High Stakes Chattel

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High Stakes Chattel Page 14

by Blue, Andie

  Gazing at her reflection in the floor-length mirror, Samantha barely recognized herself. She no longer looked like Sam the stable girl. Instead, she almost looked like someone who might come to this evening’s ball on the arm of Lord Nico Chattel.

  She wore a light blue velvet dress that hugged her curves and exposed a little more of her than she was comfortable with. She’d ordered the dress when she was married to Henry, but he’d died before she had a chance to wear it. After his death, the dress had been one of the few things she didn’t sell. Though it was slightly out of season, it was well made, and Charlotte assured her that it would be perfect.

  Thanks to the accessories Charlotte had loaned her, she felt very well put together. Charlotte’s maid Laura had done an amazing job with her hair, forming it into soft shiny curls clipped up with matching sapphire blue clips.

  Charlotte had lavished her with attention and prepared her thoroughly for this assembly, and Samantha’s confidence rose by the moment. She could do this. After all, she’d pretended to be a man several times now and had managed to pull that off. It would certainly be easier to pretend to be a lady. With one last smile, she turned from the mirror and made her way downstairs.

  Charlotte’s house had been transformed into a wonderland of glittering chandeliers and fragrant flowers. A string quartet had arrived and was tuning up in the corner.

  Samantha stood by Charlotte in the receiving line and greeted the arriving guests. Charlotte introduced Samantha as her dear friend, Henry Blake’s widow, who was reentering society after a long mourning period. The guests were clearly a mixture of ton society as well as neighbors and villagers. No one dared to insult or behave rudely toward Samantha when she was obviously under the countess’ protection. Several times, Samantha reached over and squeezed her new friend’s hand, very aware of how much she owed Charlotte for making this happen. Even after tonight was a distant memory, she knew people would regard her in a better light. After the damage her mother-in-law had done, she would welcome a return to normalcy in everyday interactions with villagers.

  An hour into the party, Samantha felt a prickling on the back of her neck and turned, only to find Nico staring at her across the crowded room. Her heart thrilled to see him, because she’d begun to fear he would not show. He looked devastatingly handsome in black eveningwear with a white silk cravat. His dark hair shone in the candlelight, and his eyes sparkled with mischief. The myriad of emotions he roused inside her left her lightheaded. Her corset was so tight she worried she might faint.

  With a wicked grin, he went to fetch Charlotte, and then the two of them made their way toward her.

  Charlotte looked very formal as she made the introduction. “Lord Chattel, I would like to introduce you to my friend, Mrs. Blake. She is Henry Blake’s widow and is just back into society.”

  Nico executed an elegant bow. “It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Blake.” His dark eyes pierced hers and in them she saw the reflection of every moment they’d spent together. He’d gone to some trouble to arrange this new beginning, and hope swelled within her.

  Nico stared deep into Samantha’s eyes, his heart pounding so loudly he feared she must certainly hear it. She’d taken his breath away when he’d first seen her from across the room, but up close she was even more beautiful. She looked every inch the lady, and though he would always love her best in those trousers of hers, he very much enjoyed seeing her in velvet and lace.

  “I've heard so much about you, Lord Chattel, and have always loved playing your game,” she said breathlessly.

  Instead of politely speaking with her, he wanted to grab her, kiss her, and take her home to his bed. Unfortunately, sometimes the social graces had to be maintained, and he had to keep reminding himself that this was the first step in making sure he eventually had her in his bed not just tonight, but every night for the rest of their lives.

  “Will you save the first waltz for me?” he asked quietly.

  “Yes, that would be lovely.” Her eyes sparkled, and her radiant smile told him she was thoroughly enjoying her masquerade. He gave her a little bow and moved on down the line, forcing himself not to turn back to look at her.

  Samantha also found it hard to keep from staring at Nico, but as other introductions were made, her dance card quickly filled. She liked dancing and the men were friendly and not too boring. She employed the small talk Charlotte had gone over with her, and found herself truly enjoying the evening.

