American Survival (DeLeo's Action Thriller Singles Book 5)

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American Survival (DeLeo's Action Thriller Singles Book 5) Page 33

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “You’re right, Tom. That would be foolish. They will meet with you at the airport, as soon as you fly in. Colonel Braithwait has set up a special conference room for the meeting.”

  “How in the hell did you get them to agree to that,” Kardel asked, stunned.

  “They will have my two brothers as hostage while the meeting goes on. They will be released when their people are safe.”

  “You’re taking a big chance.”

  “Not really. We’ll get your agenda set out for them and be done. I’m sure they will have a list of things they want in return.”

  “Can I deal with these people?”

  Jack looked at Mitch, who was standing next to him. “I dealt with them. They seem very reasonable.”

  “When do they want the meeting?”

  “At your convenience, but as soon as you can possibly do it.”

  “I will fly down the day after tomorrow. I will make sure I am there by 10AM, and we can begin the meeting at eleven.”

  “Sounds good. I will have everything ready.”

  “Jack, you have done very well. Would you think about going down to LA if I have trouble with the people I sent there? With your skills you could make a difference there too.”

  “We better see how things work out here, and then talk.”

  “Fine, but give it some thought. How goes the inoculation program and Dr. Morrison?”

  “Great. I’m at the Center today with my whole crew helping out. Dr. Morrison appears to be ahead of schedule.”

  “Excellent. I will see you at the airport the day after tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be there.” Jack heard Kardel click off, and turned to Mitch. “You heard the deal Mitch?”

  “Most of it. It sounds as if he’ll come. Do you have any idea how to work this?”

  “We’ll have a dry run tomorrow. We will let him land, and get out with anyone he wants. I will take him to the room we have set up for a meeting, and tell him I have to go into the room with him alone. It can only get dicey if he insists on having guards with him. Anyway, you, Paul and Steve will be in the room with Colonel Braithwait. Kevin will be with the airport military, ready to move in on whomever he brings with him outside the room. The second we get in the door, I will lock it up, and Kevin will get control outside the door. His knock will let me know everything went well.”

  “Why don’t we stay out with Kevin?”

  “Because we’ll all be in communication with Peter on the outside of the airport. We will be on the same channel with the kids, and the rest of Kevin’s men. Braithwait will have a few of his own guys there near the room. If anything looks out of whack, I’ll need you guys inside with me. Kardel thinks the gang will be holding you and Paul, so stay out of sight until I get the ball rolling.”

  “Just so you’re not dealing us out of the action.”

  “Like I would trust anyone else to be in that room with me.”

  “Where will John be?”

  “He will have the prisoner we took at the table, with the barrel of his gun aimed at the prisoner’s balls. They will be the gang members Kardel sees when he enters the room.”

  “Kevin said you had some idea about setting us up out in the open for the meeting with Kardel, so we could back you up with the sniper rifles.”

  “It won’t work, Mitch. If things go sour in the open, there would be a blood bath. This way, we’ll have Braithwait and Kardel in a locked room. I thought over what Kevin warned about my paranoia. He’s right. At some point, we have to do this, and trust our allies.”

  Mitch nodded. “I see your point. We’ll still be in a tight spot though.”

  “Yep, and we won’t know how tight until the minute we get Kardel in the room. Once we see how Braithwait reacts, we’ll know if we’re home free or not.”

  “And then?”

  “And then we question Kardel, and find out who exactly runs his operation. Braithwait says he will move on the information we get.”

  “How will you know if Kardel tells us the truth?”

  “We’ll get the codes for his computer at the base, and Braithwait will order cooperation on the other end, while we check out the information.”

  “Are you going to use Wolf on him?” Mitch asked.

  “No. I want Braithwait to make a deal with him. Once he knows his operation has been busted, I’m hoping he will give it up.”

  “That makes two of us. I don’t particularly want to spend my life as a janitor, even if it does help in a worthy cause.”

  “But Mitch, you’re so good at it. Besides, I noticed there are a lot of good looking women going in and out of here. There has definitely been a shortage of men, even with the military close by.”

