Little White Lie

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Little White Lie Page 2

by Tarrah Anders

  “The boxers were constricting me, I couldn’t fall asleep. I felt suffocated. I need to breathe. My body likes to breathe. It’s in clothes all day long.” I reply. “Can we just go back to sleep? I got to be up in a few hours to hit the gym.”

  She sighs and emits a small ‘yeah asshole’ as she rolls back over to her side with her back to me.

  “Stay on your side, anaconda,” she warns. “We’re going to talk about this later.”

  Victory is mine!

  I go about my normal routine for the next few days.

  Training. Team meeting. Breakfast on the go. Class. Lunch. Special teams meeting. Practice. Dinner. More training. Home. Homework. Snack. Push-ups.

  I crawl into bed beside a sleeping Kaley around midnight and don’t even think twice when I remove my boxers. I roll over onto my side, pass out, and start the same routine the following day.

  On Friday night, we had a home game against Old Miss U and I’m reeling from the win as I walk into the apartment. Exhausted and nearly forgetting that her family is here until I use my key to engage the lock. I slowly open the door, take a deep breath and then am greeted by five sets of eyes.

  “Is this the infamous Dean?” An older version of Kaley asks, clearly her mother.

  I step forward, my hand extended and she grasps my hand to pull me into a hug. I pat her back awkwardly as she releases me and her husband, Kaley’s father, approaches with his hand stretched my way.

  “Nice to meet you son, I’m ashamed to say, but we only knew you two were romantically involved fairly recently, however we have known of you for some time.”

  “Nice to meet you, sir.” I say firmly.

  “This is our youngest, Maddie.” Mrs. Valentine says as she’s extending her arm toward a mirror image of Kaley, but clearly much younger.

  I smile and wave as Kaley comes to stand beside me. I lean down, kiss her cheek and wrap my arm around her waist. She doesn’t flinch, and doesn’t push me away, but wraps her arm around my middle in return.

  So far, so good.

  “Good game?” She asks looking at me with a drunk looking smile.

  “We won.”

  “You didn’t go out afterwards with the team?” She blinks.

  “I knew your parents were coming in tonight, since you couldn’t be at the game.” I lie.

  Kaley has only come to three of my games, she’s not really a football fan, so she wouldn’t have come anyway. She doesn’t understand much of sports, and I’m okay with that.

  “What position do you play?” Mr. Valentine asks me.

  “I play defensive safety, sir.” I say proudly.

  “I’ll give you a safety.” Maddie says under her breath. Kaley’s head swings to her sister, her mouth open and eyes wide as Maddie coughs and pretends to pick off the invisible lint on her leggings.

  I laugh and squeeze Kaley’s side. What’s that even mean?

  “We were just about to get out of here. It’s really alright that Maddie stays here with you guys?” Mrs. Valentine questions looking between the two of us. “We wouldn’t want to impose.”

  “Yes ma’am. We have the extra room and no one has leased the room yet.” I say effortlessly.

  She presses her hands together, looks at her husband, and then they begin to walk towards the door. As they reach for the knob, they turn and glare at Maddie.

  “Be respectful, Mads. This is their home. You don’t go parading around here like you own it. Be presentable, none of that walking around without pants shit that you try to pull at home.” Mr. Valentine points at his youngest as she nods in agreement.

  “We’ll see you folks for breakfast. Dean, I sure hope that you can join us.”

  I nod my head as Kaley goes to stand beside her sister. Their parents leave and I turn to the sisters.

  “So, I met the folks for the first time. I always thought that would be a lot harder. I mean they weren’t scary at all.” I smile, retreating to the kitchen.

  “They’re on their best behavior. Dad didn’t want to fuck up and make their prized daughter never speak to them. They want her to come home and visit for the holidays, so you’ll only get their best behavior while we’re here.” Maddie says matter-of-factly, arms crossed and a voice full of venom. Whoa, there’s some history there. “I’m sure they’re doing plenty of speculating and writing down questions to grill Kaley with over the phone.”

