Freaks in the City

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Freaks in the City Page 20

by Maree Anderson

  Tyler drained his can and set it aside. “You mean acting like a total douche and following you, instead of straight up asking you what was up with this guy Allen? Yeah. Really reasonable steps, huh?”

  She allowed the hint of a smile to curve her lips. “Perhaps they were a little excessive. But they show me you care. If you didn’t care so much you wouldn’t have been jealous.”

  “I guess not.” He frowned at her. “Quit trying to make me feel better. I was an ass-hat and there’s no excuse for me.”


  He gave her a slow blink as he processed that. And then he laughed. “Remind me not to ever come to you if I need my ego boosted. So, what’s with the whole job thing, anyway? It’s not like you need the money.”

  She pursed her lips, as she’d seen McPhee so recently do. It seemed an appropriate gesture while she formulated her response. “I wanted to be normal. Normal people get jobs, isn’t that what you told me?”

  He worried his thumbnail with his teeth. “Okay, I get that. But why keep it a secret.”

  This time she didn’t have to consciously choose the most appropriate expression or gesture. The frown was a purely unconscious response. “I did not want to tell you about my job, only to discover I could not perform the task Allen had set me to either his satisfaction, or mine. If I could not do this job, I didn’t want to have to admit to you I’d failed.”

  “Gotcha. And if a fear of failing isn’t normal, then I sure as heck don’t know what is. But Jay, part of being human is failing and admitting you’ve failed and getting past it. I would’ve understood. I need for you to know that.”

  “I know.”

  He leaned back in his chair, staring at her, a strange expression on his face. “But life-modeling? Nude life-modeling? I mean, seriously. Way to make your boyfriend jealous.”

  “Are you jealous of the men in the class?”

  “Nope. Other guys might be, but I know you. You’re not embarrassed by your body. It’s just a body, right?”

  “That’s exactly what I told Allen,” she admitted. “I told him everyone has one.”

  “And I know it doesn’t affect you to have those guys look at you. To you, they’re fascinating because they’re artists. You don’t get off on them looking at you.”

  “Correct. Their looking at me doesn’t make me feel anything at all.”

  “I’ve noticed that with the life-models who’ve posed for my classes. They’re completely blasé about their bodies. So why would I be jealous when I have no reason to be?”

  “Now you know where Allen fits in, you mean.”

  He rolled his eyes. “You’re not letting me off that easy, are you? Okay, you got me. Now I know where Allen fits in and I’ve copped a look at him, I’m not jealous.”

  Jay chugged the rest of her soda and waited for the fizzy burn to sear her taste buds. Ahhh. There it was. Bliss. “Tyler, what does jealousy feel like?”

  He blew out a laugh. “You do ask the hard questions, don’t ya?” He scrubbed a hand through the unruly lock of hair that persisted in falling over his forehead. “Let’s see. It makes you kinda crazy, you know? You keep rerunning conversations over and over in your head, analyzing them for subtext that might back your suspicions. You second-guess yourself—obsess over what you might have done wrong, or where it might have all started to go wrong. And it gnaws at you, coloring everything the person you love says, or does. It’s like a slow-burning acid, gnawing away at your innards.”


  He narrowed his gaze at her. “Sounds like I’m describing something you’ve already experienced.”

  “Partly. I experienced similar feelings when Nessa first showed up on my doorstep. On more than one occasion I felt a burning need to tear her hair out by the roots and strangle her with it.”

  Tyler’s lips curved into a wide grin and his eyes sparked with something that she rather thought resembled glee.

  “You seem happy to learn about my murderous instincts.”

  “I am. If you didn’t feel deeply about me, you wouldn’t have given a crap about Nessa. You’d have stood by and watched her make a play for me. And if I’d taken her up on it, you wouldn’t have cared either way. It makes me feel damn good to know you’d fight for me.”

