Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel)

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Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel) Page 8

by Renae, Cameo

  I curled up in the corner and shut my eyes. Even with my two guard dogs outside barking loud enough to wake the dead, the world around me faded to black, and I fell fast asleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  The Awakening

  Samuel’s body laid lifeless on Montem Mortis for three whole days.

  But then something happened. Something magical. Something that Lucian had not expected. His eyes fluttered behind his eyelids, showing signs of life.

  Samuel was alive!

  Apollyon had pierced his chest, but missed his heart. You see, there is only one area around the heart in which his sword could have entered, and it needed to be precise. A few millimeters in one direction or the other would have resulted in death.

  Trust my sword. Those were his words.

  Apollyon had been secretly practicing and mastering the skill which could injure, but not kill. So close to the heart, that onlookers would think it fatal. And then, when he applied a little pressure to the heart with the inserted blade, he could stop the heart from beating for a few moments, causing the victim to appear dead, when in actuality it was as if they were being put into a coma.

  He saved Samuel’s life.

  Samuel slowly peeled his eyelids open, and every cell in his Immortal body began to scream out in anguish. One arm, both legs, and multiple ribs and backbones were broken. Lacerations and bruises from the fall down the sharp, rocky mountain covered his body. His back felt ablaze, open and bleeding where they had severed his wings.

  His wings could grow back, as long as he was still alive. But growing back a full set could take months. Being stuck in the Underworld, where time was much slower than in the mortal world, would mean years of being away from Alaine.

  Samuel tried to move, but experienced a pain so excruciating he almost passed out. He needed to find a place to heal, a place to rest, but that was easier thought than done. He was halfway up a steep mountain, covered with razor sharp rocks, and badly injured with no wings.

  But still, the first thing on his mind was Alaine. He wondered if they sent someone after her, and if she made it out safely. It was the thought of her, and seeing her again, that gave him hope; despite the pain he decided to keep trying.

  Inch by painful inch, Samuel willed his broken body to move. He needed to find shelter, and knew it would be nearly impossible in this Hellhole. But as he pulled himself over the rocky terrain, he noticed something. Tiny white stones carved into the shape of arrows, which could only be seen if one was close enough to the ground. They were set six inches apart from one another, and all seemed to be leading in one direction.

  Samuel hoped it wasn’t leading him to danger, but there was something inside of him which told him otherwise. Someone had taken the time to carefully carve these stones, and then deliberately and specifically place each one in an area which was the easiest to travel.

  He painstakingly pulled himself over razor sharp rocks, following the stone arrows around a rocky bend. They were leading him to a small opening in the side of the mountain. The jagged entrance was barely wide enough for a man to fit, but the top of the entrance had a large stone jetting out, so no one above would ever know it was there.

  This was going to be the most difficult task he’d ever had to face: to squeeze through the small hole with two gaping wounds on his back, and a broken body.

  Samuel was starting to black out. He was dehydrated, and the heat was getting to him. He knew it would be hell to survive without food or water. His lips were cracked, and his mouth and throat were so dry it felt like sandpaper when he tried to swallow whatever little saliva he had left.

  But he’d have to worry about that later. Right now he needed to focus on getting inside that cave before he was noticed.


  I thought I was dead. I thought I’d never see the light of day again, but I was wrong. Apollyon saved my life. I just hoped that one day I’d be able to return the favor.

  I had been through my share of injuries, but this pain was nearly unbearable. I knew both my legs were broken, along with multiple ribs, and my left arm was bent abnormally. I was covered in bruises and lacerations. If I hadn’t been so brutally battered, or lost my wings, my body would have been able to heal much faster. But because of these massive injuries, the healing would take some time. I would need to rest, and I would eventually need to find food and water.

  I prepared myself mentally, and thought on the only things that gave me strength. Alaine and Emma. They were the only two in my life who made the suffering worthwhile, and it was only because of them, that I promised to survive and make it back to the mortal world to look after them.

  As much as it would break my heart, I knew I would never be able to return to Alaine, or tell her that I was alive, knowing she would risk everything to be with me. That was something I wasn’t willing to do: to put her life in greater danger because I was in it. It was obvious that Lucian had a deep seeded hatred for the Nephilim, and if he found out that I was back in the picture... the thought was beyond horrific.

  But this was in hope that Alaine was still alive. I wouldn’t allow my mind to think otherwise. In my mind she was safe, and had escaped all danger that came her way. She knew what to do. She knew how to get away. If I had an ounce of faith left in me, it would be in her.

  The only way I could get into the cave was sideways, because the entrance was shaped like an oval. I’d have to keep my back on the less jagged side.

  I propped myself up as close as I could to the entrance, and stuck my arms inside. I then put my head in, and pulled, twisting my body to the side. I gasped for breath. My broken body screamed with a stabbing pain. The top of my chest was pressed up against one edge, and I braced my arms against the inside walls of the cave to pull the rest of my body through. I took in a deep breath and focused. I exhaled and pulled. Pulled with all my might.

  The sharp rocks tore into my skin, but I couldn’t stop. I gritted my teeth in pure anguish, and squeezed my broken ribs through.