  One man lingered after his dance, standing entirely too close as she sipped her punch and rested. She wasn’t at all surprised when Nico approached and glowered at the man. Though he’d kept his distance, she often sensed him watching her, and she could tell by the look on his face that jealousy had been building within him for some time.

  The man looked flustered in Lord Chattel’s presence, his interest in Sam waning as he saw the opportunity to learn something from the master of Chattel. He complimented Nico and asked fawning questions about the game. Samantha watched, smiling, proud to know someone who everyone was so fascinated by. She loved having the secret knowledge of what the “eccentric” Lord Chattel was truly like.

  Obviously frustrated, Nico turned to Samantha. “I believe the next dance is mine, Mrs. Blake.” Leaving his fan sputtering behind them, Nico took her by the hand and led her to the dance floor.

  He moved smoothly and danced as masterfully as she expected that he would. He looked at her as though she were the only woman in the world. “You look breathtaking, Sam. I want to kiss every inch of you,” he leaned in and whispered.

  “I don't believe that is on the menu tonight,” she said with a smile.

  “We'll see about that,” he whispered confidently.

  “You look very handsome tonight and you dance beautifully,” she flirted, making his eyes light up.

  He held her as closely as was decent during a waltz, not wanting to cause any gossip among the hens in the corner. “How have you been? How is your mother?”

  “I've been taking it one day at a time, but to tell you the truth, it's very hard. Much harder than I thought it would be.” Her mother hadn’t recognized her at all in days, but she didn’t want to talk about that. “I'm happy to be here tonight. I very much needed this break.”

  “I wish I could help you more, Samantha.” His hands tightened on her waist, and she knew he’d pull her completely into his arms if he could.

  “Just being here with you is helping me,” she assured him.

  They danced on, and Samantha felt they were the only two people in the room. She’d never in a million years imagined a moment like this, waltzing in the arms of a handsome lord. She tried to make a mental picture to keep and hold with her.

  “Can you meet me in the library after dinner?” Nico’s voice was low, but his gaze burned into hers.

  She swallowed. “I don't want to do anything that could cause Charlotte embarrassment. She's been so wonderful to me.”

  “We’ll go in at different times. No one will see us together,” Nico assured her.

  “All right,” she agreed, hoping he was right.

  All too soon the dance ended, and they were forced to part ways. Whenever Samantha saw Nico after that she also noticed several of the female guests who eyed him hungrily and moved in closer to speak with him. She wished that seeing that didn’t bother her so much.

  During dinner, Samantha found herself seated in the middle of the table, while Nico sat near the head, right next to Lady Morgan. Samantha watched the other woman smile up at him and repeatedly touch his arm, and she found it hard to concentrate on what her dinner partner was saying, Instead, she found herself imagining Nico making love to Lady Morgan the way he’d made love to her. The mixture of jealousy and sadness threatened to make her ill, but she put on a bright smile and pretended to enjoy the rest of the dinner.

  During dessert, she excused herself, saying she didn't feel well and needed to use the ladies’ room. She almost didn’t go to the library, out of
anger, but decided she wanted to confront him in person. Nearly fifteen excruciating minutes passed with Samantha’s imagination running wild. Finally, Nico slipped inside and locked the door behind him.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” she cried, the moment she saw him. “Don't you know how miserable it makes me to see you with Lady Morgan? Are you trying to torture me?”

  “I'm not with Lady Morgan,” he said, grabbing her arms and pulling her close to him.

  “Stop it,” she cried, struggling in his embrace. “This corset it is too tight, and I'm having trouble catching my breath.” She wasn’t lying. She’d gotten herself so worked up, she really couldn’t breathe.

  He loosened his hold, staring down at her in concern. “It‘s all right. I've got you. Just lean over a bit and take a deep breath.”

  She did as he suggested, breathing deeply until she had her emotions back under control. “You two were made for each other, you know?” she told him bitterly. “You’re both beautiful and witty. You look very good together. Are you going to marry her, Nico?”

