American Survival (DeLeo's Action Thriller Singles Book 5)

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American Survival (DeLeo's Action Thriller Singles Book 5) Page 21

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “Wait until Uncle Paul sees this,” Jake said.

  Jack jumped up, turning to face his offspring, and remove his back from their inspection. “Okay kids, a joke’s a joke, but I find nothing funny in that suggestion.”

  Sarah waved off her father’s protestation. “When Uncle Mitch sees your back, you’ll have some explaining to do, young man,” She finished with mock seriousness.

  Jack sat back down and put his head in his hands. “Oh great, blackmailed by my own kids. Okay, what do you want?”

  “Don’t worry,” Sarah said, patting him on the shoulder. She took up the ace bandage again, so she could finish the wrapping. “We won’t tell on you, will we Jake?”

  “Oh no,” Jake agreed. “We would never do that, right Wolf?”

  Wolf barked at the mention of his name.

  “You two, and that cur of a dog, deserve each other, now lay off.”

  Sarah finished the wrapping in silence, with only a few looks at her brother, who nodded his acknowledgment. “I’m hungry Jake. You want to get dressed, and grab some breakfast?”

  “Sounds good, I think we’ve done enough damage here. You want to come down with us Dad,” Jake asked innocently.

  “No… you two creeps go on ahead. I’ll shave, and use the computer to type up a list of equipment we will need to take with us. I’ll show it to everyone when I get done, and see if I’ve missed anything. Take this no good traitorous mongrel with you.”

  “Okay, we’ll hang out for a while down there. You can eat with us if you get done,” Sarah said.

  “I’ve been thinking about the list since Tom and I discussed it, so I should be able to get it typed quickly, if I haven’t forgotten how to type. Anything tricky I should know about the computer?”

  “Nope,” Jake said, shaking his head. “It works faster, but still has the usual stuff.”


  “It has Microsoft Office, so yes it has Word. I guess Microsoft hasn’t been churning out anything new for quite some time. If you need help, come down and get me,” Jake said.

  “I’ll be okay. It will be fun messing around on a computer after all this time. I guess you better give me an hour.”

  “We’ll take our time,” Sarah replied. “Come on Jake, get dressed and let’s go.”

  Jack went into shave, while Sarah and Jake dressed. When he got out, both were gone, and they had taken Wolf with them. Jack sat at the computer, and spent the next forty-five minutes putting together a folder. It contained lists for weapons, ammunition, supplies, communications, and surveillance gear. He knew they needed more briefing on up to date changes; but he figured something basic would do for Kardel to look over initially. Jack knew Steve, Peter, and his two brothers would think of other possibilities he had missed. Jack wanted Steve’s opinion on explosives. Jack had received explosives training from Green Berets, before he had taken off for the mountains. He had been practicing for nearly four years without a single accident, but he knew Steve had been the real expert. He picked up the folder and trekked to the mess hall, hoping he could catch the kids before they left.

  Jack arrived at the mess hall shortly after, and looked up from the folder he carried. Jack stopped dead in his tracks. At the back two tables sat the whole group, and they were smilingly waiting for him. Steve and Peter cocked their heads almost in unison, and held their hands up, waving daintily at Jack. For Jack’s part, his hands dropped to his sides. He let his chin drop to his chest, with his head shaking slowly back and forth, in denial of what lay ahead. His shoulders slumped comically forward. He shuffled towards the back, as the laughter and whistles greeted him. Enough people were still eating breakfast to provide an appreciative audience.

  Still looking down, Jack said, “let me know when you all have had your fun, and you’re ready to discuss real life.”

  Mitch ducked down, and looked up at his brother. “Do you mean you’re ready for another business meeting?”

  This caused even more raucous laughter, in which Jack could not hold back joining. Fortunately for Jack, everyone calmed down, and he sat with them at the table. He laid the folder on the table, and opened it to extract his supply lists. He passed copies out to everyone, and waited until they all had a chance to read them over.

