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Chaos Page 12

by Katie Holland

  Shay just laughed at her. “Do you think you’ll be able to at least stay awake for one movie tonight?”

  “Of course, it’s the last Friday movie night before Christmas. I can’t miss that,” Alix told her.

  “Okay good,” Shay said. “So, let’s make some popcorn and go watch a movie.”

  Alix, Shay, and Ben made the popcorn while the adults went to the den. The movie was all ready to go by the time the three of them got there. Ben turned off the lights and everyone settled in to watch.

  By the time it was over, Alix was yawning again.

  “I think I’d better get you to bed,” Shay said when the lights were turned on. “If you fall asleep down here Ben might have to carry you upstairs.”

  Alix blushed at the wink Ben was giving her.

  Shay just laughed and said, “Come on Alix. Good night everyone.”

  Alix followed Shay up to her bedroom. As soon as the door was closed Alix started to say something, but Shay beat her to it.

  “I’m sorry Alix, but I just couldn’t help it. You two are moving too slow for me.”

  That wasn’t what Alix was expecting to hear. “What?”

  “I can see the chemistry between you two and it’s driving me crazy. I know you like him, and he likes you. The only thing stopping you from getting together is you, Alix.”

  Alix opened her mouth to say something but closed it again. She was going to tell Shay she didn’t like Ben that way, but she knew she’d be lying.

  “Okay fine,” Alix said, “you might be a little bit right on that. But you need to know what I’m thinking. Sure, I like Ben. He’s hot, funny, understanding, and I’m very comfortable around him. But, he’s also my Protector. That means he’ll have to be around me my whole life. What if we tried dating and things went horribly wrong? It would be awful to be around each other then and it would be like that forever.”

  Shay smiled at Alix. “You’re way overthinking this. But, I see what you mean. And just for the record, I think that if you two did start dating that it would be the best thing to happen to both of you. Remember, the magic knows what it’s doing. Ben wouldn’t be your Protector if it wasn’t meant to be, and I think that also means you two being together.”

  Alix knew it was useless to argue with Shay when she started talking about relationships. And in her head, Alix knew she was probably right, but that didn’t mean she had to agree with her, at least not tonight.

  Alix turned on the TV. “Let’s get our PJ’s on and find something to watch.”

  Not surprisingly they found a Christmas movie on. They climbed into bed and got comfy. It was one they’d both seen a hundred times but that didn’t matter. As predicted, Alix fell asleep about halfway through the movie.

  Chapter 17

  Alix woke up the next morning very excited. It was Christmas Eve, her second favorite day of the year. She got up, showered, and went to the kitchen. She left Shay sleeping, knowing better than to try waking her up.

  Her mom and dad were making coffee when she walked in.

  “Merry Christmas Eve!” Alix said grinning.

  “Good morning honey,” her mom said. “Did you have a good sleep?”

  “Yep. I fell asleep before Shay, I guess I was really tired.”

  Alix made her coffee, grabbed a muffin, and sat down at the breakfast bar. She was really looking forward to the next two days. School was out, her dad’s office was closed, and her mom always took Christmas off. She really liked spending Christmas with her family. She wondered if it was going to be little strange opening gifts with Ben and his parents on Christmas morning since it had always only been the three of them.

  This Christmas was certainly going to be different. She was now a magical being, learned her parents weren’t her biological parents, and moved to the safe house.

  “What has you thinking so hard?” her dad asked.

  “Just how much different everything is this year compared to last year at this time,” Alix said sipping her coffee.

  “Yes, a lot sure has changed in the last few months,” her dad agreed.

  “Good morning,” Ben said sitting beside her. He reached over and took her muffin right off her plate.

  “Hey!” she said trying to grab it back, but Ben took a great big bite.

  “Mine now,” he said with his mouth full.

  “Fine, but now you have to get me another one.”

  Ben got off his stool and got Alix another muffin. She took a bite quickly to prevent him from stealing that one too. Ben laughed at her between bites.

