Wilder Legacy

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Wilder Legacy Page 25

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Believe me, eating and drinking will be the last thing on most people’s minds,” he assured her.

  She began tugging anxiously at a curl as she looked up at Roman. “I’m just so nervous. There’s so much riding on what happens today.”

  “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. The Werewolf Alliance has agreed to attend, Marja and the other three heads of the covens will be here and Dante and the Council will stand behind you no matter what happens.”

  “What if the Queen doesn’t show up?” asked Celeste.

  Roman put his strong hands on her shoulders and gave her a squeeze. “She will. If nothing else, I’m sure Balthazar’s summon has piqued her interest.”

  “I hope she believes that this really has something to do with her official complaint against Marco and me.”

  “I’m sure she will,” interjected Lilliana, who had appeared in the doorway. She was looking a bit better than yesterday. The bags under her eyes weren’t quite as pronounced and the spark of light had returned to her clear blue eyes.

  Roman hurried over to her and led her to a chair at the kitchen table. “Sit down, Mother, and I’ll make you some breakfast.”

  She gave him an appreciative smile. “You boys are spoiling me. Between you and Nico, I haven’t done a thing for myself since I arrived.”

  “You need to conserve your energy for the assembly tonight,” said Roman, trying to keep his voice level. Celeste knew he disapproved of what his mom was doing. Using so much magic when she was this weak was extremely dangerous. If anything happened to Lilliana it would be Celeste’s fault, and she doubted Roman would ever be able to forgive her for that.

  Celeste brought a glass of orange juice to Lilliana and sat down beside her. “It’s not too late to call this off,” she said.

  Lilliana shook her head determinedly as she took a sip. “Everything has already been set in motion. We cannot back down now.”

  Roman’s jaw tensed as he watched his mom. Celeste could feel the anxiety radiating off of him. “Mother, you must promise me that if you feel unable to handle the spell, you will stop. I will not allow this to be the cause of your demise.”

  She reached out and took her son’s hand. “I will be fine, Roman. I have done this sort of thing many times before. I assure you, there is nothing to worry about.”

  “Is there anything I can do to make it easier?” asked Celeste.

  “Typically I would like to practice beforehand so that I could access the vision more quickly, but seeing that my sons are quite certain I will drop dead at any moment, I will wait until everyone has gathered.” She threw an accusatory glance at Roman then continued. “You must simply open up your mind to me and concentrate on the vision.”

  Celeste nodded in an attempt to appear confident. The truth was the idea of someone rooting around in the dark recesses of her mind made her very nervous. What if Lilliana found something terrible? She wondered if she would be able to sense the evil that had taken hold of her. She looked down at the cloaked Albsurori ring still encircling her finger and again Celeste felt the contradictory feelings about continuing to wear it. “I should probably take this off before everyone gets here,” she said finally.

  “No, don’t,” said Lilliana. “Its presence will help me channel your thoughts. Coupled with my Albsurori magic, it should provide a direct link.”

  Celeste gulped audibly. Glancing at the clock on the wall, she wished it were six o’clock already.

  Nico suddenly burst into the kitchen, his dark eyes twinkling with excitement. “I think we figured out what Alek is up to,” he exclaimed. Roman and Celeste hurried after him as he darted up the stairs to the library and Lilliana slowly followed a few steps behind. There they found Marco, Marie and Brian hunched over a stack of books on the long wooden table.

  “Have you guys been up all night researching?” asked Celeste, when she saw their bloodshot eyes marked by dark circles.

  “Pretty much,” said Brian.

  “The good news is that some of the ancient books on the Negrusurori that Marja brought over last night have proven quite useful,” said Nico.

  “Stellan would be so proud of you, brother,” quipped Roman.

  “What have you discovered?” asked Lilliana.

  Nico picked up a massive tome with golden lettering and flipped to a marked page. “As we had assumed, Alek does in fact have both Negrusurori and Albsurori blood running through his veins.” He pointed to a chart on one of the yellowing pages. “We found this genealogy chart going back to the very first Negrusurori witch in the area. And there, as you can see, is Fabian.”

