Becoming Little Jenny (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 2)

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Becoming Little Jenny (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 2) Page 13

by Becca Little

  “I found you.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. They kissed like lovers that hadn’t seen each other in months.

  “Daddy, please don’t hurt them.” Jenny pulled away when she finally regained her senses after the kiss.

  “Who the fuck took you?” He asked as he walked towards the house.

  “No!” Jenny pulled on his arm. “They thought they were doing the right thing. It was my best friend, Abigail and Sammy’s brother, John.”

  “John?” He looked at her. “That mother fucker.”

  “HEY!” Jenny heard a voice yell from the front door as the helicopter’s blades finally stopped spinning.

  “Stand down.” Daddy’s hand motioned to the men who quickly aimed their guns at John. John placed his shotgun by the door.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” John lifted his hands, showing he was unarmed.

  “This is my life.” Jenny said as she clung to her Daddy.

  “Jenny, please don’t leave us again.” Abigail stepped out onto the porch. The guns were pointed at her for a second until they realized she was unarmed. Jenny was glad she neither of them came out shooting. “You heard what he did to John’s sister!”

  “I talked to Sammy.” Jenny confessed. “I didn’t want to tell you last night, but she doesn’t share the same opinion about him that you do.”

  “My sister is confused!” John said. “She’s on drugs and out of her fucking mind. That is his fault!”

  “What are you talking about?” Damien stepped through the line of guns. “What happened to Samantha?”

  “Oh, now you give a shit?” John asked, taking a step closer. “If you didn’t have enough hired thugs to kill me before I could get to you, I’d kill you with my bare hands.”

  “John, I loved your sister—I still do. She chose to leave.” Damien said.

  “She finally saw you for the monster you really were!” John snapped back.

  “That isn’t true.” Jenny moved between them. “You don’t understand. Your sister regrets her decision to leave every day. It isn’t what he did to her that caused her to become a drug addict, it is her own regret over the fact she left him!”

  “What?” John asked. “That isn’t true.”

  “She knows you won’t understand, but trust me, she opened up to me. The one thing she needs right now, more than anything else in the world, is to see him.” Jenny pointed at her Daddy.

  “Over my dead fucking body.” John snapped.

  “John.” Damien calmed his voice. “I won’t take your sister away from you, but please let me help her.”

  “Just like you helped her when you pulled the financing from her company?” John gritted his teeth.

  “That was her decision.” Damien stated flatly. “She wanted to make it on her own. She didn’t want my help.”

  “Fuck!” John said as he roared in anger.

  “She needs him, John.” Jenny said. “If you don’t trust him, please trust me.”

  John finally relented and gave Damien the address, along with a key. Jenny followed him to one of the cars as the procession left John and Abigail behind. Jenny pulled herself close to her Daddy, feeling overwhelmed by what she had witnessed, but happy to be with him again. She didn’t know if she was making the right decision with Sammy, but she felt like she was. He had loved her before Jenny came along, and Jenny had a bit of an uneasy feeling in her stomach. The car came to a stop outside of the apartment building and Jenny motioned for him to follow her inside.

  “It’s up this way. The top floor.” Jenny stated.

  “This place is a dump.” Daddy remarked.

  “You’re about to see the worst part.” She said as they got to the door.

  Jenny took the key and pushed it into the lock. She opened the door and held her hand to her nose to avoid the stench. Her Daddy was unprepared for it and almost gagged when the smell finally did make it to his nostrils. He followed Jenny into the room, looking around at the decay. When they finally passed the kitchen and entered the main room, Jenny felt his hand tense and when she looked up at his face, she could see a mixture of rage and pain etched on his otherwise emotionless stare.

  “Sammy.” Jenny said softly. “I brought someone to see you.”

  “Samantha!” Jenny felt her Daddy’s hand leave her as he ran over and knelt in front of the girl who used to be his Little Sammy.

  “D…Damien?” Sammy leaned forward. “Is it really you?”

  “It’s me.” He said, putting his hand to his eye. “What the hell happened. You were so happy, you were so thrilled to grow up and go out on your own.”

  “I was wrong.” She shook her head. “I was away from the world for too long. I just couldn’t handle it by myself.”

  “You’re not spending another day in here.” He stood up and reached underneath her, easily lifting her out of the chair.

  Jenny followed behind as her Daddy carried Sammy down the stairs out of the hell she had built for herself. They drove until they could meet up with the helicopter and they got inside. Damien held Sammy close the whole ride, still upset and angry as he looked at the mess his little girl had become. Jenny felt like he was withdrawn, but she didn’t push the issue. There was more at stake in that moment than their relationship and what they had built together.


  “Is she going to be okay?” Jenny walked up to her Daddy and offered him a cup of coffee, sipping one of her own.

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “The doctor said she’s just dehydrated and malnourished. She had a kitchen full of food but she wasn’t eating anything. The drugs didn’t help, obviously. She’ll have a long road back from that addiction, but they’ll take good care of her here.”

  “So, I did the right thing?” Jenny asked.

