The Erotic Bestiary

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The Erotic Bestiary Page 24

by Klara Raškaj

  Maya removed the pillow from her face and tried to do a sit-up to get a closer look. "What are you--?" But the moment he grazed her clitoris with his long, fat tongue, she gasped as her entire body trembled and sparks flew through her.

  "That's a good girl." He chuckled and closed his eyes, continuing to slowly drag his tongue between her lips and over her slit and pearl.

  Maya fell back onto the bed and moaned. Though the pain still lingered, she couldn't ignore how good his tongue felt on her wet skin.

  He wriggled the tip of his tongue inside her slit to tease her, then slid it upward against her clitoris while pressing down on it.

  Maya arched her back as a loud moan escaped her lips. Soon enough, she felt a strange fullness spreading her from the inside, almost reminding her of his delicious, thick cock. The sensation itself was so intoxicating that it made her pussy convulse and tighten around the egg inside, pushing it out. "I-it's coming," she said. "I--I think it's coming."

  "Come to daddy," he cooed as he massaged her clitoris with his finger, pulling over a blanket with his free hand and placing it in front of her crotch.

  With a loud moan, Maya spread her legs farther and gripped the pillows beside her as a large, white egg with pale-orange spots slid out of her and onto the blanket, oozing with translucent mucus all around the shell.

  "Aw... It looks just like me," he commented with a heartwarming smile as he put the blanket with the egg at the foot of the bed.

  "Oh, no!" Maya yelped, shaking her head. "No! It's coming back!" The pain in her abdomen was returning and growing more intense by the second.

  Nikita returned and lay down in front of her crotch again. "Shh... Just relax..." he said as he continued to stimulate her clitoris with his finger. "You're doing great." Then, he enveloped it with his maw and began to gently suck on it.

  Maya gasped with pleasure rushing through her like a strike of thunder, forcing another loud moan out of her. "Yes... Yes! Don't stop!"

  He purred into her, suckling and licking like it like melting ice-cream.

  She was stretched out from the inside again as another egg moved out of her uterus and into the canal. A smile curled up onto her lips as she panted. The pain faltered, leaving only the sweet sensation of fullness and the tingling from her clit to force her muscles into a state of total relaxation. Her pussy tensed up from pleasure. "I wish it could just stay in there a bit longer."

  Nikita lifted his head up for a moment. "Oh, you'd probably die if that happened," he said with a smile. "It's not as common because eggs aren't as big as human infants, but egg-binding can still--"

  Maya just leaned back and pushed his face back into her crotch.

  After having finished his sentence through muffled speech, he continued to eat her out relentlessly.

  As Maya moaned, the second egg came out of her, and Hungry placed it onto the blanket on the floor beside the first one and hurried back to suck on and lick her aching clit.

  The contractions were coming back, leaving her groaning in discomfort. "Ugh... Not again..." The pain was much more intense this time. She gritted her teeth and tried her best to suffer through it.

  But this time, the contractions seem to have lasted much shorter than before as well.

  She opened her eyes wide as her heart beat faster and her breath quickened. "Nikita?"

  He lifted his head up again with his long tongue still lingering on her clitoris. "Hm?"

  Her moans were getting louder and louder. The third egg was bigger than the first two, stretching her out to her very limits as pleasure coursed through her like sparks. She lay back as her pussy contracted and numbness overcame her limbs. "I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." She panted like a dog until finally, she let out the loudest moan and arched her back as her body shuddered from the orgasm, squirting translucent liquid onto Nikita's face and chest as he sat up.

  Finally, the egg slid out of her.

  "Ooo--it's so warm," he cooed while rubbing the liquid over his chest with fascination. He then put the egg away with the rest. "I think these are twins!"

  Maya chuckled as she continued to take deep breaths. There were no more hard contractions after that, thankfully. She could finally get some rest.

  Nikita picked up all of the eggs with the blanket and brought them over to Maya. "Awesome! Now that the hardest part's over with, we gotta crack 'em open!"

  She raised an eyebrow. "Wait. What?"

  He took one of the eggs and head-butted it.

  The cracking of the shell rung through Maya's ears. She cocked her head back and stared at him in horror as he spread the shell open.