  “Okay, so we already kind of knew that,” said Celeste.

  Nico frowned. “Don’t jump ahead!” He put the book down and Marie handed him another one. “But this we did not know,” he said with a smirk. “Since Fabian appears to be the last of the line, the Negrusurori powers died with him. Or so we at first thought. It turns out that their dark magic is merely dormant at the moment and must be unlocked.”

  “Great…” mumbled Celeste. “So how does this dark power get unlocked?”

  “It’s a series of spells that must be completed in a very precise order in conjunction with certain phases of the moon. And it can only be performed by an Albsurori witch. You see, the dark and the light must always be in balance. The Negrusurori were the black sisters and the Albsurori are the white sisters. They are opposites of the same coin, born from the same power. One was corrupted over time while the other chose to use their abilities for good.”

  “That must be the witch that Alek was talking about when I overheard his phone call,” said Lilliana. “I can’t believe that he would have gotten someone from our own coven to betray us.”

  “I can think of exactly one such witch who would be angry enough to do that,” said Roman.

  Lilliana crinkled her brows as a sad expression crossed her face. “I can’t imagine that Dalla would go to such lengths.”

  “It does make sense,” said Nico. “She was furious after she found out Stellan had been lying to her about the ring this whole time, and she’s certainly powerful enough to pull this off.”

  “They could be working together,” said Marco. “Maybe Alek promised her the ring in return for her help?”

  “Marco’s right,” exclaimed Celeste. “It all makes perfect sense.”

  “So in that book of yours, does it say what exactly happens when the Negrusurori power is unlocked and combined with that of the Albsurori?” asked Roman.

  “It’s nothing good, brother,” answered Nico.

  “Like end of the world bad,” chimed in Brian.

  “Alek would have access to more power than anyone has ever seen and he’d be virtually unstoppable,” continued Nico.

  Celeste suddenly felt like the weight of both the human and supernatural world was on her shoulders. She took a breath and steeled her nerves, hoping that those with super-human senses couldn’t hear the pounding of her heart against her chest. “Have you told Stellan yet?”

  “I’ve been texting with him all night,” replied Nico. “He’s still with Alek working on a cure for mom, so I’ve mostly only gotten one word answers.”

  “At least we know Alek’s currently occupied with other matters,” said Roman.

  “Did Stellan have any news on how it’s going?” asked Celeste.

  Nico shook his head grimly. “If he had any, he didn’t share it with me.” He turned to his mother with a reassuring glance. “I’m sure they’ll find something soon though.”

  “No need to look so glum, dear,” said Lilliana. “We have accomplished much in the past few days and I’ve had the chance to spend time with my wonderful sons and get to know quite a special Guardian.”

  Celeste blushed at the compliment. She had recently come to respect and admire Lilliana as well. That she was risking her own life to divulge Astrid as her father’s killer meant more to her than she would ever know. “All right then,” she said, “all we have to do is make it th
rough the assembly tonight then make sure that Alek doesn’t have a chance to unlock the possible world-ending power of the Negrusurori and Albsurori running through his veins. Piece of cake.”

  Chapter 23

  “Where is Stellan?” asked Celeste to no one in particular as she paced back and forth in front of the door. The supernatural VIPs had already begun to arrive and still he was nowhere in sight. She attempted to play hostess by leading the visitors to the backyard as each appeared. Everyone so far had been polite enough to enter through the doorway as opposed to materializing in the middle of the living room, which gave Celeste enough time to usher them to the backyard. Marco and Nico had set up a semi-circle of folding chairs for the guests, with two chairs in the center for Lilliana and Celeste. Lilliana had already taken her seat outside and was chatting politely with the gathering assembly.

  “Everything under control in here?” asked Roman, putting a halt to her nervous pacing.

