Killer in Him

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Killer in Him Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Later that night, they lay on his bed, both completely naked. His cock was hard and pulsing.

  “This isn’t going to last much longer,” she said.

  “It’ll last as long as we both want it to.” He tucked some of her hair back.

  “How many other women have you been with?”

  “I’ve fucked lots of women, Joy. I’ve never taken my time like I do with you. You’re different.”

  She snorted. “Do you expect me to believe that?”

  “I’m not lying.”

  “If it wasn’t for the fact I witnessed what you did, and we are known you’d have killed me.”

  “Would I?” he asked.

  “You said so yourself.”

  “Yeah, you ever thought they were just a bunch of words to say to scare you?”

  She shook her head. “You’ve killed women and men. I’m nothing special.”

  “I’ve never known a woman like you, Joy.” He cupped her cheek, running a thumb across her bottom lip. “You don’t even see what others see in you.”

  “What’s with all the nice, kind words?” she asked.

  “I’m just telling you like it is. I’m not lying.” He’d lied about many things. With Joy, he wished for it to be different. “You’re beautiful.”

  He leaned in, claiming her lips.

  She hummed, kissing him back. Both of her hands were beneath her head. Moving his hand from her waist, he caressed down to her thigh, going back up again.

  “What are you doing tomorrow?”

  “We’re going to the beach. I made us a picnic, and we’ll be all set for tomorrow.”

  “A picnic, really? How?”

  The vanilla cake she’d made was just wrong, but while she’d been taking a bath, he’d gotten to work in the kitchen, and he wasn’t worried.

  Their time was running out, and he didn’t want to lose a chance with her. It wouldn’t be long until another job called for him.

  He moved over her, flipping her over so that she lay on her stomach. Gripping her ass tightly, he spread them open, seeing her tight little asshole. She’d not taken his cock there, only his fingers, and that was going to end tonight.


  “Trust me.”

  “You told me not to.”

  He chuckled and leaned over her to whisper in her ear. “What are you going to pick? Trust or not?”

  She gasped as he sucked on her neck, flicking his tongue over her pulse.

  “Ben,” she said, moaning his name.

  “I love hearing you moan my name. It means I’m doing something right.” He kissed down her back, and she gasped as he kissed each rounded cheek. Sliding his hand between her thighs, he touched her pussy, pushing a finger inside her. Even after he’d fucked her every chance he got, she had remained tight. It was going to take a lot more hard fucking from him.

  “You’re wet.”

  “Ben, please.”

  “Please what?”

  “Please fuck me.”

  He ran his hand up and down the length of his cock, pumping more pre-cum down his shaft. Lifting her hips, he found her cunt, and fucked inside her hard.

  She cried out, and her walls squeezed him even tighter.

  “Your pussy is fucking heaven, Joy.” He locked their fingers together, and started to fuck her in slow strokes. The way her legs were close, made it incredibly tight for him. Biting down on her neck, he left his mark, just like he had been leaving more of his marks all over her body.

  He wanted to possess her. All of his life, he’d never cared for material things. Sure, he bought nice suits, this island, but if he lost it all, he wouldn’t give a shit. There was more to life, and he’d lived with nothing. Never had he wanted a woman. Most of the time they were too bitchy, and he only used them for a quick fuck.

  Joy wasn’t like that. She made him yearn, crave, to have that pretty smile directed at him.

  Releasing her hands, he reached over her, opening up the bedside cabinet, and grabbing a tube of lubrication.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “It’s time I took that ass.”

  Pulling away from her, he lifted her hips up.

  Joy looked over her shoulder, nibbling her lip. “I don’t think that is a good idea.”

  “You’ve loved it when I’ve teased your ass before. Have a little faith.” He slid his fingers over her anus, which was already slick with her cream.


  “I’m not going to hurt you. Trust me, and you’ll love it. You’ll not know what you want me to fuck, your pussy, mouth, or ass.”

  “You’re obsessed with my ass.”

  “It’s a nice ass.” He spread her cheeks wide, and with the way she was kneeling, he saw her cunt open. Ben couldn’t resist a taste, and he pressed his tongue inside her pussy, thrusting in and out of her. She thrust her pussy onto his face, and he fucked her, using his tongue as a cock. Sliding out of her pussy, he followed the seam up to her anus, slicking her up with his tongue. Pulling away, he opened up the lubrication, spreading some over her ass.

  She let out a squeal and pulled away.

  “This will make it easy for me, baby.”

  “Okay.” The sarcasm made him laugh. Spreading more of the gel over his rock hard cock, he threw the lubrication away. “Wait, what if you need more?”

  “I’ve got plenty.” With his free hand that he’d not used to play with her ass, he wrapped his hand in her hair and pulled her back. Slamming his lips down on hers, he claimed her lips, and was satisfied when she relented, giving him what he wanted.



  Pressing the tip of his cock to her anus, he started to work inside her. Her ass was tight, and she tried to keep him out, but he wasn’t going to have it. Ben was persistent, and he pushed until finally the muscles gave, and she opened up around his cock.