  Steve looked up from the lists after a moment. “I see enough stuff here to start another war, but you overlooked one item.”

  “I tried to think of it all, but I knew…”

  “Condoms,” Steve cut in. “You forgot the condoms.”

  This disrupted their meeting for another few minutes. A half an hour later, they had lined out several items on the lists, and added a few more. All were in agreement to advanced weapons training; and researching the state-of-the-art communications and surveillance equipment, which they might not be aware of. Steve and Peter happily agreed to the research. Paul and Mitch said they would set up schedules at the range, and look in at the armory for a sniper rifle, in a caliber around 7mm. The meeting ended with everyone trying to get a peek at Jack’s back, while he fended them off, and refused to talk about it.

  Chapter 18

  The Morning After and Trust

  Jake returned from the chow line to get Jack some scrambled eggs, toast, and coffee. He set the tray down in front of his father, who smiled his thanks.

  “Well, my sweet daughter and son, you have been busy and naughty children. You know, of course, this means war.”

  Both kids chuckled in appreciation of his threat. “You would have done the same thing in our place,” Sarah stated. She placed her hand over his. "Remember, you raised us this way. We only did what you programmed us to do.”

  Jack laughed, and nodded in reluctant agreement. “You got me. I’ve been the target of abuse ever since I met Dr. Morrison.”

  “Don’t look now Dad,” Jake said, “but the cause of your abuse has just picked up her tray, and appears headed this way.”

  Dr. Morrison walked up smiling. “Hi kids, did you have breakfast already?”

  “Yes, Dr. Morrison, how are you? Did you sleep well,” Jake asked innocently. He then saw his father’s face. He stood immediately, followed by his sister. She said hello to Dr. Morrison, and left quickly with her brother. Wolf followed in their wake.

  Dr. Morrison sat down, and put her hand on Jack’s. “I awoke, and you were no longer around.” She watched Sarah and Jake walk away with Wolf. “I guess you had to tell your kids, huh?”

  Jack looked up and grinned. “Doc, I did everything short of hiring someone to beat me up, to try and hide our liaison. I didn’t realize I carried evidence on me, until I began feeling it under my shirt. My damn dog took care of my quiet return, and my smartass kids took care of the rest, including a full group he-haw this morning here in the mess hall.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I’ll turn, and lower the neck of my shirt nonchalantly. You will understand.” Jack turned to the front of the room, as if he were looking for someone. He reached up and lowered the neck of his shirt down past his shoulders for a second. When he turned, the Doctor was laughing.

  “Oh my God Jack, I am so sorry. Did you get much of a hard time?”

  “Oh no, public ridicule of my personal sex life, in front of family and friends, has always been a staple of my existence. I’m just happy you’re taking this so well,” Jack needled her.

  Dr. Morrison blushed under his gaze. She looked down at her plate. “I… ah… haven’t been with a man in a very long time. I was unaware of marking you.”

  Jack reached over, and stroked his fingers gently down from her forehead to her chin. “Never mind all that, Doc. I’m too old to get upset about a little ragging from that bunch. I give out so much, I better be able to take it. I didn’t want any of it directed at you. About leaving you without waking you up,” Jack cupped her face and lifted it until she looked at him, “that was undoubtedly the most difficult thing I have done in years. My God, you looked good under those covers.”

  She reached up
, and leaned her face into Jack’s hand, as she grasped his. “If I had awakened, you would never have made it out of the room.”

  Jack withdrew his hand, and sat back reluctantly in his seat, as he realized where he was. “Will this make it difficult for you around here, Doc?”

  “Maybe a little, but nothing I can’t handle.”

  They ate together in silence for a time. Jack relaxed, sipping his coffee. He watched Dr. Morrison, picturing her the night before. Desire swept through him so fiercely, it felt difficult to breathe. He knew this appeared too good to be true, and probably was; but it still felt as real as the ache he felt coursing through his body, as he watched her. She smiled uneasily at the intensity of his stare.