  He shook his head in frustration. “Sam, I didn’t ask to sit by her, and I didn’t encourage her in any way. You asked me to stop seeing her, and I did. I don’t have any feelings for her. Besides, how can I marry her when I'm in love with someone else?”

  She froze, staring at him in confusion. “Who are you in love with?”

  He laughed. “You. I love you. Don't you know that by now?”

  “How could I know that when you haven't told me?” Tears started rolling down her face. Now it was really hard to breathe.

  “Samantha, less talking and more breathing please.” He scolded her and held out a handkerchief.

  “You’re not going to blindfold me in the middle of a ball, are you?” She laughed through her tears.

  “No, I want you to see what I have for you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful, antique-looking blue box. She gasped when he got down on one knee and opened it. Her heart quickened as she took in the sight of his serious face and the open box he held. Inside was a beautiful, oval-shaped diamond ring surrounded by several little sapphires.

  “Samantha, I tried not to let you in, but you still got in there. You have stolen my heart and I can’t imagine being without you. I want to share my life with you. Will you marry me?” He gazed up at her, his deep brown eyes filled with vulnerability. She couldn’t believe this was happening.

  “Yes, oh yes,” she cried.

  He stood and pulled her into his arms, raining kisses on her face wildly.

  She broke away slightly, filled with sudden trepidation. “Nico, are you sure this is the best thing for you?”

  He stared deep in her eyes, looking absolutely certain. “I've never been more sure of anything.”

  Then the man she loved, this nobleman who never should have given someone like her a second glance, took her in his arms and kissed her so passionately he wiped all doubts from her mind.

  The weeks between Nico’s proposal and their wedding day flew by. They’d decided that they just wanted a small ceremony at the little church near Nico’s estate, to be followed by a breakfast celebration at his house. Samantha had trouble believing this was really happening. She kept expecting him to call it off or change his mind. Even in her wildest dreams, she’d never thought he would want to marry her.

  Two weeks before the wedding, Charlotte and Jolene took Samantha to be fitted for her wedding gown. After looking at dozens of pattern books, and trying on samples for the girls to comment on, she chose a simple yet elegant cream-colored gown, tight at the waist and billowing out lightly from there. Little fabric buttons ran all the way down the back and the outer layer of fabric had a slight sheen.

  Nico had also ordered her to buy a whole trousseau, because as much as he liked her trousers, they were hardly the wardrobe for a Baroness, and most of her other clothes had been dyed during her mourning period.

  After they left the dress shop, Charlotte steered the women away from the coach to another shop down the street. “I have a surprise,” she said mysteriously.

  Samantha smiled, trusting her new friend completely. “Madame LeRoux’s,” she said, reading the sign above the door as they entered. “Whatever shall we find here?”

  “Lingerie.” Charlotte winked at Jolene over Samantha’s head. “Madame LaRoux is French, and she makes the most exquisite lingerie this side of the Channel. Now that you have such a gorgeous dress, you must have lingerie to match. It will make you feel twice as beautiful, I promise.”

  Madame LeRoux greeted them enthusiastically, and they told her about the special occasion ahead. The women chatted for quite some time as Madame LeRoux showed them around and displayed some of her most beautiful creations. She managed to ascertain that this was Samantha’s second marriage, and the conversation grew more relaxed as she realized she wasn’t dealing with a shrinking virgin.

  “Is your future husband vanilla or more wild cherry?” Madame LeRoux asked with a wink.

  Samantha laughed, loving Madame LeRoux already. “He is definitely in the wild cherry category.”

  “Wonderful!” Madame LeRoux clapped her hands together in obvious delight. “I have some beautiful items in the back to show you. Let us find you something that will take his breath away.”

  Charlotte elbowed her with a knowing smile as they followed the other woman to the back of her shop where the satin and lace creations were breathtakingly revealing. Samantha blushed just looking at them. However, the thought of how Nico would respond to seeing her in such a thing gave her the courage to buy two, one in white and one in emerald green.

