Becoming Little Jenny (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 2)

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Becoming Little Jenny (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 2) Page 8

by Becca Little

  “Okay, maybe I’ll just have a quick nap.” She stretched out on the couch.

  It was a terrible idea and she knew it, but her mind was not in the right state for schoolwork. She had gotten up too early and looking at all of the assignments was overwhelming. She told herself she would do a lot better when she woke up and she would make some progress towards the assignments she had to complete that week. Her eyes got heavy and then she was lost in the darkness of sleep. It was a nice dreamless sleep, uninterrupted for hours.


  “Jenny? Jenny, where are you?” Jenny heard her Daddy’s words and started to wake up. “Oh, there you are.”

  “Hey, you’re home early.” Jenny sat up with a smile.

  “Early?” He sat down beside her. “No, I’m right on time.”

  “You are?” She looked at the clock. “Oh no.”

  “What?” He looked over at her.

  “Uh… Nothing!” She smiled. “Welcome home.”

  “The kitchen looks great, good job.” He leaned over and kissed her on the head.

  “Thank you.” She smiled.

  “So…” He scooted closer. “Show me some of the stuff you learned at school today.”

  Jenny’s heart sank into her stomach. There wasn’t one word typed or a single math problem worked. She knew he wasn’t going to be happy with her. She tried to stall, fumbling with the laptop and pretending to have difficulty getting it loaded up. Daddy kept his eyes focused on her, which made her incredibly nervous. When she finally did get everything loaded, she opened her schedule and presented it to him with a wave of her hand.

  “I know what classes you’re taking.” He shook his head. “I signed you up for them.”

  “Yeah…” She admitted.

  “Show me what you worked on today. What assignments did you get done?” He asked.

  “Um.” Her bottom lip trembled.

  “You didn’t get anything done?” He asked, his voice turning to a disappointed tone.

  “It’s just so overwhelming…” She sighed.

  “How is it overwhelming?” He asked. “You pick the first assignment and you do it. That isn’t hard.”

  “I didn’t realize it was going to be so much work.” She admitted. “I was happy to go to school, but I figured it would be fairly easy.”

  “Nothing that is worth doing is going to be easy.” He folded his arms. “You don’t have a job. All I asked you to do today was clean the kitchen and work on your school stuff. What did you do all day?”

  “Well…” She tried to piece together her day in a way that would sound good. “I cleaned the kitchen. I took a shower. I had lunch… I looked at this stuff, I swear.”

  “So, you basically did nothing but sleep on the couch all day?” He asked.

  “You make it sound terrible.” She replied.

  “You don’t have the focus you need.” He shook his head. “I’m going to have to change that.”

  “I’ll do better tomorrow.” She said quickly.

  “You’ll do better now.” He slid the laptop over. “Consider yourself officially in detention.”

  “Detention?” She blinked a couple of times.

  “You’ll work until bedtime and you’re not getting any dinner.” He stood up.

  “I’m hungry, though!” She snapped back at him with a childlike tone.

  “If you wanted to eat, you should have used your time a little bit better than you did today.” He walked towards the kitchen.

  Jenny loaded up her first assignment with an angry glare. She wasn’t happy, but she knew she had brought it on herself. The creative writing assignment called for a short story, and after staring at the screen for a few minutes, she decided to write a story about an angry little girl who got sent to bed without dinner—a little girl that plotted revenge on her Daddy for sending her to bed hungry. She typed fast, guided by her anger.

  “How is it going?” Daddy asked as he walked into the room.

  “It’s good…” She muttered.

  Daddy fixed himself a drink and went back to the kitchen. She could smell the aroma of cooking hamburger meat and the sizzle was like fingernails on a chalkboard to her rumbling tummy. When the sizzle stopped, she could hear him eating it behind it. She hated that so much she added it to the story as a breaking point for her character. When she finally finished the story, she realized her Daddy was reading it over her shoulder.

  “Interesting.” He chuckled slightly.

  “Inspired by a true story!” She said as she submitted it to the classroom portal.

  “You’re not even going to proofread it?” He asked.

  “It’s good enough to pass.” She shrugged.

  “Is it good enough to get an A?” He asked.

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged again. “I was always just happy to pass.”

  “That isn’t good enough for me.” He shook his head. “I believe in either delivering the best, or not bothering at all.”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged. “I’m tired.”

  “So you’re ready for bed?” He asked.

  Jenny looked at the computer. She had three more classes with assignments due, but she would rather go to bed than bother. Sleep meant she was closer to the next day, which meant she would have a whole day to herself to figure it out instead of sitting in the living room underneath his imposing eye. She was hungry, but she wasn’t going to ask for food. If she could sleep through the night, she would be sitting at the breakfast table before she knew it.

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  “Okay then.” He stood up. “Let’s go.”

  “Is it time for a bedtime story?” She asked as he extended his hand.

  “You haven’t been a good girl today. I told you to clean the kitchen and spend your day working on schoolwork. You didn’t even touch it. I had to put you in detention to get you to complete one assignment. That isn’t something I can overlook.” He took her hand in his.

  “What does that mean?” She asked.