  “Why don’t you ever go home?” I ask, turning to Kaley.

  “Mom and Dad don’t exactly agree with my views.”

  “Elaborate please?”

  “They wanted her to go to seminary school, be a part of the church. Not go to a college out of town and major in food.” Maddie informs.

  “She doesn’t major in food, she can hardly cook.” I say, feigning laughter. “She studies Nutritional Science.”

  “Same thing to them.” Maddie waves off in indifference. “Anyway, tell me about you? I know all about her. You play ball? Got any hot friends that like to come over?”

  “Um, aren’t you sixteen?” I ask, placing my hands on the counter behind me.

  “I’ll be seventeen in a month.” She says nonchalantly.

  “Still, we’re twenty-one. There are age laws and I’m sure my friends—who don’t just drop by—would obey these laws.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest and huffs out a ‘no fair!’ as she turns and stomps to the bedroom, my bedroom.

  “Jail bait.” I say under my breath.


  The first meeting went great, better than great actually. The only thing that could have been better, was my sister looking to hook up and eyeing my boyfriend.

  Wait, Dean isn’t really my boyfriend.

  He’s unbuttoning his game day dress shirt as I enter the bedroom.

  He shrugs off the shirt, baring his shoulders, catches the shirt before it drops to the floor, then turns to me.

  “Your sister likes me.” He sing-songs.

  “Obviously, but don’t get a big head about it.” I reply, rolling my eyes.

  “I didn’t know that your parents were all religious-like?” he switches subjects.

  “It’s not really something that I disclose to anyone, I don’t want anyone to think that I ride that train too.” I reply, avoiding his stare.

  He comes to stand in front of me, places both hands on my shoulders and leans down to be eye to eye with me.

  “Hey. We all have a little crazy in our lives. And you’re my crazy. And I don’t mind that.” He offers me a smile.

  I laugh loudly. Sweet of him to say, also him saying that gives me the goosebumps.

  “Hurry and get your sweet ass into bed, so I can too. I’m beat and could easily fall asleep on my feet.”

  “Why do I have to get in before you?” I question.

  “I mean I will drop my pants, I’m not shy.” He warns.

  A part of me wants to test him, but I know how tired he usually is after games that I comply and grab my sleep clothes from the top of the dresser. I make my way towards the door to change in the bathroom when his hand stops me.

  “What?” I ask.

  “If we’re in a relationship, we’ve seen each other change. Likely a lot.” He reminds me.

  “Right. Okay.”

  Walking around to my side of the bed, I turn my back to him. I look at him over my shoulder and he’s watching me curiously. I sit down and remove my pants so he can’t see all of me, pull on my shorts, pull my blouse off, and put the tank top on just as quickly. Unhooking my bra from underneath and pulling the straps off, then pull the garment from the sides. My clothes are kicked to the corner, then I climb into bed and under the covers.

  He watched me undress and even though I did it quickly, it still felt taboo and I kind of liked it. I liked that he watched. I wonder if he enjoyed watching.

  I turn my head slowly towards him as he stands straight after removing his pants. He apparently is commando tonight and I’m seeing his tight bare ass for the first time.

  He climbs into bed, situates himself, and then says goodnight.

  I say it back to him quietly and then I’m out like a light.

  The sun is shining and hitting me square on my face. That’s weird, the sun is usually on the other side of the room. It's then that I also notice that I’m elevated a little and my bed is breathing. I open my eyes slowly and I’m facing the window, laying on top of Dean. My hand is across his abdomen and my leg is on top of his thigh. He has one arm around my shoulder and is breathing deeply with his other arm under his head and pillow.

  Do I move? Should I move? Oh my God. Dean is naked, and I’m pretty sure that there may be a part of my body that is inches away from that one part of his body. The anaconda.

  “Just go with it.” He says lightly, his breath blowing across my hair.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know how I ended up over here,” I apologize.