  “Yeah, you did.” Daddy leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. “Sammy called me a few times, but she never told me things were this bad. She said she missed me and she felt like she made a mistake. I would have killed to have heard those words after she left, but by the time she realized she needed me, I had already met you.”

  “I’m sorry…” Jenny stared at the floor, feeling like it was her fault.

  “Don’t be sorry.” Daddy took her in his arms, setting both coffee cups down on the table beside them so he could hug her. “This is on me. I’ve always had that desire to nurture and protect those I care about, and I did that by taking her out of the world. I isolated her from her family and friends. I took away her support system to the point she didn’t know how to lean on them because I was the only person she relied on for so long.”

  “Where does that leave us?” Jenny asked.

  “I don’t know.” Daddy shook his head. “I can’t hurt anyone else like I hurt Sammy.”

  “Can we just go home?” Jenny asked. “We can figure it out together.”

  “Sure.” He nodded.


  The next few weeks were tough. Jenny noticed her Daddy was withdrawn and didn’t seem interested in her, even when she shed the normal clothes she was wearing and turned back into Little Jenny again. She was behind on her schoolwork, and she struggled to catch up, but he didn’t ask about it. She felt neglected and lost, like a roommate instead of the little girl he was taking care of. There were times when she woke up and he was already gone and he worked late hours. Sometimes she couldn’t even stay up late enough for him to make it home. Some nights he didn’t even come home. She was surprised to find him at the table when she walked into the kitchen for breakfast on a Saturday.

  “Do you still want me here?” Jenny asked after pouring herself a bowl of cereal.

  “This is your home, as long as you want it to be.” Daddy said. “I told you that when you moved in.”

  “That isn’t what I asked.” Jenny replied.

  “I know.” Daddy sighed. “I love you. I haven’t stopped loving you at all. I’m just questioning my own beliefs at this point. I’m questioning my own needs and I’m not sure I can just h
aphazardly satisfy them when they have caused so much damage.”

  “They haven’t caused any damage to me.” Jenny reached over and put her hand on his. “I love being your Little Jenny. I love how you take care of me and how you protect me.”

  “I love being your Daddy.” He admitted.

  “Can we just go back to that?” Jenny asked. “Can I just be your little girl again and we’ll figure out the rest as we go along? Maybe I do need to leave you from time to time; maybe I should see my friends more and visit my mother. There can be a balance between the world I live in here with you and the world out there.”

  “I’m afraid of that.” He said with a sigh. “That is how it started with Sammy. She ventured out, a little at a time, until she grew up.”

  “I have no plans to grow up. That’s the difference between Sammy and me.” Jenny stated. “She was looking to the world for her place, and I’m looking for my place here.”

  “Are you sure about that?” He asked.

  “I am.” She replied.

  Daddy stood up and pulled her out of her seat. She wrapped her arms around him even before he could wrap his arms around her. Their souls seemed to reconnect in that moment as an understanding was reached. She could be his Little Jenny and still be Jennifer to the outside world. She could find that balance and still come home to him—she was sure of that. She knew she was asking for a lot. He had to let go of her at times, with the promise she would return. It would be a difficult transition for a man so used to having control of everything.


  “I’ll be back in a moment.” Jenny said, breaking from his embrace.

  “Okay…” He seemed perplexed.

  Jenny ran to her Daddy’s office and dug around in his desk until she found what she was looking for—a contract she had signed so long ago. She also found the terms of the contract, in another drawer. She returned to him holding the contract, and an oval wooden paddle. She had seen it before when she did a little snooping while he was out, and although she feared it, she knew she deserved it for violating their contract.

  “I have a confession.” She said, holding out the contract. “I didn’t keep my end of this deal.”

  “I know.” He nodded. “I found your stash a long time ago. I figured if I threw away your cigarettes, you wouldn’t have any choice but to quit.”

  “I knew you did. I kept expecting you would say something to me about it at some point…” She smirked. “I also smoked while I was away…”

  “I’m aware of that too. I could smell it on you.” He nodded. “Since I stopped smoking cigars, my nose can pick up the scent from a mile away it seems.”

  “So what are you going to do about it?” Jenny twirled the paddle in her hand.

  “I think you know.” He took the paddle from her and held onto her wrist, walking towards the couch.

  The experience felt different as she was volunteering, practically begging for punishment. She felt like she needed it, not only to remind her of her place, but also to remind him of who he was to her. It was so simple before the supposed rescue and she wanted to get back to that spot. Daddy slid his hand into her pajamas and pushed them down, exposing her bare bottom for the first time in quite a while. She felt the wooden paddle against the surface of her skin and it felt cool to the touch.

  “This is going to be very painful.” He said as he tapped her bottom lightly. “You never should have violated our contract.”

  “I know…” She replied.

  The paddle came down hard, creating a sting that caught Jenny off guard. She tensed up when the next one came, followed by one that was even harder. Even in the face of agony, she couldn’t help but smile internally. He was becoming the dominant Daddy she loved again and she hoped it would bring back what they lost. She quickly started to question the sanity of her decision as the paddle started raining down with quick, stinging smacks. Her bottom bounced underneath the wood, stinging more and more each time I landed.

  “Oww!” She squealed. “It really does hurt!”

