The Girl Can't Help It (Unexpected Encounters)

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The Girl Can't Help It (Unexpected Encounters) Page 4

by Johnson, Jeanie

  Perry knew she was in trouble when they’d passed a clothing boutique and she hadn’t even been tempted to enter. Despite everything this city had to offer, there was nothing in all of Milan that could never compete with him. Too practical to believe in fairytales, she could not deny the fact that today had felt like one. All she needed was the happily ever after.

  Chapter Sei

  Perry sighed as she sank into the warm bath. She needed every massaging jet after spending the day traipsing all over Italy’s financial and industrial center. She wasn’t about to utter one syllable of complaint as it’d been the best day ever.

  Perry didn’t know from where she got the strength to allow Alessandro to leave her room. However, she knew that she didn’t have enough to repeat it. The next time, if there was a next time, Alessandro walked her up to her room, she would do her best to convince him to stay. It was a ballsy move but ever since Vegas had pulled her into her chaos, Perry had discovered just how bold she could be.

  She wanted Alessandro. Tomorrow couldn’t get here soon enough she thought as she crawled in the luxurious bedding. She didn’t know what adventure awaited her but she knew she was going to make one. Smiling about the possibilities, she went to sleep with Tracy’s words in her head. Dream.

  Nothing could wipe the smile off of her face, not even the unexpected summer storm. Twisting her hair into a simple bun, she slid into some sensible shoes, stuck a wide-brimmed hat and a collapsible umbrella in her tote and headed out. She was deciding what to have for breakfast—caffè et latte and a pastry, cappuccino, and a pastry or espresso and a pastry—as she made her way to the elevators. Traditional Italian breakfast—prima colazione—was much simpler than what she was accustomed to. It was a good thing she liked coffee. It was also a good thing that Italians did seconda colazione or pranzo (lunch) and cena (dinner) so beautifully.

  She’d just decided on espresso and a pastry when her phone rang.

  “Pronto,” she answered in the Italian way.

  “Buon giorno, bellissima. You sound so good speaking my language.”

  And you sound good speaking period, Perry thought. “Grazie,” she responded shyly.

  Alessandro groaned low in his throat and the sound went straight to her core.

  “Alessandro?” she questioned. “Are you okay?”


  Perry looked up and crashed into the hard chest of the man she’d spent all night dreaming about.

  Perry disconnected the call. “Oh. You’re supposed to be at work.”

  “I know, but I needed to see you.”

  “O-kay,” she said. The truth in his eyes stunned her. The vulnerability in them moved her.

  “I know we were supposed to have breakfast tomorrow but my CFO’s wife is delivering their first child. I will be flying to Roma in his place.”

  “Oh. I will pray for the safety of both mother and child.”

  “Grazie. You might want to add the padre to the list with the way he’s fretting.”

  Perry laughed. “I will. Go before you miss your plane.”

  “I will not miss my plane, bellissima, but I will miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you too.”

  “What will you do today…without me?”

  She really liked Alessandro but his arrogance could get out of control. “Alessandro, I know you think everyone’s world revolves around you, but it doesn’t.”

  She softened her words with a smile. Of course, he was much too male to take offense, even if she had meant to offend.

  “Your world should revolve around me. I will have to do something about that later.”

  “You can dream. Meanwhile, while you’re in your meeting, I’m going to explore the city’s many art galleries.”

  “I may be more than a day.”

  “I might not be the VP of a multinational conglomerate, but I know a thing or two about working, Alessandro. Things happen and you deal with them. I don’t expect you to neglect your business just to entertain me.”

  “You’re so different from every woman I’ve known.”

  “Is that a good thing?” she asked before stepping into the elevator.

  “Sì,” he said a moment before reaching down and gently kissing her.

  It was a good thing that no one else was on the elevator because Alessandro didn’t stop kissing her.

  “You are so…bad,” Perry continued once he pulled back.

  “Sì, but I don’t see that as a bad thing.”

