Christmas Box set - (Complete 1-4)

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Christmas Box set - (Complete 1-4) Page 15

by M. L. Briers

  “We know when we’re not wanted,” Deanna chuckled.

  “Funny enough — I’m just following your lead,” George offered with a grin.

  “Are you single?” Deanna tossed back over her shoulder, and George hesitated instep.

  “Maybe I should stay for the coffee.” George turned pleading eyes toward the alpha.

  Greg offered the man a slow shake of his head. But, it was the sight of his grin that spread from ear to ear that unnerved George more.

  “I’m married — four, no, five offspring,” George lied.

  “Liar – liar, goner set your pants on fire,” Jessica offered as she strolled back into the room from her bathroom break.

  “Oh, the lies we tell — they always come back to bite us in the — neck,” Deanna grinned at George, and the man groaned.

  “There are times, Jessica…” George started, but the fairy cut him off.

  “When payback is a bitch,” Jessica shrugged as she headed towards the door. In the blink of an eye, she was back to the fairy-self. She buzzed around Deanna’s head like an unwanted fly. ‘Don’t get any ideas, or I’ll zap you again.’ She warned.

  “I never step on another female’s territory. There are enough men in this world to find one of my own,” Deanna announced.

  “What does that mean?” George asked.

  Deanna yanked open the back door and turned curious eyes on George. Then with a shrug of the shoulders, she was gone.

  “What does that mean?” George called after her, but she was nowhere to be seen.




  “I really should be going,” Tonya said as she started toward the front door.

  “In this weather? Baby, it’s cold outside,” Greg offered her a wolfish grin.

  “If you start singing…” She grumbled.

  “I have a great voice, nice and deep. In fact, there are a lot of things that I do really, really well.”

  It wasn’t just the wolfish grin; it wasn’t just the fact that his eyebrows were dancing up and down on his forehead; it was the way that he’d said it — more of a promise of things to come.

  Tonya felt the hard shiver that ran through her body, the good kind. The fact that it was accompanied by a rush of heat, and a lot of excitement, didn’t help, but it didn’t hurt either.

  She didn’t know if he’d meant it to happen, but the images that flashed within her mind, like a slideshow, were very, very naughty, but nice.

  “Bragging…” She muttered.

  “Isn’t it only bragging when it’s not true?”

  “You already kissed me twice without my permission…”

  “I need your permission?” Greg grinned.

  “You…” She stumbled over her words, and in that time; he closed the distance between them.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t notice the space being eaten up by his hard muscled body, or that damn wolfish grin that was coming toward her; it was just that it bewitched her.

  “I’ll take that as a no,” Greg growled long and hard with a hungry sound that rattled through her body and flashed another wave of heat inside of her.

  Tonya felt his arms come around her, and it wasn’t that she was powerless to act — it just felt like her brain turned to mush as that slideshow played over, and over again.

  Then his soft lips met hers, and the slideshow be damned, she was experiencing the real thing, and it was so much better. Every inch of her body sprang to life and begged for more.

  Oh boy, I need willpower.

  Who am I kidding? I don’t even have enough willpower to resist chocolate.

  This is so much better than chocolate.

  But wait… This isn’t just a quick snack and regret over calories. This is my mate.

  This would mean no going back.

  A mate isn’t just for Christmas — it’s for life.

  Where’s his hand going? Okay, down my back — shiver — that felt good too.

  Too much temptation, and not enough willpower.

  Do I need willpower?

  Do I need a mate?

  Do I need to be kissed like I’m chocolate?

  Hell — yes!

  I’m chocolate!

  My mate thinks I’m chocolate!

  Happy dance.



  “Say yes,” Greg growled out the words against her lips.

  He needed to know that his mate was all in and totally onboard with what came next. It was true that he could make love to her, put his claiming mark her into her skin, and that might be enough for his beast, and him, for now.


  But was it? Greg had found his mate — he’d wooed her to the point where they were both fevered with the need for each other — was that really enough for him now?

  “Actions speak louder than words,” Tonya teased back.

  “Normally — maybe. Now — not so much,” Greg said on a small shake of his head.

  He needed to hear the words. He needed to know what she was thinking.

  He needed her.

  “Are you trying to rush me?” Tonya teased once more.

  “Hell, no!” He growled as he snapped his head back and questioned her with a deep growl that pinched his eyebrows together. Even that was bewitching.

  “Well, can I rush you?” Tonya asked, and his eyes narrowed in confusion. “Isn’t there a bedroom around here somewhere?”

  Greg only growled in reply. It was a hungry growl followed by a grunt as he lifted her from the floor and she wrapped her legs around his hips. The hard press of her sex against his cock made him want to rip and tear her clothes off her body.

  But she was his mate, and there were damn fairies around at the windows spying.

  Greg didn’t need to be asked twice by her. He started for the bedroom at warp speed.

  “A man that takes the hint. I like that,” Tonya offered on a chuckle.

