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Chaos Page 21

by Katie Holland

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Two things actually. I want to apologize for kind of ignoring you today. I was a little freaked out about last night and didn’t know how to act.”

  “It’s okay Alix. I know you well enough to know that you don’t say things you don’t mean so I was giving you a little time to adjust. No apology necessary. What’s the second thing?”

  “It’s about Sonya. I feel like she should have woken up by now and I’m worried the Grynn might have done something to her on the inside that we can’t see. I need to check on her and I’d like you to come with me.”

  “Sure, let’s go.”

  They walked down the hallway to the room Sonya was in. Alix was hoping she might be awake but was still lying exactly the same as when Alix saw her before.

  “What are you going to do?” Ben asked.

  “I’m going to use my magic to search her for anything that shouldn’t be there. Like the ball of energy in Logan or the virus in Shay. If there’s something Grynn in her, I’ll find it.”

  “What do you need me to do?” he asked.

  “I just need you here,” she told him.


  Alix kneeled next to the bed and put her hands over the middle of Sonya’s body. She sent out tendrils of magic into her to search for anything that didn’t belong. At first, she didn’t find anything and was about to give up when something lit up her magic like a tiny light. It was coming from her head.

  Alix concentrated her magic around Sonya’s head to try and figure out what it might be. It was like there was some kind of barrier surrounding her brain. Alix told Ben what she’d found but never let up on her magic. She tried to get passed it, but her magic couldn’t penetrate it.

  She got out the Power Stone but even with the increased energy, her magic couldn’t get through. She tried the pearl to help with healing but that didn’t work since she was already healed. The magic surrounding her brain was different than anything Alix had seen before. She pulled her energy back and stood up.

  “I don’t know what to do Ben. I don’t understand why I can’t get past it.”

  “The Grynn are always coming up with new ways to hurt people Alix. Don’t let this get to you. If anyone can help her it’s going to be you. Let’s go talk to everyone and see if they have any ideas.”


  Ben took her hand and they went to the den. Alix filled them in on what she’d learned about Sonya.

  “What’s really bugging me the most is why? Why make it so that she stays unconscious? Why create a barrier around her brain?” Alix said to the room.

  “Do you think she’s being harmed in any way?” Kris asked.

  “No, everything in her body has been completely healed and the thing around her brain is just sort of sitting there. I’ll check on her again in a while to see if anything has changed but for now, I think we’re just going to have to leave her as she is,” Alix said.

  She hated leaving Sonya like that but right now she had no idea how to help her. Frustrated she put on her coat, hat and gloves and went outside. She walked around in the snow until she found herself at the stained-glass ice angels Ben had made for her. She should have figured out how he felt then, but she guessed she was a little slow. That made her smile. She made balls of light to see them better.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Ben asked joining her.

  “Just thinking back to the night, you made these. I guess I should have realized how you felt then.”

  Ben just smiled at her. “Why’d you come outside?” he asked. “It’s freezing out here.”

  “I just needed some fresh air. I hate that I can’t help Sonya.”

  “I know, but as long as she’s not in danger and safe with us she’ll be okay eventually.”

  “Logically I know that, but my heart doesn’t agree.”

  Ben moved to stand behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. “Is this okay?” he whispered.

  “Yes,” Alix whispered back.

  Alix leaned her head back on his shoulder and stared up at the stars. They stood that way until Alix’s nose was red from the cold. They went back into the house and warmed up in front of the fire. It looked like everyone had gone to bed. Alix’s sleep schedule was still off from her twenty-hour recovery in Rio. She hoped to get it back to normal before school started.

  “Did you ever wonder why we become Nykara on our seventeenth birthday? Why not eighteen? That’s when you become an adult,” Alix said out of the blue.

  “No, I never thought about it before. Why are you wondering about that?”

  “I was just thinking about having to go back to school and how hard it is for me to transition back to school life after having to deal with all the Grynn stuff.”