  “Doc, I’m no handsome stud, as my brothers have reminded me many times. What would a fine looking, Thomas Wolf loving woman like you, see in a scarred up old dog like me?”

  “Does it matter? You certainly have a low opinion of yourself.”

  “Actually, there are many things I’m very good at. Seduction has never been one of them.”

  Dr. Morrison laughed, and took another sip of her coffee. “You don’t trust anyone, do you?”

  “Only the group you saw me come in with.”

  “What would I have to gain by seducing you Jack,” She asked seriously.

  “My trust maybe, or a little warmth the same as I did. I don’t plan on picking apart the best thing to happen to me in years. I apologize if I gave you the idea you didn’t reach me. For what seemed like only minutes, you altered reality as completely as any smell I described to you ever did. Maybe I better go for now, Doc, and give you some space.”

  Jack stood, and picked up his tray, as she looked on silently.

  “Maybe I’ll see you later.”

  Dr. Morrison suddenly got up, and went around the table to grab hold of Jack’s shoulder, and turn him to face her. “Stud muffin or Daffy Duck… I don’t care,” she said with intensity. “I want you right now. Put your tray down, and follow me up to my room right this second.”

  Jack put down the tray as ordered, but only to take hold of her hands. “You work here Doc. Don’t you think they’ll miss you?” He leaned into her, and she felt him even through her smock.

  “I don’t have a patient for another hour. You aren’t one of those people, who need candlelight and wine every time, are you?”

  “No Doc, I am not, nor have I ever been,” Jack replied.

  “Good. Then, let’s go. When I get done with you this time, you won’t be able to sneak out of the room.”

  Jack grinned. “Be careful, Ms. Morrison, about making promises you cannot keep.”

  An hour and a half later, Jack stood outside Dr. Morrison’s office, in the hallway. He smiled as he watched Dr. Morrison hurry down the hallway towards him, as she buttoned her smock up. When she looked up, and saw him in front of her office, she stopped. She then approached him more slowly, running a hand through her hair.

  “I told your patient you would see him in about twenty minutes from now. I explained you were running a little late. He said he didn’t mind. I think he was relieved. What kind of torture do you have in mind for him?”

  Dr. Morrison reached up and pulled Jack’s head down to hers, kissing him full on the mouth. He responded completely, until she pushed him back breathlessly.

  “Christ, Jack, you are dangerous.”

  “And then some, Doc.”

  “As to my patient, he’s a pilot due for a physical. Those guys are always worried they will get grounded. The truth be known, they would practically need to be dead to get grounded. We can’t train them fast enough, and we sure can’t do without the ones we’ve got. The aircraft manufacturers are at full wartime status, but there are only a certain number of people who can be trained to fly.”

  “Will you be okay? Did your little nap help? I have to go do some work now.”

  “Ha, ha, very funny.” Dr. Morrison sighed. “Would you like to see me tonight? I’ll try again to keep you from sneaking out.”

  Jack laughed. “You won’t need to. The thought of coming home to Wolf at 2AM again makes my ribs ache. Besides, I want to see what waking you up in the morning feels like.”

  “I can handle that. I’ll see you later then.” She squeezed his hand, and went into her office.

  “I am missing you already,” Jack said under his breath, as he watched her. He turned and started up to his room, to see how things were progressing with the kids, before he went down to see Tom. He looked down at the folder he carried, wondering if the Captain could supply the items on his lists, or if they would be heading back to the Bay Area with pretty much what they already had.

  Chapter 19

  The Plan and The Preparation

  No one greeted him at the door, so he tried Paul’s room. He found the kids all in there, without any of the adults.

  “What’s this, a secret meeting? You all are not fomenting rebellion, are you?”

  “We were kind of wondering how long we’ll be here,” Debbie said, as the others nodded. “This place really feels nice after the mountains.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I think we will need at least three weeks before we’ll have healed up, gathered our supplies, and finalized our plans. Don’t forget, I want everyone on the range, starting tomorrow.”

