Atticus & The Blade King

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Atticus & The Blade King Page 4

by M K Drake

  Atticus and the rest of the Majjai Six are unaffected however, although he and the others have been receiving strange visions. Swords that glow, bonded to the very essence of their beings, empowering them further… and then in an instant, the visions disappear. The visions have become more frequent since Kazmagus left the Manor, as if his return was the catalyst for both the visions and the sickness.

  Some of the other Majjai houses have formed hunting parties to search for Kazmagus and force an explanation out of him; Atticus smirks slightly at the notion that any Majjai could think of even confronting Kazmagus and think they would be successful, not after he himself has witnessed how powerful the first of the Majjai is. He took on the Horseman, a fabled mercenary of immense power, an equal to the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and held his own. Even Death himself did not faze him. A few Majjai would have no chance. They would have to find him first anyway, and Atticus knows all too well how difficult a task this is. He has tried himself to contact Kazmagus through various means, but the missing mage has only shown himself to Elric, the cryptic visions sending them on their latest roller coaster ride, injuring his comrade and leaving another to protect a broken Greek monster.

  “Come Atticus, we must quicken our pace, we can dwell on things after we win,” Olof says, as Atticus snaps out of his reflections.

  “Yes, you’re right, I just hope he is okay.” The young Majjai leader squeezes “The Sparks of Hel” tighter, hoping that it has the information needed to heal his dear friend, the closest he has ever had to having a brother. He has the page ready for Madame Healsey as soon as they reach the medical chamber. Khan is there, laying still, Safaya sits next to him, with Elric standing, his deep magenta robe draping over him towards the floor, and his staff by his side.

  “The book, here, you have the ingredients?” Atticus asks of Madame Healsey; he watches as she scans the page quickly, replying only with a nod. Atticus turns to Elric, remembering that the cure itself is only half the story. “Hel said the potion will only work if the blood is honest. A truth must be told. And it needs to be strong.”

  Elric looks towards Khan, who somehow manages to open his eyes wearily and return the gaze.

  Elric tips his head, as if giving permission for something.

  “It is time Khan,” he says, “to reveal what you know to be true. Your greatest secret. But you must reveal it to the one it matters the most to.” The old Majjai then leaves the room quickly, raising a hand towards the others to stay. “The truth is something I already am sure of. But it could be for any one of you here to listen to. Khan will know.”

  Madame Healsey has already finished the concoction required to start the healing and slowly raises Khan’s head to feed it to him. Khan takes a sip and the effects are immediate. He wearily opens his eyes, squinting, he beckons for Safaya to bring her head forward, waits for Madame Healsey to move away and whispers softly within the Princess’s ear. “Your brother... he lives.”

  A few minutes pass as Atticus waits with everyone else outside of the medical room. Only Khan and Safaya remain inside. Things were very quiet after Khan revealed the secret of Safaya’s brother being alive; Atticus can still sense the tension in the princess, and the worry in his friend. Now they can hear Safaya shouting at Khan, her protector, a member of the League of Aria, a group formed by King Ismail to protect the princess throughout time – and even this had been kept secret until Safaya worked out who Khan was last year.

  “How dare you! How dare you keep something like this from me? My own flesh and blood, and you didn’t tell me he was alive?”

  Atticus looks around at Olof, and now Joyce who has just arrived wondering what all the commotion is. He raises a hand slowly, hoping that the action will indicate the others not to intervene or re-enter the room. He wonders to himself why King Ismail did not want his sister, Princess Safaya, to know he was alive. One thing Atticus has learned is to treasure as much time with family as possible, his adoptive father showed him the way after the encounter with the Horseman. His father’s honour won that day, and the love he has for his son. Atticus sympathises with Safaya, for she had this gift of time taken away from her, and living with the sadness of believing her last family member had died protecting her centuries ago.

  Atticus is distracted for a moment as a student, bearing patches of the yellowing skin condition walks towards the medical chamber. Madam Healsey breaks away and takes the student to another room further down the corridor. As the rest of the Majjai are looking away, Safaya suddenly storms out in tears, running away from the group.