  When he was finished, he looked at Alix and asked, “So what’s on the agenda for today?”

  “Why are you asking me?”

  “Because, since Christmas seems to be your thing, I’m sure that you have some sort of Christmas Eve traditions. So, what are they?”

  Of course, he was right. Alix didn’t know whether to be happy about that or annoyed. Then he smiled at her and she lost the fight.

  “Okay, you’re right. The first thing we’ll do is make fudge. Then we’ll make buns and dessert for tomorrow. After lunch, we brine the turkey and make the stuffing. We’ll make homemade pizza for dinner and go on a drive to look at Christmas lights after we’ve eaten. When we get back, we’ll make hot chocolate and watch It’s a Wonderful Life. After that, we listen to Christmas music and I sit by the tree and admire how pretty it is. Oh, and we get to open one present before bed.”

  “That all sounds … very Alix,” he said with a grin. “Mind if I join you on this Christmas Eve adventure?”

  “Of course, you can join me,” she replied. “Do you guys have any traditions?”

  “Not really. We just usually have dinner and find something on TV to watch.”

  “Well, then you definitely need to experience this day with me.”

  Alix smiled to herself. She was going to enjoy spending the day showing Ben what a real Christmas Eve was like.

  Once everyone was up and had eaten, it was time to make the fudge. It was a white vanilla fudge that Alix had been eating on Christmas Day for as long as she could remember. Ben and Shay watched as Alix and her mom poured and stirred the ingredients. After it went in the fridge to cool it was time to make the dessert. This year’s dessert was going to be Cherry Surprise. It was hard to go wrong with cherry pie filling, whipped cream, and a graham crust. Ben and Shay helped make that then it was on to the buns. Alix had a lot of fun watching Ben try and form the dough into the size they needed. The buns went in the oven and it was lunchtime.

  “That was fun,” Ben said as he made his sandwich. “So far I’m liking your Christmas Eve traditions.”

  By the time they were done eating they could smell the buns baking.

  “I love that smell,” Shay said as she cleaned her plate. “They should make a scented candle called Homemade Baked Buns, I bet it would sell like crazy.”

  Alix just laughed at her. As usual, she never knew what Shay was going to say.

  Ben and Shay sat back as Alix and her mom brined the turkey and made the stuffing. Once that was done it was time to take Shay home.

  “Bye, see you in the morning,” Shay said as she got out of the car.

  “Enjoy the rest of your Christmas Eve. See you tomorrow,” Alix told her.

  “What’s happening tomorrow?” Ben asked as they drove back to the house.

  “Breakfast.” Was all Alix said.

  “I think I’m going to need more than just breakfast,” Ben said looking confused.

  Alix smiled, she liked driving him crazy.

  “It’s another tradition. Shay’s family always comes over for breakfast after they’ve opened gifts.”

  “Hmm, okay. But that might lead to a little bit of a dilemma this year.”

  “What do you mean?” Alix asked.

  “We’re so used to using magic around the house and Shay’s parents and sister are just human. So, in theory, we have to be normal around them, right?”

  “Um … I hadn’t thought
about that, but I guess you’re right.” Alix was quiet for a minute. “You know, with everything going on I hadn’t really thought about this but why would Shay’s mom know anything about the Nykara? She’s not a Lossat that I know of and certainly not Nykara, so what’s the deal?”

  “That’s an excellent question and I hadn’t thought about it either. I think we should talk to mom when we get home.”

  “Okay,” Alix agreed.

  When they got home, they went to find Natalie. She was in the kitchen with Heather.

  “Hey mom,” Alix said, “I’m actually glad we found you both. Ben and I were talking, and we have a question for Natalie but maybe you might know too. How is it that Shay’s mom knows about the Nykara?”