  “I can understand that, and I have no idea why it happens on our seventeenth birthday. But don’t forget Alix, most new Nykara are prepared for it to happen and none of them are the Chosen One and have had to deal with everything you have.”

  “I guess, but I’m still curious.”

  “You wouldn’t be you if you weren’t curious,” he said smiling at her. “Since we’re asking random questions, do you guys always leave your tree up so long, or is because we’ve been gone?”

  “What do you mean so long? I’d leave it up all year if I could.” Alix said.

  “Okay, I guess the better question is, when do you usually take it down?” he asked.

  “The weekend after New Year’s Day. Why, what do you guys do?”

  “Normally we take it down the day after Christmas.”

  “I don’t think we can be friends anymore,” Alix said trying to sound angry.

  Ben didn’t buy it for a second. “Oh really?”

  “Yep. The Christmas tree is meant to be enjoyed for long as possible and anyone who thinks otherwise is just crazy.”

  “Crazy huh.”

  “That’s what I said.”

  “I’ll show you crazy,” he said and started to tickle her.

  Alix was extremely ticklish, so she was jumping around like a mad woman.

  “Stop, stop, please stop,” she finally managed to say.

  “Are you going to stop insulting me?”

  “I’ll try really hard to stop.”

  Bed burst out laughing. “What am I going to do with you, Alix?”

  She just shrugged but had a huge smile on her face. Alix checked her phone, it was after midnight.

  “I should probably try to get some sleep,” she said.

  “Yeah me too,” Ben agreed.

  They walked upstairs and stopped at Alix’s door. Ben leaned down and gave her a kiss.

  “Good night Alix.”

  “Night Ben. Have a good sleep,” she said and went into her room.

  Chapter 30

  Alix finally managed to fall asleep sometime after 1:00 am. When she woke up, she was really hoping she was going to be able to finally spend an entire day of her vacation just relaxing. Then she realized it was New Year’s Eve and would probably be busy most of the day. At least she was going to get to spend time with her loved ones.

  She checked on Sonya then made her way down to the kitchen where she found Natalie and her mom busy cooking.

  “Hey sleepyhead,” her mom said.

  “Hey. I’m still trying to get my schedule back to normal. What are you guys making?

  “We’ve decided to have a little party tonight so we’re making some snacks,” her mom told her. “Want to help?”

  “Sure, but let me have my coffee first,” Alix said smiling.

  For the rest of the morning, the three of them cooked, baked, and prepared. They laughed, told funny stories, and had a great time. It was the most relaxed Alix had been since she’d woken up after dreaming about Ben on Christmas night.

  “Where are the boys?” Alix asked.

  “We sent them to Bozeman to get a few things for the party. They should be home soon,” Natalie said.

o’s all coming?”

  “Just us, Kris and Shay if you want to invite her,” her mom said.

  “Cool, I’ll call her right now.”

  Alix took her phone out of her pocket and noticed she had a text.

  Ben: Good morning beautiful. Gone with my dad and yours to Bozeman. See you later.

  Alix knew she had a goofy grin on her face and was really glad that her mom and Natalie weren’t watching her. She’d see him soon, so she didn’t send a reply. Instead, she called Shay.

  “Hey girl,” Shay said.

  “Hey. How are you feeling?”

  “Pretty good. Almost back to myself. Why?”

  “I wondered if you’re busy tonight.”

  “No. What’s up?”

  “Apparently we’re having a little party tonight and I wondered if you wanted to come.”

  “Oooooh, yes. But let me check with mom. Hang on a sec.”

  Alix waited for a minute until Shay was back.

  “Mom said it was okay. When do you want me to come over?”

  “Any time. Actually, Ben, Rick, and dad are on their way back from Bozeman, why don’t I get them to pick you up. We haven’t spent any quality time together.”

  Shay snorted. “Quality time huh. Let’s face it, you miss me.”

  “No need to get carried away,” Alix said laughing.