  “I’m comfortable. Don’t move yet,” he requests.

  “Isn’t this inappropriate?” I ask.

  “Not at all. Just shhh. I’m enjoying this. I’m comfortable and I don’t need to get up just yet.” His arm tightens around me and I give in.

  I close my eyes again, listening to his heartbeat and feeling the rhythm of his breathing lulling me back to sleep.

  “Kale. Time to get up. Kale?” My shoulder is being nudged. The comfortable surface of Dean that I was lying on earlier is missing.

  I open my eyes, my gaze fixating on Dean’s face looking down at me.

  “What time is it?” I ask groggily.

  “It’s eight. Your sister says that your parents are going to be here at nine.” I sit up immediately in bed and start pulling the covers off of me. Dean is staring at my chest, his jaw slacked as I stand.

  “What?” I ask.

  He points, then rearranges himself in his pants. I look down and note that one of my breasts has come out to play. I cover myself and look at him sheepishly.

  “I’ll uh, go hangout with your sister in the living room while you get yourself ready.” He says looking everywhere, but at my face. I hurry past him, my arm covering my chest, not even thinking twice, and head into the shower where I take my time.

  Once I return from the bedroom fully dressed, my family plus Dean are laughing around the kitchen. Dean is pouring a cup of coffee for my dad while my mother and sister watch him fondly.

  I can’t help but to get butterflies from the scene either.

  Dean is a people person, and he easily makes people fall for him. He smiles at my mother, but when he notices me in the hallway entryway, his smile grows exponentially as I get all of his attention.

  My mother follows his gaze, looks back at him with a smile and then back to me and says; “There she is. You hungry honey?”

  “Famished.” I whisper, my eyes still on Dean.

  I approach the group and go stand by Dean. He instinctively wraps his arm around my shoulder.

  I look up at him and he leans down.

  Our lips meet.

  His lips press against mine. They’re soft and exploratory.

  I must gasp, because I feel a swipe of his tongue against mine and then he pulls back.

  He’s playing the part. This isn’t real. I try to convince myself.

  Chapter Three


  I kissed her.

  I kissed her in front of her family.

  I kissed her in front of her conservative family.

  They didn’t balk at the moment, and neither did Kaley.

  But I kissed her, and I wanted to.

  And I really want to do it again.

  I’m playing the part of the boyfriend and while my mind knows that it’s just a part—another part of me wishes that it was a smidge real.

  When I woke up to her wrapped up around me this morning, I liked the feeling and I wanted more of it. I would have kissed her while we laid in bed together, but I knew her mind was working a mile a minute on the fact that she was practically on top of me as I was naked.

  I somehow convinced her to stay, and she did, even falling back to sleep.

  But I just kissed her, and she didn’t push me away, she leaned into me and I’m sure the only thing that halted her movements was the fact that her family was watching us, at least I hope.

  At breakfast, she would casually touch me while talking. I would notice her gaze on my profile when I would be speaking to her father, I would feel her smile when I said something to her mother, she was observing and enjoying this moment. It was almost like it’s never been something that she’s experienced before.

  We were exiting the restaurant when she grabs my hand, intertwines her fingers with mine, and when my eyes meet hers, she smiles.

  “Do you two have anything planned today?” Mrs. Valentine asks us eagerly.

  “We cleared our schedules so we can spend time with you.” I reply on behalf of the both of us.

  I made sure that all of my teammates knew that I wouldn’t be available this weekend. While I know that I have a mountain of homework, and that Kaley most likely may as well, I also know that Kaley and I can do that at some point this weekend when we’re not doing the tourist thing.

  I’m not really sure if Kaley had plans for me to join them the entire time they’re here, but I’m going to play my part as best as I can. A proper boyfriend makes time for his girlfriend’s parents if they are visiting.

  I think I read that somewhere.

  Even though, after that light kiss, I’m not sure how much of this is playing anymore.

