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American Survival (DeLeo's Action Thriller Singles Book 5)

Page 25

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “Excellent. Jack, I took a few shots and did pretty well. Are you going to try your hand at it today?”

  “I think so, Mitch. I want to speed things up a bit. When John gets on his feet, we’re out of here. He can recuperate in the Bay Area. Do you guys think we can be on our way in two to three weeks?”

  “I’m for it,” Steve said.

  “As long as we get to use the range I picked outside, I want a crack at some real shooting. If we can hit things from the sight I have picked out, we will be a dangerous crew in the city,” Mitch replied.

  “We’ll make time for that. We need to arrange our schedule to include testing communications, and with some basic explosives training too, in the next few days. We can reinforce the training after we leave, and pitch in as always to make sure we keep up. I thought of something else too, Mitch. I want to see if they have those Taser guns with the laser sights. They were just coming out when the war started.”

  “I remember reading about them,” Steve added. “They were accurate up to fifteen feet, and could drop a guy cold without permanent injury.”

  “It might be an easy way to get control of an interrogation subject.”

  “I’ll work on that today, Jack,” Mitch agreed. “I never heard of them, but I know a guy in ordinance, Paul and I met the other day. He said he had been told to help us out in any way he could. I’ll see what I can do.”

  “The guy over in electronics told me the same thing,” Steve said. “Kardel may be a bastard, but he sure knows how to delegate, and get a mission going. Nothing ever went smoothly in the service. We never had enough training, armaments, or supplies.”

  Jack nodded. “I guess Kardel remains the real mystery - where the thin line exists, and what it takes to cross it. The time when the people under you become chess pieces, to use, and discard on your way up. I liked the guy from the first moment I met him, and I could tell he knew how to lead.”

  “You know how to lead,” Mitch observed.

  “Maybe, but personal goals define the difference. I have a goal of living out what’s left of my life with a couch, TV, and indoor plumbing.”

  “Ye-haw,” Steve remarked comically, “now those are goals worth dying for.”

  “Don’t forget the women,” Mitch added. “We need something to remind us there are things worse than death.”

  Jack laughed. “Mitch… you cynic you. Your glass never does get full does it? You just walk around with a dribble cup all day?”

  “Right… oh optimistic one,” Mitch countered as Steve laughed. “I’ve seen half dead rodents in the road with a better outlook for the future than you.”

  “Guilty,” Jack admitted. “Let’s go.”

  By the end of the day, the group had worked out any remaining tension from the day before. Everyone agreed and looked forward to leaving in another few weeks. The suddenness and finality of Jack’s decision surprised no one. Jack left the group early at the pool, and stopped in his room to type up a two-page letter. He folded it, and put it under his shirt. Jack left a note for Sarah and Jake. He petted Wolf for a time, mentally promising him a trip outside as soon as he returned. He left the room, and headed down to visit John in the medical ward.

  When he entered the ward, he saw John sitting up doing hand squeezes. The sweat ran down John’s face as he tried to control his breathing, and keep up the pace of his exercises. As Jack walked towards him, he saw John’s concentration did not allow him to notice Jack’s approach. Jack saw recognition of his presence only when he reached a spot directly in front of John. John dropped his arms, grabbed up the towel at his side, and wiped his face and neck off. Jack walked around the bed, and set three dog-eared novels on his bed stand. John grabbed them up anxiously.

  “I’m impressed, John. Working out like a good soldier.”

  “Thanks for the books, Jack. Dean Koontz is my favorite author.”

  “How many have you already read?”

  “Two actually, but I’m so bored, I’m thinking of writing my own novel.”

  Jack took the two-page letter out of his pocket, and handed it to John. “Read this, and hand it back to me without comment.”

  John searched Jack's face, and then read the letter intently. He paused, and looked up at Jack in a couple of spots, but continued reading. He handed the letter back and laughed, which made Jack start laughing, which prompted a noise warning from the ward nurse.

  “You still want in John?”

  “Even more so. This reminds me of home.”

  “No reason to be insulting, pal.”

