. He caught her eye and I pressed my lips together, amused by her reaction to him. Her eyes traveled up and down his figure and then she looked back to me and grinned.

  “Well, I could use someone like him around.”

  Smiling, I admitted, “Couldn’t we all.” Another man walked through the door and she observed him closely too. “Life’s too short. Go and get him.”

  She cackled as Gregor stood by, amused at our interaction. “Oh, honey...back in my day...” I wasn’t sure if she was talking to me or Gregor. She winked at him, nodded in my direction and headed toward her car. I couldn’t help but wonder what she wanted to say, if anything. Did she suspect?

  He walked me to my vehicle and handed me the food asking, “Where to?”

  “Follow me. There’s a park nearby. Shouldn’t draw suspicion.”

  “Ok.” I watched as he walked away, the smile still plastered on his face as he climbed in his truck.

  Taking a deep breath, I pulled out of the lot to the park down the road. Once I’d parked, I stepped out with our food as we headed to a bench and sat down. I was already immensely comfortable with him, but unsure of anything else.

  We started eating and began talking about our lives in a bit more candid way. We got on the subject of spanking as punishment when we were kids. I admitted that spanking was something my parents did on occasion.

  “Did you feel like they were being mean or using it as an act of love?”

  Tilting my head, “I don’t think it was something they did to be outright mean. It was to teach me a lesson, so out of love I guess.”

  I laughed at a memory that came to me and he looked to me and asked, “What?”

  Shaking my head I recounted the memory for him.

  “I was four or five and I’d done something wrong. Don’t ask me what it was, but my dad had a friend over and it was time for me to go to bed. But not before my mom made sure to tell him I had a spanking or two coming my way.

  “He pulled me over his knee, in front of his friend, and pulled my underwear down. When he was done, I had tears rolling down my face, but I was a defiant little shit.” Looking to Gregor I smiled wickedly, “I’d never admit that it hurt. I looked to him and said, “That didn’t hurt” as I wiped the tears away.”

  Gregor’s eyes were almost gawking at me as he tried to contain his laughter. He was failing miserably at it. “What did the friend do?”

  “If I remember correctly, he looked at my dad with this expression that said ‘Oh, shit. Got a live one here.’

  “Probably should’ve been a warning to my parents then and there that spanking wasn’t necessarily going to work with me.”

  Then he started belly laughing and I joined him.

  “I kept up that same attitude growing up until the spankings stopped. Never mattered how hard I got spanked or how many tears rolled down my cheeks, I’d respond the same way. ‘That didn’t hurt.’ I think my dad gave up. I guess you could say I have daddy issues of some sort.”

  We continued to laugh over this for several minutes. Looking back, I real
ize how turned on he was by my response, though I didn’t quite understand it then. To him—I was just assuming, of course—I was this little girl, now a woman, who’d never back down from a spanking. For someone into spanking, I was a dream come true. I just didn’t know it then.

  What was supposed to be an hour long lunch to get to know each other turned into several hours. We sat in the sun expressing desires and exposing secrets. I had long since turned to face him while we talked, his back remaining against the bench.

  I had revealed things to Gregor that Todd didn’t even know about me. Secret cravings, secret needs, and the secret betrayals of my past. Gregor held more of my secrets in the palm of his hand than I did. He had the potential to destroy everything I’d built, but I trusted him not to.

  Things grew quiet and as I looked at him he complimented me once more. “Seriously, your eyes are stunning.”

  I just shook my head. “Thank you.” I took a breath, gathering the courage to ask what I didn’t want to but needed to know. “So, I need to know if I’m ‘Thursday’ girl. I need to know if I’m just one of many you’re playing with. Safety, etc.”

  “There hasn’t been anyone in a long time.”

  Relieved, I simply said, “Ok.”

  “So are your parents still together?”

  I shook my head. “Well, technically, but my mom passed away several years ago. I don’t really know if they were ever really happy. Maybe they stayed together for us, my sister and me. I don’t know. My dad remarried a couple years after.”

  He listened intently as I continued discussing their marriage from my perspective. Then he began doing the same in regards to his parents’ marriage.

  “Mine stayed together, are still together, but I often wonder if my dad has someone else. My mother is a miserable woman and I hope my dad has someone, somewhere, that makes him happy.”


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