You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 11

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 11 Page 5

by Nikhil Parekh

  No matter how much pressure I exerted on the spring; it still rebounded back with thunderbolt velocity,

  No matter how viciously I thrashed then whip against the wall; it still didn’t seem to have lost; even an iota of its sting,

  No matter how many holes I drilled in the base of the iron ship; it simply

  didn’t appear to sink,

  No matter how hard I tried to twist the bars of the prison; they kept standing like a fortress in front of my eyes,

  No matter how resiliently I tried to control the storm waters from rising; they kept swelling up; evolving into a flood like never before,

  No matter how fervently I tried to chew sweets of steel; the entire armory of my teeth broke like frigid matchsticks; but the biscuits retained their silvery polish,

  No matter how badly I pierced the dinosaurs eye; it didn’t blink the slightest; shone brilliantly under the sun,

  No matter how wildly I squelched the walnut in my palms; it simply didn’t alter its shape the slightest,

  No matter how insanely I hammered the walls of my conscience; it simply

  didn’t surrender its ideals,

  No matter how pertinently I tried to control my dreams; they kept growing relentlessly; fantasizing about the entire universe every second,

  And No matter how doggedly I tried to break my heart; it throbbed even more violently for the person it loved; cried incessantly for the girl it wanted to imprison in the vice like swirl of its romance; forever & ever & ever .



  22. DRINKS 

  The scorched roots of grass sprawling wildly on the soil; were greedy to drink monstrous sized dew drops,

  The car lying dilapidated and burnt in the garage; were greedy to drink gallons of golden petrol,

  The eye gruesomely dry after the day's work; were greedy to drink a bottle of tears,

  The scientist working ingeniously all round the clock; was greedy to drink testubes bubbling with brilliant dyes,

  The bees buzzing irascibly around the rose; were greedy to drink its sweet honey,

  The cluster of bedraggled and squalid hair; was to drink jar's of oil,

  The unruly stubble protruding from the arid cheek; was greedy to drink a tumbler full of after shave cologne,

  The pen tremendously weary after embossing a million lines of literature; was greedy to drink sapphire ink,

  The armory of teeth which was decayed and yellow; were greedy to drink sparkling white toothpaste,

  The infinite kilometers of blistering desert land; were greedy to drink an ocean full of saliva,

  The cat philandering furtively on the streets; was greedy to drink a cupfull of milk,

  The mosquitoes feasting on the rotten pile of vegetables; were greedy to drink pure blood,

  The pores of skin chapped and abysmally dry in winter; were greedy to drink a river of sweat,

  The prisoner's ears lying in solitary confinement for years; were greedy to drink the ecstatic melody in sound,

  The penguins wandering around in dazzling sunlight; were greedy to drink frozen ice,

  The thorny cactus sprouting in abundance from the jagged terrain; were greedy to drink a vase full of sweet water,

  The lips severely agonized and gloomy; were greedy to drink a fountain of uninhibited passion,

  The walls of the century old grave; were greedy to drink thick coats of rich paint,

  The unfathomably deep crevices in the valley; were greedy to drink strident echo's,

  The twin pair of nostrils in every man; were greedy to drink a tunnel full of fresh air,

  The matchstick lying soggy and frigid in a pond of water; was greedy to drink hostile flames,

  And my heart palpitating at lightening speeds; was greedy to drink immortal love; drown in it for eternity; while drinking the same .




  What was this O! lord; that my lips refrained to speak; sung mystical tunes instead while walking on the streets?

  What was this O! lord; that my fingers incorrigibly refused to write; drawing incoherent shapes in the mud instead?

  What was this O! lord; that my eyes stared wildly in open space; instead of shutting down under the blistering Sun?

  What was this O! lord; that the hair on my scalp itched incessantly; as if attacked by a thousand ants?

  What was this O! lord; that I forgot to have my afternoon meals; when normally I was the first one to finish food in our family?

  What was this O! lord; that I was engulfed wholesomely by sweat; even in the peak

  of freezing winter?

  What was this O! lord; that I dreamt even while signing checks; entering in mind boggling amounts; that eventually left me bankrupt?

