Christmas Box set - (Complete 1-4)

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Christmas Box set - (Complete 1-4) Page 9

by M. L. Briers

  His mate. His love.


  His hard cock throbbed with the need to be buried deep within her body. Luke couldn’t hold back a moment longer.

  He climbed up and over her body, caging her in, and pressing the tip of his cock against her, still throbbing, rim.

  Angelique felt the pressure against her channel and opened her eyes to find him, hot, sexy him, right there above her. She drew her legs up against his, wrapped them around his velvet hips, and went to reach for the hard muscles of his shoulders — his hands encircled her wrists, and he pushed them back against the rug.

  “No touching — I’ll lose my mind,” Luke growled.

  “That sounds like a plan to me,” Angelique almost begged him for what was to come next.

  With a hard growl, Luke buried his cock deep within her. He gave a hard grunt of pleasure as her satin walls clamped around his hard length and almost made him lose his mind.

  She was a wicked, wicked witch of the best kind. And she was his.

  “Let’s see how wild you can be, alpha,” Angelique grin was both hungry and enticing him on.

  Luke pulled his hips back and felt her inner muscles clamp down hard around his length as she tried to keep him buried deep inside. He didn’t want to disappoint her for too long, so he thrust back to the hilt.

  The guttural sounds that caught in her throat was more than enough encouragement for him to do it again, and again, and again, until her head tipped back against the cushion, opening her neck and shoulder to his gaze, and he could feel her inner walls naturally tightening around him.


  The sight if her opening her neck and shoulder to him like that was like a red rag to a…wolf.

  Luke couldn’t wait a moment longer to collect her up into his arms as he pushed back onto his knees. One large hand palmed her backside, and he lifted her up from his thighs enough to be able to stroke from tip to the hilt inside of her with easy thrusts.

  Luke could no longer stop her hands from touching. Her fingers curled against his muscles and her fingernails pressed into his skin making him wilder as he took her toward her next orgasm.

  Luke used his free hand to fist the silken strands of her hair. He eased her head to one side and opened her neck so that he could run his tongue along the soft skin toward where he would place his mark, his claim, into the skin on her shoulder.

  His beast would wait no longer, and his fangs elongated and locked in place. Her inner muscles clamped down hard around his cock and a heartbeat later, she cried out with pleasure.

  Luke’s fangs pierced her skin, and her blood flowed across his tongue and down the back of his throat. His beast roared as they reached for her very soul, finding it, and joining them as one.

  Soulmates forever.

  Luke released his fangs and licked her wound, sealing it into her skin. His hips never missed a beat against hers, and the fever of need flowed within his blood, he needed more.

  Luke pushed forward, taking her with him, and he palmed the floor with one hand as his encircled arm held her body just off the floor. At that angle, he was free to devour her with his cock.

  Every inch of Luke’s body burned with the need to complete the bond. His muscles strained to break point. The sound of skin slapping against skin was intoxicating, but the sound of her guttural encouragement was even more so.

  Her inner muscles tightened so hard around his cock that each thrust inside of her caused him to grunt with so much pleasure that he thought he might lose his mind. He was lost inside of her body, fired with a need of his own.

  Luke craned his head back on his neck, every muscle at breaking point, and he felt her come undone around him once more. Her inner muscles clenched hard and released around his cock in an erotic flutter that sucked the seed from his balls.

  The instant that his seed exploded against her womb Luke howled like he’d never howled before. Over and over again, he buried his cock deep inside of her and gave her everything that he had to give.

  Luke’s pleasure felt unending. As he came back to her, he couldn’t tell just how long they had been locked together like that, but every muscle within his body quivered and protested until he eased her back against the rug, turned her within his arms, curled his body around her protectively, and then he exhaled with complete satisfaction

  Luke hadn’t been sure that he could woo his Christmas mate. A witch that had been brought to him by the Christmas fairy — and as the tree lights reflected in his mate eyes, Luke guessed that he needed to believe in Christmas miracles.



  “And this is for you,” Angelique announced as she placed a platter full of chicken legs down on the table just above the elder’s plate. Leo frowned down at it before he turned questioning eyes up to the witch.

  “Chicken legs?” Leo didn’t understand.

  “I thought they were your favorite — every time I see you, you have a chicken leg hanging out of your mouth,” Angelique offered back.

  She knew why there were so many legs on the chicken — it was because the refrigerator was full of platters of meat, including several chickens, and the refrigerator was always well-stocked.

  “That’s because they’re easy to rip off,” Leo offered back.

  “Heaven forbid he should have to trouble himself to get a knife out,” Isobel offered him a scathing look.

  “Well, if you don’t want them…” Angelique reached to take the plate away, and Leo’s hands snapped out in front of him to grab it.

  “It’s all mine, you say?” Leo asked with a look of suspicion.

  “Every last one,” Angelique offered back.

