by Tom Clavin
“True Story of Wild Bill–McCanles Affray in Jefferson County, Nebraska, July 12, 1861.” Nebraska History Magazine, 1927.
Turner, Thadd. “‘Texas Jack’ Omohundro.” Buffalo Bill Center of the West.
Weiser, Kathy. “James H. Lane—Grim Leader in the Free-State Fight.” Legends of America, 2016.
________. “Jesse Chisholm—Blazing a Trail.” Legends of America, 2014.
________. “Missouri Bushwhackers—Attacks Upon Kansas.” Legends of America, 2017.
________. “Rock Creek Station, Nebraska and the McCanles Massacre.” Legends of America, 2017.
________. “Wild Bill Hickok & the Deadman’s Hand.” Legends of America, 2016.
Abilene Chronicle
Anaconda Standard
Atchison Daily Champion
Atchison Weekly Free Press
Black Hills Pioneer
Black Hills Times
Brownsville Advertiser
Cheyenne Daily Leader
Cheyenne Daily News
Cheyenne Daily Sun
Chicago Inter Ocean
Daily Miners’ Register
Deadwood Black Hills Pioneer
Deadwood Pioneer-Times
Denver Post
Denver Republican
Denver Tribune
Ellis County Star
Hays City Sentinel
Hays Daily News
Jefferson City News Tribune
Junction City Weekly Union
Kansas City Daily Journal of Commerce
Kansas City Star
Lawrence Daily Tribune
Leavenworth Daily Commercial
Leavenworth Daily Conservative
Leavenworth Times and Conservative
Lincoln Daily State Journal
Manhattan Independent
Mendota Bulletin
Missouri Weekly Patriot
New York Herald
Niagara Falls Gazette
North Topeka Times
Omaha Daily Bee
Omaha Weekly Herald
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Springfield Weekly Missouri Patriot
Topeka Capital
Topeka Daily Commonwealth
Topeka State Record
Topeka Weekly Leader
Weekly Missouri Democrat
Yankton Press and Dakotan
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abilene, Kansas
circus shows in
growth of
Hickok as sheriff of
Smith as sheriff of
The Abilene Chronicle
abolitionists. See also Civil War
in Kansas
Underground Railroad by
Adam Forepaugh’s Circus and Menagerie
African Americans
slavery of
in Union Army
the Alamo saloon, Abilene
Alexis, Grand Duke of Russia
Allen, Ethan
American Fur Company
American Geographical Society
Ames, John Edwards
The Anaconda Standard
Anderson, Joseph Foster Moore “White Eye”
Anderson, Josephine
Anderson, William “Bloody Bill”
Apache tribe
Arapaho tribe
Armes, George
Armstrong, Eli
Armstrong, John B.
Arthur, Jean
Atchison, David
Atchison, Kansas
Pomeroys (baseball team)
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway
Athearn, Robert G.
Badger (Oglala Sioux man)
Bailey, Frederic H.
Bailey, James Anthony
Barnes (Confederate soldier)
Barnett, Sidney
Barnitz, Albert
Barnum, P. T.
Bascom, C. J.
baseball teams
Bass Outlaw
Bassett, Charlie
Battle of Adobe Walls (Civil War)
Battle of Bad Axe (Black Hawk’s War)
Battle of Beecher Island (Indian wars)
Battle of Brandy Station (Civil War)
Battle of Galveston (Civil War)
Battle of Glasgow (Civil War)
Battle of the Hundred-in-the-Hands (Red Cloud’s War)
Battle of Little Bighorn (Great Sioux War of 1876)
Battle of Little Blue River (Civil War)
Battle of Magdala (Ethiopia)
Battle of Mine Creek (Civil War)
Battle of Pea Ridge (Civil War)
Battle of the Rosebud (Great Sioux War of 1876)
Battle of the Saline River (Indian wars)
Battle of Shiloh (Civil War)
Battle of Slim Buttes (Great Sioux War of 1876)
Battle of Stillman’s Run (Black Hawk’s War)
Battle of Tupelo (Civil War)
Battle of Washita River (Indian wars)
Battle of Westport (Civil War)
Battle of Wilson’s Creek (Civil War)
Battle of Wisconsin Heights (Black Hawk’s War)
Bear Flag Revolt (California)
Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York
Beni, Jules
Bennett, James Gordon
Benoit, Kansas
Benteen, Frederick
Big Creek Land Company, Kansas
Big Hank (cowboy)
Billings, Montana
Binghamton, New York
Bitter, John
Black Hawk (Sauk chief)
Black Hills
gold speculation in
Indian territory mandates in
The Black Hills Pioneer
The Black Hills Times
The Black Hills (Tallent)
Black Kettle (Cheyenne chief)
Black Nell (horse)
Blancett, Truman
Boone, Daniel
Border Ruffians (guerrilla group)
Bowers, Carrie
Bowlby (saloon proprietor)
Bozeman Trail
Brady, Tim
Bridger, Jim
Brink, J. W. “Doc”
British Band (of Indians)
Brooks, Preston
Bross, William
brothels. See prostitutes
Brown, John
Buel, J. W.