  “I can’t wait to find out what you have in store for me to do.”

  “Think you can gimp your way out of here in two or three weeks,” Jack asked.

  “Maybe, with your brother Paul as my trainer. Watch this, Jack.” John raised his damaged leg up slowly, and twisted it to the right and then the left. Jack saw the strain it caused him.

  “You’re making great progress, John. I’ll be back tomorrow to check on you. I’ll bring Paul with me, to check on the speed of your progress.”

  “I already left instructions with Paul’s girlfriend not to let him on the ward,” John replied, only half joking.

  Jack sighed. “He will be hurt you would shun his attentions so easily.”

  John straightened up and put his hand on Jack’s forearm. “Jack, don’t leave here without me.”

  “I won’t. Keep working on the leg. I’ll be back tomorrow to see you. I’ll try and find a couple more books too.”

  John nodded, and released Jack’s arm. He began his workout once again. Jack left the medical ward, and returned to his room for Wolf, and some warm clothing. When they were outside the complex, Jack let Wolf run ahead, and lead the way. Jack determined they were far enough away, and burned the note he had typed to John. He watched the ashes drift down to the snow in the darkening twilight of another confusing day.


  Dr. Morrison answered her door to find Jack and his dog. She turned away, and walked into the room, allowing Wolf and Jack to follow. Jack stopped just inside the doorway. Wolf trotted up beside Dr. Morrison, and put his head under her hand. At first she recoiled from the dog; but looking down at the panting face, she had to pet him, as if he were a magnet, and her hand were a pile of iron filings.

  “This changes nothing,” she said. “Do you really think you can make things better by bringing your dog?”

  “I brought Wolf along to get acquainted, so I can leave him to protect you if needed.”

  She looked at him in disbelief. “Your dog, protect me?” She threw her hands up. “Yeah, he’ll be my regular guardian angel, I’m sure. What’s the reason… do you think you need protection here?”

  Jack smiled. “Watch this.”

  He suddenly grabbed hold of her arm, and Wolf attacked immediately. Wolf latched onto Jack’s wrist, and only eased up when Jack released Dr. Morrison, all the while growling viciously. Dr. Morrison laughed self-consciously as Wolf sat down again in front of her.

  “That’s quite a trick. Can I get him to rip your throat out?”

  “Uh no, I’m afraid you’ll have to settle for being safe from attack.”

  “Would you like some wine?”

  “Do you have any beer? Uh… you know, unopened?”

  “Why Jack, I believe you don’t trust me.” She walked over to her refrigerator, and brought back a bottle of beer, and handed it to him.

  Jack drank a little, walked into her living room, and sat down on the couch. “Did you have time to jot down the codes I asked you for?”

  Dr. Morrison sat down on the chair opposite Jack, and handed him a small spiral notebook. Jack looked over the information and sat back with his beer.

  “Will that be all for tonight, Sir?”

  “I probably should stay for a while longer. Don’t you enjoy my company anymore?”

  “Fear can be a lot of things,” Dr. Morrison replied, “but not an aphrodisiac.”

  “You were afraid last night.�

  Dr. Morrison blushed angrily. “You bastard!”

  Jack put down his beer and went over to where she sat. He knelt down in front of her, placing his hands on both sides of her face as she tried to turn away. He kissed her unyielding lips, and then her cheeks, and moved his hands down to her shoulders. He gently kissed her neck and ears on both sides, as she stiffly resisted his approach. He moved his hands down and unbuttoned her blouse, pulling it down over her shoulders. Removing her bra as her breathing quickened, Jack slowly broke down her resistance until she breathlessly commented.

  “This would be considered date rape.”

  “You haven’t even said no yet, Doc,” Jack reasoned as he again kissed her on the lips gently. He unzipped her skirt, easing it over her hips to the floor.

  “Okay then,” She said softly, “no.”

  Jack pulled away smiling, and began to get up. “Okay then, Doc, I’ll…”

  She caught him by the shirt, and pulled Jack to her. “You’d leave… just like that?"

  “Not happily; but yes, tonight, I’ll go.”