  The two women looked at each other. “I’ll answer this,” Natalie said. “Tami was a Lossat. She grew up knowing about our world since her best friend was Nykara. Her Nykara companion was killed by the Grynn when they were in college. They were both planning on moving to Sunset Creek when they finished. Even though her friend had died, Tami still moved here. So that’s why she knows and it also explains why you and Shay were drawn to each other, Alix.”

  Alix thought about what Natalie had told them. “That’s really sad. Does Shay know?”

  “I imagine she does, but you’d have to ask her for sure,” Natalie said.

  “Do we know why she was killed?” Alix asked.

  “From what I understand it was just a matter of a young Grynn thinking it would be okay to eliminate a Nykara.”

  “That’s so … pointless,” Alix said.

  “Yes, it was,” Natalie agreed.

  “Okay,” Ben started, “now that we have that cleared up it’s time to think about happier things again. After all, this is Christmas Eve and we have to carry on with Alix’s traditions. So, Alix, what’s next.”

  Alix smiled at him, thankful he’d lightened the mood a little. “Um … I think it’s time to make the pizza crust, right mom?”

  “Yep,” Heather said, “who’s going to help me?”

  “I’ll show both of you how it’s done,” Ben said grinning. “Just point me in the right direction.”

  “Do you even know what goes in a pizza crust?” Alix asked him.

  “Of course I do. Flour.”

  “And …” Alix said waiting.

  “And other stuff,” Ben said and started laughing at himself. “Okay, you got me. So, teach me the ways of the pizza crust, Oh Queen of the Kitchen.” Ben leaned over and bowed at Alix.

  She burst out laughing. “Boys are so weird,” she said between laughs.

  Alix and her mom showed Ben how to make the dough for the crust. They put it in the fridge until it was time to make dinner later.

  “So, what do you do between making the pizza crust and dinner?” Ben asked Alix.

  “Sometimes I watch a movie, sometimes I read, it just depends on what I feel like doing.”

  “And what do you feel like doing now?”

  “Um … I’m not sure actually.”

  “I have an idea. Are you brave enough to try it?”

  “What is it?”

  “I’m not going to tell you, but you’ll like it. You have to trust me. Do you trust me, Alix?”

  “Yes,” Alix replied. She didn’t even have to think about it.

  “Good. Go put on some boots, gloves, a hat, and your jacket and meet me by the back door.”

  “I’m not going skating again, my feet still hurt from yesterday,” she told him.

  “We’re not going skating. You said you trusted me.”

  “I do.”

  “Then do what I told you … please,” he said giving her his most charming smile.

  Alix couldn’t resist the look he was giving her, so she went and got her winter stuff on and met him at the back door.

  “What’s in the bag?” she asked as they walked outside.

  “You’ll see.”

  The sun had already set so it was dark when they stepped outside. The only light they had was from the moon. They walked a little ways in the snow and stopped.

  “We’re here,” Ben announced.

  “Ben we’re standing in the middle of the backyard,” Alix said. “What are we doing?”

  “We’re going to make snow angels.”

  Alix just looked at him. “Snow angels?”

  “Yep. Trust me to remember.”

  “Okay fine.”

  Alix watched as Ben let himself fall back into the snow. She moved a few steps away and did the same thing.

  By the time she’d made her snow angel, she was giggling. “I haven’t done this since I was a kid.”

  “I told you you’d like it. And this is only step one. Time to get up,” he told her.

  Ben stood up carefully, so he didn’t wreck his snow angel.

  “I don’t think I can stand up without destroying mine,” Alix said, as she tried to get to her feet.

  “Hang on, let me help you,” Ben told her.

  Alix managed to get her feet under her. Ben held out his hands for her. She grabbed them, and he pulled on her. He used a little more force than she was expecting, and she crashed into him. They ended up falling down with Alix landing on top of Ben.

  “Hi there,” Ben said, his face only inches from hers.

  “Um … sorry?” Alix said. “You’re stronger than you look.”

  Ben burst out laughing. “I never know what you’re going to say sometimes, Alix. I love that about you. Not that I’m complaining, but do you think you can roll over so I can stand up.” His grin was there in full force.

