American Survival (DeLeo's Action Thriller Singles Book 5)

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American Survival (DeLeo's Action Thriller Singles Book 5) Page 14

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “That makes a couple billion of us, pal,” Jack replied. “I’ve seen countries aligned against us from the Middle East, Mexico, Cuba, and some South American Countries I can only guess at. Where the heck are all of your allies?”

  “Most deserted when they learned of the massive strikes against my country, and the breakdown of our advanced weapon’s system. We underestimated Taiwan’s importance as an ally to the United States. Using them as a base, your country received vital pre-warning of our biological attack.”

  “What kept you from launching, once your bug bombs didn’t work, and why didn’t you just wipe out Taiwan in the first attacks,” Jack asked, stunned by these new revelations.

  “We tried, but our control computers for the ICBM’s would not work, because of some virus, or something. By the time we found out, the Taiwanese were forewarned. Their borders are nowhere near as porous as yours.”

  “We never heard about any computer virus out here. So… no one was left at your base other than your own countrymen?”


  “How about other bases?”

  “We were the last. The nerve toxin was our only hope to strike back, and provide ourselves with some bargaining power. We had hoped a small release of the toxin, with the antidote held out as a bargaining chip, would make your country sue for peace. Whenever one of the other bases attacked anyone, or had any contact with the outside, they were destroyed within hours. We were instructed to stay in complete hiding. After we sent out our first shipment of the antidote in trucks a few days ago, we were to launch the nerve toxin. Instead, orders were given to send out attack squads, and finally the only jet fighters we had. In the confusion, we escaped, because we knew what had happened to the other bases. We were still almost killed by the blast.”

  “Do you think anyone else made it out?”

  “No… I do not think so. The woman you killed knew of the location of this helicopter site. She said it was our only chance. She led us out, and then I used the tracker she gave me to plot our course towards this location.”

  “I guess that only leaves the loose end of thousands of foreign soldiers filtering down, and up to our borders, and the havoc that will cause. The one bad part of so many different ethnic groups making up America comes when we can’t tell the good guys from the bad guys, without a program. Well, sit tight - we have a ride out of here on the way. What’s your first name Doc?”

  “Kyung. Kyung Chen.”

  “Okay Doc.” Jack smiled. “If you don’t mind, I will leave it at Doc.”

  “I do not care.”

  “Good. Go ahead and eat with your friends. Paul and I will stay on top of things until our ride comes. Oh, and Doc, don’t go near anything in this helicopter. Make sure your friends understand they are expendable, and that you will be stopped instantly, and painfully. We will not hesitate. Make no mistake about that.”

  “I understand, and so do they.” Kyung gestured towards the fearful looks on the faces of the women, as they glanced first at Paul, and then back to Kyung. “They know what will be expected of them.”

  “Just so we have everything between us, up front, and understood. Pass the food out, and get comfortable.”

  Chapter 12

  The Information and the Ride Out

  Jack walked back over to where Paul casually watched the shared meal, with the safety on his AK-47 off.

  “I see I don’t have to tell you the importance of not letting anyone near the computer.”

  Paul smiled, but didn’t take his eyes off the group, now feasting hungrily on the brothers’ rations.

  “Kyung over there has many interesting pieces of information, and brother, they are a gold mine. We will be so popular at home base, I believe they’ll give us a parade… or at least pat us on the head like good dogs.”

  “Will we need to wake up John Boy?”

  “Yes indeed, because I want to know how well they all know each other. I also don’t want any errors in the computer transfer.”

  Paul nodded. “I’m with you. Won’t they take everything whole, and sort things out back at the base?”

  “I think they will want to back up everything on their own portable drives before moving it, at least I would. I’m glad the weather has been staying clear. What we don’t need can be summed up in one word: storm.”

  “Do you think they’ll get here before dark,” Paul asked. “We may only have another couple of hours at best. This day began early, and it seems to have lasted about a week.”