  She processed this statement. “I thought I’d made it very plain how I feel about you. One, by seeking you out again once it was safe to do so. Two, by inviting you into my home. And three, by inviting you to share my bed. And I do believe I mentioned warning Nessa off you, too. Are these actions not sufficient? Do you need me to come right out and say how I feel about you?”

  “Coming right out and saying is good.”

  She shook her head in mock despair. “Humans are very strange creatures. How will you know I’m not lying?”

  “I won’t. I have to take it on trust.”

  “Like you ‘trusted’ me so much you followed me today?”

  “Touché.” He reached across the table to grasp her wrist and ran the pad of his thumb gently over the back of her hand. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  “You were thinking maybe I’d grown tired of you and was seeing someone else.”

  He grimaced and released her hand. “Yeah. I wouldn’t have reacted that way except it’s already happened to me once.”

  “When Nessa threw you over for Matt.”

  “Yep. Once bitten, twice shy and all that.” He upended the contents of his can into his mouth, remembered it was empty, and put it aside again. He fiddled with the coaster on the table instead. “Besides, a chick like you, wanting to be with someone like me? Chicks like you tend to make a guy second-guess himself.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever truly understand the workings of the human mind when it comes to relationships. And you males are so very confusing.”

  “Funny. We think exactly the same thing about you females. And don’t change the subject. I’m waiting.”

  “For what?”

  He gave her a clear “you know exactly what I’m waiting for so don’t give me that” look.

  “Oh. That. I love you, Tyler.”

  “I love you, too, Jay.”

  Warmth curled in her belly, cradled her heart with gentle, phantom hands. She felt dizzy with happiness. How miraculous that three little words could have such a strong physical and emotional effect on her?

  Tyler’s smile suggested he knew exactly how she was feeling. His next words warmed her even more. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

  She smiled back. “Yes. It does.”

  They stared into each other’s eyes and she lost track of time. She could have been content to sit here and stare at him forever save for the intrusive thought that broke the spell.


  “Tyler, people in love go on dates, don’t they?” Jay’s voice dragged him back to the reality of here-and-now. The café. The other patrons sitting at their tables, going about their business. Or maybe observing him gazing into his girlfriend’s eyes and wondering how a guy like him could catch a girl like her.

  “Dates? Uh, yep, they sure do,” he said. “Among other things.”

  “Would you take me on a date? I’ve never been asked on a date before.”

  He opened his mouth to automatically refute this, and then the truth smacked him upside the head. The first and only time they’d gone on a “date” had been when she’d asked him to her fake farewell party back in Snapperton.

  That hadn’t turned out so good. Frankly, it’d been the date from hell. He’d acted like a total asshole, pushing her away when she’d kissed him because he’d been hurt and angry she was leaving. They hadn’t exactly been going together before that night, but they’d sure as hell “broken up” right then and there. Shortly afterward, Nessa had shown up uninvited and picked a fight first with Caro, and then with Jay. And then his dad had walked in on Tyler having a moment with Jay, trying to patch things up before she disappeared from his life forever, and things had gone to hell real f
ast from there.

  He hadn’t seen her for two years after that night. Worse, he hadn’t known for sure whether she was alive or dead. Oh, he’d hoped the disappearance of the thumb drive he’d hidden had meant she was alive, out there somewhere, maybe missing him and aching for him as much as he missed and ached for her. But he hadn’t known for certain. It’d been one shitful way to end their one and only foray into “dating”.

  And it was way past time he made up for that disastrous attempt.

  “Sure,” he said. “What d’you want to do? Dinner? Movie?”

  “You decide. But I’ll only be your date if you ask me properly.”

  Right. He should have known there’d be a catch. She was a girl, after all. Girls always came with catches. “What do you mean, ‘properly’?”

  “Like… like a boy asking a girl out on a date. And you make all the arrangements, and I’m thrilled you’ve asked me, so I’ll agree to whatever you want to do—within reason, of course. Because there are bound to be some things that girls don’t want to do on dates, and boys should know what those are and not subject their dates to those sort of activities.”