  “I’ve exchanged a few good words already with interested ladies. This would not be a bad area to settle down in for at least a little while.”

  “I hope we can knock out this thing across the country, using the military to clean up the rest of these pockets of gangs. They need to bring the civilians in on it from the beginning. Then we will be able to go anywhere we want.”

  “Are we done now? This was the last of the labs the Doc said needed cleaning.”

  “I think so. We can put away the cleanup gear, and check on our compatriots. We’ll wait until we get back to the house before we discuss this, okay?”

  “Agreed.” Mitch paused suddenly, looking at his mop. “Say… why did we get the mops, and the kids get to help in the lab?”

  “Because your daughter is in charge of the duty roster.”

  “Why that little… you mean she put her old man on mop duty?”

  “With a smile on her face from what I hear,” Jack replied. “Actually, I think it was a plot by all of our offspring. Let’s get out of here.”Later, at the house, they all sat together at the table. Again, Dr. Morrison was not included in the meeting. Mitch and Jack went over the details of the rough plan with everyone, and explained their duties to them. No one spoke during the briefing.

  “What are you going to tell the Doc when she comes back and finds out we had another meeting without her,” Paul asked. “I mean… will you be punished?”

  “Ho, ho, ho, you are so funny.” Jack ignored the amusing pause in the meeting’s somber purpose. “Are there any questions or suggestions on the operation at the airport the day after tomorrow?”

  “Luring him into the room is a nice touch,” Kevin said.

  “How many men can you round up fully armed outside the gates in the next day?”

  “Maybe a hundred, Jack, well-armed and ready. We have rocket launchers, anti-tank weapons, grenades, and the works. We’ll be out numbered, but we can hold the gate for a short time.”

  “If it comes to that, a couple of minutes will be about all we’ll have anyhow. The last thing in the world I want would be an armed confrontation with our own side. Any other problems?”

  “Problems with what?”

  They all turned as Dr. Morrison approached the table. Jack glanced down at Wolf who lay quietly next to his chair. “Did someone substitute a stuffed animal for my watchdog, Wolf?" He bent over and poked at the dog, who yawned and rolled over to everyone’s delight.

  “He likes me, remember,” Dr. Morrison said solemnly. “I see you had another meeting.”Steve stood up, "don’t hurt him, Doc. We still need him.”

  “Yeah… for what.”

  “That’s classified, Doc. You know that,” Steve replied.

  “We’re done now anyway,” Mitch added.

  “Anyone care to fill me in?”

  “You’ll know in a few days,” Jack replied. “We’ll drop you at the Medical Center with Debbie, and…”

  “I’m going with you Uncle Jack,” Debbie cut in.

  “You made a good decision, Deb. Stick with it.”

  “No, Uncle Jack, you’ll need me.”

  Mitch leaned over and put his arm around his daughter’s shoulders. “Your Uncle Jack’s right, Deb. You made a choice to help the Doc. We will call you if we really
need you. You have to look after the Doc. You’ll be the only one of us at the Center.”

  “Besides,” Jack added, “we’ll be over before noon to help again, and you’re in charge of the duty roster, right?”

  “That’s right,” Debbie brightened.

  “Don’t even think about it, little missy,” Mitch said. He put her into a headlock, and began to knuckle her head as she squealed.

  “It has been a long day,” Dr. Morrison said. “I’ll be glad for the ride to the Center tomorrow. Goodnight everyone. I will leave you to your secrets.”

  She turned, and walked towards the stairs as Jack caught up to her.

  “Would you like me to walk you to your room?”

  Dr. Morrison looked up at him for a few moments and smiled. “Try me in a few days Jack. I should know more by then.”

  Jack laughed. He turned again to the table. Morrison continued on, although not without glancing over her shoulder at the retreating Jack with a tightening of her mouth.

  “Jack, you need to let us in on your secret with women,” Mitch urged.

  “I will Mitch, but it’s such a secret, even I don’t know what it is.”

  “If you do have trouble inside, what exactly should we do outside the gate?”

  “If you see us coming, Sarah, do everything you can to hold the gate for us. If we don’t get into your sight within fifteen minutes after things turn to shit, take off and do not look back.”