  “I guess. I just wish Stellan would get back already.”

  “Nico just texted him again and he said he would be here shortly,” assured Roman.

  Celeste hurried across the living room and peered out the back door, scanning the motley supernatural crowd assembled. “How’s it going out there?”

  “So far so good,” he answered. “Jaxon and Brennan as representatives of the Werewolf Alliance seem to be hitting it off with Marja and the other three coven leaders, as well as the elder from Stellan’s Commission of Sorcerers. My mother seems to be enjoying her role as hostess, mediating between the three groups.”

  “That just leaves the Council and the Queen of the Fae, and Stellan of course, if he ever decides to show!”

  “Relax,” said Roman, drawing Celeste into his arms for a hug. She buried her head into his firm chest and his familiar scent pushed all her worries away, even if only for a moment. She pulled away reluctantly knowing she needed to return to her spot manning the door, but Roman held onto her hand for a few seconds longer. Her eyes met his and she longed for the days when she could simply get lost in his mesmerizing blue gaze. When had things gotten so complicated between them?

  A loud knock at the front door broke the heated moment and their eyes unlocked. Celeste’s head spun toward the door and Roman gave her hand one last squeeze before letting her go with a rueful smile.

  “Thank you all so much for coming,” said Celeste as she held the door open wide for the Council members to enter.

  “I certainly hope you know what you’re doing,” said Balthazar as he hobbled in leaning on his cane. “Our relationship with the Queen has gotten precarious as of late, and this could be just what pushes it over the edge.”

  Celeste gave him a grim nod. Sierra came next, her lavender eyes twinkling under dark purple-framed glasses. “Don’t listen to him,” she whispered. “He’s just angry that his role of ambassador to the Fae is being questioned.” Celeste threw her an appreciative smile. She had always been particularly fond of Sierra.

  Seraphina and Dalla marched in next, neither saying a word, much to Celeste’s relief. She had wondered if Dalla would show up after everything that had happened in the past few days. Celeste eyed her suspiciously as she walked by, folding her hands together to fight the urge to twirl the cloaked Albsurori ring around her finger as she passed. Could she really be working with Alek?

  Finally, Dante entered, his jaw twitching nervously. “This is quite a brazen move, Celeste. I hope that your vision proves true.”

  “It will,” said Celeste with more determination than she felt. “I know what I saw, and Astrid helped Magnus kill my father.”

  “Then she deserves to be brought to justice.” He began to walk away, but then paused to turn back to her. “Your father was one of the best guardians we had, and his loss was a great one to our entire community. I hope that this will bring you the closure that you deserve.”

  Celeste was speechless as Dante walked away. She rarely saw the expressive side of the stoic man and his supportive words were much more than she had expected. She could feel hot tears pricking at the back of her eyes, but she quickly swiped them away. Now was not the time to let emotions get the best of her.

  Just then a bright light flashed in the middle of the living room and Celeste’s tight chest filled with relief when she saw Stellan’s familiar form materializing before her. She ran right over, practically barreling into him. “Where have you been?” she cried. “I thought you were going to miss it!”

  “It’s been a very long twenty-four hours,” he said.

  Celeste finally got a good look at him and saw the exhaustion written across his pallid face. The dark bags under his eyes were the size of golf balls and it seemed as if he needed toothpicks to keep his weary gray eyes open. “Did you find a cure for Lilliana?”

  He shook his head slowly from side to side, as if the mere movement itself was painful. “Not yet. But I believe we might have caught a lead, which is why I’m late. I was hesitant to leave Alek when we were getting so close, but he has assured me that he will continue the search until my return.”

  “That sounds promising,” said Celeste in her effort for a lighter tone.

  Roman and Nico appeared suddenly, running through the back door having heard of Stellan’s arrival. “Any luck?” asked Nico. Celeste could hear Stellan repeating what he had just told her as the boys led him out back to greet the visitors.