  “I don’t care if you’re here with me as my Little Jenny or out in the world as Jennifer.” He stated firmly. “If you touch a cigarette, you will have your bottom blistered for it. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes sir!” She squeaked out between squeals as the paddle kept coming down.

  It didn’t long for her bottom to hurt so bad she thought she was going to catch on fire. Jenny kicked her feet and squirmed, but he held her tightly in place. The paddle hurt so much worse than his hand that she never, ever wanted to feel it on her bottom again. Nothing was worth that kind of agony. He kept paddling her as tears streamed down her face. She went into it with a desire to be punished, but that desire had faded as he gave her what she deserved.

  “So are you going to be a good girl now?” He asked as the paddle slowed down some.

  “Yes sir!” She nodded quickly.

  The paddle stopped and he placed it on the table in front of her. Jenny lay across his knee feeling the burning agony resonating from her bottom, but feeling a strange sense of joy from being punished again. She hoped it meant their life was back on track and she was once again his Little Jenny. He took her in his arms and cradled her, just like he had before, letting her cry on his shoulder. Eventually, he lowered her down to the couch and stood up, walking around to the arm.

  “Now…” He said as his hand went to his belt buckle. “Let’s see if we can find something a little better for you to wrap your lips around than a filthy cigarette.”

  Jenny smiled as he unzipped his pants and pushed them down, exposing his cock beneath his boxers. She reached up and eagerly pulled them down, sliding forward on the couch until her lips were against it. She had missed his cock and she desperately wanted to taste it again. Her lips parted and she started licking it, extending her tongue until the head was saturated with her saliva. She reached around and squeezed his ass, pulling him further into her mouth. The cloud of confusion in her head started to clear as she heard him moan.

  “There you go.” He said. “That feels really good.”

  Daddy reached out and took a pigtail in each hand. He pulled them tight and started pushing his cock into Jenny’s mouth. She tried to massage it the best she could, letting her tongue bring him pleasure as he guided himself deep. She loved the way he felt and she really loved the feeling of being used for his pleasure. He picked up the pace until he was fucking her mouth, not even giving her a chance to massage him or control the speed. The head of his cock was in her throat one second and being dragged across her tongue the next. He was like a man driven by nothing but pleasure, and Jenny’s pussy was practically dripping with desire for him as he continued to dominate her.

  “Daddy wants more than your hot little mouth.” He pulled his cock free and it dripped with her saliva.

  He pushed her head away and reached down to her leg. He pulled her to the edge of the couch and turned her around, putting her face down with her ass in the air as she hung across the arm of the couch. He spread her legs apart and slid between them, pressing his cock to her pussy. Jenny moaned with pleasure, moving her hips against him. He wrapped his large hands around her hips and slid his cock in hard, driving it in deep with the very first thrust.

  “Oh God.” She said. “I’ve missed that.”

  She felt a hunger in him that she hadn’t felt since the first time they were together. He didn’t hold back at all with his thrusts. He fucked her so hard his body slammed into her and she thought the couch was going to break. Every time he drove himself deep, she practically screamed with pleasure and exhilaration. She panted as she felt her pussy start to spasm. She knew it wasn’t going to take her long to orgasm, especially since she hadn’t had him inside of her in so long. She had grown accustomed to their time together each day, and she hoped the current encounter would lead them back down that road again.

  The passion continued to flow between them as he kept hammering his cock into her pussy.
She moaned and groaned, unable to say much more, but her lips were practically panting with pleasure. Her face was pulled across the couch, her hips were sore from his thrusts, but the lust was driving her emotions so hard that she couldn’t focus on anything but the pleasure she was feeling. When his cock started to throb, she felt her body reacting. The head of his cock swelled up and she knew he was about to explode. She gripped the couch as her pussy clenched.

  “I’m gonna cum.” He said with a deep growl as he started to unload.

  Her body erupted with bliss as she felt the first burst of his cum inside her pussy. She started to orgasm, tightening more on his cock as he continued to release his manhood. Their bodied connected with something deep and primal, a new sense of lust that built into their simultaneous orgasms. He hammered her until her pussy couldn’t take anymore and every bit of her pleasure was exhausted. He finally started to pull out, creating an instant longing for that connection again when she felt his cock leave her pussy. He fell onto the couch beside her and pulled her up onto his chest, cradling her there.

  “That was amazing.” She said.

  “Yes it was.” He kissed her forehead. “You are amazing.”

  “So am I your Little Jenny again?” She asked.

  “Yes.” He nodded. “You always will be.”

  Jenny felt a sense of contentment again. Everything that she was afraid of losing was put back together again like a complicated puzzle that had finally been made whole. She lay against his chest in the afterglow, happy to be his, and happy to know her place was secure. As the afterglow started to fade, she was still too tired and emotionally drained to get up so she closed her eyes and let sleep consume her. The day wore on and they stayed on the couch, tangled in each other’s arms. Part of the time they slept, but there were times when they both just lay awake staring at each other.

  “I’m the luckiest little girl in the world.” Jenny said as she stared into her Daddy’s eyes.

  “Is that so?” He asked.


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