  “Dean usually has a busy school week with football and all. So, yeah, he may not be around as much during the week while you guys are here.” I must have missed most of the conversation.

  “Except this week. I have a light week since we have a bye.” I reply.

  “A bye?” Maddie asks.

  “It means that they don’t have a game this week. It’s like a break.” Kaley says.

  “Don’t you have a twin?” Mrs. Valentine asks me.

  “I do. Denise. She is how Kale and I met. They were roommates when I lived in one of the athlete dorms on campus.”

  “Wasn’t she your roommate too your first year, in the dorms?” Mrs. Valentine turns to Kaley.

  “Yup. I liked her so much, we still wanted to move in together after our first year.”

  “And you liked her so much, that you started hooking up with her brother!” Maddie quips.

  I smile. Her sister is funny. Truthful, yet funny.

  “I thought student athletes are all supposed to live together in the dorms like they do in the Revenge of the Nerds movie?” Mrs. Valentine asks.

  “You have to get permission from the coach to live off campus. I told coach that I would be able to concentrate a little better. My team and I are together too much that it’s almost as if I still live there. Coach was cool with the change. As long as my performance or grades don’t dip, I think he’s cool with it.” I say.

  I think that’s the most honest thing I’ve said in the past twenty-four hours.

  We did the touristy thing around Seattle and finished the day with the sunset at the top of the space needle and dinner. Luckily, I made a reservation the day after Kaley told me about this visit, so we had an amazing view and a delicious meal.

  As we stood in a circle by our car and by their rental car, I held Kaley’s hand.

  “The night is still young, would you guys like to come over for a night cap?” I ask.

  “I would love one.” Maddie perks up.

  “We were actually going to take Maddie to go do some things. Give you two a night alone.” Mr. Valentine said. “We’ll bring her back at a reasonable hour though.”

  “Daddy. I want to hang out with them.” Maddie pouts, “they’re closer to my age, and I think that Kales and I could totally use some sister time.”

  “Your sister and her boyfriend need their alone time.” Her mom says with a determined tone.

  “I’m sure they have en
ough alone time.” Maddie says looking straight at her sister with a smirk.

  “Dear, we’re going to do a ghost tour in Pioneer Square.”

  “A ghost tour? That sounds so lame. C’mon daddy, can’t I just go home with them? They won’t mind, would you guys.”

  Before either Kaley or I could interject, we were silenced with a look.

  “The tour is only about an hour long, we’ll come by afterwards. Mads, you will live. This will be fun.” Their father says.

  They drag her away, leaving Kaley and myself alone, still holding hands. I get her into the car and we drive home in silence with the sexual tension high from all the touching that we’ve done all day.

  As we’re walking into the apartment, she finally breaks the silence.

  “So, I think it’s going great, you?” she asks.

  “Your parents seem to like me.”

  “They do.” She nods.

  “I think your sister likes me too.”

  “We already knew that. I was afraid of that happening when they said she was staying here.”

  “What about you?” He asks.

  “What about me?”

  “Do you like me?” I figure why the hell not.

  “Of course, you’re one of my best friends.” she shrugs.

  We both remove our jackets. When I turn around, she’s leaning against the back of the couch. I approach her, place my hands on the edge of the couch on both sides of her, caging her in.

  “No Kale. Do you like me?" I say each word painstakingly slow and pause. "Because, I’m finding that I enjoy holding your hand, that I like kissing you, and that I sleep better by being wrapped up in you while I sleep.”

  I’ve shocked her. She stares at me, not exactly knowing what to say, but I note that she isn’t pushing me away.

  “I’m going to kiss you again.” I warn.

  “Why are you telling me?”

  “I’m giving you the chance to tell me no.”

  “What if I don’t want to?” she whispers.

  I rush forward, my hands go to the side of her face as her hands go to the nape of my neck, her fingers running through my hair, tightening against my strands. Our lips press together, our tongues tangle, and our breaths become one.


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