  “I’ll see you in a while Alix,” Shay said laughing back. I need to get dressed. I’ve spent the last few days in my PJ’s.”

  “Okay. Bye.” Alix hung up and texted Ben.

  Alix: Where are you guys?

  Ben: About 10 minutes from Sunset Creek. Why?

  Alix: Do you think you can pick up Shay on your way home?

  Ben: Sure. I’ll let dad know.

  Alix: Thanks.

  Alix: They’ll be there in about 15 min.

  Shay: K

  * * *

  Alix, Shay, and Ben hung out all afternoon. They watched a movie, played a few video games and generally acted silly. It was just what they all needed. Around 7:00 pm Natalie and Heather put out the goodies they’d made earlier. They ate, talked and watched the New Year’s Eve show from New York.

  At a few minutes to midnight, Heather and Natalie passed out the champagne. Alix, Shay, and Ben even got a small glass each. They counted down along with the TV and at the stroke of midnight they all yelled Happy New Year, clinked their glasses and drank their champagne.

  Ben put his arms around Alix and whispered in her ear, “Happy New Year Alix.” Then kissed her. Alix forgot that she was in the den with her parents until Shay started giggling. Alix pulled back and opened her eyes.

  Luckily their parents either didn’t notice or pretended not to notice, either way, Alix was grateful.

  To save her further embarrassment Shay grabbed both of them in a hug. “Happy New Year guys.”

  “Same to you Shay,” Alix said.

  “Hey kids,” Rick said. “Come outside we have a surprise for you.”

  Everyone put on coats and hats and went out the back door. They waited while Rick went over to the cabin and did something. The next thing they knew fireworks were blasting into the sky. They only lasted for about five minutes, but it made Alix giddy, she loved fireworks.

  “That was great,” Shay said as they walked back into the house.

  “I agree,” Alix said.

  They stayed up for a little while longer before going to bed. Shay and Alix laid there for a minute before Shay couldn’t hold it in anymore.

  “Alix, Ben kissed you, in front of everyone. Eeeek!”

  Alix put her hands over her face not saying anything.

  “Oh, come on Alix, quit hiding. I think it’s awesome. You two are cute together.”

  “You know me, I get embarrassed by almost anything.”

  “I know, it’s cute,” Shay teased. “But seriously, I’m really happy for you. Ben is a good guy, and anyone would be lucky to have you. Fate made sure you two found each other and I think that’s awesome.”

  “Thanks, Shay, you’re the best.”

  “I know,” she said and giggled.

  Alix joined her, and they ended up laughing until they couldn’t breathe. There was a knock on the door, so Alix went to see who it was.

  “Everything okay in here?” Ben asked when she opened the door.

  “Uh, yeah. Why?” Alix said trying to hold in a giggle.

  “I could hear you two all the way in my room,” he said smiling.

  “We just had a laughing fit. It happens every so often,” Alix said, and Shay started giggling again.

  Alix tried to hold it in, but the laugh bubbled up. Ben just shook his head and muttered, “Girls.”

  That made them laugh even harder. Ben went back to his room and Alix jumped back in bed. Eventually, the laughing subsided, they calmed down and were able to fall asleep.

  Chapter 31

  The first thing Alix did the next morning was check on Sonya. There was no change. She made sure her body was in good physical condition and then went downstairs.

  “Good morning,” she said to Ben when she walked into the kitchen.

  “Morning beautiful,” he said with a smile. “Where’s Shay?”

  “Still sleeping. There’s no change in Sonya.”

  “Hmm. I wish I had an answer for you,” he said.

  “I know. So, what’s up for the day?”

  “Nothing really.”


  Alix’s phone made her text noise, so she checked it.

  Sara: Happy New Year! Guess what … I’ll be there tomorrow!

  Alix: Awesome! I can’t wait to see you. Make sure to call me when you’re close so we can go to the house and get you settled.