  “We can’t do that,” Jake said.

  “You can’t cash in on a hopeless cause, and take a hundred others with you,” Jack replied simply. “You will follow orders as always. Besides, like I said, we will be out with no trouble. I like the Colonel.”

  “You liked Kardel too,” Paul pointed out.

  Chapter 33

  The Meeting

  Jack stood alone at the airport doorway leading out to the runway area, where a transport had just landed. He looked around, noting the Colonel had been very conscientious in making the airport look like business as usual. The Colonel’s troops were positioned in hiding, so they could move the instant Jack had Kardel in the room. Jack had explained carefully how important a peaceful ending was to this story. The soldiers would be getting the drop on their own troops, who had no idea what was going on.

  The transport taxied to a place about fifty yards in front of the door Jack stood in. Jack watched the ground crew hook up ladders for debarkation. Fully armed troops were the first out of the plane, as Jack walked toward it. Jack counted twenty men. He saw Kardel come out of the plane, with a briefcase in his hand, in full uniform. Jack felt some relief, because he had figured Kardel would not come without three times the number of soldiers. Kardel met him, smiling broadly, and extended his hand, which Jack shook.

  “Ready to put this whole thing behind you, Jack?”

  “Yes Sir, I am,” Jack said enthusiastically. “Colonel Braithwait has the leaders in a safe room. I will take you there, and go in with you. Your men can wait outside the door, if that’s okay.”

  “Sounds good, but will they make a deal, or do they just want to feel us out for how far we’ll go.”

  “Probably a little of both.” Jack reached for Kardel’s briefcase. “I’ll take this for you.”

  Kardel pulled it back, and turned away, slightly startled. “No, I have it Jack. Just lead the way.”

  Alarm bells were going off in Jack’s head. It was one thing to say no, but quite another to act as if you were being robbed. “Of course, Tom.”

  The only thing he could think of was a dead man’s switch in the handle. Jack tried to position himself so he could see the handle with his peripheral vision. An idea began to form as they neared the intended room, with the twenty guards on their heels. Jack opened the door, and stepped aside for Kardel to go by. He then stepped in after him, quickly closing and locking the heavy door. As Kardel turned towards the sound of the click, Jack grabbed the hand Kardel held the briefcase with, in both of his. He rammed Kardel bodily into the wall. Jack used the momentum to actually lift him off his feet slightly, using his own body to keep him jammed against the wall.

  “What the fuck are you doing, Jack,” Kardel gasped, trying to get his breath. He tried to grab Jack’s hair from where he remained pinned, but found his hand caught up in a vice like grip. He turned, and looked directly into Paul’s smiling face, as Mitch put the barrel of his silenced 9mm against Kardel’s neck.

  “Stay still, Tom,” Paul said, “or I’ll crush your wrist like a walnut, and Mitch will blow one of your ears off. Do you understand?”

  Kardel nodded as Jack straightened, and let his brothers take hold of the pinned Kardel. He did not ease his grip even minutely. “Tom, I know you have a dead man’s switch on this handle. Tell me how to disarm it. We don’t mean to harm you. We want your cooperation. Come on now, it’s all over. Tell me where it is.”

  Kardel looked into Jack’s eyes and nodded. “The disarm button is on the back upper hinge. Just push it once.”

  Mitch kept his automatic trained on Kardel, as he searched on the indicated hinge with his free hand. He found it and pushed it. “I pushed it Jack. Whether that makes it safe or not, I have not a clue.”

  “You’re right, Mitch. Hold him steady.” Jack looked over his shoulder, where John sat with the prisoner, waiting tensely.

  Braithwait stood calmly next to the end of the table.

  “You call it, Jack,” the Colonel said.

  “Okay Tom, real slow now. Where does your hand release the trigger on the handle?”

  “Underneath my index finger. It’s disarmed.”

  “Sure… I know. Hold him extra still guys, while I peal his fingers back.”