  “Well,” Leo grunted. He was coming around to the idea of liking the witch.

  “I think you just made a friend,” Mirabelle chuckled.

  Leo grunted again.

  Goddess, I hope not!” Angelique said, and offered Leo a big beaming, teasing smile when his eyes snapped in her direction.

  “Right back at you,” Leo grumbled. But he couldn’t help but smile to himself.

  “Sit!” The alpha demanded of his mate. Angelique’s eyebrows shot up toward her hairline.

  “Use your words, puppy,” Angelique grinned back at her mate.

  “Puppy!” Jett chuckled and got an elbow in his side from his mate. He cleared his throat and looked anywhere but at the alpha who was growling at him with annoyance.

  “Would you please come and sit down beside me?” Luke asked. His face might have been a blank mask, but his eyes were smiling at her.

  “You know, I think I will,” Angelique grinned as she joined her mate at the table.

  Angelique looked around at her new family and felt a sense of peace deep inside of her. She liked how everyone in the pack felt like family to her. She hadn’t had that in a very long time.

  She was expecting to be lonely again at Christmas. A microwave ready meal of turkey and yuck — but now she would have a real family Christmas with a real family of her own.

  That was a true Christmas miracle.




  ‘I thought I’d find you here, George.’ The fairy godmother settled on the branch of the Christmas tree next to him and George cleared his throat.


  ‘I read Jessica’s report…’

  ‘About that…’

  ‘I also read your report. I have to say…’

  ‘I had to tell the truth. I know Jessica went easy on me…’

  ‘Not so much as you would think.’

  ‘She told you what really happened?’

  ‘Not so much as I would think.’ Miriam didn’t sound best pleased, and with her clipped tones and her steely gaze, George thought that he was in for a long Christmas.

  ‘I didn’t get it then…’

  ‘But you get it now?’

  ‘I guess I do.’

  ‘And that’s why Jessica went easy on you.’

; ‘You were teaching me a lesson. Lesson learned. Now give the Christmas fairy honor back to Jessica.’

  ‘Not so fast…’

  George turned his head and offered the fairy godmother a confused and questioning glare. The sound of her chuckles lightened his mood slightly.

  ‘I really don’t think…’

  ‘Good. Don’t think — act from your heart and you will do just fine.’


  ‘I will be sending Jessica out with you.’


  ‘You two seem to make a good team.’


  ‘Merry Christmas, George.’ Miriam announced, and then in the blink of an eye, she was gone.

  George sat there with his mouth hanging open. The scene in front of him with Angelique and her new pack was a happy family one, and yes, he’d had a hand to play in that, but the Christmas fairy — again?

  George groaned.

  The End.




  Copyright © 2017, M L Briers

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced whatsoever without written permission of the author, except for brief exerts in reviews. Any unauthorised reproduction or distribution of the material herein is illegal and may result in criminal proceedings. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to the internet or distributed via electronic or print without prior consent.

  Note from the Author;

  All names, places, and incidents contained herein are purely fictional and have no basis in actual events or linked to actual Humans, Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Lycans, Werebears or persons living, dead or undead.

  Copyright © 2017, Cover Design by; Rebecca Pau at The Final Wrap.



  “Fairy godmother, I’m glad I ran into you,” George said as he ambushed her when she came out of the inner sanctum. He’d be waiting there for hours in the hope of running into her. “I have a very small, tiny really, favor to ask of you.”

  “No.” Miriam’s clipped tones and steely gaze were enough to make him want to run for the hills.

  Obviously, she wasn’t in a good mood — not that he could tell any difference from any other day — but still, she seemed a little off.

  “It’s just a really, really, really tiny favor,” George wasn’t about to give up on his dreams.

  “George,” Miriam stopped in her tracks, and George stopped a few seconds later. He had to turn back towards her.

  “Yes, fairy godmother,” George looked hopeful.

  “I know what you’re going to say and the answer is no.” She started off on fast feet again, and George bit down on a curse as he followed on behind her.



  “But really…” He’d rush those two words out, and two was supposed to be better than one, but she still managed to cut him off.

  “No.” Her tone said she was adamant, George believed in the old saying that if you didn’t ask, you didn’t get, he just wished she’d give him a chance to ask the question before she cut him off at the knees.

  “I think…” George started again.

  Miriam ground to a halt — this time he was ready for her, and he stopped in his tracks.

  “George, didn’t we have this discussion before?”

  “No…” He rolled his eyes up to the ceiling and considered it for a moment. It was a moment too long as she jumped into the empty space.

  “Yes, yes we did, George.” Miriam tried to sound as patient as possible, but her patience was truly running out. “I told you then, and I will tell you now — George, don’t think.”

  George opened his mouth to speak, and Miriam started off on fast feet again. George bit out an almost silent curse as he followed on behind her.