  He looked down at her as she stood. “It means you’re not getting a bedtime story, you’re going to get a bedtime spanking.”

  “What?” Jenny’s heart started to race.

  “You were a naughty girl and that will not go unpunished. You will go to bed with an empty tummy and a sore bottom.” He lifted her off the couch, still holding her hand.

  “You know.” She shook her head. “I’m not tired anymore. I think I should work on another assignment.”

  “You’ll have plenty of time to work on that tomorrow.” He started towards the bedroom, holding her hand in his grasp.

  Jenny followed along, partially walking and partially being dragged. Each step felt like quicksand on her feet. She wanted to sink straight into the floor, but it wasn’t an option. She was led into her bedroom and her Daddy sat on the edge of the bed. He guided her across his knee as soon as he was seated and she landed on his knees. He reached into the waistband of her pajama bottoms and slid them down. Jenny wished she had chosen another pair of drop-seat pajamas because they at least offered a little protection around the edges.

  “Couldn’t I sign a contract?” She asked. “I’ll do better tomorrow, or I’ll agree to something worse.”

  “No. That was a one-time deal.” He stated flatly. “There is no negotiation tonight.”

  He shifted his leg so that her bare bottom was bent across his knee and in position for his hand. The spanking began quick, with several hard smacks landing on Jenny’s bottom before she had a chance to react. When she finally did start squirming, he simply tightened his grip and spanked her even harder. She threw a hand back to try and block the rapid smacks landing on her bare bottom, but he grabbed it with very little effort. With a quick twist, her arm was pressed against the small of her back and pinned there with no chance of interfering again.

  “Oww! I promise I’ll do my work tomorrow!” Jenny said between the loud smacks the echoed throughout her bedroom.

e was no response from her Daddy. He simply held her in place and continued to spank her bare bottom with the same enthusiasm he had when the spanking began. She squirmed and twisted on his lap, but the grip he had on her wrist prevented her from moving. Even her attempts to twist her hips were of little help as he just lifted his knee and put her right back in position. It wasn’t long until her whole bottom was stinging and she was regretting her decision to waste the day.

  “Please!” She whimpered. “I know I made a mistake. I’ll fix it!”

  “It isn’t that simple.” Her Daddy said in a cold tone. “When a naughty little girl misbehaves, she has to be punished. If you do a better job tomorrow, this won’t happen.”

  Jenny’s eyes filled with tears and she started to cry as she was held in position on her Daddy’s knee. As much as she knew how badly she screwed up, she didn’t want to be punished for it. She definitely did not want to have her bare bottom spanked. As the spanking continued, she began to realize that it was going to be a regular thing with her new Daddy. He had a firm hand and he didn’t even hesitate if he thought it was time to put his little one over his knee.

  “I’ll do better!” She said with a whimper.

  Jenny’s bottom was already turning red. Her Daddy seemed to have no intention of showing her mercy. He continued to spank her with each smack pushing her towards the point when her bottom stopped just stinging and erupted into a blazing inferno of misery. The tears were streaming down her face, forming a wet spot on the bed. Her feet kicked and she squirmed with all her might, but she was held firmly in place for the spanking she had been promised. Jenny was sorry. Jenny was remorseful. Jenny was in quite a bit of pain.

  “Tomorrow.” He said firmly. “You’re going to get one assignment from each class done before I get home. Do you understand?”

  “Yes Daddy!” She said with a squeal and a sob.

  Jenny would have promised the moon and the stars at that point if it would have stopped the punishment. She felt his hand start to slow down, but the last few smacks were especially hard. When he was done spanking her, he lifted her up and pulled her in close for a hug. Her tears continued to stream down her face, covering the collar of his shirt. She reached out and wrapped her arms around him, feeling the warmth of his touch. Even with her bottom reddened by his hand, Jenny still felt a gnawing attraction towards the man who caressed her hair.

  “I don’t want any foolishness from you when I come to get you up tomorrow.” Daddy said sternly. “You will need as much time as possible to get your assignments done.”

  “I will make sure they are all done.” She said with a quick nod as she continued to snuggle against his chest.

  Daddy pulled back the covers and helped her get into bed. She left her pajamas down and he didn’t pull the cover up over her soundly spanked bottom. Jenny reached out for Mr. Fluffy and pulled him close once she was tucked in bed. There was no bedtime story, but she did get a quick kiss on the cheek before he walked to the door and closed it behind him. Jenny peeked over her shoulder at her bottom, which still glowed red in the blue shimmer of her Frozen night light.

  “I don’t like getting spanked, Mr. Fluffy.” Jenny held him close and looked into his plastic eyes. “But I was a really bad girl. I should have done my schoolwork and he would have been proud of me. Now I’m hungry and my bottom hurts.”

  Mr. Fluffy didn’t respond. Jenny held him tight, trying to wrap her mind around the whole situation as she often did when she slept. She became Little Jenny with quite a bit of apprehension, but she didn’t miss her life as Jennifer. She loved being there and feeling protected, even if it meant she had to get regular spankings for her misbehavior. It was still better than worrying about the rent, utilities, and whether she was going to wake up with a stranger in her bed after a night out on the town—or worse—Michael.