  “A woman that doesn’t answer questions, how annoying,” Greg growled back.

  He backheeled the bedroom door closed, and that sound rattled through Tonya’s brain. It sounded so final like the matter was settled between them.

  She didn’t have a problem with that.

  “Ask me again,” Tonya said as her world tipped around her and the soft bed greeted her back.

  Greg’s hard body caged her in. That rush of excitement, expectation, and the heat of need flooded through her once again.

  “Are you mine?” Greg demanded with the kind of hungry growl that sent shivers over her skin.

  “Remind me to ask your mother for the recipe for…” When he grumbled a growl, she couldn’t keep it up any longer. She chuckled. “Yes. Yes, Greg, I’m yours.”

  “Best Christmas present ever…” Greg grinned from ear to ear.

  Then he devoured her with hot kisses that made her toes curl, her heart thump, and the desire for more rush through her.

  More was what she got. Greg didn’t take his time to strip her naked, but he took as much time as they could both handle without going insane to devour her body, inch by inch until he finally settled his shoulders between her inner thighs and devoured her sex with the same hunger.

  Tonya couldn’t have held back that first release if she’d tried. His wicked tongue took her up toward oblivion so damn fast that it made her head spin.

  The moment that she came back to him, he was climbing up and over her body, every muscle on display, every sinew moving beneath his skin, and boy, did he look hot? Positively sizzling.

  Greg’s thick cock hung low away from his flat stomach and pointed to where he needed to be. His beast was grumbling a growl within him, more than eager to claim their mate, bond with her, and he knew that he couldn’t keep the beast caged within him much longer.

  “Mine…” Greg was only saying what his beast was thinking, but the smile that graced her lips stopped him in his tracks.

  “I hope you’re talking about me as a whole person and not just my…�

  “All of you, sweetheart,” Greg growled, putting his heart and soul into it.

  “What are you waiting for, Alpha, come claim your mate.”

  The growl that she got that time sounded so damn hungry that she bit off a chuckle as he scooted up and over her. His big, thick muscled arms caged her in, as he lowered down over her.

  The press of his cock inside of her channel made her hips rise to meet his. She wanted every last inch buried deep within, and she didn’t want to wait.

  Greg dipped his head and brushed his cheek against hers as he took her scent at the source. Tonya turned her head and opened her neck and shoulder for him.


  He ran his tongue down to where he would place his mark and fought the beast within him. His hips moved, his cock devoured her, and there wasn’t a conscious thought about it on his part.

  Tonya tried to keep up with the rhythm that he was setting, but her mind was elsewhere, and she just couldn’t do it. Her body was climbing once more, reaching for the heady heights of another orgasm.

  When he collected her from the bed against his body and locked his arm around her to ensure that she didn’t pull away when he bit into her flesh, she was so damn close that she could taste it.

  Greg grunted with each deep thrust to the hilt. Her inner muscles were clamping down hard on his cock, and he wanted to fight his beast, but the pleasure took his mind elsewhere. His fangs elongated.


  Greg needed to bite, to taste her blood on his tongue and claim her as his mate, and the moment that she was lost to the pounding orgasm that swept through her body like a tsunami, he bit down and claimed her.

  The wolf roared at the meeting of their souls.

  His mate.

  His to protect – forever.

  Greg tasted her blood on his tongue for the last time as he cleaned and sealed her wound. There was a fever within him that wouldn’t be denied.

  He needed to complete the bond, find his own release and put his seed in her womb.

  Greg turned her onto her hands and knees on the bed. He thrust his cock to the hilt and took, even more, pleasure in the guttural sounds that caught in her throat.

  Greg let go of his wild side, and she rode each thrust with him, urging him on, and heading right back up to those heady heights once more.

  Just as her muscles were tightening around his cock, so every muscle clenched hard within him as he took her towards their joint oblivion. His head strained on his neck, and he bit down on the need to let go until she cried out with pleasure once more.

  Her inner muscle clamped and released around his cock, sucking the seed from deep within him, and a howl tore from his throat as he spilled inside of her.

  Over and over, he buried his cock deep and gave her everything he had.

  Greg came back to her on muscles that were tortured trying to keep him upright. His muscles burned and quivered as he used what strength he could muster to take them down to the bed, and he wasn’t about to give up until he had her wrapped in the safety of his protective arms.

  “Mine…always.” He whispered against her hair.

  Best Christmas ever…he growled with a damn happy smile on his lips.



  “He sure can howl,” George said as he sat next to Jessica in the rafters of the overhang to the cabin roof. The two fairies aura’s lit up the dark space.

  “I kind of liked those two,” Jessica said thoughtfully.

  “Can we go home now?” George asked. “You don’t have anywhere else I need to be? No last-minute surprises?”

  “Nope. We can go home,” she assured him.

  “What did the vampire mean when she said…”

  “Let’s go, George,” Jessica rushed out to cut him off. She’d been wondering if he was going to query the vampire’s words at some point.

  “Sounds good. But what did the vampire…?”

