Omega's Need (The Alpha's New Omega - Mpreg Book 2)

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Omega's Need (The Alpha's New Omega - Mpreg Book 2) Page 1

by Adams, Rory

  Omega’s Need

  The Alpha’s New Omega #2

  Rory Adams

  Copyright © 2015 RORY ADAMS

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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  This is the Book 2 of 2. For book 1, visit this link:

  Chapter 1

  Cameron awoke to the feeling of a warm, muscular chest pressed against the sensitive skin of his back. He smiled, still somewhat enmeshed in the haze of sleep, and shivered with contentment. After taking a few moments to soak in the warmth of Jackson’s protective embrace, Cameron stretched.

  He felt the powerful alpha stir slightly and nuzzle into the soft hair on the back of Cameron’s head. He felt the alpha sniff, taking in his light omega scent. Strong arms squeezed him tighter, almost painfully, and Cameron felt a surge of joy that Jackson wanted to pull him close even when he wasn’t fully conscious.

  Eventually Cameron shimmied out of Jackson’s arms, needing to get started with his duties for the day. He pulled on yesterday’s pants, which were pooled in the corner of the room near Jackson’s own pants. It wasn’t lost on Cameron how much larger Jackson’s pants were than his. Cameron found his shirt snagged on the corner of Jackson’s dresser.

  Blood rushed to his face at the memory of how their coverings had ended up so haphazardly strewn around the alpha’s bedroom. Lately Jackson hadn’t been able to keep his hands off his new submissive. Cameron hardly got any work done when the older alpha was home from his business trips.

  Cameron slipped out the door, careful to close it without making a sound. He knew how finely tuned Jackson’s animalistic senses were. As Cameron walked down the stairs he pressed his nose into the wrinkled fabric of his shirt, breathing in his alpha’s heady pheromones.

  Lately, Jackson’s scent suffused every item of Cameron’s clothing, and he absolutely loved it. Cameron hardly even slept in his own bed anymore. Even when Jackson was away he still slept in the master bedroom, wrapped up in sheets that drowned him in the alpha’s heavy musk. It made him feel claimed, like Jackson had marked him as his own.

  Downstairs Cameron made his way to the kitchen. It was early, the sun was just beginning to push away the gray twilight of morning in favor of soft pinks and tangerines, so the kitchen staff hadn’t yet come in. Cameron was glad of this; he wanted to cook for Jackson himself. With Cameron’s mother working to support them so much of the time he had learned how to do most of the cooking around the house alone. Though it had started as a chore he had soon found that he enjoyed the soothing rhythm of preparing food.

  Today Cameron hummed, pleasantly, as he cracked eggs, fried bacon, and flipped pancakes in the massive, well furnished kitchen. One of the kitchen girls came in as he was finishing up and offered to help, but the omega refused, blushing without words.

  He heaped a plate with omelets, crispy bacon, and a stack of pancakes just the way he knew Jackson liked it. Cameron transferred the plate to a tray and carefully carried it upstairs to the master bedroom.

  Upstairs Jackson was just stirring into wakefulness. He sat up in bed and was feeling around in the sheets for Cameron, bleary eyes looking confused and somewhat grumpy.

  “I’m right here,” Cameron said, softly, and somewhat sheepish that he’d left his alpha alone in bed without telling him. “I… I made you breakfast.”

  Warmth swelled in Cameron’s cheeks as Jackson smiled at him.

  “Come here,” the alpha commanded his omega, gently, in his rough, husky morning voice. The sound vibrated through Cameron’s bones, filling him up with heat and light. Cameron obediently walked towards the bed with his head down, but attempting to glance up at the handsome, awakening alpha. He stood beside where Jackson was lying, still gloriously naked, and placed the tray of food in front of him.

  “Thank you,” Jackson rumbled, his tone deep and genuine. He eyed the rumpled clothes that Cameron was wearing. “Though I’m not sure I can thank you for putting your clothes back on.”

  Cameron smirked at the joke. His eyes raked over Jackson’s bulky, muscular torso, thrilling at the cords of muscle that flexed under his skin when he moved. Something stirred in the young omega’s groin area, tightening, and wetting itself.

  “Come lay with me while I eat,” Jackson said, patting the bed beside him. “Have you had anything yourself?”

  Cameron shook his head and Jackson frowned as though personally offended. He cut into the omelet, but instead of directing the morsel into his own mouth the alpha lifted a forkful towards Cameron. Cameron opened his mouth obediently and let Jackson feed him the eggs. It tasted rich and cheesy with the perfect amount of salt. Cameron wanted to try some of the eggs, but was too afraid that it could upset his alpha.

  Jackson set into the food himself then, occasionally stopping to feed the submissive male some of his breakfast. Cameron got immense satisfaction out of watching Jackson enjoy something that he had made himself. After all the alpha had done for him it made him feel as though he was able to care for him in return in some small way.

  “This isn’t what the kitchen staff usually prepares for me,” Jackson noted as he was finishing up the last of the pancakes. Cameron was somewhat in awe of what an immense amount of food the alpha could put away in one sitting.