  “If I promise not to think then will you promise to hear me out?” George rushed out his words in the hope of getting a whole sentence out at once. His wish was granted.

  “George,” Miriam said on an exasperated breath as she ground to a halt and turned back toward him. George almost ran over the top of her, but he managed to pull himself back in time. “You are the Christmas fairy…”


  “No, George. You are the Christmas fairy. Jessica is there to help you with your task. Maybe you should rely a little more on Jessica’s advice.”

  Miriam turned and was off again like a racehorse. George rolled his eyes in his head, bit down on another curse, and started after her.

  “But, fairy godmother…” He sighed.

  “Yes, George.” Miriam opened the door at the end of the hall and turned back toward him. “Jessica might be a better choice for the Christmas fairy. But…” She held up her index finger to ward of his next word. George stayed silent. “I’ve made my decision, and it’s final.”

  “But…” The door slammed in his face.

  Unfortunately, George couldn’t follow the fairy godmother inside, because it was the woman’s bathroom.

  George turned away and groaned.




  “Your mission should you choose to accept it, and you will, because you’ve already begged and pleaded and followed the fairy godmother practically into the woman’s toilet…”

  “I did not…” George cut Jessica off from her rambling speech of self-indulgent smugness, but she cut him off right back.

  “I did say practically, George.” Jessica offered back and snapped a grin on her face that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  “What’s the damn mission?” George snapped out.

  “Temper – temper, George,” Jessica grinned once more.

  Yes, she was enjoying it — not being with George — because that was more painful than running headfirst into a brick wall. But she did like to make the man suffer.

  “Just tell me what I have to do to end my suffering,” George grumbled.

  “We could try shoving a firework up your backside and shooting you into space,” Jessica offered with a sickly sweet smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

  “Does the fairy godmother know that you have a dark side?” Just one of George’s eyebrows reached for his hairline; she guessed the other one was plain lazy.

  “Yes, George. Who do you think taught me about the dark side?” Jessica offered back.

  George couldn’t quite figure out if she was lying or not. She seemed to be on the up and up, and the fairy godmother did seem to have a very dark side about her.

  “Moving on,” George grumbled.

  “The fairy godmother has another mission for you.” Jessica offered back. Now she was all full of business talk.

  “Let’s be honest here — it’s not a mission — we’re not spies – this is not a war…”

  “Let’s see if you feel that way when you come back from the front line of this mission,” Jessica said and folded her arms under her ample breasts.

  George couldn’t help it when his eyes flicked down to her offering. The gasp that came from Jessica’s lips, and the zap of her magic on his backside, made him raise his eyes back to her face pretty damn quickly.

  “That was uncalled for,” George grumbled.

  “You can’t just go around looking at women’s boobs, George,” Jessica said, and the man flinched at that one word. That piqued her interest. “Boobs.” She said, and he flinched again. “Boobs.” George flinched once more.

  “Can you stop saying that word?” George grumbled.

  “Which word, George? Boobs?” Jessica chuckled to herself as the man flinched one more time.


  “Does the word boobs offend you, George?” Jessica chuckled as he flinched once more.

  “If I’m not allowed to look at them then you’re not allowed say that word,” George grumbled.

  “It’s just a word, George,” Jessica offered back.

  “And they are…” George lifted his hands and cup
ped them in the air. His fingers flexed as he groped nothing at all. The sound of Jessica’s gasp made him flinch once again. “Just pieces of body parts.”

  “Like your…” She let her eyes drop down to the slight bulge in his trousers, and George narrowed his eyes at her.

  “Are you checking out my package?” George asked.

  “Package?” She rolled her eyes up to the ceiling and considered it. “It’s only fair that if you checked out my boobs, then I can check out your package — although, package isn’t really a word I’d use to describe it. When I say package, I think of something nice to unwrap. Not your todger…”

  “Todger?” There was skepticism in his voice, and it made her snap to attention.

  “Yes, George. It’s called a todger.” Jessica sounded as if she was explaining things to a five-year-old child.

  “Well, were you checking out my todger?” Both of his eyebrows reached up for his hairline that time; she guessed the other one had finally woken up.

  “What’s good for the goose is great for the gander, don’t you think?”

  Jessica snapped a beaming, teasing smile on her face and dared him to deny it.

  George was going to listen to the fairy godmother’s advice for once and not think.



  “If you say so. Now can we get back to the mission at hand?” George tried to sound as bored as possible.

  “So, you’re calling it a mission now?” Jessica smiled, but she didn’t give him a chance to answer as she carried on going. “The mission that you have no choice but to accept — is a Christmas mate…”

  “Wait!” George lifted his hand and pointed his index finger to the ceiling right in front of her to stop her from talking over him. “Didn’t we already do this?”

  “Yes, and there are more than one set of mates in the world at one time, George.” Jessica offered back as if he was five-year-old again. That was getting old.


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