  Tyler smothered a grin. “Jay?”

  She hesitated before answering, making him work for it. “Yes?”

  “Would you like to go out for dinner with me sometime?”

  Her answer came too quickly for someone who was trying to play it cool—not that he’d ever tell her that. “I’d love to go out for dinner with you, Tyler. Tonight?”

  She was shifting about in her chair like she couldn’t sit still and his heart melted. He had to make this special for her—no easy task given the short notice. Looked like his barely used credit card was gonna get a workout. It’d be totally worth it, too. “How about you give me five minutes to organize things? That okay with you?”

  She opened her mouth, probably to tell him she could get in to any exclusive restaurant in the city at a moment’s notice, but all she said was. “Yes.”

  She was truly going to let him take the lead, and not offer her special brand of assistance? Well, frame this moment and hang it on the wall. He fished his phone from his back pocket and got up from his chair. When she made a move to stand, he shook his head. “Just gotta make a private call. Five minutes, okay?”

  She nodded and settled back into her chair.

  A few months back, Tyler had worked a week’s worth of shifts at a restaurant to cover for Toni, a fellow student who’d been going through a bad breakup and, in her words, would’ve “scared the patrons into therapy” if she’d had to wait tables. He’d never have offered if he hadn’t had prior waiting experience, but nothing had prepared him for the organized chaos of the place where Toni worked.

  She’d said she owed him a favor. He was calling it in now.

  He scrolled through his contacts list and called her cell phone. No point phoning the restaurant. It was too early and he’d go straight to the messaging service.

  “Yo, Tyler.”

  “Hey Toni. You working tonight?” Bel Cibo wasn’t a fancy schmancy high-end restaurant, but it was hugely popular because of its traditional Italian “bel cibo”—beautiful food—courtesy of the Italian couple who owned the place. No way would he normally get a table on a Saturday night.

  “Unless I’m in a parallel universe, and this stylish uniform I’m wearing means I’m a royal princess, so everyone’s gonna be running ’round after me for a change, that would be yes. Why?”

  “Any chance you’ve got a spare table for two?”

  A breathy sigh down the line. “You’re calling in that favor, aren’t you?”

  “Yep. Please? Something’s just come up and I want tonight to be special.” He’d bet everything he owned she was rolling her eyes right now.

  “Gio still talks about that ‘lovely boy” who took my shifts and asks why I haven’t snapped you up. ‘Such a hard worker. So polite. Such a good-looking boy.’ It’s nauseating.”

  “So that’s a yes.” Tyler crossed his fingers.

  There was a pause—probably while she checked the reservations. “I’ll squeeze you in at eight forty-five—there’s a couple of regulars booked in at six but they’ll be gone by eight thirty max. And with any luck, perhaps seeing you with the ‘something that just came up’ will finally get Gio off my case.”

  “You’re the best, Toni. And please thank Gio for me, too.”

  “You can do that yourself,’ she said, and disconnected.

  Tyler ducked back inside and beckoned Jay to follow him. As they exited the café he said, “I’ve booked a table for eight forty-five. Not too late I hope?”

  “You know I don’t mind late nights.”

  Tyler glanced at the time on his cell phone before shoving it back in his pocket. “Want to introduce me to Allen?”

  She surprised him by saying, “Not particularly.”

  “How come?”

  A crease appeared between her brows. “I… don’t know, exactly. But the thought of introducing you to him makes me feel… uncomfortable.”

  That made him stop and think. Jay had never intruded on his work life. Sure, she’d been to a few performances at the auditorium when he’d been rostered on, but she’d never suggested he introduce her to his supervisor. She might know more about him than any other person save his parents and his sister, but she gave him at least the illusion of having a part of his life that was completely separate from her. Perhaps this deliberate distance she had given him was similar to what she felt she needed now… only she couldn’t formulate it clearly.

  “It’s probably be a bit awkward, me seeing naked drawings of my girlfriend and talking to one of the guys who’s been drawing them—a guy who also happens to be your boss. Might change the dynamic of your working relationship.”