“Buffalo Bill.” See Cody, William Frederick “Buffalo Bill”
Buffalo Bill’s Life Story (Cody)
Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show
Buffalo Land (Webb)
“Buffalo Soldiers” (Tenth U.S. Cavalry Regiment)
Bull’s Head Tavern, Abilene
Buntline, Ned
Burk, Clinton
Burk, Jane
Burke, John
Burr, Aaron
Burroughs, S. A.
Bushwhackers (guerrilla group)
Butler, Ben
Calamity Jane (Martha Jane Canary)
birth/background of
Burk’s marriage to
children born to
Deadwood residency by
death/burial of
embedded with troops
Hickok’s relationship with
movie representations of
nickname’s origins
California, Bear Flag Revolt in
“California Joe.” See Milner, Moses Embree “California Joe”
California Trail
Canary, Charlotte
Canary, Martha Jane. See Calamity Jane
Canary, Robert
Carpenter, Louis
Carr, Eugene
Carr, Thomas Jeff
Carson, Christopher “Kit”
background of
ok’s friendship with
Carson, Maria Josefa Jaramillo
Carson, “Texas” George
Carson, Tom
Carson City, Nevada
Cassidy, Butch, and the Sundance Kid
The Cattle Towns (Dykstra)
cattle trade
in Abilene
“Spanish Fever” in
Chandler (Red Leg commander)
Cherokee Nation, Oklahoma
Cheyenne, Wyoming
cultural evolution of
gold rush’s impact on
The Cheyenne Daily Leader
The Cheyenne Daily News
The Cheyenne Daily Sun
Cheyenne tribe
Dog Soldiers of
massacres of
war parties of
Chicago Inter Ocean
Chisholm, Jesse
Chisholm Trail
Chivington, John
Red Stockings (baseball team)
circuses/traveling shows
Adam Forepaugh’s Circus and Menagerie
Buffalo Bill’s Wild West
during Civil War
The Daring Buffalo Chase of the Plains
Frederic H. Bailey’s Circus and Menagerie
Hickok’s performances in
Hippo-Olympiad and Mammoth Circus
John Robinson’s Circus, Menagerie, and Museum
Kohl & Middleton’s Dime Museum
Mammoth Circus & Gymnastic Arena Company
Native Americans in
Scouts of the Plains
Scouts of the Prairie
Civil War. See also Union Army
Battle of Adobe Walls in
Battle of Brandy Station in
Battle of Galveston in
Battle of Glasgow in
Battle of Little Blue River in
Battle of Mine Creek in
Battle of Pea Ridge in
Battle of Shiloh in
Battle of Tupelo in
Battle of Westport in
Battle of Wilson’s Creek in
Carson’s service in
Cody’s service in
end of
Grierson’s Raid in
guerrilla factions in
Hickok’s service in
Price Raid of 1864 in
Reconstruction post-
Shenandoah Valley campaign in
traveling shows during
Clay, Henry
Cody, Arta Lucille
Cody, Elijah
Cody, Eliza
Cody, Irma Louise
Cody, Isaac
Cody, Kit Carson
Cody, Louisa Frederici
Cody, Orra Maude
Cody, Samuel
Cody, William Frederick “Buffalo Bill”
Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show by
childhood of
death/burial place of
Hickok’s friendship with
marriage of
military service/scouting by
movie representations of
nickname’s origins
as Pony Express rider
pulp/dime store novels on
Scouts of the Plains show by
Scouts of the Prairie show by
Cody, Wyoming
Coe, Philip Haddox
Coleman, Frank
Cody’s burial in
Fort Evans
Fort Lyon
Sand Creek Massacre in
Colorado Charley. See Utter, Charles H. “Colorado Charley”
Colorado National Guard
Comanche tribe
in Wild West shows
Conkie, John
Connelley, William
Cooke, Philip St. George
Cooper, Gary
cow towns
Abilene as
Cowtown Abilene (Verckler)
Crawford, Jack
Crawford, S. J.
Crazy Horse (Oglala Lakota leader)
at Battle of Little Bighorn
at Battle of the Rosebud
Creek Nation, Oklahoma
the Cricket, Deadwood
Crockett, Davy
Crook, George
Cummins, Jim
Curry, Jim
Curtis, Samuel
Custer, Boston
Custer, George Armstrong
Battle of Little Bighorn by
death of
desertion from army by
Washita Massacre by
Custer, Libbie
Custer, Tom
The Daily Miners’ Register
Dale, William
Dalton, “Buckskin” Charley
The Daring Buffalo Chase of the Plains show
Darnell, William
Davis, Jefferson
Dead Man’s Hand
Deadwood, South Dakota
Calamity Jane’s residence in
fire in
gold speculation in/near
Hickok’s death/burial in
Hickok’s residence in
origins/growth of
Deadwood (Dexter)
The Deadwood Pioneer-Times
Delano, Columbus
DeMille, Cecil B.