  Jack eased his hands off, little by little, without releasing his control over Kardel’s hand. He slid Kardel’s index finger slightly. Jack felt Kardel try to slide it off, and Jack pinned it solidly to the switch and turned to Paul. “He’s trying to slip his finger, Paul. Give him something else to think about.”

  “No,” Kardel screamed, as Paul squeezed his wrist, and the bones began to crack. Mitch grabbed him by the Adam’s apple, and gave him another worrisome pain. Jack, as well as his brothers, were sweating profusely. He eased Kardel’s finger aside, as he slid his own into place over the trigger.

  “Pull him back guys. Lift him away from the case, and watch his feet.”

  Kardel elevated up as he struggled to breathe. They pulled him towards the table, while Jack closed his grip on the case and drew it away. Mitch released Kardel’s Adam's apple. Kardel gasped for breath and choked. Mitch back-handed him across the face.

  “You were going to blow us all up you son of a bitch,” Mitch spat out inches from Kardel’s face. “I am going to bitch slap you until your fucking ears fall off." He wound up for a forward swipe, when Jack stopped him.

  “Whoa Mitch, we still have business to conduct with this gentleman.” Mitch put his hand down reluctantly.

  “Stay here guys. Colonel, you can see what can be done with our friend Tom here, while I go in search of some ducting tape and open space.”

  Braithwait, who had stood calmly as they relieved Kardel of his briefcase, walked over to Jack. “How did you know?”

  “He was not hiding it well, Colonel.”

  “You don’t think it’s disarmed?”


  Braithwait laughed. “You’re probably right.”

  A knock sounded outside the door. Jack walked over and said, “Klatu.”

  He heard Kevin laugh on the other side of the door. ‘The Day The Earth Stood Still’. Great password, Jack.”

  Jack opened the door. Kardel’s force stood at attention outside the door, surrounded by three times their number. "Nice work, Kevin. I have a hot one here. I’ll need some ducting tape, and a big open space.”

  “You got it. Come with me.”

  A half an hour later the briefcase sat between some rocks near the ocean. Jack looked at it through binoculars, as he nodded at Kevin, who trigg
ered the small charge they had placed on it. The explosion rocked the ground under their feet, and blew debris into the air for a hundred yards surrounding the blast.

  “Mama, I am happy my finger did not slip off that trigger,” Jack noted.

  “Amen to that,” Kevin added.

  John had given over the prisoner to one of Kevin’s men outside the interrogation room door, and followed Jack and Kevin out to watch the bomb disposal. “What will you do with Kardel, Jack?”

  “Question him, just as we planned.”

  “Will you still make a deal with him?”

  “I’ll have to. If he would go as far as blowing us all to kingdom come if the meeting went badly, I doubt we could get very far with threats. Torture might work, but he might also die without giving up a name. He’s our only link, and he knows it. We can try to piece things together from whatever Steve and Peter could get from his computer; but there again, it would be a long shot. If he won’t make a deal, we can leave it up to Colonel Braithwait what course to follow.”

  “Let’s get back then,” Kevin said. “They’ll want to know if we survived.”

  “Better radio everyone outside the gate, and let them know so far, so good.”

  “Already done, Jack.”

  “I wonder if Kardel will ever tell us if Mitch was arming the bomb or disarming it,” Jack asked.

  “He will never tell,” John said resolutely. “He will want you to think he cooperated.”

  “He knows better. I felt him try to slip his finger off the trigger,” Jack replied. “Kardel was about a quarter of an inch away from ruining our whole day. I’m curious as to if he would admit it. Oh well, I guess we’ll see.”

  As they entered the interrogation room, they could see, and hear Colonel Braithwait talking calmly to Kardel, who sat with his hands handcuffed behind his back. Paul, Steve, and Mitch sat around Kardel. They all looked up when Jack, Kevin, and John entered. They walked over to join the group at the table. Colonel Braithwait glanced away from Kardel and up at Jack.

  “I was trying to find out from Tom what he hoped to gain by this, but he doesn’t wish to speak.”

  Jack sat down where he could look at Kardel’s face. Deflated would have been a kind word for how Kardel looked. He squinted sideways at Jack, through half lidded eyes. “How long have you known, Jack?”


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