  Halfway…but the pain.

  I felt warmth run down my back. My wounds had been torn open again.

  I began to black out, and knew I needed to pull myself all the way inside.

  My legs were broken so I couldn’t put any kind of weight on them. My arm was also broken near the wrist, but I could still use the strongest part, above the elbow to help pull me through.

  I took in another deep breath and pulled. With all my might I pulled the rest of my body through the dark hole. The torturous pain from my broken legs, combined with the burning agony from my opened wounds was unrelenting.

  My world went black.

  When I came to, I was confused, but the pain quickly reminded me exactly where I was and what had happened. I rolled to the side to let what little light there was, shine in on the inside of the cave.

  It was a perfect squared area which measured about twenty-feet by twenty-feet.

  As my eyes began to focus I started to think I was hallucinating. At the back corner of the cave was a small bed laid out on the ground, which had a pillow and blanket folded atop. To the side of it was a large wooden crate, and next to that were five extra-large skins, which were used to hold drink. They looked as if they were filled. I needed to drink, and I hoped there was strong drink in one, to help numb the pain.

  Now, the daunting task of dragging myself twenty feet across the cave floor, and then getting my broken limbs onto the bed. It would have been impossible if the thirst didn’t drive me there.

  The journey across the cave was torturous and prolonged. My teeth were gritted so hard I thought they would break, but even with greatest difficulty, I finally made it.

  I rolled onto the bed which was soft, and much nicer than the rocky floor, and I wondered who my saving grace was. Was it Apollyon?

  I reached for the first skin and opened it. It was water and as soon as it touched my lips, it brought me back to life. I drank and drank, wetting my parched mouth and throat.

  I the
n lifted the lid to the crate sitting next to me, and found that it was filled with food. Bread, dried meat, dried fruit; things which would not spoil easily and enough to get me through the healing.

  There was a small note folded on the top:

  If you are reading this, Congratulations on surviving and finding the cave. You should be supplied with enough food and drink until you heal. The darkest skin holds the strongest drink. Drink, rest, and leave as soon as you can.

  It wasn’t signed, so there was no way I would be able to find out who had saved me. I just hoped that if they were ever put in this position, that they would be given the same grace.

  I knew the only way I could leave this wretched place would be with my wings. The porthole was much too far, and the Underworld was completely barren, which made being seen almost eminent. I couldn’t risk it. I’d be confined to the cave for however long it would take to regrow my wings.

  I just hoped, with every ounce of hope left within my broken body that Alaine was okay.


  I woke to loud snoring and stench of the two huge mutts curled up next to me. Bill and Ted had saved my life, and kept me warm throughout the night. For that, I would be forever grateful.

  The sun was blaring, and it seemed to be a beautiful Saturday morning. The world outside was seemingly peaceful. I was hoping that last night was a just dream, but if it really were, I’d be in my own bed and not in a smelly doghouse.

  Samuel told me that the Fallen didn’t like to be out during the day, that they preferred doing their evil deeds under cover of darkness, away from mortal eyes. Regardless, I decided to wait another hour before crawling out from my cover. The air was clear of any dangerous smells, and the neighborhood started stirring.

  I quickly and cautiously made my way back home, threw a few necessities in a suitcase, and left in the car Samuel specifically bought in case of an emergency, just like this. I knew I would have to leave this place and never return. Someone had found out about me, so now, I needed to be extra careful.

  Samuel told me that if anything ever happened, and we were somehow separated, that he would find me. I could never believe he could be killed, and knew that if he could find me once, he could find me again, especially now that we were connected.

  I wondered where I could run. I needed a place to hide, and a place to reside that would be difficult for the Fallen to find me. The only place I could think of would be a city, bustling with lots of people and lots of smells. A place one could easily get lost.

  Maybe a place a little closer to Emma. Not too close of course. I would never interfere with her new life, or risk it, but I wanted to be near, in case she should ever need me.

  So it was decided. I was moving to Los Angeles.


  Minutes felt like hours, hours felt like days, and days like an eternity. I was a prisoner, bound to the cave until I was fully healed. With each passing day my wounds healed, bones mended, and wings grew until they were almost strong enough to fly. On the cave wall, I had marked seventy-seven days. Seventy-seven days of pain, loneliness, and despair. Seventy-seven days of trying to survive the darkness of this tiny hole in the Underworld, a literal Hellhole.

  I planned to make my escape when the sun was at its peak. That was when the surface was sweltering and at its hottest, and when the Fallen usually took underground into the depths of Hell. The sun never really went down in the Underworld, but because it was desolate and barren, it was the most dismal place to be.

  I would need to get to the porthole as quickly as possible. I just hoped that my new wings would be able to carry me swiftly. I summoned them a few times each day to stretch and strengthen them. They were even more impressive, shiny black and stronger than ever, and seemed to be very strong. Outstretched, they were glorious, and barely fit within the confines of the cave.