  “Because…” she began.

  “Because I’m everything you’ve dreamed of. Did you dream of me last night, Perry? I dreamed of you.”

  “You are incorrigible,” she said in hushed tones since the elevator stopped and let people in.

  “You like me this way though,” he said.

  She wasn’t about to respond to that nonsense. It’d just go to his head. Obviously Alessandro took her silence as a sign to press his body closer to hers. He smelled so good. Resting his hands against the wall on either side of her, he effectively trapped her in between his arms and body. She wasn’t about to complain about her enviable position.

  Alessandro had been on his way to work when he’d ordered the driver to turn around. He wasn’t about to leave Milan without seeing Perry, especially when he’d seen her all night in his dreams. He’d gone to bed hard and woke up the same way. Never had a woman affected him so deeply. Perry was dangerous because without trying, she could own him.

  Unable to sink into Perry’s lithe body, he’d taken matters into his own hands. Envisioning Perry’s face, he’d come quickly. Masturbating in his shower had offered temporary relief but it wasn’t enough. It barely took the edge off. He needed Perry…needed to feel her curves beneath him…needed to hear her sigh his name in pleasure.

  He wasn’t kidding when he’d remarked that she wasn’t like any other woman. Surprisingly, he discovered that he liked that about her. She wasn’t bowled over by who he was, how he looked or what he could buy her. It was clear from her clothes and accessories that she appreciated fine things, but it was also clear by her kindness that she was a giving, compassionate woman.

  Direct yet considerate, Perry had let him know that she had no plans to put her life on hold for him.

  Instead of turning him off, it turned him on. Other men in his position most likely would’ve been turned off by her comments. He, however, liked the fact that she set limits with people, including him.

  While it was best to keep his distance considering Perry’s effect on him, he’d caged her in and kissed her. She didn’t stop him.

  She did however lower her eyelashes over her expressive eyes. Alessandro rubbed his cheek against her soft skin and inhaled her alluring scent. Everything about this woman called to him like a siren called to sailor. Dangerous. Perry was dangerous because she stripped him of his control.

  “I might be incorrigible, but you, bellissima, enrapture me,” Alessandro said in a heated whisper as his lips brushed hers.

  “Sweet words come easily to you,” Perry said even as she arched into him slightly.

  They did but he wasn’t just tossing out words. He’d never been that type of man, not because he was better than other men. Well, he was, but he’d never needed to do anything in particular to get any woman in his bed. That wouldn’t fly with Perry. He had to bring his best to the table simply to keep Perry’s interest. He’d never lied to any woman; he simply hadn’t invested anything in any of them. Perry wasn’t just any woman though and he needed to let her know that.

  Despite his body protesting, Alessandro pulled back. He tipped Perry’s chin up so she could see his eyes and the truth burning in them.

  “It is not easy to want a woman who does not imagine what her life could be if I chose her.”

  Her gasp enticed him to take her lips but he held back. He had to get these words out.

  “It is not easy to want a woman who does not see her own beauty. It is not easy to convince this beautiful woman that she is the on
ly woman I want. It is definitely not easy to kiss you chastely when all I want is to keep you in my arms for eternity. Do not ever think anything we do is easy for me, bellissima.”

  Alessandro didn’t need Perry to answer since he was looking into her expressive eyes.

  “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful—” she began.

  Alessandro shook his head to stop her. He was about to say more when the elevator arrived on the main floor. As soon as the doors opened, Perry slipped beneath his arm. Seeing her exhale, Alessandro knew she was attempting to put distance between them. She was a smart woman. He wanted her in a bad way. Already he was late leaving. Already he was considering sending someone else in his stead so that he could spend the day in bed with this woman.

  “I must go, Perry.”

  “I know. Have a safe trip, Alessandro.”

  “Have dinner with me when I return.”

  “Yes, even though it was a command rather than a question.”