  “They should be picking up Steve and Mitch shortly, and then another hour at the outside should see us on our way out.”

  As if on cue, the brothers heard the approach of a helicopter, and Jack went out to check. He saw it land on the ridge. After a few minutes, it lifted off and began descending towards them. Luckily there was enough of an even plane for the large transport helicopter to set down. They spotted a place much closer than Jack had in mind, and the pilot set the craft down perfectly. As it landed, four soldiers in full battle gear jumped off, and took up positions around the perimeter. Mitch and Steve emerged with another soldier dressed in plain fatigues, and wearing captain’s bars. He walked straight up to Jack and stuck out his hand. Jack shook with him solemnly.

  “I’m Captain Kardel. My first name’s Tom. Are you Jack?”

  “Yep. I recognize your voice Captain. We’ve had a few conversations over the radio. My brother Paul has a group of newcomers under guard in the helicopter you will just love. They worked on developing a new nerve toxin, and the antidote. They are also acquainted with the soldier we captured. Things may be looking up, Captain.”

  “Amazing… simply amazing, my friend,” Kardel exclaimed as he shook his head in wonderment. “We better unload everything out of the helicopter before some act of God sweeps over us, and wipes out our short string of good luck.”

  “You, Sir are a man after my own heart,” Jack agreed. “Who will be doing the unloading?”

  “I will. I have an engineering degree from MIT. I have been breaking codes, and working on computer models of what they have for a couple of years now. I will explain another break we engineered ourselves, which has given us this victory. The Red Chinese surrendered yesterday. I can’t tell you how valuable this last set of information will be.”

  “Well I’ll be damned,” Jack whispered. “We beat the sons of bitches after all. You go ahead, and haul your stuff inside. Paul will march the others out, except for the man, and the soldier. They will be helping you. You can fill me in about the rest later.”

  Jack stepped by the Captain as he entered the helicopter, and walked up to Mitch and Steve. He shook hands with each one, trying to hold back the relief from the tension of the last twelve hours.

  “Man oh man,” Mitch exclaimed, “I hope we don’t end up camping here for the night." He glanced at the darkening sky. "It’s been one son-of-a-bitchin’ long day, and I would like to spend the night somewhere warm.”

  Steve gestured to where Paul was herding the three women out of the helicopter, as a soldier entered to keep track of his Captain’s actions. “Are we going to give Paul a hand? He looks as if he could use it.”

  “Yeah, you two stick around with Paul. I’ll go in and give the Captain a hand with our two little helpers. I know John will want to see a familiar face, when he comes to.”

  “John?” Steve spat on the ground. “Are we on a first name basis with these rat bastards now?”

  Jack laughed. “I’ll let Paul fill you in on John. He’s alive, and he will be helping us sort this mess out, and he knows this scientist we hauled back.” Jack grew solemn for a moment. “Listen. This will be tough on all of us for a while. We have a problem of having American citizens who look a hell of a lot like our enemies, and I don’t mean just the Chinese. You can bet there will be plenty of infiltrators still in country. Things have changed with how we will deal with people, who do not like it here, or want to cause trouble. Stay cool Steve, we’ll work it all out.”

  Steve embraced his friend. “You’re right. One thing at a time, but God help the first motherfucker that pisses on this country, in my hearing.”

  “Yes!” Mitch hissed as he slapped Steve’s hand. “Freedom of speech will be for folks that earned it, and they won’t be the ones causing trouble.”

  Paul heard the last exchange, and walked in nodding his head, and slapping hands. “I got something right here for any son-of-a-bitch that got a problem with the United States of America. I will be the complaint department. Bring that shit on home to me.”

