Minor Nephilim

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Minor Nephilim Page 23

by Randall Morris

  “We barely pulled this off, Shade. Do you think Backlash can get through the next phase of the plan?”

  Shade nodded.

  “I’m sure he can. Especially if Lucia and Reaper help him. We’ll get the justice your father deserves.”

  “Cool. We’re not going back to Necropolis, though. I could never forgive myself if I wasn’t here when we get the chance to go head to head with Muan. I can walk it off.”

  Thinking of what Damnation had done during the battle, Shade had an idea.

  “This is a demon scythe. I wonder if I could teleport us back to Necropolis. Steam heals you quickly and then we head back here.”

  Nissa grinned.

  “You have all these new powers all of a sudden? Sure. Let’s try it. You better not pull anything though. Don’t teleport us to Necropolis and then leave me there.”

  Shade smiled.

  “I would never…”

  Shade put his arm around Nissa and the two of them teleported back to the nephilim city.


  Backlash, Reaper, and Lucia watched as a giant icicle formed in the middle of Muan’s camp. Backlash whistled.

  “Wow. He pulled it off. I had no idea he could cast that much ice from that far back. That’s gonna make our job a lot easier.”

  Reaper frowned, but nodded in confirmation.

  “Even I have to admit that’s pretty impressive. Do you think they actually took out one of the middle demons?”

  Backlash nodded.

  “I’m positive they did. We just need to draw the other one away from the camp. Let me make this very clear one more time. The two of you need to follow everything I say. I don’t need your egos getting in the way. Shade put me in charge of this part of the plan.”

  Lucia rolled her eyes.

  “We get it, Backlash. We said we’d follow you. At this point, I think you’re just enjoying rubbing it in.”

  Backlash chuckled.

  “Maybe a little. Reaper, how many of those ghost hands can you summon from the ground? The spell Jess mastered? Can you hold a decent number of these berserkers in place?”

  “I’ve never had to do it on more than a few angels or demons at a time. When anyone comes to close to our house, it’s usually just three or four wandering around.”

  “No problem. I just need to know what I’m working with to put a backup plan in place. Are you confident you can summon the demon we discussed?”

  “I’m confident I can summon him… I’m just not sure how long I can hold the spell. Summoning Fade was draining enough and the demon you want is very powerful.”

  Backlash stroked his chin as he considered the problem. He had a half-formed idea and decided to roll with it.

  “Lucia, can you suck in the lifeforce of other creatures like Leech can?”

  “Yes. Why is that important?”

  “I think Reaper and I need to work together to come up with a new spell. If we can transfer some of the power and life you drain from the berserkers, Reaper can keep his necromancy spell going longer.”

  Reaper considered the possibility.

  “That’s a good idea, but I’ve never created a spell before.”

  “We’ll figure it out together and then I’ll practice it. You need to stay focused on your necromancy. You’re better at it than I am.”

  Reaper grinned.

  “Are you sure you want to admit that? In front of a witness?”

  “It doesn’t mean I won’t be better than you someday. Shut up.”

  Reaper chuckled.

  “Alright. Let’s grab our spell books and try to come up with something. Babe, you go get some rest.”

  “No. I need to practice a few spells too. There’s one I’ve been working on that I haven’t told you about yet. It might save us if I can pull it off properly.”


  “You two head back in the house and read your books. I’ll practice out here until I’m tired and then I’ll get some rest.”


  “Not up for debate.”

  Reaper turned and walked in the house. Backlash looked shocked.

  “He just does what you say?”

  “He loves me… and I’ll let you in on a little secret. He finally realized here in exile that he loves you and he loved Fade, too.”

  “How the fuck can you know that?”

  “He has nightmares where he watches Fade die over and over again. He wakes up in a cold sweat. It eats at him that he couldn’t do anything about it.”

  “That doesn’t forgive what he did, Lucia.”

  “I didn’t say it does. I’m telling you he feels bad. It takes a lot of self-confidence and restraint to take orders from your little brother. I know you’re having fun with this situation, but realize what he risked when you attacked him and he opted to summon Fade. Give him a break, Backlash.”

  “I’m tolerating him. I’m not kicking the shit out of him on a regular basis. That’s more of a break than he ever gave me growing up.”

  Lucia was about to respond, but Backlash walked to the house and slammed the door behind him. Lucia looked down at her now growing belly.

  “Please don’t be stubborn and insane like your father and his family.”

  A few hours later, an exhausted Reaper and Backlash came back out of the house.

  “We think we got it, babe.”

  “Me too. Look over here.”

  Reaper and Backlash looked in the direction of Lucia’s voice and saw an overpowering blinding light. The brothers closed their eyes.

  “Shit! Lucia! There’s a powerful angel in the area! Get behind us!”

  Lucia laughed.

  “No there isn’t, Backlash. I just learned how to control the light emanating from me. I practiced on some demons a while back and now I think I have the spell down cold. I tried to make my point without permanently damaging either one of you.”

  Backlash opened his eyes, but Reaper kept his closed.

  “That’s a cool power, babe, but I don’t think Backlash and I can do what we need to do for our part of the plan if you’re constantly sending off solar beams in our faces.”