  What was this O! lord; that I filled every glass of mine with alcohol; every time I

  felt like sipping water?

  What was this O! lord; that I erupted out in fantasies of my childhood; when infact I was supposed to give a lecture on business economics?

  What was this O! lord; that I crashed head on with the waiter carrying a tray full of pastry; when infact I had already sighted him from miles apart?

  What was this O! lord; that I presumed it to be brilliant afternoon; when actually it was just a little before midnight?

  What was this O! lord; that I drove my car right into the hotel coffeeshop; instead of parking it outside and walking down the distance?

  What was this O! lord; that I cut my hands severely while chopping vegetables; when infact there was superb synchronization between the knife and my finger?

  What was this O! lord; that I gasped for breath like a dead man; when infact I had just arisen from bed after infinite hours of blissful sleep?

  What was this O! lord; that a sheepish grin encompassed the contours of my face all day; when usually I was extremely stringent in my behavior?

  What was this O! lord; that I reached the ghastly graveyard; when infact I was headed for attending prayers in church?

  What was this O! lord; that I dipped my face in steaming acid; presuming it to be infact as sweet cakes for supper?

  What was this O! lord; that I embraced an old woman on the verge of relinquishing breath; cognizing her to be the girl of my dreams?

  What was this O! lord; that the blood in my veins ran at electric speeds; inspite of my medical practitioner ruling out any chance of blood pressure?

  And what was this O! lord; that my heart palpitated at a million beats per minute; although she resided continent's apart?

  You know what; your guess is as good as mine; and there was simply no rhyme or reason to defy it; for I think that the inevitable has happened; I was struck by

  the same fever as millions of my kind are struck every day; O! yes I think I am in love . 





  It was impossible to clap with a single palm; no matter how turbulently I swished it in the air,

  So in order that sound be produced and noise be heard; both my palms needed to come abysmally close and strike.

  It was impossible to run with a single leg; no matter how much passion I ignited in my eyes,

  So in order to win the race with nonchalant ease; both my legs needed to caress the ground; and then sprint like a panther towards the finishing line.

  It was impossible to see with one eye; no matter how far I stretched and revolved it without respite,

  So in order to sight the entire universe; profoundly admire mesmerizing beauty on this planet; both my eyes needed to move in harmony; and capture living organisms alive.

  It was impossible to hear with a single ear; no matter how alert I kept it all throughout the night,

  So in order to catch each intricate voice existing; coherently decipher the mystical tunes of life; both my ears needed to pop up in exhilaration; hear the far cries

  before anyone else might.

was impossible to breathe with a single nostril; no matter how hard I tried to avoid being suffocated; even with gusty bellow of wind blowing by,

  So in order to blissfully inhale pristine air in vicinity; sleep like a king under the stars; both my nostrils needed to suckle in breeze and blend with the ravishing night.

  It was impossible to eat food from only one corner of the mouth; no matter how incorrigibly I tried to used teeth protruding from that side,

  So in order to chew the most succulent of meals; digest the most voluptuous of leaf; both my cheeks needed to participate in the process; devouring food; water and sweets with supreme contentment.


  It was impossible to write with one finger; no matter the infinite number of times I tried to hoist the jewel studded pen,

  So in order to emboss boundless lines of literature; inundate every nook and cranny of white paper with exquisite calligraphy; both my fingers needed to dance in synchronization; race with pleasure to express their might.

  It was impossible to kiss with only one lip; no matter how dexterously I tried to rub it against my beloved,

  So in order to trigger off flames of desire; exult in the aisles of fiery romance; both my lips needed to move in fervor; explore the sweetness and taste of offered by


  And It was impossible for me on my own to evolve another of my kind; no matter how many prayers and penance I offered to the Almighty,

  So in order to procreate my progeny; and keep the world forever moving; both me and my wife needed to blend together into chords of perpetual love; to ensure that the world never ended; and there was always someone at some point in time; breathing alive .