  I felt the need to take to the air and had to fight the urges. Wings were meant to fly, but I had to suppress mine for the time being. Soon, they would carry me to safety. Soon they would fly me to the porthole, and back to the world of Alaine and Emma.

  Chapter Twelve



  It had been ten months and I still hadn’t heard a word from Samuel. My worst fear was that he was dead, but I kept pushing that thought out of my mind. I just hoped that he would be able to find me.

  There was no way I could have left a note for him, because the Fallen would have intercepted it.

  He’d been away before, for lengths at a time, and I was aware of the time differences between the mortal world and the Otherworlds. All I could do was to wait it out, and hope for the best.

  I stayed in a small apartment, and spent most of my time working the night shift at a nearby hospital. It kept me busy and helped keep my mind off of Samuel. By the time I came home, I was exhausted. As soon as I showered, had something to eat, and my head hit the pillow… I fell fast asleep. But I never minded sleep, because I dreamt of him.

  Days dragged on and on, and before I knew it two years had flown by. Two years and no word from Samuel. I started to doubt. I started to think that he wasn’t ever going to come back for me.

  One morning, as I sat in a small café, I was approached by a girl. She was staring at me like she knew me. I quickly took a glance behind me, but there was no one else there. Her eyes were bright green and she wore a huge smile on her lips. She had silky red hair, which was pulled back into a long braid, and she was wearing a short white sundress.

  “Alaine,” she spoke softly, “do you remember me?”

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry. Who are you?” There was something familiar about her, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

  “I was the one who saved you from the wolves in the cemetery, on your eighteenth birthday. I’m Aurora. Remember?”

  I gasped. That moment in time seemed so long ago, so much like a dream, and I often wondered if it was. “How did you find me?

  “You have Watchers. Not all the time. Just when you need it, and from afar. They keep you safe while you sleep.”

  “Am I in danger?” I glanced around, but there didn’t seem to be anyone else, and the air was only sweet with her scent.

  “Not right now. But I’ve been sent with news.” Aurora’s eyes became saddened, and she took a seat across of me.

  “Is Emma okay?” That was the first thing I could think of.

  “Yes. No one has found out, or knows of the child except for a few who have been sworn to silence. I am here to give you news of Samuel.”

  My breath seized as soon as she spoke his name. I swallowed hard, my pulse racing, hoping that she wouldn’t give me any bad news.

  “Is he hurt?”

  “No,” she breathed.

  I sighed in relief. “Oh my! Thank goodness!”

  “No, Alaine,” she took my hand in hers, “Samuel is dead.”

  My world froze, and at that moment, a part of me died. I felt my eyes heat with tears. I looked into her eyes again, and they were deeply burdened and concerned for me.

  “What happened?” I needed to hear the truth for myself. I needed to make sure that this wasn’t a hoax or just a horrible dream.

  “We heard from a source that they found out about his relationship with you, which is forbidden in the Otherworlds. A few of the Fallen members captured him, and took him into the Underworld. He was taken to one of their leaders and immediately executed. We weren’t given the details. I’m so sorry, Alaine. I’m never prepared to deliver bad news.”

  I couldn’t be true. I’d waited all this time, praying and hoping to feel that wonderful buzz of electricity, and turn to see his face, smiling, having found me once again. It was that hope which drove me to get up each morning, which kept me moving, and believing that we would be together again.



  With a few words, Samuel had been stripped from my life…forever.

  Aurora came to deliver the tragic message, but also sai
d that the Midway would be sending me Guardians. I didn’t know what that really meant, but I didn’t really care either. I was in complete and total shock, and grief-stricken over losing my one true love.

  That night, after it all sunk in… I cried. I cried so hard that my entire body ached. I cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. I wanted to sleep and let it all pass away. I took a strong sleeping pill and after hours of sobbing, fell fast asleep.

  It was a few days before I pulled myself out of despondency. Emma was still out there, and part of Samuel still lived in her. There would come a time when she would need me. A time when she would transform and would have questions. I needed to be prepared for whatever the future would bring.

  I buried myself in work and took every overtime shift I could, but after years had passed, something I never thought would happen, happened.

  I met a mortal man who seemed to be compatible with me, and his name was David. He was compassionate, funny, and I enjoyed his company. He worked for a while at the hospital, but I later found out that he didn’t need to work, because he had an abundance of wealth handed down to him. David just enjoyed helping others, and wanted to feel like he could earn his own way if he needed to.


  Alaine and David became close friends, but never more than that, because her heart was still so guarded. She knew David wanted more out of their relationship, but deep inside there was still a deep love for Samuel. After all this time, she still loved him, and knew she always would. But she and Samuel were doomed from the very beginning, and it was their love for each other which killed him.

  Alaine knew Samuel would want her to be happy. So finally, after years of being alone, she decided to give love another shot.

  David and Alaine were married, and he moved them to his beautiful home in Alaska. It was far from the city, but Alaine loved it. It gave her a place to breathe.

  There was a beautiful hedged labyrinth at the back of the house, along with a small cottage. During the summers, beautiful wild flowers bloomed everywhere, and during the winter, everything was covered in a glittery white. It was a magical place.


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