  She unbuttoned his shirt, and pushed it back off his shoulders. She unwrapped his rib bandage as he ran his hands up and down her sides slowly. She caught her breath, and closed her eyes momentarily, as his hands had their desired effect. She searched gently over his injured ribcage.

  “All the swelling has receded, in spite of your workout abuse.”

  Jack kissed her, caressing her lips with his as he continued to touch her everywhere within his reach. She clumsily undid his pants, and pushed them down, even as he slid her panties down and off. She tried to pull him towards her, as she arched herself closer; but his arms tightened, and she felt his muscles harden against her, even as he continued to kiss her lightly over her face, eyes and cheeks. She gasped and tried strongly to impale herself on him, but she could not budge him. His kisses and fondling made her breathing difficult, and the urge to couple with him made her weak with longing.

  “Pl…please, Jack,” she whispered.

  He slowly, inexorably brought her body, glistening and slick with sweat to him. As he joined with her little by little, she cried out almost in pain. She climaxed powerfully, and he gripped her tightly to him, as she again cried out, and tearfully shuddered against him uncontrollably. When she felt as if she could bear no more, he held her to him tightly, and began to move within her. She tried to throw herself back; but instead, Jack held her tightly to him, and continued his assault, until she sobbed and climaxed again. She felt him explode within her, and she collapsed in his arms. Jack allowed her to relax in the chair. He ran his hands admiringly over her body as she lay totally still, breathing deeply.

  “How about a shower together, Doc?”

  “I can’t move. Just cover me, and go do what you want.”

  Jack laughed, put his arms under her, and straightened, drawing her to him. She put her arms around his neck, as he stood easily with her cradled to him, her head resting in the crook of his neck. He stood quietly, drinking in the aroma and feel of having such a woman so close. He closed his eyes, and pretended for a moment he had no other responsibility, other than holding this woman tightly in his arms.

  “Jack,” she whispered at his neck, as he felt her warm breath tingle his skin. “Do you care for me at all?”

  Jack opened his eyes, wondering at the beautiful softness of her voice. “Do you mean how can I make love to you like I did, and kill you tomorrow if the need arose?”

  “Something like that,” she replied. She reached up, and pulled his face towards hers as she looked up. Jack returned her gaze, staring into her eyes for a long moment, before kissing her lightly, brushing her lips with his.

  “Can we let go of reality just for tonight, Doc?”

  “We can if you want.”

  “I want very much.”

  “Okay then.” She smiled up at him, with her face inches from his. “I love you, and I will be with you until you no longer want me.”

  She placed her hand gently over his mouth as he tried to reply. “Will you make love to me again, and then sleep with me tonight? We can shower together in the morning, unless you think I smell badly.”

  “You smell wonderful.”

  Jack walked over to her bed, and laid her gently on the cover. He enveloped her body with his own, as Wolf moved to the foot of the bed, sighing as he lay down for the night.


  She awoke with the mustiness of lingering dreams, making her first look, through half closed eyes, a grainy one. She turned over slowly to keep from waking Jack. She felt his body next to hers, and smiled knowing he had stayed despite his distrust. Watching him lying next to her, she couldn’t help but reach to touch his face. In the split second her hand took to travel the distance between them, she found her whole wrist engulfed in Wolf’s mouth. She froze for a moment, looking at the dog, which had materialized almost out of thin air. Wolf didn’t growl as he had done with Jack. He simply held her.

  “I felt him, Doc,” Jack said sleepily. “Release Wolf.”

  The dog released her wrist, and lay down between them, putting his head down on his paws, as he watched the doctor rub her uninjured arm. Jack sat up, and petted the big head next to him for a moment, and then patted his butt. The big dog immediately returned to the foot of the bed. Jack leaned over, cupped Dr. Morrison’s face in his right hand, and kissed her forehead.

  “Good morning, Doc.”

  She smiled, taking his hand in both hers. “I thought you said he was here to protect me.”

