Deal Breakers

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Deal Breakers Page 6

by Laura Lee

  She grins. “You really did think of everything, didn’t you?”

  I guide her into the tub and settle in behind her. Pulling her back into my chest I say, “The Boy Scouts taught me to be prepared for anything.”

  She chuckles. “Well kudos to them for that.”

  We soak in the tub for a while, perfectly content not saying a word. I start rubbing her shoulders and finally break the silence. “So, did the second orgasm top the first?”

  “Hmm…I don’t know. I think it was too close to call. Maybe I need another one to decide.”

  I laugh. “Oh yeah?” My hands move lower, caressing her. “Do you think you’re up for that?”

  She gasps. “Well, maybe not the actual sex. At least not for a bit. But I’m open to other stuff…”

  I smile against her hair and start rubbing her shoulders again. “Anything specific on your mind?”

  She moans and wiggles her ass against my dick. “Mmm, keep doing that and I’ll do anything you want.”

  I’m instantly rock hard and ready to go. “Fuck, Dev. You’re not making this easy on me. I’m trying to be a gentleman here. When you say shit like that, gentle is the last thing on my mind.”

  She turns around and straddles my lap in all her wet naked glory. “Maybe I don’t want to be handled like glass. I’m tougher than I look, you know.”

  Our eyes meet. She’s hiding something in those hypnotizing hazel eyes. I recall the words permanently etched into her skin. “What’s with the tattoo?”

  Her eyes widen. “Oh, it’s just something someone said to me once. It stuck with me.”

  I narrow my eyes at her. “I’m going to go ahead and call bullshit on that.”

  Her eyes follow my hand as I trace the letters with my index finger. “What? Why?”

  “Because you don’t do anything without a purpose. These words? They mean something to you. Something big.”

  She sighs. “My mom said them. Before she died, she wrote letters to me for every big occasion in my life. The day I got my first period, the day I went on my first date, the day I become a mom…stuff like that. She wanted to be there for me…in spirit anyway. I think she knew deep down my dad would never remarry. She wanted me to have a female perspective for the important stuff.”

  I tuck a wet strand behind her ear. “Which occasion were these words from?”

  “Eighteenth birthday. I read the letter and went straight to a tattoo shop. It’s the only truly impulsive thing I’ve done in my entire life.”

  I run my hands over her rib cage. “You should try being impulsive more often. You never know what could happen.”

  She smiles and unplugs the drain. Stepping out of the tub she says, “Why don’t we go work on that together?”


  RILEY AND I ARE lying in bed, completely spent. He’s the big spoon and I’m the little. We had sex two more times and each one was better than the last. I never thought losing my virginity would be such a pleasurable experience. I knew Riley would make it as good as possible but I never expected to feel so delightfully sated. Sure, I’m sore; I probably will be for days. But it’s a delicious soreness.

  I think back to everything that’s happened tonight and smile. It was so perfect. Riley is not only skilled but also a generous lover. No wonder he’s had so many girlfriends. I cringe when I think about the bevy of babes from his past. I’ve never really liked any of the women he’s dated, but I put up with them knowing that they had a short shelf life. Now look at me. I’m another notch on the bedpost just like them.

  I mentally shake my head, refusing to put myself in the same category. I know what Riley and I shared tonight was special. Different. He even said that he’s never been so in sync with someone before. Riley and I are so attuned to each other outside of the bedroom that it makes sense it would carry over. He tightens his arms around me and I nuzzle into him. God, I could get used to this. I know I said I didn’t have time for a relationship but loving Riley is so effortless. And the fact that we’re so compatible sexually is just the icing on the cake. Wait…did I just say I love Riley? Well, of course I love him. But am I in love with him? Oh crap, I am! I totally am! If I’m being honest with myself, I have been for years. I’ve just always had this wall in place preventing me from going there in my head. But tonight, any barriers we had were broken down and then some.