  Who told you that you were ugly; when infact I found you to be the most amazing and beautiful person in this world,

  Who told you that you were thick skinned; when infact I considered you to be the most tender; the most innocuously sweet,

  Who told you that you were dismally fat; when infact I perceived you to be a dainty angel; having freshly descended from the sky,

  Who told you that your lips were as swollen as the hippopotamus; when infact I cognized them to be soaked in deep cherry wine; each time I had the privilege of

  kissing them,

  Who told you that your hair was like unruly & long fibers diffusing from the gutter; when infact I perceived them to be a river of golden honey; in which I took refuge in my times of distress,

  Who told you that your nostrils breathed hostile flames; when infact I felt stupendously passionate breath drift through; whenever you stood close by my


  Who told you that your color was blacker than horrendous charcoal; when infact I found it to be as resplendent as the voluptuous lotus; even under pugnacious rays of the Sun,

  Who told you that your footsteps reverberated noise of an approaching dinosaur; when infact I was mesmerized every second; as their tinkling sounds

  mystically announced your presence,

  Who told you that your tongue stuttered on every word you spoke; when infact I felt that your speech was astoundingly clear and ravishing,

  Who told you that your fingers made a mess of every meal; when infact I relished every item you prepared; catapulting me into the aisles of unprecedented fantasy,

  Who told you that your teeth jutted out like a hideous demon; when infact I found them like scintillating globules of snow; pelting from the sky; every time you


  Who told you that your sweat smelt of rotten fish; when infact it was the most alluring scent that I had ever inhaled; putting me off instantly into blissful sleep,

  Who told you that your ears were stone deaf; when infact I felt that they could trace the most inaudible of my whispers; listen to the tiniest of my heartbeat,

  Who told you that your height was as tall as the giant; when infact I always found you perfect and till my lips; those moments when I embraced you,

  Who told you that your clothes had perennial stains of oil in them; for infact I always found the most cleanest of my fabric; embarrassingly sordid in front of them,

  Who told you that you looked like a skeleton with hardly any flesh on your body; when infact I always saw flames of pure passion burning in your eyes; enamoring shades of pink enveloping your flesh at all times,

  And even if the entire world condemned you beyond the point of redemption; I would still consider you to be the most fascinating person existing; the most lovable entity on this planet; and my heart would be purely yours; yours only forever .



  More passionate than the beating of my heart; the ferocity with which it throbbed

  all day and night,

  More faster than the blink of my eye; the revitalizing moisture it provided to my rotund eyeball,

  More vivacious than the hair on my scalp; the speed at which they blew in the

  most tumultuous of storm,

  More darker than the lines on my palm; which profoundly evolved and portrayed my destiny to the outside world,

  More dense than the blood which flowed through my veins; the grueling agony with which it extruded out of my skin when I was hurt,

  More stronger than the tenacity of my bones; the astronomical resilience which they displayed in resisting the hostile enemy,

  More acerbic than the sharpness of my nails; the poignancy which they depicted while scraping against the mosquito bites on my skin,

  More luscious than the color of my lips; the voluptuous complexion that they attained when I pursed them seductively with spurts of my saliva,

  More pungent than the perspiration that trickled down my nape; the tremors of excitement generated when I reached the pinnacle of success,

  More potent than the lines of poetry which I had embedded till date; the unfathomable heaps of literature I had produced in the tenure of my life,

  More tangy than the flavor in my mouth; the countless numbers of appetizing delicacies that I had consumed in each phase of the day,

  More stupendous than the most fabulous of my dreams; the most wonderful I could ever have envisaged; while I was awake or fast asleep,

  More sensitive than my ability to hear; decipher and crack the most intricate of sound prevailing in vicinity,

  More wild than the most deafening of my speech; the hysterical shouting I

  executed when thoroughly provoked,

  More mystical than the most lankiest of my shadow; the fairies I invited every night to dine and chat with,

  More infinite than the clusters of hair protruding from my scalp and arms; the millions new which took solid roots every day,

  More enchanting than the breath that descended down my nostrils; unsurpassable number of times in the hour,

  More intense than my empathy for any entity; ever living or dead on the trajectory of this planet, Is my love for you and only you O! beloved .



  In order to mend the broken slabs of bedraggled building; all that was required was an ointment of rich cement and raw brick,

  In order to mend the broken web of spider; all that was required was an ointment of silvery threads and slime,


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