  “I made it myself,” Cameron admitted, lowering his eyes submissively. “Do you like it?”

  When Jackson was silent Cameron looked up to see Jackson staring at him with a queer look in his eyes, something between disbelief and awe.

  “I love it,” Jackson enthused. “Thank you for cooking for me.” He looked down, as though considering whether to say something more or not. “But, Cameron, you know you don’t have to do that for me.”

  “I know.” Cameron fiddled with the corner of Jackson’s scarlet duvet. “I wanted to.”

  A huge grin stretched over Jackson’s face. He leaned over and pressed a gentle, searing kiss to Cameron’s neck. Cameron shuddered with arousal, feeling himself go stiff. Jackson’s intoxicating smell was in his nose and muddling his brain to the point where he couldn’t have resisted even if he wanted to.

  Jackson reached his meaty hand down, beneath the waistband of Cameron’s pants, and clasped the young omega’s member in his palm. Cameron gasped. Though the alpha had fucked him many times since that first day Jackson had never touched him in this way before.

  Cameron quivered at the rough, warm feel of Jackson’s massive hand around his manhood. He felt incredibly vulnerable knowing that the alpha could crush him if he wanted to.

  But, of course, Jackson didn’t hurt him. Instead he began to squeeze and stroke with surprising tenderness. Cameron shivered and moaned. His hips began to buck of their own accord, totally out of control. High-pitched whimpers rose from his throat at Jackson’s ministrations. He could feel heat building inside his abdomen, like magma swelling and surging inside a volcano.

  Any moment now he could explode.

  Just when an eruption seemed imminent Jackson began to slow down his pace. He took two of his thick fingers, placing them just outside the omega’s warm hole.

  The alpha spat onto his hand, rubbing his fingers in the stringy saliva. The omega shuddered underneath his alpha with his nipples becoming firm with anticipation.

  Jackson glared at his sm
all omega, his knot swelling with excitement as the boy shook in pleasure. The alpha pressed his fingers, expanding the boy’s taut opening.

  “Who am I?” Jackson growled low in Cameron’s ear.

  “You’re my alpha,” Cameron mewled, throwing his head back at the overwhelming pleasure. The alpha pressed harder, as if to instruct the omega to tell him more. “You’re the alpha of all alphas.”

  “And what are you?” Jackson growls, his fingers now breaching the boy’s soft hole.

  “Submissive,” Cameron exclaimed. He knotted his hands in the duvet, panting. “I’m yours… forever.”

  “Mmmm… that’s right,” Jackson growled. His hot breath wafted over Cameron’s sensitive neck, raising shivers and goose bumps in its wake. “Tell me you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours,” Cameron whined, feeling himself begin to come undone. The alpha shoved his wet fingers into the omega’s boy hole, sweeping over his tender prostrate with a firm press. Cameron thrashed in the bed sheets. “I’m yours, alpha…”

  With an animalistic howl Cameron’s orgasm crashed over him like an avalanche. He wailed, biting desperately at the pillows, as his body quivered with release. All the while Jackson’s warm hand stayed firm around his throbbing member, while jacking the boy’s hole with this thick fingers. Cameron riled over his fingers, even as he ejaculated, wildly.

  When Cameron’s pleasure was spent he collapsed into the pillows, shaking and sweaty. His breaths came in deep heaves, like he’d just run a marathon. Jackson grinned down at the submissive male, wiping his damp, sticky hand on the duvet.

  “You are mine,” he rumbled in Cameron’s ear. “Don’t you forget it.” Cameron grinned, relishing the sunny afterglow left in the wake of Jackson’s skilled touching. Little twitches still ran through his limp, rubbery body every so often.

  “Roll over for me,” Jackson growled. Though he was exhausted and somewhat woozy from the intense lovemaking Cameron obeyed. He turned onto his knees, spreading his legs wide to expose his tender hole to the alpha.

  Jackson quickly stripped away Cameron’s pants, leaving them bawled up around his ankles. Soon Cameron could feel Jackson’s thick, hard cock rubbing against the globes of his ass. He shivered, somehow managing to become aroused despite the shattering orgasm he’d experienced only a few minutes ago.

  Jackson’s wide hands massaged Cameron’s ass as his member began to probe at the omega’s hole. Cameron gasped, clenching and unclenching in anticipation of being penetrated.

  “I’m going to take you slowly,” Jackson snarled low in his ear. Cameron could feel Jackson’s chest pressing against his back, could feel the rumbling of his deep, feral voice. He shivered. “And you are going to submit to me completely.”

  “Yes,” Cameron whimpered. “Yes.” He spread his legs even wider, begging for the alpha to sink deep inside him.

  Cameron gave a high pitch cry when the head of Jackson’s enormous member slipped inside him. He could feel his tender flesh spreading open, pleasurable and slightly painful at the same time. The raw sensation increased throughout his entire body, making him thrill with deep, carnal emotion.

  Slowly Jackson pressed deeper into Cameron’s ass. Cameron groaned, falling forward onto the bed. He savored the wild, delicious sensation of friction between the walls of his hole and Jackson’s throbbing erection.