  “Oh … um … yeah.” Alix could feel the blush burn her cheeks as she rolled off Ben. She hoped the dark hid her red face from him, but she was pretty sure he saw it. She was blushing so hard her whole body was warm.

  Ben stood up and held out a hand for her. She took it and this time they both stayed on their feet.

  “Now for step two,” he said.

  He created a little ball of light and reached for the bag. So much for not seeing me blush, Alix thought to herself. Ben didn’t say a word about her pink cheeks as he handed her the bag and she was extremely grateful for that. She opened it. It was full of little bottles of paint. She gave him a confused look.

  “We’re going to take the paint and put it on your snow angel, kind of like an abstract painting. Just take a bottle and squirt it where ever you want on the snow inside your angel.”

  “Okay. And then what?”

  “Then you’ll see.”

  “Not going to give me anything?”

  “Nope,” he said grinning.


  Alix did as instructed. It was a big splash of color when she was finished. Ben had also done his but with a lot less color.

  “Now you have to close your eyes while I put the finishing touches on it,” Ben told her.


  “Yes, really. Now play along and close your eyes.”

  Alix closed her eyes. She could feel when Ben started to gather energy to him and then start to use it. She really wondered what he was doing.

  “Can I open my eyes yet?” she asked a few minutes later.


  About thirty seconds later she asked again. The answer was still no. She kept asking until Ben started to laugh. Since that was her goal, she laughed with him.

  “I’m just about done, Alix. Hang on just a bit more. I know you could have done this a lot faster but then it wouldn’t have been a surprise.”

  A couple of minutes later she felt Ben’s hands on her shoulders. He turned her the direction he wanted.

  “Okay Alix, you can open your eyes now.”

  “Oh Ben,” she whispered, “they’re beautiful.”

  Ben had turned their snow angels into colorful ice sculptures. He’d put a ball of light over them to show them off.

  “Thank you,” Alix said and hugged him without thinking. “This is the perfect Christmas Eve surprise.”

  “You’re wel
come Alix,” he said and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. “Do you think this can make your Christmas Eve tradition list?” he said smiling at her.

  Alix wasn’t expecting the kiss, but she liked it. It took her a second to remember what he had asked her. “Um … yeah, I think this would make a great tradition.”

  She realized Ben still had his arms around her and wasn’t sure if she should move or not, but Ben decided for her.

  “Your nose is red, we’d better get you back inside. For a girl who grew up in Montana, you sure get cold easily.”

  As they started to walk back to the house Ben took her hand. She couldn’t help the smile from forming. This was turning out to be one of the best Christmas Eve’s she’d ever had.

  Chapter 18

  “It smells awesome in here,” Ben said as he took off his boots and coat. Alix was doing the same.

  “Thank you,” Heather said. “The pizza is almost done. What were you two doing out there?”

  Alix could feel her cheeks heat up but hoped her mom would just think it was the cold. She was still thinking about the little kiss.

  “Look out the window and see,” Ben told Heather.

  She went to the window over the sink and looked outside. “Those are beautiful,” Heather said echoing Alix’s words from earlier. “How did you do that?”

  “First, we each made a snow angel, then took paint and put it all over them,” Ben said, “Then I used magic to make the edges of the angels into ice. Next, I melted the snow inside the angels. Because the paint is water based it mixed in with the melted snow and created the stained-glass look. Then I froze the entire snow angel and stood them up so they’re like sculptures. Alix agreed to make this part of her Christmas Eve traditions.”

  “I think that’s a wonderful idea. You’re awfully quiet Alix, is everything okay?” her mom asked her.

  “Uh yeah, I was just cold,” Alix said.

  That was only partially true. Sure, the kiss Ben had given her was just a little peck on the forehead, but it had her head all scrambled inside.

  Heather opened the oven to check on the pizza. “This is ready. Can you two find everyone and tell them dinner is ready?”


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