  “Uncle Mitch and Uncle Paul will be taking us down to the range as soon as they come back,” Sarah informed him. “They found the perfect rifle, and they say even we can fire it comfortably.”

  “Outstanding, I’m going down to talk to the Captain, and then I will join you all. Can you draw me a map to the range?”

  Jake handed him a small booklet, which outlined the base structure, and various areas. “They had these down in the base library. I guess we should have visited there first.”

  Jack laughed. “I never thought of it either, and they sure didn’t volunteer the information. Maybe they keep the wandering around to a minimum here. Anyway, I’ll see you later.”


  Captain Kardel met Jack at the door, as Jack had called ahead. The men shook hands like old friends. Jack came in and sat down. “We have really hit the bonus with the intel from the helicopter, Jack. With Chen’s input, we have filled in almost every blank we had. They are already well on the way to making enough antidote, to take care of the whole country in a couple more weeks. Chen and his team remain very cooperative. You, your friends, and your family are to be congratulated. It would have been very difficult to sew things up, and save lives, without this.”

  “I appreciate that, Tom. I have the lists you thought I should make up for our trip back to the Bay Area. I hope you don’t mind the research aspect I added. We’ve been out of touch, and we need a bit of time for my people to see what you have available.”

  Captain Kardel opened the folder, and perused the lists for the next few minutes before speaking. “I see you want a considerable amount of gold. Do you think it wise to have a quantity like that with you?”

  “If we can’t protect it, then you have the wrong people for the job anyway. We will need something the people will barter for. In World War Two, when they had insurgents in an area, the agents from the United States paid in gold, because no one knew what their tomorrow would bring as far as any country’s currency. I may need something desperately, and gold will get it for me, whether it’s information, or something tangible.”

  “Agreed. Foodstuffs can be another commodity to barter with. I noticed you didn’t overlook them. Although everyone grows food now, and exchanges goods, luxury food items are scarce. Your weapons and communications requests are a bit vague.”

  “We’re working on that aspect right now. I hope to have final lists for you in a couple of days, and then you can say yes or no.”

  “We need you in the Bay Area, and you need these items,” Kardel replied. “I’ll get you everything you want. I may have some trouble with the gold in that amount, but I know they will okay part of it. The rest, I’ll scrounge up, as y
ou need it. Fair enough?”

  “More than fair, Tom. We can do this with your support, and win back a lot of confused people out there as we go.”

  “I have another piece of good news. They managed to save John Liang’s leg, and he will recover almost all of the movement. I also received the okay for him to join your team. He cooperated completely. He seconded, and checked every item, concerning Chen, and the intel from the helicopter. He’s been moved out of intensive care, and into the main ward.”

  “Good, I’ll go see if I can sell him on this exercise. I want him on board with it one hundred percent, or I can’t use him.”

  “I’ve talked to him already, and he looks forward to working with you. He says he owes you his life.

  “I shot him,” Jack said.

  “You shot the other men with him too. He said if you had wanted him dead, he would have been dead. In any case, I think you made an excellent decision wanting him in on this. He may end up to be a key ingredient to the success or failure of this mission.”

  “Next stop then, the main hospital ward.”

  Tom smiled. “I’ve heard you and Dr. Morrison have been getting on well,”

  “As I said, I will get these updated lists to you in a couple of days.” Jack stood up. “You can keep the folder. I saved the lists to disk upstairs.”

  “Okay, no more talk of your mission assistant. Anything else?”

  “Only full access to the range, and maybe a couple of your demolition and communications experts, if you can spare a couple to give us a hand.”

  “Sergeant Rodriguez has requested liaison duties with your team, both now and after you leave. Did he give you a number to contact?”

  “Yes. I’ll set the rest up through him. Talk to you in a few days, Tom, and thank you.”

  “You bet Jack,” He said as he escorted him to the door. “If you have any problems, tell the Sergeant, and he and I will get them straightened out. Goodbye for now.”


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