  Reaper felt Lucia put something over his eyes. He opened his eyes and realized he was wearing sunglasses. She tossed a pair to Backlash.

  “Those should help. Did you guys end up figuring out the new spell?”

  Backlash nodded.

  “I think so. I guess we’ll find out. Let’s get ready. It’s almost time.”


  When Shade and Nissa landed in Necropolis, Shade picked Nissa up and started running towards Steam’s house.

  “I can walk you know!”

  “I know. We just don’t have time for it. You’re all bruised and you’d be moving slower. We have to get back. Backlash is about to lure them away.”

  Nissa was ready to object again, but Shade was quick. They were already at Steam’s house and he was knocking on the door. Steam answered.

  “Didn’t think I’d be seeing you two this quickly. Is Backlash alright?”

  Shade nodded.

  “As far as we know. It’s about time for his phase of the plan. Nissa got injured when we were killing one of Muan’s middle demons. I teleported us here so you could heal her quickly. We need to get back.”

  “You can teleport now?”


  Steam grinned and Shade frowned at him.


  “It’s just very amusing that my only student that couldn’t cast simple spells now has ice powers and can teleport. I’d love to know how all of that happened.”

  Nissa rolled her eyes.

  “Some things just don’t need an explanation. Kind of like how no one in your family has figured out how my father’s trench coat works. I don’t think we really need to know. Can’t we just appreciate things for how awesome they are?”

  Shade nodded again.

  “Nissa’s right. Just appreciate me for how awesome I am.”
/>   Nissa rolled her eyes again.

  “Of course, no one is as awesome as Shade thinks he is.”

  Steam stepped aside and waved them in.

  “Right well… head in. Let’s take a look so the two of you can get back. I’m still amused, by the way. I’m also very proud of you, Shade.”

  Steam could tell the young nephilim were starting to get annoyed. Nissa lifted up her shirt partway and showed Steam the bruise on her stomach.

  “Difficulty breathing?”

  “A little.”

  “I think there may be some damage to your internal organs. What did you get hit with?”

  “A club. Siren disapproved of my trench coat having armor. She switched to a club because she couldn’t stab or slice me effectively.”

  Steam pulled some water from a nearby vase, heated it with his hands, and applied it to Nissa’s wound. Her face tightened as the hot water hit, but it only took a few seconds.

  “That’s the best I can do for now, I’m afraid. The angels still know a lot more about healing than we do.”

  Nissa hopped on her feet. Shade looked her over.

  “Feeling better?”

  “Still a little sore, but I bet I can outrun you now.”

  Shade put his arm around Nissa.

  “Thanks, Steam.”

  They teleported away. Steam sighed.

  “Bring Backlash back, Shade. I don’t have the strength to lose any more sons.”

  When Shade and Nissa made it back, they saw that Backlash had already pulled off his distraction flawlessly. Fallout and most of the berserker camp had followed Backlash away from the camp. There were only a few berserker mages casting fire at the massive ice block Shade had cast around Muan.

  “You ready for this?”


  Nissa got her rocket launcher out and then set it on the ground. She walked up to Shade, put her arms around his shoulders, and kissed him deeply.

  “What was that for?”

  “It was a ‘just in case’ kiss.”

  “We’re gonna be fine, but I’d like another. Cuz… just in case. You never know.”

  Shade and Nissa kissed again. Shade grabbed Damnation and Nissa retrieved her rocket launcher.

  “When I signal, hit it as close to the center of the ice as you can.”

  Shade got in place, making sure to directly line himself up with the berserker spellcasters. He pointed two fingers at Nissa and she fired. When the rocket hit the ice, it exploded loudly and sent cracks all over the ice. The berserkers looked over and Shade struck. He ran full speed and sliced whenever he saw a demon. The berserkers eventually turned their fire on him, but Shade felt more and more like Damnation was guiding him. He expertly weaved around their spells and cut the demons down. When the last one fell, the ice started to break and come crashing down in pieces. A cheetah ran out from the venter tent, shook the ice from its fur, and started running full speed at Nissa.


  “Keep running! We need to get them farther away from the camp!”

  “Slow down, Backlash. Lucia is pregnant.”


  “I’ve listened to everything you’ve said so far. I’ve been very patient. But you need to listen to me now. We can’t go any faster.”

  “Fine. The two of you keep going and I’ll lag behind a little bit.”

  “How is that any better?”

  “It gives you guys a chance to keep running without all the berserkers I’m about to kill on your tail. Should be less stressful.”

  “Then I’ll stay behind with you and…”

  “No. I’m not gonna risk my nephew growing up without a father. Run! Don’t argue with me on this!”

  Reaper nodded and Lucia and Reaper kept running. Backlash slowed his pace. As the berserkers closed in, Backlash pointed both of his open palms at the earth. The ground began to shake and then rocks started levitating. He pointed at the berserkers and the rocks flew through the air on a direct collision course with the berserkers. Backlash turned and started running again.

  “I can’t go any farther. We have to make our stand here.”

  Reaper nodded.

  “I’m going to ask you one more time to let me take you away from here. I would never forgive myself if I lost you or the baby.”