  “You never know, you might make it home for the last call at the bar.” She lied. It was way too late for that.

  “You think?” George sounded happy.

  “If not — you can always get them to open for you — you’re the Christmas fairy, you have entitlements,” Jessica said as she flew behind him towards home.

  “Really? I didn’t know that — why did nobody tell me that?”

  “George, you really should read the manual.” Jessica chuckled as she sped up and overtook him.

  “Look, is there really a manual or not?” George called after her, trying to catch up to her, but female faeries were always faster.

  “Come on George. Catch up,” she chuckled as she put on a spurt.

  There was no way that she was letting George catch up to her. It was a matter of pride.

  Just like the way she wasn’t going to allow George to open up the conversation about what that stupid vampire had said.

  That was the last time she was going to stick up for George. She didn’t need the man thinking that she had any interest in him at all.




  “Surprise!” Greg and Tonya announced as Rachel walked in through her front door.

  The matriarch’s eyes widened in surprise, not only for the heart attack inducing scream of her kin, but for the sight of the enormous Christmas tree, and all the decorations around her cabin.

  “We thought you could use a Christmas tree of your very own,” Greg chuckled at the look of horror that had settled on his mother’s face.

  Payback was a bitch.

  “And we made dinner,” Tonya offered with an innocent grin.

  Rachel’s eyes snapped toward her new daughter. Her mouth sagged open for a moment before she caught the fact that she was catching flies and snapped it closed.

  “Dinner?” Rachel swallowed hard.

  “Dinner.” Greg grinned from ear to ear.

  There was one thing about his mother, and that was the fact that she wouldn’t let anyone else cook for her. Until now — now, she didn’t have the choice.

  “That’s…” Rachel didn’t know what to say. A little squeak died in the back of her throat.

  She sniffed the air. From what she could smell the food didn’t appear to be toxic. She guessed that was a plus.

  “We made all your favorite recipes,” Greg offered, knowing the personal torture that his mother would be going through just at the thought that somebody could possibly cook them as well, or better than she could.

  “You did?” Rachel nodded, even though she didn’t know why she was nodding.

  “We did!” Tonya did something of a happy dance that made the matriarch’s head snapped back on her neck.

  “Sounds…yum,” Rachel lied.

  “We thought we’d take care of Christmas dinner to…” Greg started, and a low, deep, angry growl rolled from his mother into the air.

  “There’s no need for that,” Rachel bit out.

  “But — it’s Christmas. You should take the weight off,” Greg chuckled. He couldn’t help himself; his mother’s face was a picture, and he only wished he had a camera.

  “I’ll do that when I’m dead,” Rachel grumbled back.

  “How do you like the tree?” Tonya asked.

  “Outside. Still planted in the ground.”

  “But we're just returning the favor,” Greg grinned.

  “I’ll say this once, and once only,” Rachel pointed a finger at them. “There had better be pups — lots, and lots of pups.”

  “Which is why you should take a weight off — so you can play with all the pups,” Tonya offered back with a small shrug of her shoulders.

  Greg liked the sound of that. So did his beast. The wolf rumbled a growl and Greg allowed it out.

  “That’s soon, right?” Rachel asked as she folded her arms and eyed the pair of them.

  “Practice makes perfect,” Greg chuckled. He reached out and scooped his mate up into his arms.

  “What about dinner?” Tonya chuckl

  “Oh, don’t worry about that. Mick and the boys are always hungry.” Rachel said as Greg headed toward the front door with his mate in his arms.

  “But you’re going to try it, right?” Tonya called over Greg’s shoulder.

  “Of course,” Rachel said as she waved an absent hand toward her new daughter, and offered her a questioning look. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  When the front door slammed shut behind the mates, Rachel turned to look at the Christmas tree and snorted her contempt for it. Then she sniffed the air again and rolled her eyes in her head.

  “Oh, I’m so cooking Christmas dinner.” She grumbled. “And I’m so looking forward to playing with my gran-pups.” She giggled like a schoolgirl.

  Then her eyes narrowed on the Christmas tree, and she grumbled a growl.

  “You come down from there this instant!” She growled. “A male fairy does not belong on the top of my Christmas tree.”

  ‘I was just checking up on the mates.’ George fluttered down from the branch and around Rachel’s head. The matriarch tried to swipe him with her hand, but he was faster.

  “Don’t you have anyone else to bother?” Rachel growled.

  ‘Nope. I’m all yours,’ George teased her as he flew around and around in circles.

  ‘Merry Christmas!’

  The End.




  Copyright © 2017, M L Briers

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced whatsoever without written permission of the author, except for brief exerts in reviews. Any unauthorised reproduction or distribution of the material herein is illegal and may result in criminal proceedings. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to the internet or distributed via electronic or print without prior consent.

  Note from the Author;

  All names, places, and incidents contained herein are purely fictional and have no basis in actual events or linked to actual Humans, Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Lycans, Werebears or persons living, dead or undead.


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