  Why couldn’t I have had this epiphany sooner? Would he even want a relationship with me now? Could we have one being three thousand miles away? My internship only lasts for one year. Maybe I could move to Boston until Riley finishes grad school then we could figure it out from there. We’ll both be so busy, time will probably fly by. I decide to take Riley’s advice and act on impulse.

  “Hey, Rye?” I whisper.

  “Hmm?” he mumbles sleepily.

  “I love you.”

  He doesn’t say anything so I shift to see his face. His eyes are closed and his breathing is even. Is he asleep? A soft snore confirms it. What’s the proper protocol here? Should I wake him up? He looks so peaceful…I don’t want to disturb him. I roll back over and close my eyes. We can talk after we’ve both had some rest.



  Fuck. Why did she have to say that? I focus on taking deep, even breaths so she thinks I’m asleep. I even add a little snore when I feel her turn towards me. Yep, I’m a total asshole. But what the fuck am I supposed to do? Sex wasn’t supposed to change things between us. We had a deal! I’ve just had the best night of my entire life and she had to ruin it by dropping the L word. What’s she thinking? I’m freaking the fuck out right now. Okay, so maybe I have…feelings for her too. She’s my best friend. Of course I feel affection for her. But love? That’s insane. I can’t be in love with someone when I’m moving across the country. I’m not a relationship type of guy. Especially not a long distance relationship. There’s no way I could ever be the man she deserved. I don’t do monogamy. Not for more than a few weeks at a time anyway. She knows this. What the fuck was she thinking telling me she loves me? I am clawing at my insides for an answer. What am I supposed to do? The only thing I can think of is pretend I didn’t hear her. That’s the most diplomatic way of handling this, right? I’ll remind her in the morning what this weekend was all about before she has a chance to broach the subject again. Then we’ll go back to being friends and everything’s good. Easy, right?


  SUNLIGHT SLICES THROUGH THE room, effectively ending my deep sleep. The absence of heat from Riley’s body clues me in to the fact that he’s missing before I even turn over to confirm it. I listen for any signs of him in the bathroom. I sit up when I realize that I’m the only one in our room. Where the heck is he? He wouldn’t have just left in the middle of the night, right? No, that’s ridiculous.

  I look around as my eyes adjust to the brightness and find a note on the nightstand.

  I smile at his thoughtfulness. Riley knows I can’t function before having at least one cup of coffee. I decide to take a quick shower to freshen up before he returns. As I exit the bathroom wearing nothing but the hotel-issued robe, I find him leaning against the dresser.

  I smile. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” He holds up two cups from Starbucks. “I thought you might need some caffeine before heading back to your apartment.”

  I grab one and take a healthy sip. “Mmm, you thought right.”

  I think he groaned. “Uh…good.”

  I cock my head to the side and study him. He looks uncomfortable. “You okay?”

  He chokes a little on the sip he was taking. “What? Uh, yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Okay, why is he being so twitchy? Is this normal morning after behavior? Does he regret last night? “You’re acting weird, Riley. What’s going on?”

  He clears his throat. “Weird? Huh. I don’t feel weird. I think you’re letting your imagination get the best of you, Dev.”

  I put my hand on my hip. “Spill it, Rye. Why are you being so c
agey? Do you regret what happened last night?”

  He looks shocked. “What? God, no.” He sets his coffee on the dresser and walks over to me. “Why would you ask that? Do you have regrets?”

  I shake my head and make direct eye contact. “Not a single one.”

  He smiles. “Well, then we’re in agreement. No regrets.”


  OKAY, THIS IS IT. I need to cut off any chance of the L word showing its face again. I grab her coffee out of her hand and place it next to mine. I don’t feel like being scalded if this goes downhill. “Last night was fun. A lot of fun.”

  “Fun?” she repeats.

  I employ the panty-melting grin. “Sure. I had a great time. Didn’t you?”

  She scowls. “You could say that…”

  I can see her mind working overtime. She’s always been an open book around me. She’s wondering if I heard her last night. She’s wondering if she should bring it up. That would be a hell no. Time to finish this.