  The frown relaxed into smoothness. “Yes. That’s exactly it. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “No. Well, the artist in me is disappointed because I’d love to check out their work. But I’ll get over it.”

  She took his hand and squeezed it. “Thank you. Perhaps later I may feel differently.”

  “No drama either way,” he assured her. “So whaddya feel like doing now?”

  She peeked up at him from beneath her lashes. “I’d like to go for a walk in the park. In all the months I’ve lived here, we’ve never done that.”

  “You’ve jogged through it plenty of times.”

  “Yes, but it’s not the same as walking through it with someone you care about. I believe I’ll see everything in a different light while I’m with you.”

  Tyler pressed a kiss to her temple. God. She was beautiful inside and out. No one who knew her like he did could ever believe she was soulless.


  Tyler shifted his weight from foot to foot and glanced at his watch. Again. If she didn’t get a move on they’d be late and Toni would be POed. Perhaps even POed enough to give away their table. Jay didn’t primp and preen and angst over lipstick shades like other girls. What the heck could be taking her so long?

  And then she materialized in the stairwell and his brain went AWOL and all he could do was stare. She had on this short, silky, deep blue number that made her look like some sexy Roman goddess… whose handmaidens had run out of material for her dress so they’d hemmed it mid-thigh.

  Wow. Just…. Wow.

  And then his gaze slid down to her feet and—

  Wait a minute. Were those—?

  Yep. And he had to cross his eyes and bite his lips so he didn’t commit the mortal sin of offending her by laughing. Because his goddess wore black Nike street sneakers with a discreet pink swoosh. Apparently whoever had talked her into buying the dress—his money was on Nessa—hadn’t thought to suggest suitable shoes. Oops.

  “Am I overdressed?” Jay’s anxious voice pulled his gaze to hers. “Perhaps that is a ridiculous question considering how little there is to this particular piece of clothing.” She tugged the hem of the dress out to the side and let it float back down. “I’m n
ot certain about the footwear but my boots didn’t appear to flatter the outfit, and these are the least worn-looking sneakers I own.”

  “No, they’re perfect.” She was perfect. If she’d swanned down in super-high heels, looking perfectly put together, he’d have been overwhelmed. This? This was so very Jay. Beautiful but quirky.

  He loved it.

  He held out a hand and she ran the rest of the way down the stairs. “C’mon he said,” his voice gruff because damn, he was one lucky guy.


  Jay leaned back in her seat and watched Tyler polish off the last piece of mandorlata, homemade almond crunch, that had been served with their coffees.

  “Bel Cibo.” It rolled off her tongue, as delightful and delicious as the food they’d been served. They’d started with antipasto miso, a variety of tasty appetizers. Then had come primo, the first course of pasta, soup, or rice dishes. She had chosen Brodo con Popettine di Carne—Meatball Soup—while Tyler opted for Matriciana, a pasta dish with onion, bacon, ripe tomatoes and a dash of chili. For secondo, the second course, they’d both gone with Osso Buco, tender, slow cooked veal shanks served with Risotto Milanese. And dolce, the dessert course, had been Zuccotto, a special dessert from Florence that was said to resemble the dome of the Duomo, Florence’s famous church.

  After a meal such as this, humans would say something like, “I couldn’t eat possibly eat another thing for at least a week!” Jay suspected she wouldn’t need to eat for at least a month. It was just as well she could muster a hearty appetite when needs be. At least Gio, the matriarch who ruled this restaurant, wouldn’t be displeased by Jay leaving uneaten food on her plates.

  Jay had been conscious of Tyler’s liking for Gio the instant the woman had greeted him by taking him by the shoulders and planting a kiss on both cheeks. So she’d worked hard to earn Gio’s approval—no easy thing when the woman had obviously harbored fond thoughts of Tyler and Toni as a couple. Jay thought conversing with Gio in fluent Italian might have helped smooth the way.


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