Where Darkness Lies

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Where Darkness Lies Page 21

by Bella Jewel

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he murmurs against my ear.

  “I was going to say something similar,” I whisper, kissing his earlobe.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” he says, and I feel a puff of air tickle my neck.

  “Don’t ever doubt me again, Dimi. I’d never hurt you like that.”

  He nods and slowly pulls out of me, sliding my panties across. He lets me down gently and pulls his jeans up. He reaches up, running his fingers through my hair while pinning me with his gaze and then he leans in, brushing his lips across mine in a tender kiss that makes me see exactly why he’s become my everything.

  “Tell me it’s finally time to dance?” he rasps.

  I smile, big and eager.

  “It’s finally time to dance.”


  Six Months Later

  “Oh God, I feel like a whale!” Indi says, rubbing her very small, rounding belly.

  She found out she was pregnant just after they saved me from Roger. They’re both thrilled, but so far she’s not enjoying growing fatter and fatter each day. I smile and rub her belly too, a little envious. Dimi and I haven’t been together long enough to have a baby, but we’ve sure made a fun time practicing.

  “You look beautiful,” I assure her.

  “Says she,” she mutters. “You’re making me look like a flea compared to you. When did you get so damned pretty?”

  I laugh and shake my head. “You’re crazy.”

  “There you two are.”

  We turn and see Dimitri and Hendrix coming out with a tray full of steak. We’re having a cookout to celebrate my birthday. I beam at the two men, so happy to see they’re getting along better. It’s not perfect, not by a long shot, but they can have a normal conversation now without wanting to rip each other’s head off.

  “Did you find Livvie yet, Hendrix?” I ask, standing and making my way over to the two men.

  Hendrix shakes his head. “She’s good at hiding, but we’ll find her.”

  “And then you’ll let me kick her ass.”

  He laughs. “Absolutely, Jess. She’s all yours when we get our hands on her.”

  I flash him a smile, then step over taking the tray from Dimi’s hands. He grins down at me, pressing a kiss to my nose.

  “So fuckin’ sweet in that dress, Jessie.”

  I roll my eyes. He adopted the nickname after he heard Hendrix saying it.

  “Stop calling me that, it feels . . . dirty somehow.”

  His grin widens. “I could make it dirty.”

  I blink innocently at him. “However do you mean?”

  His smile grows lazy and he lets his gaze travel down my body.

  “Fuckin’ womanly things, I’m so hard for you.”

  I’ve had my period for the last week, and so poor Dimi has suffered.

  “Oh, did I forget to tell you?” I say, placing the tray down and taking a few steps back. “It’s gone.”

  His eyes widen and his expression grows hungry. He lunges at me and I drop the tray, squealing and running around the table.

  “You better run, baby, because when I get to you, it’s goin’ to be quick and damned hard.”

  He flashes me a wicked grin and chases after me. When he catches me, he leans down, throwing me up and over his shoulder. He slaps my ass and I giggle loudly, causing those around us to groan. He walks me over to the table and places me down, positioning himself in between my legs. He bends to stroke my bottom lip; giving me an expression so deep it takes my breath away.

  “I’m goin’ to take you home later,” he rasps. “And show you exactly how much I love that sweet body, but right now, we have company so I’m goin’ to kiss you . . . just because.”

  “Just because why?” I breathe.

  He leans down, pressing his lips across mine so tenderly it causes shivers to break out over my body. They go right down to my toes. He strokes my hair as he deepens the kiss, taking me with everything he is. He’s giving me all of him and a little bit more, and I couldn’t be happier. It would seem he’s finally giving me all my dreams wrapped up in one big, gorgeous bow.

  “Because,” he murmurs, kissing a trail up my cheeks. “You’re my everything and you changed my world, Jessie. That’s enough of a reason to kiss you every day, for the rest of your life.”


  There are so many people I’d like to thank for their help in writing this book. The first of those is my amazing beta reader Sali. For being with me every step of the way when writing this and throwing some seriously good pirate jokes at me. You made this real for me.

  I’d love to thank the team from Montlake Publishing for giving this book a chance—I dared to do something different and you believed in me. You’ve been amazing to work with. It’s such an honor.

  To my loyal and loving fans—of course I couldn’t have made it this far without you. Thank you for always reading and always believing.

  Most of all, thank you to my beautiful family. For it’s pirates that started me on this journey and it’s pirates that made my dreams come true. Without all of you, I could have never done any of this. You’ve all helped make my dreams come true.


  Photo © 2014 Bella Jewel

  Popular romance writer Bella Jewel is the author of the MC Sinners series. An Australian native, Bella calls Far North Queensland home. When not writing, she spends time swimming and having fun with her two daughters. She relishes her career as a writer and is constantly thinking of new book ideas.




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