  A small, plump infant with white skin and orange stripes plopped onto the sheets, wriggling around and growling with its eyes closed.

  She quickly scooped up the baby into her arms. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" she shouted. "You could have broken its neck!"

  "Relax," he assured her with a smirk. "This is how we've always done it, and we turned out just fine."

  "Yeah, you keep telling yourself that," she said, glaring at him.

  Nikita head-butted the second egg and spread it open while it was still lying on the bed, revealing another little growling, wriggling baby. Then, he cracked open the last one that seemed to have carried twins inside.

  While all four babies looked almost identical to him, three out of the four of them had more stripes around their bodies than him.

  Maya sighed and smiled as she lay eyes on them and scooped them all up into her arms. It was as if in an instant, all the fears and pain that lingered just melted away. "They're beautiful," she said.

  But when she turned to Nikita, he was just glaring at the babies in silence, his chest heaving.

  She leaned over to him and pushed the babies into his arms.

  He gazed at her in shock. "W-what? No! I don't want them!" he protested.

  The babies started patting their little hands against his chest and pressing their faces against it, suckling.

  Maya smiled. "Aw... They like you."

  "They don't give two shits about me," he argued. "They want your milk."

  "They can wait a little longer," she said and gave him a seductive smirk. "You've been so patient... You deserve to go first."

  His cheeks blushed and his eyes darted left and right in confusion. He coughed and placed the babies back onto her. "You know what, I think maybe they should eat first. I can do it whenever."

  "But they're gonna hog all the attention." She chuckled. "I wouldn't want you to be left out."

  He rolled his eyes. "Okay, I get it." He sighed and lay beside her.

  She moved her bikini top off her breasts and placed her hand around his head, stroking it as two of the babies latched onto her nipples and started sucking.

  Nikita smirked and picked up the other into his arms. "Okay--two at a time, guys. Mommy's only got so many tits."

  "Admit it," she said, "you like it."


  "Helping people."

  He scoffed in order to try and contain his laughter. "So what?"

  "Nothing. I just wanted you to realize that. Maybe it'll help you figure out what you'd like to do once we get off this ship," she explained.

  He chuckled and gave her an impish grin. "You really think I'm going to change my plans because of this?"

  "Yes," she replied.

  He titled his head to the side as his smirk widened and he raised an eyebrow.

  "Because I'd like to ask you to help me raise our babies."



  THE CONVENTION WAS bustling with humanoids of different races from all over the galaxy, selling and trading their exclusive wares, hoping to either sell them for the highest price or buy them at the cheapest. The lights from above were gleaming to provide the best visibility and to encourage fast movement and spending while there were stands with refreshments around every corner. They were making sure no one had any reason to leave until the end of the convention, or rather unti
l they've spent all their monetary units.

  Maya wore large metal boots and a tight, metallic unitard with five different bags strapped around her waist, back, and thighs. She tied her long, dark-brown hair into a ponytail and looked down at two identical-looking boys dressed almost exactly like her with white skin, orange stripes, reddish-brown irises, and shoulder-length, straight ginger hair with bangs that dangled over their unimpressed eyes.

  "This is bullshit," said one.

  Maya smacked him one on the back of the head. "What did I say about fucking swearing?"

  He rubbed the sore spot. "Ouch!"

  "Why do we have to go here every month?" asked the other. "You never let us buy anything we want."

  "Because you can't haggle for shit," she told them. "We've been over this. You need to get me all the things off the list, then if you manage to buy them for less than the asking price, you can keep the change."

  "That's extortion," argued the first twin as he glared up at her from the corner of his eye, crossing his arms.

  "That's survival of the fittest," Maya corrected him, smirking as she placed her hand on her hip.

  "This sucks," groaned the other. "I wish we were with Dad. At least he'd let us buy dessert at the end of the day."

  "Well, maybe if you'd learn how to haggle better like your sisters, you could do the rounds with him instead," she argued. "But until you do, you're gonna be stuck with me. Deal with it."

  "Sometimes I wish I was never born," said the first.

  Maya grabbed both their hands and started walking. "Yeah, well, sometimes I wish your dad never knocked me up so I'd have more cash left at the end of the month."