  “Then I guess it’s a good thing you aren’t going to lose either one of us. Put your shades on.”


  Reaper put his sunglasses on right as Backlash was arriving. He saw how tired Nissa looked and then put his own sunglasses on.

  “Cool. We’ll make our stand here. You’re the first round, Lucia. Let us know when you’re done. I don’t trust the shades. I’m closing my eyes until you give the all clear.”

  Lucia nodded at Backlash and started walking towards the berserkers. When they were close enough to her, she launched as much light as she could at them. Several tripped and fell over. Others tripped over them. Some kept running, but changed course and clearly couldn’t see.

  “That’s the end of round one. Babe?”

  Reaper stepped forward and summoned a powerful demon back from the realm of death. Adrenaline, the former leader of the berserker demons, stepped into view and looked at his former army.

  “Reaper has summoned me before now. It’s difficult to hold on to those memories, but I seem to recall Muan being put in charge shortly after I died. I gave clear instructions that you should follow Nissa, my most experienced middle demon. Why do you all follow Muan?”

  Fallout stepped forward.

  “Muan killed her, so I guess her experience didn’t mean much. We follow power. Muan is the most powerful berserker alive.”

  “What of Shadow? Did we not train him to be one of us? Why would you turn against his son? You should train the boy to be one with the berserkers.”

  “Shadow wasn’t one of us. He was a nephilim. Berserkers are…”

  “Berserkers are berserkers. I knew what he was when I let him train with us. I don’t care if he was a full-blooded demon or not. We do not raise our blades against our brethren unless they turn from the ways of the berserker and become corrupted abominations.”

  “What do you want, Adrenaline?”

  “Muan betrayed my orders and has turned on Shadow’s descendants. I want you to turn away from this and leave Reaper and his friends alone. If Muan truly is as powerful as you say, Shadow’s son shouldn’t be able to kill him.”

  “You’re crazy, Adrenaline. You were crazy in life and death hasn’t changed you at all. We’re going to butcher the creature that summoned you, kill his friends, and then kill Shade. You don’t lead us anymore.”

  Reaper was bleeding freely from his nose, ears, and eyes. It was decision time. Some of the berserkers would attack. Backlash hoped beyond hope that some of them would listen to Adrenaline.

  Fallout pointed at Reaper.

  “Kill him!”

  Adrenaline pointed at Fallout.

  “He has betrayed our order! Kill him!”

  Backlash turned to Reaper.

  “Adrenaline gave the order. Stop the spell.”

  Reaper fell to his knees and Adrenaline disappeared.

  “I hope you mastered that spell, Backlash. Shit… I hope it works. We made it up. Lucia, do your thing.”

  Roughly two thirds of Fallout’s army rushed at the nephilim. The rest attacked Fallout. He was beaten to death in seconds. When they were within range, Lucia started casting the lifeforce stealing spell her father had taught her. Her eyes started glowing green. Backlash began casting the transference spell they had created. After a few seconds, Reaper shook his head. He was still bleeding.

  “It’s not working. The two of you need to get out of here. Killing me will slow them down. Get out of here.”

  “Give it time, bro. Have a little more faith.”

  “It isn’t working, Backlash! Get Lucia out of here.”

  Lucia turned to face Reaper, but continued to hold her hands towards the ap
proaching berserkers to steal their power.

  “No! We won’t leave you.”

  “Lucia, I love you. Please go with Backlash and…”

  Backlash’s spell finally started working. Green energy flew out of Lucia, transferred to Backlash, and then made its way through Backlash’s outstretched hand towards Reaper. Reaper’s eyes started to glow green. Within seconds, he was able to stand. He could feel a surge of power flowing through him.

  “I can take them. Get Lucia out of here.”

  Backlash looked at Reaper and fear entered him. Reaper was glowing green and Backlash had heard the story of what happened to Leech the last time he had absorbed too much power. Backlash grabbed Lucia and pulled at her arm.

  “We need to get out of here, Lucia. He’s going to explode.”

  Lucia stopped casting her spell and turned to face Backlash.

  “No! Let go of me!”

  A demon rushed towards Lucia and clocked her in the face with the butt of his scythe. Backlash caught her before she fell to the ground. Reaper turned and nodded. He recognized the demon. It was Nightmare.

  “Get Lucia out of here, Backlash. I let Nightmare know what we were planning. He has a personal grudge against Muan and his berserkers and he’s here to help. I knew Lucia would never leave, so I needed an exit for her. She should be alright when she wakes up, just get her out of here.”

  Backlash nodded and turned to run. He turned back one last time.

  “Good luck, brother.”

  “Keep her safe. I love her and I know I’m terrible at showing it, but I love you and I loved Fade. If I don’t make it back, remember me as I am right now. Please, Backlash.”

  “Don’t put that on me. Stay alive.”

  Backlash shifted Lucia in his arms, turned, and ran. Reaper turned to Nightmare.

  “Thank you for coming.”

  Nightmare laughed.

  “Oh I wouldn’t have missed this. The odds are so against us it’s ridiculous. Sounds like a really good time… or a great way to go out.”


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