  She screamed, and he thrust the whole of his cock into her ass. Once he was seated inside her, he waited. This was new for her, and he didn’t want her to be in pain.

  “How is it?” he asked.

  “Wrong! This is so wrong. God, it hurts.” She held her hand out as if in surrender.

  “Want me to pull out?”

  “No. Just wait.” She let out a breath, and her face was buried in the blanket beneath her.

  He stayed still and caressed her back. Moving between her thighs, he started to tease her clit. Her ass tightened even more around his cock, and he groaned.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m helping you out.”

  “You’re crazy!” She finished with a moan as she started to move her ass on his cock. He teased her aching clit, fingering the bud. Ben was patient, and even though he just wanted to fuck her harder, he refrained, giving her time to get accustomed to the length of his dick within her. “I can’t take anymore.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I want you to move or do something.”

  Slowly, he eased out of her tight ass. She squeezed him even tighter, and he groaned.

  “Are you doing this on purpose?” she said.

  “Tell me what you want, babe.”

  “I want you to take me, to fuck me.”

  “You want me to fuck your ass?”

  “Yes, fuck my ass. Give it to me.”

  He kept working her clit at the same time he pumped in and out of her ass, taking his time so he wouldn’t hurt her. Her ass was so tight, tighter still than her pussy.

  “Did you ever imagine this, Joy?” he asked. He didn’t give her the chance to answer as he started to talk. “The nights I was with another woman, did you imagine yourself here?” He knew she had. He’d read it, and he wasn’t going to let her get away with it. “I did. I imagined fucking you. When we used to lie on the sofa, and you’d cuddle up against that pillow you liked, I imagined distracting you by spreading your thighs and licking your creamy pussy. You’d open for me as well, wouldn’t you, baby?”


  “No. I’m not stopping, remember? This is mine. This body is mine, and I’m not giving it up.” He nibbled her neck, fucking her as he teased her clit.

  She was so close, and with a few more strokes of his fingers, she came. Her ass turned into a vise, squeezing him harder. He continued to tease her clit, drawing her orgasm out as he fucked her ass. Ben wanted her blown away with pleasure, and he wasn’t backing down.

  Joy started to push against him, and Ben couldn’t hold back. Releasing her clit, he gripped her hips, and pushed his cock into her ass, careful not to be too hard. It was her first time, and he needed to remember that.

  He spilled his cum into her hot ass, and the pleasure rushed around him as he closed his eyes. The scent of Joy, her presence, and just everything about her, aroused him. His feelings for her were getting harder to deny.

  Collapsing over her, he wrapped his arms around her, breathing in her scent, and holding onto the one spark of happiness that was Joy.

  Kissing her neck, he just knew their time together was running out.

  Chapter Eight

  Dear whoever the asshole is that makes life like this,

  Yeah, that’s right. I’m talking to you, and you can’t even realize what you’re putting me through. I mean, my whole life I’ve been good, I’ve been great in fact. I do everything by the book, I don’t break any rules, and I always make sure that I’m nice to everyone.

  I’ve done all this nice stuff, and what do you do to repay me? You make me fall in love with a man I cannot have. There couldn’t possibly be a way for us to be together. He’s a killer, and yet, he’s also my Ben, the guy who needed a room. The photographer, who never used his camera for all I know, is the same man who is a killer.

  God, I was so stupid and naive.

  I’m in love with a man who I can’t have.

  One day, he’s going to answer a call, and I’m going to have to walk away.

  It doesn’t matter that the people he kills are monsters. Even if they weren’t, it’s still wrong.

  My feelings though, they mean something to me, and I’m in love with Ben.

  I’m in love with a killer, and even as I try to fight it, there’s no way to fight it. When we’re together, he’s the guy I fell in love with while he rented my room.

  There’s no hope for me.

  There’s no hope for us.

  What kind of future could we have?

  “I’m stranded on a deserted island, and I’ve got to figure a way to get to shore?” Ben asked.

  “Yep, how would you do it? Would you try to get away, or would you wait, and see what happened?” Joy asked, taking a bite of a strawberry.

  They were on the beach, and she sat on a blanket that he’d put down on the sand. The sun was beaming down, and she wore one of the shortest, loose summer dresses that she had seen.

  Ben stood with some small rocks that he’d found on the embankment, and was throwing them out to the ocean. Every now and then he’d get a small ripple of the water, nothing else.

  She had her knees up to her chest, watching him.

  “This is kind of hard.”

  “It wasn’t supposed to be easy,” she said, laughing.

  “What would you do?”

  “No, it’s my turn. You asked what I would do if I walked into a room that had a whole party of naked people having sex.”

  “Yeah, turning around and walking back out is not an answer.”

  “It totally is.” She watched as he threw another small rock out, contemplating her question.

  They were having a normal life. Yeah, normal.

  For small moments she couldn’t forget that she was alone on an island with a man who hadn’t wanted to kill her.

  Ben, he was full of contradictions.

  On the one hand, he said he didn’t want to kill her, but then he told her he couldn’t kill her.

  “Come on, tell me,” she said.