  Charlotte bought one for herself in red and gave a conspiratorial look at Samantha. “I must be diligent in working for that baby, you know.”

  “Bellamy will never know what hit him,” she giggled.

  They tried to convince Jolene to get one but she refused. “It will be moth-eaten and dusty by the time I have a chance to wear it,” she joked, buying some beautiful stockings instead. Parcels in hand, the friends made their way back home.

  Samantha needed to talk to Mrs. Lotte about what would be served at the wedding breakfast. Thank goodness Charlotte had given her a lot of advice about what people would expect. Samantha decided on salmon, ham, eggs with hollandaise sauce, fresh garden vegetables, and crispy potato cakes with caviar. They would also have two different layers of cake, one raspberry and one lemon with whipped cream frosting. Plus, loads of champagne. It all sounded delicious.

  Though it seemed overwhelming, Samantha went about her duties with a light heart. She hadn’t been able to see much of Nico since their engagement because they were engrossed in the event preparation. He was also making arrangements to move her mother to Nico’s house and sell the farm.


  As the morning of her wedding dawned, Samantha went over to Charlotte's house to get dressed and have her hair done. Charlotte greeted her, nearly as excited about the big day as Samantha was.

  “Nico sent a package over for you this morning,” Charlotte said as they went into the dressing room. “I put it on the table.”

  Samantha opened up the long velvet box and found a beautiful pearl choker necklace with a pear-shaped sapphire at the base, surrounded by diamonds.

  A note inside the box said:

  Samantha, my love,

  I cannot wait to wake up with you in the morning, to see your face over dinner every evening, to ride and talk and have adventures with you… for the rest of our lives. Thank you for saying yes.

  All my heart, Nico.

  P.S. I also can't wait to see you wearing only this necklace.

  His beautiful words brought tears to her eyes. She loved him so much, and it seemed like it had been forever since he’d held her in his arms. She wanted to be with him as badly as he wanted her.

  With a sniff, she went to go show Charlotte, who oohed and aahed over it quite satisfactorily before helping Samantha into her dress. Feeling like an oversized doll
, Samantha sat down at the vanity to have her hair done by Charlotte’s ladies’ maid as Charlotte went to get her own dress on.

  Jolene and some of her students had offered to decorate the church, but as soon as she finished, she joined Samantha at Charlotte’s house. When she entered the dressing room, she stopped and took in Samantha with tears in her eyes. “Oh, Sam! You look stunning.”

  “Jolene, don't make me cry again,” Samantha ordered, thrilled to have her oldest friend here with her and touched by her words.

  “I'm so glad you got another chance, a real chance at love. I was sad for you when you married Henry. He never looked at you the way Nico does. And now maybe you'll also have a chance at having children,” Jolene said, coming forward to clasp Samantha’s hands.

  “Thank you, dear friend. And thank you for everything you’ve done to help today. Your friendship is so important to me.” She leaned forward to embrace Jolene, careful not to muss her elaborate hairstyle. “Jolene, what about you? We have to start working on your love life right away.”

  Jolene gave her a wistful look. “I'm really quite happy teaching school. Although I suppose if you were to drag a gorgeous man in front of me I might give him a look.”

  They laughed, and Sam sent up a little prayer that her friend would someday find the kind of love she’d found in Nico. She would, if Samantha had anything to do with it.

  “And how are Mrs. Potter and your mother taking the upcoming move to Nico's house?” Jolene asked.

  “Mrs. Potter is excited and my mother… I'm not sure. I saw a bit of a spark in her when I told her about the wedding. She started talking about champagne and how wonderful the bubbles are. So we will definitely have champagne at the wedding! And lots of cake.”

  Jolene helped her put on the necklace Nico gave her. Samantha gazed at her reflection in the mirror, stunned and pleased by what she saw. The sapphire sparkled against her skin. She looked and felt like a queen.

  “No more gawking in the glass, we have a wedding to go to,” Charlotte exclaimed as she came in the room holding an armful of shawls and reticules.


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