  Her quick response pleased him as did the glazed look in her eyes. Her fire pleased him more. She was just as affected as he was. Good. He’d hate to think this fire was one-sided.

  Backing her against a column, he ravaged her mouth, uncaring that others were around. He was staking a claim. Perry was his. He was hers.

  “My driver is at your disposal. If you must go out, call him so that he may take you,” he said as he pressed a card into her hand. I’ll also text you the number.”

  “You don’t have to,” she began. Seeing the look in his eyes, she didn’t finish the sentence.

  “Thank you, Alessandro.”


  Perry made her way to the restaurant slowly. Her mind raced, replaying the last ten minutes. Alessandro was so attentive, so different from everything she’d imagined and experienced. He made her feel beautiful, desired, and treasured.

  She’d just taken a seat when Alessandro’s voice filtered through the restaurant. “Perry.”

  Did she want him so much that she imagined hearing him, she wondered, even as she looked around for him? She immediately spotted him in the crowded restaurant. It wasn’t hard to do being he was not only one of the tallest men in the room but also the most handsome.

  Rising from her seat, she called his name. “Alessandro.”

  He was at her table in five strides.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “No. I miss you already.”

  “Oh.” She would’ve tried to be more eloquent but surprise had almost rendered her speechless.

  “Come with me, bellissima. You can spend the day being spoiled at the spa and then spend the evening with me. We’ll visit wherever you want in Roma or if you prefer we can catch the train to Napoli. We can visit Pompeii and Vesuvius. Or if you’re feeling bold, you can close your eyes and attempt to walk between the bronze horses in Piazza del Plebiscito. Perhaps you’d prefer to sample Neapolitan coffee while we stroll along the Lungomare.”

  Alessandro knew he was tempting her. He’d meant to. There was nothing he wanted more than to have this woman by his side. Greedy for her presence, he didn’t want some other man showing her around his city…didn’t want to have to destroy a man who fell for her delicate beauty, drawn by her grace, or tempted by her natural allure. He wouldn’t blame them for being interested, but he’d still destroy them.

  People were drawn to Perry. That’d been evident from the first moment he laid eyes on her. At first, he hadn’t understood why so many gravitated to her, but then he’d met her properly and knew. She touched people on a deep level. By some miracle, she’d even touched him. Instead of being bothered by her ability to get through his barriers, he felt blessed.

  Alessandro also felt anxious. What they had was fragile and he wanted to build upon it before he had to separate from her. He might not be able to tempt her with money, but he’d tempt her with Italian culture. And maybe then, he’d tempt her with his body.

  The excitement in Perry’s eyes let him know that she was considering it. Willing to do anything to convince her, he did something he’d rarely done before. He begged.

  “Please,” he said.


  Never had a “yes” meant so much. As much as it meant, there was one “yes” he longed to hear even more than that.

  Chapter Sette

  Rome was beautiful, what she saw of it. There were too many piazzas, basilicas, and museums to see in a month, much less an afternoon so she settled on seeing Thermae Diocletiani (Baths of Diocletian) since it was adjacent to their hotel. It was breathtaking, just like the man who took her to see it.

  “Thank you for today, Alessandro.”

  “Prego. Thank you for coming with me.”

  There was no braggadocio in his words. He meant everything he said. This man who’d flown her to Rome on his private jet also settled her into her own suite that overlooked the gorgeous Piazza Dell’ Esedra or the Piazza Della Repubblica. If that wasn’t enough, he’d taken her to see as many sites as possible after spending all afternoon in a meeting. Italy’s capital was a beautiful mix of medieval, baroque, and neoclassic architecture. Scenic, historic, and energetic, Rome didn’t call to her like Milan did. When she’d said as much, Alessandro had pulled her to him and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.

  “Ah, Perry. The things you say to me only serve to reiterate what I already know.”

  “What is it that you know, Alessandro…besides everything,” she teased.

  Alessandro laughed before responding. “That you are meant for me. You are my match in every way.”