  As Jackson pushed even further Cameron could feel his entire body begin to tighten up with the intensity of this feeling. Jackson was going deeper then he ever had before and Cameron felt like he was choking. Choking on Jackson’s heady, musky, masculine scent… choking on the all consuming submission and devotion he felt towards his alpha… and choking on the feeling of Jackson’s thick knot swelling inside his hungry hole. His insides twitched and clenched as though they couldn’t decide how to react to the overwhelming stimuli.

  Now Jackson’s shaft was buried completely inside Cameron. The omega gasped and convulsed, chest heaving. Then, without warning, the alpha began to pump his member in and out of Cameron’s ass. Cameron slumped even further forward, sobbing with pleasure.

  Jackson slammed in and out of him, incredibly deep and unbelievably fast. Cameron’s eyes rolled back in his head. His entire body quivered. His reddening anus squeezed around Jackson’s thick, hard cock.

  As Jackson began to grunt and shudder, his orgasm mounting, Cameron found the words ‘I love you’ beginning to surface in his mind. They swelled in his throat, begging to be let out into the world. In his feverish, pheromone-drowned state of mind Cameron didn’t trust himself to keep those dangerous words locked inside. So, instead of telling Jackson how he was beginning to feel about him, Cameron screamed over his dominator.

  “Alpah!” he cried out, voice rough and high-pitched. “Alpha! Alpha!”

  As if that was what had finally set him off Jackson roared and came undone inside of his submissive. Cameron felt a surge of warm, viscous fluid fill his ass. Jackson pressed Cameron down into the mattress, his muscular, heated chest twitching against the sensitive skin of Cameron’s back. Cameron shuddered too, absolutely loving the feeling of his alpha coming inside him.

  Soon Jackson’s tremors began to cease and he lifted his crushing weight up off of Cameron’s back. Cameron moaned as Jackson pulled his member out of his tender, tingling hole.

  “Miss me?” Jackson chuckled, voice throaty and breathless. He raked his teeth along the boy’s neck, marking him with a sharp, quick bite.

  Cameron nodded. His cheeks heated up with a blush.

  “I love the feeling of having you inside me,” he admitted softly. In response Jackson wrapped his strong, caring arms around Cameron from behind, holding him against his massive, still-heaving chest. As Cameron shifted he could feel some of Jackson’s fluids trickling out of his ass.

  He turned his head into Jackson’s chest and nuzzled into the warm, soft skin. A smile rose to his lips. He felt so safe in Jackson’s arms. Everything that had happened since Jackson came into his life felt like a wonderful dream.

  Chapter 2

  A few days later Cameron found himself out on the grounds fixing a fence. Though Jackson had insisted that Cameron no longer needed to work for him, Cameron found that he enjoyed having something to do with his time. Jackson was very often busy with business and Cameron felt useless sitting around doing nothing while his alpha was locked way in his lavish office. He’d spent the first few weeks exploring all the mansion’s nooks and crannies and reading in the enormous library, but eventually boredom set in.

  Today Jackson had a major conference call that was supposed to last for most of the afternoon. It was a nice day out, buttery sunshine pouring over the grounds, and Cameron was happy to get outdoors and do something with his hands. He was just beginning to dig a hole for a new fence post, slamming the post-holer into the ground with all his might, when an unfamiliar car began winding up the long, gravel driveway.

  Cameron stopped to watch, wiping the sweat out of his eyes. The hard work had him sweating to a broil, so he’d taken his shirt off to help cool down a little easier. Now, as the car pulled to a stop beside where he was working, Cameron wished he hadn’t taken his clothing off.

  He felt exposed in the outside, all alone.

  The car, a black, aggressive-looking Mercedes, snarled as it idled on the driveway. One of the tinted black windows rolled smoothly down, revealing a tall, angular man with spiky black hair and sharp, green eyes. He grinned at Cameron, gaze glowing with what looked a lot like hunger. Cameron curled in on himself unconsciously as the stranger’s eyes raked up and down his bare torso.

  “H….Hello?” Cameron called timidly. “What was that?” the dark-haired stranger called, his voice strong and hard. Cameron cleared his throat and tried again. “Hi…”

  “Hello, there, boy,” the stranger replied, grinning that predatory grin again. His voice reminded Cameron of oozing, unctuous molasses. “Does Jackson live here?”

  For a moment Cameron debated whether or not he should tell
the man. A small amount of protective bravery flickered in the pit of his stomach. What if this man meant Jackson harm? Cameron was utterly devoted to his alpha and wanted to protect him, no matter how hopeless such an effort might be.

  On the other hand the male in this car was larger and older than Cameron. His scent, oily and dark, made it clear that he was an alpha. Cameron still remembered being badly beaten by his mother’s alpha boyfriend and was not eager to get into an altercation with another alpha male, especially one who looked like he could easily snap the omega’s neck.

  “Yes,” Cameron answered eventually, feeling slight guilty even as he did so. “Why?”

  “I’m an old friend.” The alpha leaned towards the open window. “Is Jackson in at the moment?”

  “Yes,” Cameron replied. “But I think he’s in a business meeting right now.”

  The dark-haired alpha waved his hand dismissively.


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