  "Ew! Gross!" shouted the second twin. "You and Dad still do it? That's so sick!"

  She laughed. "Why do you think I make you all wax the hull every other day?"

  A young girl with white skin, orange stripes, and a ginger mohawk was running towards Maya and the boys through the crowd, carrying a large firearm that she could barely carry. "Mom! Mom!" she called out then stopped in front of them, panting. "Check it out! I got the AR 66K for thirty percent off!"

  "That's great, sweetie!" Maya exclaimed and rubbed her head. "Good work!"

  Nikita walked over to them with another little girl with long ginger hair beside him. "You should have seen her! The guy didn't even last a minute! Go on, show her, honey."

  The alien girl with the mohawk tilted her head down and pouted her trembling lips as she looked up at Maya with her big, glassy eyes. "I'm sorry to bother you, sir... I-it's just that...everyone always makes fun of me 'cause I'm a girl and say they're never gonna let me work in the military if I don't learn how to shoot with anything over ten kilos."

  Nikita took out a cookie from one of the bags strapped to his full-body suit and tossed it in the air above her. "That's my girl."

  She opened her mouth and chomped it down like a dog.

  "Kiss-ass," growled one of the twins.

  The girl spoke while she chewed. "You're just jealous 'cause I had enough left for a new controller last time."

  "Amber, sweetie, why are you so quiet?" Maya asked the other girl. "You didn't find anything on the list yet?"

  "No," she replied, averting her skittish gaze. "It's just... Some guy came up to me and asked me if I knew Dad..."

  Maya squinted her eyes in confusion. "Huh? What guy?"

  "Nikita?" a familiar voice sounded from behind her.

  Nikita tiled his head to the side. "David?"

  The white-skinned man with a ginger pompadour wearing a lab coat approached them. "It's... It's been a while," he said with a nervous smile.

  "Hey..." Maya greeted him awkwardly. "Didn't...think we'd run into you here."

  "" he mumbled. "I heard you're working in medical research now. That's very admirable of you."

  Nikita shrugged. "Yeah...well... I figured you guys might need some help. You were kinda slow without me."

  David chuckled and looked away for a moment. "I'm...glad to see you and Maya are well... And your..."

  "Oh! These are the kids!" Nikita announced. "This is Amber, that's Damla, and the boys are Loki and Ryder."

  David squat down and shook hands with the kids. "I guess you were too little to remember me when I first saw you. I'm your father's first cousin. I'm...not sure how much your parents have told you about me."

  "Let's just say that I never would have met your dad if it weren't for David and my shitty old ship," Maya told the kids with a smirk.

  "Hey, we were just gonna grab some lunch just now," said Nikita. "You wanna join?"

  David shook his hands. "O-oh, I--I couldn't possibly--"

  Maya put her arm around him. "Come on, Davy. You were the first one who wanted to see how our kids would turn out, right?"

  David closed his eyes and smiled from embarrassment.

  "I'm gonna sit at the head!" shouted Damla as she dashed off.

  "Hey! You said it was gonna be my turn next!" said Amber as she ran after her.

  The twins followed soon after.

  "No fair! Dad already said we could get the head!" shouted one.

  Maya ran after them. "Hey! Hey! What did I say about running with guns?"

  " a beautiful family," David commented.

  "Thanks," said Nikita. "Wouldn't give them up for the world. Well...not anymore." He chuckled.

  "I'm glad you're happy," David added. "After everything I've done to you and Maya... I...just wanted to say that--"

  "D..." Nikita smirked and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Are we really gonna let them take all the best seats?"

  David smiled back. "No...I guess not."

  "Good," said Nikita as they followed the rest of the family behind, "because Amber's left-handed, and I don't wanna have to bump elbows with her twice in a row."

  David laughed and patted his back.

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  About the Author

  Klara Raškaj is an author of magical, eerie, and eldritch steamy monster romance. A sizzling-hot otherworldly creature, a dash of bone-chilling horror, and a pinch of mystery is her not-so-secret recipe for a delectable literary treat. Her lifelong love for writing sexual tension between characters is second only to her obsession with hazelnut milk and artisan soap.




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