The Denver Post
The Denver Tribune
Department of the Missouri
Dexter, Pete
DiCaprio, Leonardo
Dippie, Brian
“Dirty Em” (prostitute)
Dodge, Grenville
Dodge, Henry
Dodge, Richard Irving
Dodge City, Kansas
Dow, Charles
Doyle, James
Drovers Cottage, Abilene
Drum, Tommy
Dykstra, Robert
Earp, Wyatt
Clanton’s gunfight with
Eastman, Charles A.
Eckles, R. A.
Edwards, J. B.
Edwards, John Newman
Eighth Missouri State Militia
Ellsworth, Allen
Ellsworth, Kansas
Fort Ellsworth at
Emancipation Proclamation
Eothen (schooner)
Etulain, Richard W.
Evans, A. W.
Evans, Richard
Ewert, Theodore
Ewing, Thomas, Jr.
Farmers’ Protective Association, Abilene
Ferrin, Andrew
Fetterman, William
Fifth Cavalry Corps (Confederate)
Fifth U.S. Cavalry
First Transcontinental Railroad
Fisher, Linda A.
Flynn, Errol
Following the Guidon (Custer)
Forepaugh, Adam
Forrest, Nathan Bedford
Forsyth, George
Fort Abraham Lincoln, North Dakota
Fort Bridger, Wyoming
Fort Cobb, Oklahoma
Fort Dodge, Kansas
Fort Ellsworth, Kansas
Fort Evans, Colorado
Fort Fetterman, Wyoming
Fort Harker, Kansas
Fort Hays
Fort Kearny, Nebraska
Fort Laramie, Wyoming
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
Fort Lyon, Colorado
Fort McPherson, Nebraska
Fort Phil Kearny, Wyoming
Fort Riley, Kansas
Fort Robinson, Nebraska
The Fort Scott Monitor
Fort Wallace, Kansas
Fowler, Minnie
Fox tribe
Frederic H. Bailey’s Circus and Menagerie
Free Soil movement
Free State Army, Kansas (guerrilla group)
Frémont, Jessie
Frémont, John C.
French and Indian War
Frontier Guard (Union militia)
Frontier Store, Abilene
Frontier Times
Gainsford, James
Gall (Lakota leader)
in Abilene
in Cheyenne
in Deadwood
in Hays City
by Hickok
Garfield, James
“Garry Owen” (song)
Geary, John
Geronimo (Apache leader)
Gibbon, John
Gibbs House, Fort Hays
Glenn, S. C.
Gold Room, Cheyenne
gold speculation
by Hickok
at Pikes Peak
in South Dakota
in Wyoming
Golden Rule House, Leavenworth
Gomerville, Colorado
Gordon, James
Grant, Frederick Dent
Grant, Ulysses S.
Grapewin, Charley
Gray, John
Great American Desert
Great Sioux War of 1876
Battle of Little Bighorn in
Battle of the Rosebud in
Battle of Slim Buttes in
The Great Train Robbery (movie)
Greeley, Horace
Green Mountain Boys (Revolutionary War)
Grierson, Benjamin
Grierson’s Raid
Gross, C. F.
Grouard, Frank
accidental killings in
Hickok-cattle herders (Jefferson County)
Hamilton, Alexander
Hance, George
Hancock, Winfield Scott
Handsmeller (Oglala Sioux man)
Hannah (freed slave)
Hard Knocks (Young)
Hardin, John Wesley
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine
Harris, Charles
Harte, Bret
Harvey, James
Hasel, Jessie
Hatfield and McCoy feud
Hays City, Kansas
Hickok as sheriff of
judicial system of
Henry, T. C.
Heroes of the Plains (Buel)
Hersey, Elizabeth
Hersey, Timothy
Hiccocks, John
Hiccocs, William
Hickok, Aaron (great-grandfather)
Hickok, Agnes Mersman Lake (wife)
birth/childhood of
children adopted by
as circus owner
as circus performer
death of
Hickok’s courtship of
Hickok’s marriage to
Lake’s marriage to
Hickok, Celinda (sister)
Hickok, Horace (brother)
Hickok, Howard
Hickok, Ichabod
Hickok, James Butler “Wild Bill.” See also gunfight(s)
ancestors of
arrow injury of
bear encounter by
birth/childhood of
burial place of
Calamity Jane’s relationship with
Carson’s friendship with
Cheyenne residency by
children allegedly fathered by
Cody’s friendship with
as constable of Monticello
in The Daring Buffalo Chase of the Plains