  Atticus is about to give chase, but Olof stretches out his arm.

  “Leave her be Atticus, she needs to absorb this information her way.”

  Atticus nods. “I know, just, she shows this great strength, but this… this must have shocked her. But yeah, you’re right, we should give her some space… we should at least check on Kh…”

  Before Atticus is able to finish his sentence he and Olof are startled by a shriek in the direction that Safaya ran. They turn and hurry towards the source of the noise, but soon stop as they see Elric standing with another person who looks almost as old as Elric himself. Safaya hugging this other robed elder as tightly as possible.

  “Brother!” Safaya sobs into the robes of King Ismail.

  The King moves her back softly, lifting her chin slowly so he can see her eyes. “My beloved sister. Do not be angry with Khan, he was following my order. I told him not to tell you. Because I know you, your task, your mission with the Majjai Six is far more important. I could not be a distraction for you to pursue.”

  “You are so silly! We have lost so much time!” Safaya replies, trying to control her tears as much as possible. “Tell me everything! I need to know.”

  King Ismail nods and looks ahead towards Atticus and Olof with a smile.

  Elric leaves the King and his sister and walks over to the observing Majjai. “Come now. Let them talk. We have many more things that we need to discuss. Let us go to the tomb.”

  Chapter 5

  The Empowerment of The Majjai

  Atticus looks towards Safaya embracing her brother and turns to Olof. “We should head to the Tomb’s library; we need to delve into this book,” he says as he grasps “The Sparks of Hel.” Its leather-bound covering smells old, made even more apparent as Atticus increases his grip and his palm become ever so slightly sweatier. The skin does not look like that of a normal animal’s hide, it is almost reptilian, with a suede-like feel. Atticus quickly realises where he has seen something similar before as he recalls the feel of dragon skin, both on Draconus and Ju Long in his transformed state. He smirks a little, remembering that nothing is ever done the normal way in this world of the Majjai.

  Elric soon reaches both Atticus and Olof, already aware of their destination before Atticus can even mention it. “Yes, we need to study this thing, there must be a reason Kazmagus sent us after it, especially knowing the risks in doing so. Khan needs rest now.”

  Atticus nods and they start their way down towards the Tomb of Kazmagus. He takes one last fleeting glance towards Safaya and her brother, with thoughts hoping that Khan is okay, too.

  “He is in good hands Atticus, do not fret,” Elric says, interpreting Atticus’s feelings with his usual sixth sense of being to read almost anyone.

  Atticus sighs, almost wearily, glad that Elric can still reassure him of some things at least. However, he is still perturbed about the secrecy he has witnessed from Professor Morgan, on direct orders from Elric he is sure. He has so many questions about his own origins, and the anger Kazmagus initially expressed towards him was never truly explained. Although the mage apologised in his own odd way, there was a reluctance to do so that Atticus could sense. He wondered if Kazmagus’s imposed exile was a direct result of his knowledge, and why the most powerful Majjai that has ever walked the Earth actually fears to be in his presence. And what else does Elric know? At least he can trust the rest of the Majjai Six, his closest of friends, a
nd Joyce. She has shown him so much with simply a look. She can calm his torrid nerves, his aching search for answers with just that… a look, a stare that blankets his soul with warmth and a realisation that no matter what happens, he has at least had this.

  However, Atticus feels uncomfortable with the silence of their walk. “Has Madam Healsey found anything about the yellowing of the skin yet? The sickness seems to be spreading faster?”

  Elric shakes his head. “Unfortunately not, it’s quite disturbing; it is almost as if all the awakened Majjai are missing something. Ever since Kazmagus returned to our realm, a balance has shifted, and it needs to be fixed, or we will be no match at all in the coming war.”