  “I’d stay on the island for a couple of days until I could either figure out that it was an island passed by boat or plane. If not, then I’d go hunting, looking for ways to escape.”

  “You couldn’t handle it?” she asked.

  “What would you do?”

  Joy laughed. “I wouldn’t get into the situation of being stranded on an island.”

  “Ha ha, very funny, and you have.”

  “I have what?”

  “Gotten into a situation that has you stranded on an island.”

  Joy lost her smile and took another strawberry from the pile. “I didn’t exactly have much choice in that, and I’m not stranded alone.”

  “No, you’re not.” He touched her knee, gripping her flesh.

  “Did you ever use your camera?” she asked.


  “You know, you said you were a photographer. I was wondering if you had ever used it.”

  “Sometimes. I took photographs of you, around the village.”

  “Of Joanne?”

  “No, I didn’t need to take any of her. I’d already worked out her routine. She was actually safe from me.”

  She watched as he took another bite out of a strawberry.

  “Our days are limited here.”

  “I know.” Ben stared into her eyes, and she found herself getting lost.

  Forcing herself to look away, she stared out at the ocean. It looked so calm, and being alone on this island with him, she’d found herself enjoying her time.

  “I don’t want this to end,” he said, surprising her.

  “You don’t?”

  “No, I don’t. I like being here with you, and having fun. I never thought I’d find a woman like you, not once.”


  “Don’t say anything, okay? I read your diary, and I know what you’re thinking and feeling. The truth is, this is who I am, and you’re right. Your life has played you an awful hand, and there’s nothing I can do to change that.”

  “The words in the diary, they’re not for you to read.”

  “I still read them.”

  She couldn’t look at him in that moment, so she got to her feet and started to walk down to the ocean. Her throat felt tight, and her stomach churned, her heart breaking. Tears filled her eyes, and like so many times before, she took deep breaths, trying to make sense of her own feelings.


  “No, it’s okay. You’re probably used to this kind of thing all the time, right? Nothing changes for you. Not really. We’re all different. You have our job to do, and I have mine.”

  “Which you hate doing. Don’t you want to start doing something you love?”

  She laughed, and flinched as he gripped her hips coming up behind her. Joy wasn’t afraid of him. Her feelings, those were what scared her. “I like my work, Ben. There’s nothing else I can do, nor do I want to do anything else.”

  He kissed her neck. “I love you.”

  “Don’t, Ben, don’t say stuff like that. Please, I can’t handle that.”

  “This wasn’t supposed to make you cry.”

  “Then don’t say anything else, and I’ll be fine. I can keep on going. I’ve been alone a long time.”

  His hands rested on her rounded stomach, and she touched his hands.

  “You don’t have to be alone anymore.”

  “Stop. I don’t want you to talk about that anymore.” Staring out at the ocean, Joy found it hard to think of anything else. “You only have twenty-four hours to live, what do you do?” she asked.

  “Simple, I’ll come to you, Joy. I’ve got a day left to live, then I’ll come to you, and I’ll live it with you.”

  The tears spilled down her cheeks.

  He kissed her neck. “I don’t know what you did to me, Joy. I broke all the rules.”

  “Have you ever been in love?”

  “Not until you.”

  “You don’t love me, Ben.”

  He sighed. “You don’t know what I feel. I know what love is, and I love you.” He kissed her neck agai
n, and she closed her eyes, basking in the feel of him surrounding her. “What would you do?”

  “Twenty-four hours?”


  I’d spend the day with you.

  “I’d eat everything that I’ve always been afraid to eat.”

  “You’ve been afraid to eat?”

  “Chocolate, fried chicken, mashed potatoes with lots of butter and cream, pie, you name it, I’d eat it.”

  He chuckled. “You’d have to go to a restaurant.”

  “I’m sure I’d find a twenty-four place that would cook for a dying woman.”

  “I’d make sure they kept it open so you could eat everything.”

  “I wish I hadn’t answered your call that day,” she said, feeling him tense behind her.


  “You’re going to break my heart, and there’s no way I’m going to get over the damage that you’ve caused.”

  He held her tightly, and they watched the ocean. Joy didn’t want to even think about what her life was going to be like once he left her. The very thought was too hard to bear.

  Even as she couldn’t bear to be apart from him, she knew their time had to come to an end. She’d never fit into his world as a killer. She wasn’t the kind of woman to even want that kind of life.

  “One day you’re going to look back on this as nothing more than a hiccup in your life. You’re worth so much more than me, Joy, and I don’t just say the words. I believe them. This life was given to me, and I took it. You hate to hear it, but I’m good at taking peoples’ lives. I don’t give a thought about it. I don’t waste my time to think about who might have loved them, or what they could have done. They’re a job, a dollar sign, and I don’t care. I’m not the kind of monster you want in your life.”

  Tears fell freely down her cheeks as she listened to his hard truths, and that was exactly what they were, hard truths.

  “You’re going to find a man that rocks your world. He’ll fall in love with you, and you him. You’ll settle down and have a family. I’ll be a distant memory.” He turned her around, and he wiped away her tears. “Don’t cry for me, Joy. I don’t regret my life, not once.”


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