  Even the young soldiers were looking at the four, nodding, and shaking fists. The war had taken a toll no one would soon forget. The blood rage still shone on all of their faces, next to the sheer glow of triumph. All would never be well; but the steel of overcoming tragedy and adversity, in the face of defeat, with everything on the line, would fuel many with a fervor none had known since World War II. Jack brushed away tears as he watched the tiny celebration going on, between his brothers, Steve, and a few young warriors they didn’t even know. He wiped his eyes with his iced up glove, and walked back to the helicopter. The young soldier, keeping an eye on Kyung, John, and his Captain, snapped to attention as Jack crossed the threshold. Jack smiled into the young Green Beret’s face, and continued in. He approached where the Captain and Kyung stood discussing the computer screen before them. Jack could see the Captain had hooked up an external drive to the computer, and was downloading the information as he talked with the scientist. John still snored on peacefully. Jack hoped he had not made a mistake in not keeping the scientist away until John was awake.

  “Kyung has been most helpful, Jack. He knew all the codes, so I didn’t wake the soldier. I see by your face, you might have done it differently.”

  “I know John wanted to help. I don’t know about Kyung here. I told you that.”

  “I will help in every way possible,” Kyung stated. “I do not want to go back to China, and your Captain has assured me I will not have to, if I cooperate.” The scientist looked at Jack’s impassive face, and added, “what good would it do for me to sabotage your efforts here? My country has surrendered. I have no place to go.”

  “Just so everything will be up front, like we talked about on the way, Kyung. Your fate will be mine if anything happens to the information on this computer. Do you understand?” Jack placed a hand on the Captain’s chest without taking his eyes off the scientist. The Captain had started to place himself between the men. Jack glanced at him for a moment, and the absolute dead cold fire he saw, caused Kardel to stop and step back. Jack looked at the man before him. “Do you understand? I’m not threatening you with death. I will make you scream for death like a lover in the night if you fuck this up. Now, do you understand?”

  The scientist, who thought he had lost everything, stared into eyes, which promised much more of a loss than he had ever experienced. “You will not have to worry.”

  “It won’t be for me to worry Kyung,” Jack replied. “It will be for you to worry.”

  “I understand.”

  “Good.” Jack turned again to the Kardel. “Let me wake this soldier, and see if we can get some confirmation at least on the codes.”

  “Sure Jack, go ahead. I was about to tell you, I have a software program, which I uploaded into this computer. It will intercept any signal, which tries to destroy the data. See if your soldier can confirm, and then we’ll proceed, and get the hell out of here with everything we can carry.”

  “Sounds good. I didn’t mean to jump on you there. It’s just we’re so close, and I have a feeling we can answer a lot more questions with what we get here. You will still have to fill me in on what happened to the Middle Eastern, and Cuban connection in this mess. This guy told me they took off when things started going bad.”

  “I’ll fill you in as soon as I get things done here, and we get back. You have a lot of catching up to do, and a lot of planning.” Kardel turned and resumed his task, as Jack went over to shake John, and try to get him conscious again.

  The wounded soldier came out of his drugged sleep reluctantly, and took at least fifteen minutes to realize where he was. Recognition flashed into his eyes when he saw the scientist Kyung Chen. Jack held out a piece of paper, where the Captain had jotted down the entry codes, and showed them to John. “Are these the right codes John? We need you to confirm them.”

  John stared at the list for a few minutes, and then nodded.

  “Was there a woman with this man?”

  “There were four women with him, John,” Jack replied.

  “He knows the one I mean. You must keep her restrained at all times. She will kill this man at her first opportunity. Then she will take out as many of you as she can.”

  “Well, thank you John for your concern. I do believe when all this ends, we will indeed be able to do some business. Paul had to kill her out in the woods. She already tried to kill our friend here. I turned over the vial she tried to do him with, and Kyung says he can reproduce it, and the antidote with our help. What do you think?”

  “He can do all of what he says, if he wishes to. He has no real love for what he has been forced to do.” John sat up, and then quickly laid back down, gasping in pain. He looked up at Jack, and tried a smile, which resembled more of a grimace.

  “I will give you a little more morphine, John, or you’ll never make the ride back in the helicopter.”