  The next day was hectic. Daddy was already worried about something at the office, so he didn’t have much time to spend with Jenny before breakfast. He left before his food was eaten and before he finished his coffee. Jenny started cleaning the leftover dishes with Mr. Fluffy sitting on the counter. She had brought him with her when she woke up for some reason, although she wasn’t sure why she had brought him to the kitchen. She chalked it up to the fog of waking up so early, and being hungry.

  “Daddy never said I couldn’t have coffee.” She said, trying to rationalize the remainder of the dark black liquid in the coffee pot.

  Jenny dumped the rest of the coffee into her Daddy’s cup and drank it while she finished cleaning the kitchen. It was strong and bitter without any of the stuff she was used to putting in it. She found some sugar in the pantry and some milk in the fridge. After a little bit of both, she felt like she had something she could easily drink. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better than nothing. She drank down the last drops after she was done cleaning and put away the cup.

  “Okay, Mr. Fluffy.” She grabbed her stuffed animal off the counter. “Let’s go do some schoolwork.”

  She needed to get through four assignments to make her Daddy happy, so she started on math first. It was going to be the hardest one and it made sense to work through it first. The initial assignment was designed to determine what level she was at, and it mentioned there could be a part two to the course if didn’t do well on the test, so she tried to remember all the math classes she had barely paid attention to. After a couple of hours, she felt like she had done her absolute best, and she submitted the test for scoring. It came as an 84, which meant she wasn’t part of the worst-case scenario.

  “I guess I did remember a little bit from high school.” She smiled with contentment and she was happy the score was only for her assessment and not part of her grade.

  With the hardest assignment behind her, Jenny wanted to take a break. Her body was craving a cigarette, but she only had two left. She wasn’t sure she should waste them since it seemed like Daddy had gotten rid of the pack he had in the table the first time she came to visit. She tried to focus on her next assignment, ignoring the craving. By lunch time the need was gnawing at her brain like a piranha and it was distracting her from her work. She stripped down as she had before and walked to her room. She pulled the desk drawer open and when her fingers reached into her hiding spot, it was empty.

  “What the hell?” She immediately started pulling things out of the desk rapidly. “Fuck! No!”

  They were gone, along with her lighter. The only explanation was that her Daddy had found them. He didn’t mention them at all, and as curious as she was, she knew she couldn’t mention it either. She put her pajamas back on and went to the living room, feeling defeated. She started chewing on her sandwich, staring at the screen. She picked her pen and chewed on the tip so hard she cracked it and nearly dumped ink out on the table.

  “Damn it.” She angrily muttered as she ran to the trash can and threw the pen away.

  As the day was winding down, she knew she wasn’t making enough progress. The day had gotten away from her and she had managed to let her own thoughts get in the way of accomplishing the things she needed to accomplish. Her heart was already in her stomach and she was still one assignment away from being completed—it hadn’t even been started. She heard a car in the driveway and she furiously tried to get it loaded. When the door opened and he stepped inside, she prepared for the worst.

  “Hello, darling.” He said as he walked inside.

  “Hey Daddy.” She remarked.

  “Did you get finished with everything you were supposed to finish?” He asked as he walked around the couch.

  “No, I’m almost done though.” She turned her laptop towards him. “I just have one more!”

  “That isn’t good enough.” He sighed. “Time management was never one of your assets, was it?”

  “No sir.” She admitted.

  “Tomorrow we will try something different.” He said as he stood. “I’m going to make dinner. You made progress, so I won’t send yo
u to bed without any dinner, but you will be getting a bedtime spanking.”

  “Daddy, please…” She shook her head. “I worked really hard!”

  “Did you do what I asked?” He put his hands on his hips.

  “No…” She stared at the floor.

  “Then if I were you, I would get back to work.” He walked towards to the kitchen.

  Jenny worked furiously on the assignment, but she realized it was going to be a lot of work. They ate at the table and as soon as she was done with her food, she asked to be excused so she could get back to work. She knew completing the paper wasn’t going to save her bottom from the spanking he had planned for her, but she could at least feel like she had accomplished something. She was mostly done when it got close to her bedtime. She could hear her Daddy in his office, furiously typing away at his computer. When the clock ticked eight, she heard him stand.

  “Okay, time for bed.” He said as he walked back into the room.

  “Just a little longer…” She begged. “I’m almost done!”

  “Not tonight.” He shook his head. “You will be getting up an hour earlier tomorrow.”

  “Why?” She asked.

  “Well for one, you stink. You didn’t even take a bath today.” He replied.

  “I was too busy working!” She argued.

  “You still have to handle basic hygiene, so tomorrow when we get up, I’m going to bathe you.” He replied.

  Jenny froze in her tracks. She had never been bathed by a man before and her Daddy had never seen her naked except for when he took down her pajamas for a spanking. She was sure that he had caught a glimpse as she squirmed around, but that was different. She wanted to argue, but since she was already on her way to get her bottom reddened before bed, she didn’t feel like it was an appropriate time to resist. She walked behind him, stopping only to grab Mr. Fluffy, and then they entered her bedroom.


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