  I grab my bag, sling it over my shoulder, and place her car keys in her palm. “Here’s your keys. I need to get back to school. There’s been a change of plans. My parents called while I was getting coffee. They’re coming into town a bit early to help me box up all my stuff before graduation.”

  Her jaw drops. “You’re leaving? How are you getting home?”

  I shrug. “I’m taking the train. They’re going to pick me up from the station in Eugene.”

  “Oh,” she says in barely more than a whisper. “So, I guess I’ll see you when I get back tomorrow then?”

  “Maybe...I’ll be pretty busy with my folks. They want to load all my stuff into our trucks before grad so we can leave right after the ceremony. I’m going back to Napa with them for a short visit before heading out to Boston.”

  She looks dumbfounded. “And this was all planned during your coffee run?”

  The story was. My parents really are on their way but they won’t be in town until tomorrow morning. “Huh? No, I’ve been planning to spend a few days in Napa for weeks now. I’m sure I must’ve told you.”

  She gulps. “It must’ve slipped your mind.”

  I shrug. “My bad.”

  She sits on the end of the bed. “So…I guess I’ll see you when I see you?”

  I place my hand on the doorknob. “Yep. I’ll see ya later. Thanks for a fun night, Dev.”

  I think she muttered something as I closed the door but I’m not positive.


  I’M JUST ABOUT TO step out for lunch when I feel a sudden wave of nausea. I spot the ladies’ room up ahead and increase my pace. As soon as I make it to the stall, I lose the contents of my stomach and heave until there’s nothing left. I hear the restroom door open as I’m hunched over and try to remain as quiet as possible.

  There’s a small knock on the stall. “Hey, Devyn. It’s Andrea. Are you okay? I saw you run in here and I heard…well, it sounds like you’re throwing up.”

  Andrea is from Human Resources. She welcomed me to the agency on the first day of my internship and helped me fill out all the appropriate new hire paperwork.

  I wipe my mouth with some toilet paper. “I think so. I’ll be out in just a sec.”

  I step out of the stall after flushing. I wash my hands and dig into my purse for my little travel bottle of mouthwash. As I’m swishing the contents around in my mouth I think about how thankful I am for being so prepared. Some people give me crap about my incessant need to plan for everything but it works for me.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Andrea asks as she’s freshening up her lipstick.

  I spit into the sink. “Yeah, I’m sorry; I don’t know where that came from. I felt fine and then all of a sudden, my breakfast was in the toilet. I feel better now.”

  She looks at me through the mirror. “You’re not pregnant, are you? When my sister was pregnant with her first, she would get sick one minute and be ready to scarf down an entire buffet the next. It was nuts.”

  “What?” I sputter. “Uh, no, definitely not pregnant.” Okay, so my period is late but that’s not uncommon for me. Especially not when I’m super stressed from all the long hours I’ve been working over the past few weeks.

  Andrea looks skeptical. “Are you sure? People don’t normally puke without reason. Have you taken a test?”

  I start reapplying my lip gloss. “I’m sure. I haven’t had sex in a while…and when I did, we used a condom. Several of them.”

  Andrea smiles. “So did my sister, Julia. With her first and third kid. Condoms break. I’m just saying it wouldn’t hurt to stop by the drug store on your way home.”

  I try to push back the panic. Could she be right? “Thanks, Andrea. I’ll consider that.”


  “DUDE, WILL YOU QUIT looking like someone just ran over your dog?” Brody whines. “You’re a shitty wing man.” Brody started his Masters program during the summer semester like I did. We share a lot of the same classes and recently started hanging out.

  I take a swig of beer. “Sorry, man. I’m just distracted.”

  “About what?”

  I take another drink. “It’s nothing.”

  “Uh oh,” he says. “I know that look. Tell me about her.”

  I look up. “What?”

  He laughs. “The chick. You’re hung up on a chick. So tell me about her. Is she hot? How big are her tits?”