  Sara: Will do! I’m super excited. Thanks again for making this happen. I owe you.

  Alix: No, you don’t, I was just happy to help.

  “Sara’s going to be here tomorrow,” Alix told Ben.

  “Great, I hope she’s going to like it here.”

  “Me too, I’d like her to stick around even when she’s done college. I mentioned opening a bakery to her and she’d love to do that as much as I would.”

  “Ben’s Baked Goods. Has a real ring to it don’t you think?”

  Alix smacked him on the arm. “We are not naming our bakery after you.”

  “Why not?” he said teasing her.

  “Because I said so,” Alix said with a smile and went to make her coffee. “So, what do you want to do today?”

  “I’d kind of like to just hang around the house. I haven’t drawn in a while and I’m getting the urge to create something.”

  “That’s fine with me. I’m going to see if Shay wants to stay the night again, so we can all go see Sara tomorrow.”

  Once Shay was awake the three of them spent the whole day together. Ben had his sketchbook but wouldn’t show the girls what he was working on. The girls watched TV and painted each other’s nails. They checked on Sonya a few times, but nothing had changed.

  * * *

  Sara called Alix the next day about noon to tell her she was just driving into Sunset Creek. Alix, Shay, Ben, and a Warrior got in the SUV and drove to Alix’s house. It had been almost two months since she’d lived there, and it almost felt strange going back. They only had to wait a few minutes for Sara to arrive. Sara jumped out of the car and ran to Alix.

  “It’s so good to see you guys,” Sara said hugging Alix. Then she hugged Shay and Ben too.

  Alix opened the door so they could get out of the cold. After showing her the house, they helped Sara bring her stuff in.

  “This is going to be so great,” Sara said when the last box was inside. “I know I’m going to love it here.”

  They helped Sara unpack then took her back to the safe house for dinner.

  The next day they took Sara to Bozeman and to get groceries and show her where the university was. She was so excited when she saw the campus she jumped up and down. It was her dream to become a pastry chef and she
was about to start that journey.

  They took Sara home and went back to the safe house. Alix checked in on Sonya and found there was no change. She went to her room and got out her journal.

  Jan 3

  Happy New Year journal! What a difference a year makes. I’m not dreading school. I can do magic. I’ve helped save lives and I have a boyfriend!

  Highlights from the last few days. Ben kissed me on New Year’s Eve! I’ll eventually stop writing every time that happens but today’s not that day. Got to spend a bunch of time with Shay which was awesome. I’m so glad she’s feeling better and the virus doesn’t seem to have harmed her at all. Sara got here yesterday! I’m excited that she’s going to be here. I’m looking forward to seeing what she’s going to be learning.

  Now the lowlights. Sonya still won’t wake up. I’ve been checking on her several times a day and she’s still the same. I’m getting more worried every day that she will never wake up. There has to be something I can do. Also, the violence in the Middle East and South Africa is getting worse. I wonder why the Council can’t get it under control? I also haven’t heard from any of the Council since I called James. He said he thought he was being followed. I hope he’s okay.

  * * *

  The rest of Christmas break was fairly uneventful. They helped Sara get settled and got her a job at Lyla’s Café. They went shopping one day and then to a movie. But the whole time Alix couldn’t stop thinking about Sonya. She was sure there was a way to help her, she just had to find it.

  It was Sunday and Alix was getting her stuff ready for school the next day. This semester was going to be boring as heck. Math, Social Studies and Chemistry. At least she had Math with both Ben and Shay and all of her classes with Ben. She was going through her notebooks when her mom came into her room and sat on the bed with her.

  “Hey kiddo, what are you up to?”

  “Just getting ready for tomorrow.”

  “I can’t believe this is going to be your last semester of high school. Does that make you happy or sad?”

  “Definitely happy,” Alix said smiling. “It’s going to take a lot to get through this semester with good grades. I have a feeling I’ll be pulled away from school to deal with the Grynn.”


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