  The assembly was nearly complete. The only person missing was the guest of honor—the Queen of the Fae. If she didn’t show up, all of this would have been for nothing. Celeste crossed her arms and stared at the door, as if willing the Queen to appear.

  “You know what they say about a watched pot never boiling, right?” asked Marco as he emerged through the kitchen doorway.

  “Yeah, I know,” she answered, averting her gaze. “It’s just that it’s already almost 6:30 and if she doesn’t show, this was a huge waste of everyone’s time.”

  “Celeste, do you have any idea what you’ve accomplished here?” She looked back at him with an uncertain expression. “This has to be the first time in decades that the Werewolf Alliance Master has been in such close proximity to coven leaders, sorcerer elders and Council members. To have all of them in one place to discuss a matter that impacts all of the supernatural community is a really big deal.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I hadn’t thought of it like that.”

  “Of course you didn’t, because doing great things just comes naturally to you,” he said with a proud smile.

  Suddenly a brilliant flash of light drew Celeste’s and Marco’s gazes to the center of the backyard. “I think she’s here,” he said as they darted out the back door.

  The magnificent figure of the Queen of the Fae appeared in the middle of the semi-circle surrounded by four royal guards. An almost heavenly glow emanated around her lithe figure as she emerged from the light, her snow-white hair cascading down her shoulders. Her guards suspiciously scanned the audience assembled around them before finally lowering their golden spears at the Queen’s command.

  Stellan stood up to take a cautious step toward Elsbetta and the royal sentinels tensed at his approach. “I am beyond pleased that you were able to attend our little gathering.”

  “It isn’t often that I am invited to join such an assembly of high-ranking leaders, so how could I refuse?” she crooned melodically. It was as if every word that came out of her mouth flowed like honey.

  Stellan continued with a few pleasantries as Celeste looked on, scrutinizing the Queen’s cool demeanor. She found it odd that she had chosen to attend without her entourage of the royal court. Stellan had been certain that she would bring them along, and their absence made Celeste nervous. She had noticed a subtle look of surprise in Stellan’s face when the Queen had made her grand entrance also, confirming her assessment.

  After a few moments, Lilliana rose to her feet, taking center stage and putting an end to the overly polite conversation between Stellan and Elsbetta. They
took their seats on opposite sides of the semi-circle with the Queen’s guard encircling their ruler.

  “I would like to thank you all for coming this evening. It isn’t often that all of the leaders of our supernatural community convene to discuss matters of importance to us all. I hope that this meeting will be only the beginning,” Lilliana offered as her greeting.

  All eyes were focused on Lilliana as they nodded solemnly at her words.

  “Unfortunately, the matter that brings us here today is not a pleasant one,” she paused for dramatic effect. “A very serious allegation has been brought forth by the Guardian, Celeste Wilder, against one of the Fae.”

  From across the lawn, Celeste saw Queen Elsbetta’s cold eyes widen for an instant before her expressionless mask slipped back on. She shot up from her chair as did her guards in a nearly simultaneous movement. “I was under the impression that the matter at hand was that of the invasion of my lands led by Stellan and the Guardian,” she hissed.

  Dante rose quickly to his feet to intervene. “There are multiple issues that are to be discussed this evening, Queen Elsbetta. As you have already tendered your formal complaint, we are here to witness one that was more recently called to our attention.”

  “May I continue?” asked Lilliana sternly.

  Dante returned to his seat as did the Queen, but only after a venomous glare directed specifically at Stellan and Celeste.

  “As you may or may not know, the Guardian has been gifted with the power of visions. She has the ability to see into the future as well as obtain glimpses of the past. She has recently witnessed a terrible occasion—that of the untimely murder of her father, Kristof Wilder, a former Guardian.”

  A gasp rippled through the audience as the assembly began to mutter in surprise.

  A tall, elderly woman with fiery auburn hair stood up. Celeste knew she was one of the coven leaders, but didn’t know her by name. “How can we be sure that what she saw was indeed a vision of the past?”


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