  “Why do you want me?” Perry asked softly, trying her hardest not to look away as Alessandro stared intently into her eyes.

  Alessandro didn’t speak for many moments. His silence made Perry uncomfortable but she didn’t avert her gaze like she normally would. She needed to see the truth in his eyes as well as hear it pour from his beautiful mouth.

  “Do not ask me this. Ask me why it is that I do not want any other woman,” he said.

  His accent thickened and his hold on her tightened, but she didn’t pull away.

  Perry’s brow furrowed. She didn’t understand what Alessandro was asking of her. Thankfully, he elaborated.

  “You want to know why it is you, Dr. Perry Sebastian, whom I choose to spend time with. Do you not?”

  Perry nodded her response. Alessandro shook his head. A small smile played around his lips.

  “No, bellissima, you must ask me this out loud.”

  “Okay. Why do you, Alessandro Strozzi, not want any other woman?”

  Perry waited with baited breath for his answer. Displaying his heart in his eyes, he responded.

  “Because she is not you.”

  And just like that, right in front of Fontana di Trevi (Trevi Fountain), Perry fell in love.

  As a rule, Alessandro had no patience for foolishness. He especially had no time for foolishness today. He didn’t want to be dealing with nonsense when the woman of his dreams was waiting for him in a city that was almost as perfect as his Milan. The heads of the company he was dealing with could see things his way or he’d simply take it over and make them all sorry for wasting his time. Something about his demeanor must have warned everyone that he was not in the mood for nonsense. Thus, the meeting was the fastest in company history.

  Quickly doffing his suit, Alessandro rifled through the closet for something more casual, but not too casual as he was an Italian man of refined tastes. Recalling just how classy Perry looked in her silk, ivory top and full, black skirt, he dressed in a red, lightweight V-neck pullover and a pair of gray slacks. Alessandro gathered his woman and showed her a bit of Roma. It wasn’t Milan, but being in Italy, it could not help but be spectacular.

  Chapter Otto

  Though she enjoyed fine weather and spectacular views in California, being it was the Golden State and all, it seemed as if she spent so much more time dining outdoors now that she was in Italy. As beautiful as Rome was, Naples moved her. Not as much as Milan did
, but it was a close second.

  Admiring the view of the sun setting upon the Gulf of Naples, Perry took a sip of her wine. Determined to try new things, she’d been hesitant to sample the orange-colored Ribolla Gialla Alessandro chose. However, once the flavor hit her tongue, Perry had a new favorite. If ever a wine’s taste could be described as passionate, this 2005 blend was it.

  “You may as well let me pour you another glass.”

  Another glass would be three glasses. Still, Perry knew she wasn’t about to turn it down. It was good…like the man sitting across from her. The wine went well with the la Cotoletta she chose and the la Piccata Milanese Alessandro chose. Perry wasn’t sure when they’d decided to sample each other’s meals but eating off of his fork was undeniably intimate.

  As intimate as the meal was, the conversation surpassed it. Really getting to know someone was a privilege. Getting to know Alessandro was both that and an adventure. As attractive, stylish, and intelligent as Alessandro was, Perry would not have guessed that he knew the meaning of the word humble, much less ever lived it.

  “As you know, Milan has my heart. Or at least it did,” Alessandro said as he looked pointedly at her.

  Perry gasped. It wasn’t simply what he said, but the way he looked at her as he said it. Dare she hope that she had his heart?

  Taking her hand, he continued, “I spent many, many years in the town of Siena. Besides being an exquisite example of a classic medieval hill town, agriculture is their main industry. My back can attest to that as I spent many, many months working the family farms that dominate the region. When I was older, I worked the vineyards in the Chianti region. Unlike many of my contemporaries, I didn’t work so that I could assist the family. I worked because my parents are of the mindset that working builds character. Both my mamma’s and papà’s famiglia had comfortable beginnings. My nonno made my papà work and pay for part of his own schooling. Same as my papà did to me.”


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