  The word ‘awakened’ reminds Atticus of his own ceremony and the awakening chamber where the Majjai Six draw power from. Atticus has recently felt a pull towards the chamber, but has been too busy to enact upon it, and he resists the urge to look at the mark of the Majjai on his forearm; he feels it is his key to tapping into the chamber’s unknown power source. Only the Majjai Six do not require totems to harness their powers, the mark appears not only to be an embellishment on the skin, but also a container for the energy sent through the chamber. But every Majjai must undergo their own awakening ceremony before being able to access and channel these powers. All Majjai who do not bear the mark must use a totem to channel their powers, or fear being overcome by them. Atticus recalls tales of Dark Majjai, where totems were corrupted, but these were rumours according to Safaya, who has, out of all of them, the most knowledge in the history and legends of the Majjai world.

  “There you all are!”

  The familiar voice makes Atticus smile, an act he feels he hasn’t done for quite a while. He turns to see Joyce run towards them as they near the Tomb of Kazmagus. Not far behind her is Pali, the Mecha-Knight Majjai who helped them hunt down the Scrolls of the Pharaoh.

  Joyce smiles as she reaches Atticus and embraces him with a tight hug. “Who is that old man with Safaya? We didn’t want to disturb them as it looked like they were having a bit of a moment.”

  Atticus realises that Joyce is completely unaware of recent events, so much has happened in such a short space of time. He and Olof fill in the blanks for Pali and Joyce as they follow Elric down through the tomb’s spiral staircase.

  Professor Morgan is already there, along with Professor Sprocking. The former is visibly excited when he sees “The Sparks of Hel.”

  “Quick, bring it here.” Professor Morgan almost snatches the item from Atticus in his eagerness. “It is true, this book rewords itself according to the bearer, see, how the language changes as you turn the pages.” The professor flicks through quickly, demonstrating the letterings morphing into alpha numeric symbols that the Majjai know well.

  Olof takes a turn and the text turns into a Nordic form, but he doesn’t hold it for long before Professor Morgan snatches it again.

  “See, see, this key here is vital,” he says as he points to what looks like some form of legend with dates beside it. “Okay, okay, I see, we need… this section, this row, and this parchment type.”

  Atticus wonders how the professor knows this, and stares at him, as he does so he notices everyone but Elric doing the same thing.

  Professor Morgan senses the question eventually, and manages to pull himself away from the book long enough to offer an explanation. “Ah, yes, you are wondering how I am so certain. The note from Kazmagus was quite specific. There was some writing in ancient Sumerian that I was able to translate, and it referred to a particular scroll referenced by this chapter here, ‘The Blade King’.” The professor then notices Pali. “Ah, wonderful, your transfer came through? You are joining us on the Majjai Consortium program?”

  Pali nods. “Yes, thanks to your lovely letter to our dean, he approved it without question. He hopes it will be the first of many.”

  Professor Morgan smiles. “Pleasure, now please, your Mecha arm, does it have one of those..., thingies…,” he waves his hand as if looking for the right words before continuing. “An ultra violet light emitter?”

  Pali nods again.

  “Wonderful,” Professor Morgan replies. “Can you shine it over there.” He points to a shelf quite high up.

  Pali activates a torch on her mechanical arm and points in the indicated direction.

  He directs her to move the light across the shelf, and it isn’t long before one particular scroll shines brightly with a purple hue.

  Elric waves a hand which causes the scroll to float down to him. They all gather around a large stone table as the it is rolled out.

  They all wait patiently as Professor Morgan carefully reads the ancient text on it and scribbles things down on his notepad. “Hmmm, this is very old. But, okay, yes… the Blade King, a Majjai that appears to have existed during the time of Kazmagus… a name is here, too, Alfatun, it must be him. Wait, it goes on. This king is key to unifying the Swords of Power, in fact… it appears that he was the original sword master.”

  Pali interjects quickly. “I have heard of him, well, myself and Ju Long have. Mage Avipaul mentioned someone called the Blade King when we visited a few weeks ago, could be the same one? An ancient Majjai, but we didn’t think much of it. Mage Avipaul likes his old stories. I think we heard about a hundred of them.”

  Joyce chuckles. “And Ju Long was able to stay awake for all of them?”