  “Will we be leaving soon?”

  “They are working on it right now, and with your confirmation of the codes, we can proceed more quickly. The Captain over there has some form of software to prevent any destruction. Let me give you this, and then I will get a couple of guys in to transport you over to the other helicopter. Jack injected the soldier with another syringe of morphine. He again watched the grimace on John’s face dissolve, and his body, visibly relax again.

  Jack walked over to where the Captain, and Dr. Chen worked quickly transferring data from the on board computer, onto mini-drives. They made notes on the data process as they went, and printed it out on a portable printer the Captain had brought. Jack turned to the soldier watching the men, and the process carefully.

  “Do you have a stretcher we can transport the wounded man with?”

  “Yes Sir. We brought everything to carry out your evacuation. Just direct any of the men on the ground to give you a hand. We are under your orders, Sir.”

  “Thank you.” Jack turned again to the Captain. “Do you think we can transport John over, or will we be in your way?”

  The Captain looked up for a moment before replying. “Fifteen minutes more Jack, and we will be ready to get the hell out of here all together. This data will be priceless. I can see a few gaps in our information, which will help our further negotiations when we get back.”

  “They can’t have that much info on this thing. How will you make big head way with this stuff? I can understand some slight gains, but…”

  “You don’t understand, Jack. We needed some keys to the architecture, of how they set up their protection, and any changes they made to counteract our computer attacks. Anyway, I will explain it all later. Go ahead, and get set up to take the soldier out.”

  “Thanks.” Jack stepped out of the helicopter. He decided not to get any of the soldiers away from perimeter patrol. He approached Steve and his brothers instead. “Are you guys up to helping me transport John over to our ride? The soldier inside said we could help ourselves to whatever we need.”

  “Lead the way Jack,” Mitch replied. “The sooner we get out of here, the better. I hope there ain’t any more surprises wondering around out in these woods.”

  “The scientist said no one but the five we intercepted left their base, and I tend to believe him. From what he says, a lot of foreign troops decided to work their way out on their own, when things went bad for Red China. That means we will have to deal with unknown elements for quite a while, before this whole mess even comes close to getting back to normal.”

/>   Jack led them over to the transport helicopter, and stepped in past the guard. He had already gotten word over the headset he would be needing a stretcher. One of the Special Forces men had the portable stretcher set out for them, along with a medical kit Jack shouldered. Paul grabbed one end of the stretcher, and Jack the other, as they exited the helicopter, and walked over to the crashed one. Inside, the soldier on guard was helping crate up all the hardware for transport, while a second soldier had assumed his guard duties. Jack set aside the stretcher, and the four men helped the soldiers carry the crates back to the transport. Jack could see the relief in the Captain’s face when the last of their cargo was loaded.

  “Get your wounded man on board, and we are out of here Jack,” Kardel said enthusiastically.

  “Be right back. Steve, you go ahead and get on board. We don’t need a one-legged stretcher-bearer.”

  “Why you ungrateful prick.” Steve laughed, as he climbed aboard. He smilingly flipped off the other brothers, who had joined in the laughter. “I’m in better shape than the three of you combined. Now hurry your sorry asses up. I want to get back to civilization.”

  The brothers loaded John onto the stretcher carefully, and Jack used some of the elastic bandages in the medical kit to wrap John in better. Even though there were straps to hold him in, Jack wanted to make sure John’s injured leg didn’t move at all. They managed to get the stretcher out of the wreckage, and over to their transport. They handed the stretcher on board into waiting hands. The helicopter fired into life even as the brothers climbed aboard, and closed up the hatch.

  The helicopter roughly left the rocky landing zone, and up into the valley’s surging winds. As they cleared the top of the surrounding mountains, the transport flew smoothly towards its home base. Not more than five minutes into the flight, fully armed F-16’s flew past them, and began a circling pattern. The Captain smiled at the puzzled looks from his new passengers.


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