  “I didn’t say he wouldn’t watch out for me. He doesn’t know you well enough yet to allow you to reach for me, without me knowing. Luckily, he knows me well enough to allow this.” Jack moved over to her, and enfolded her into his arms, as she felt the hardness of his body press her down to the sheet.

  They showered together later. Dressing warmly, they took Wolf outside in the early morning light. The wind blew a wispy fall of snow down around them as they walked. Without speaking, they followed Wolf around in what could only be described as a wonderland of white beauty. After an hour, they went to the mess hall together with Wolf tagging along happily. The rest of his group trickled down within a half hour of their own arrival. Jack endured the usual nonsense of Sarah checking the back of his neck as she said good morning, and Jake checking the Doctor jokingly for wounds. They all sensed a change as the Doctor joined in the laughter these antics brought.

  “I saw John yesterday, Paul. He’s already exercising his leg. He says he’s in. He told me it sounds like home.”

  Paul laughed. “Why that no good commie prick. Wait until I go over there. I’ll give him a real leg massage.”

  “He left orders with your girlfriend not to let you in.”

  Everyone laughed at Paul’s expense as he nodded in appreciation. “I’m betting he’ll be working out with us inside of two weeks, even if he has to gimp through it.”

  “We’re going to make it out of here Jack,” Steve said. “I can feel it.”

  “You ain’t getting optimistic on me, are you Steve?”

  Peter chuckled. “If Dad’s not, I sure am. I believe we can get the hell out of this fortress and go home, such as it is.”

  “Where are we going to live,” Sarah asked. “I mean when we go home, will we live at our old house?”

  “No honey, we won’t be going back to our old house. I covered this with Kardel. There are lots of empty places, and I think we would be better off in a huge place with a security system already working. I should have mentioned it to all of you, but it was kind of a long shot we’d ever get out of here.”

  “We’re going to live in a mansion,” Nick asked. “That will be so cool.”

  “What may not be cool to you will be the twenty-four hour watch schedule.”

  “Big deal,” Jake said.

  “Yeah Uncle Jack,” Debbie added. “It’s not like we’ve never stood watch before.”

  “I hate this place,” Jack stated. “A few da
ys in here, and we’re starting to sound like a cross between the Brady Bunch, and the Adams Family.”

  “I want to be like the Munsters,” Mitch claimed.

  Dr. Morrison looked around the table in amazement at the unlikely group, eating and laughing around her. “How in the world did all of you survive these past years? I mean you bunch are the most unreal guerrilla soldiers I ever saw.”

  “Don’t worry about it Dr. Morrison,” Jake said. “We’re only joking around.”

  “I know. I’ve seen the file on what you all have accomplished. It just doesn’t seem possible.”

  “You’ll get a kick out of this then,” Paul replied. “The next member of our little band, the John guy we were talking about, worked as a Chinese Communist agent before fate kind of threw him in with us.”

  “Not the one you brought in with you,” Dr. Morrison asked in disbelief.

  “The very same,” Paul said.

  She turned to Jack. “You shot him, and now he wants to join you?”

  Jack sighed. “It’s complicated.”

  “No, it’s insane. Do you torture all your recruits,” she asked, smiling. “This is so weird.”

  “When you put it like that, I guess it does seem pretty weird,” Jack admitted. “You’ve worked on probably thousands of soldiers, from teenagers to practically old men. War makes the world around it weird. We take it one day at a time until it ends. It may sound weird or corny, but we believe in what we’re doing. That gives us the edge.”

  “Okay, I’ll keep your premise in mind. You don’t have like midget wrestlers or hunchbacks ready to sign up too, do you,” Morrison joked, bringing more laughter.

  “No,” Mitch said. “Do you know any who want to join us? We take anybody.”

  Chapter 24

  The Training

  The rest of the breakfast went uneventfully, and with a degree of quiet comfort. Jack left to walk Dr. Morrison to her office. He gave Steve the notebook with her codes and notes before they walked away. They all agreed to meet in the gym first today, and then at the range later, where Dr. Morrison could meet them.

  “I don’t understand why I have to start goofing around on the range,” Morrison complained as they walked.


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