  “Ha! Never, his snores are what stopped them carrying on.” Pali’s laugh soon turns to concern. “Have we heard anything from him yet? He hasn’t sent me any messages, I have had no contact with him since I heard he was tending to that beastly creature.”

  Atticus shakes his head. “No, nothing, but, I wouldn’t worry. Hel was quite eager to keep him there; I doubt she will allow anything to happen to him while under her care.”

  “Uhum!” Professor Morgan blurts his interruption. “Come now, we need to focus on this,” he mumbles to himself as he attempts to translate more of the scroll. “Hmm, what is this… ‘The Empowerment of the Majjai’, this is very interesting. This Blade King built the three swords, but something else as well. It says here he created a sword of power for every single Majjai in existence. A soul sword.”

  “That must be thousands, tens of thousands?” Atticus asks, looking directly at Professor Morgan, who does not respond. Atticus glares, frustrated that he continues to be ignored, especially by this Professor, one who he once had a valued kinship with. It was Professor Morgan who guided him in his early days of Majjai discovery, and now this same man cannot even look him in the eye without fear. Atticus looks at Elric, hoping for some form of acknowledgment, indication, anything to show that the elder Majjai is not complicit with how Professor Morgan has been acting; but nothing is forthcoming.

  “Is there any more information?” asks Elric.

  Atticus is aghast at the nonchalance shown at the obvious snub, he is about to shout out his protest at this treatment when Olof places a hand on his shoulder, grasping it softly and reassuringly. This calms the young Majjai enough to wait somewhat more patiently, and he forces himself to remember that there is so much more going on right now that is far more important than his own hurt feelings.

  Professor Morgan takes a deep breath, looks back at the scroll again, and continues to translate. “It talks of a bond that, if awakened, will ‘…ignite a need for the soul swords for the Majjai of the time. A sickness will endure, of yellowed skin and weakness. The Blade King must complete his work, to release the full power of all Majjai, or…’”

  “Or what?” Mage Callan announces his arrival with the question everyone in the room wants answered. He stands beside Atticus, and places his own hand on Atticus’s other shoulder, as if letting him know he is on his side, regardless of whatever dislike Professor Morgan seems to have with him.

  Professor Morgan, startled by Mage Callan’s sudden appearance, takes a moment to compose himself before continuing. “It says, ‘…or death will follow.’”

  Elric takes a deep breath befo
re drawing forth a seat to rest. Placing one had on his left thigh, while grasping his staff with the other, he waits just a moment, composing his thoughts. “We must find this Blade King, no matter the cost. If what is said is true, the Majjai will fall to this illness before we even get a chance to fight.” He gazes towards Atticus. “How would you like to proceed?”

  ‘Finally’, Atticus thinks to himself, wondering how much of this eventual acknowledgment is due to Mage Callan’s arrival, but quickly shakes off the feeling. “Pali and I will go to see Mage Avipaul, the others stay here to be ready if we get an alert from Ju Long. Joyce, stay close to Safaya, she may need you with today’s events.” Atticus pauses there, almost feeling back to normal now that he was given a chance to lead his team again, even if it was just for a moment.

  Pali nods in agreement, before turning to Olof. “I know you will do all you can for Ju Long. Please let me know he is okay when you get in touch with him.”

  Olof concurs with a smile.

  As Atticus follows Pali out, he can sense the eyes of Professor Morgan, Elric, and Professor Sprocking fixed on him. What do they know? Why would they not reveal their concerns? He takes it upon himself to find out what he needs. And he knows just how to do it; but it will have to wait. For now, they need to find this Blade King, and quickly.

  The Majjai Journals:

  I am worried about Ju Long. He plays the fool so much, but I know him. He does it to hide his pain. I think he misses Ngozi a lot. Especially after he received the gift from Mage Avipaul.

  Ngozi wrote him a letter, one that moved him, and me, after he translated it.

  He may be youthful in appearance, but he is probably older than any of us, including Elric. He saw, and still sees Ngozi as a kid sister, perhaps something even more. He will be such an amazing father one day.


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