  I sigh. “Is it that obvious?”

  He claps me on the back. “Totally obvious. Who is she? Have I seen her around campus?”

  I shake my head. “No. She’s from back home. Well, from U of O, where I did my undergrad. We were really good friends for years but never hooked up until right before I left town. I haven’t talked to her since and I feel like a dick.”

  “Why not? Did she get all clingy or something?”

  I think back to that night. Yeah, she dropped the L word, but she was just being honest, not clingy. “No, man. She didn’t. It was just best to make a clean break.”

  “Why? Was the sex awful?”

  “Best sex of my life.”

  He smiles. “Ah, I get it, brother. You’ve been touched by the Magic Pussy.”

  “The magic what?”

  “The Magic Pussy,” he repeats. “Pussy that is so good you can never get enough and it’s impossible to forget. An Urban Legend in my opinion, but you sure do have all the pathetic signs.”

  “Thanks,” I grumble. Sounds about right though.

  “Seriously, though. Are we talking apples, oranges, or is she packing a pair of melons?”

  I roll my eyes. “Quit talking about her tits, man.”

  His jaw drops. “Oh man, you’re worse off than I thought. You don’t even want another guy talking about her tits. I can’t imagine what you’d do to the poor sap that touches them.”

  I think about another man touching Devyn’s anything and glare. “Shut the fuck up, man.”

  He holds his hands up in defense. “Hey, buddy. I’m just speaking the truth here. If you’re still thinking about her almost two months after the fact, why don’t you just call her?”

  “It’s not that simple.”

  Brody shrugs. “Your call, dude, but quit killing my prospects here. At least try to look like you want to be here.”


  “NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO.” I’M SITTING ON my bathroom floor surrounded by seven pregnancy tests. Seven! All positive. I couldn’t believe it when the first one showed a little pink plus sign. I thought for sure it was defective so I went back to the drugstore and bought six more—one from each different brand they had in stock. What am I going to do? How could this have happened? This isn’t part of the plan! Sure, I want kids some day but not before I have the chance to establish a career, or get married. What am I going to do?

  I take a few deep breaths while staring at the digital sign that reads, Pregnant. I grab my phone off the counter and scroll to Riley’s name. We haven’t spoken since the hotel. I’d called him quite a few ti
mes before graduation but they all went to voicemail. I also tried Josh, but he blew me off too, saying that Rye was just really busy. I tried finding him at graduation but there were too many people. I watched him accept his diploma and walk off stage. That’s the last time I saw him. How am I supposed to tell him that I’m pregnant? We’re on opposite sides of the country! He still has two years of school left. And what about my internship? Crap! Crap! Crap! Wouldn’t one of us have noticed if the condom broke?

  I bite the bullet and hit the call button. It rings four times before it’s answered.

  “Hello, Riley’s phone!” a girl slurs.

  I hold the phone away from my ear. Is this really happening right now? Who is this chick answering his phone? Why is there so much background noise?

  “Hello, is Riley available?”

  “No, he’s not. That big ball of hot man is getting me another drink. Can I take a message?”

  “No, no message.” I hang up quickly, feeling sick, and wind up puking again. As I lay on the cold tile floor, I sob. What am I going to do? Riley’s obviously back to his old manwhore ways. Our night together clearly didn’t have the same significance to him as it did to me. How can we raise a baby together when he won’t even talk to me?


  I SCOWL WHEN I see the annoying brunette setting my phone down on the table. “What are you doing with my phone?”

  “It rang,” she slurs. “I answered it.”

  I pick up my phone and scroll through the caller ID. Devyn. “What did she say? What did you say to her?” I growl.

  “I said hello, some chick asked for you, I said you were getting me a drink and offered to take a message. She didn’t want to leave one.”

  “What exactly did she say?” I yell.

  “Whoa, dude, calm down,” Brody says as he joins us at the table.

  I fling my arm out. “This bimbo thought she should answer my phone! I was trying to find out what the caller said.”


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