Tracking Trisha (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 3)

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Tracking Trisha (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 3) Page 9

by S. E. Smith

  "Kelan." An amused feminine voice said from behind him.

  Kelan leaned his head against Trisha's shoulder with a shuddering sigh. The Gods and Goddesses were against him. That was all there was to it. He was never going to get a chance to claim him mate. He thought despondently. He must have done something really, really horrenous to deserve to be kept in such constant agony. His dragon groaned in agreement. It knew better than to argue with the female trying to get their attention.

  "Who is that?" Trisha whispered looking wide-eyed at the beautiful woman standing behind Kelan with an amused expression on her face.

  "My mother." Kelan whispered back with a groan.

  Trisha turned a bright red and slowly released her legs from around Kelan's waist. Once she was standing on her own two feet again, she resisted the tempation to bury her face in Kelan's chest in embrassment. This was not the way she would have liked to have met his mother. Kelan’s mom probably thought she was a harlot for making out with her son in the middle of the corridor in broad daylight. This was definitely a new experience for Trisha. Her only other experience in dealing with mothers came from Ariel and Carmen's mom and her former mother-in-law.

  “Hello, Dola.” Kelan said with resignation. He could feel his dragon curling up in a pout. His mother was going to really enjoy this. It must be pay back for all the mischief he and his brothers did when he was younger, he thought with regret.

  Trisha’s fears of meeting Kelan’s mom, Morian, were quickly alleviated. Instead of being upset at finding one of her sons in a compromising position in a public place, she turned out to be delighted. That was more than Trisha could say for Kelan. He growled, moaned, and groaned to no avail. Morian would not be turned away from meeting Trisha. She accompanied them to Kelan’s living quarters where Trisha was informed she would be staying in no uncertain terms, and if Trisha was right, a veiled promise to finish what had been started in the corridor.

  Kelan finally excused himself to deal with some urgent business but not before sending his mother a furious glare. Morian simply ignored her son and waved him away with a mischievous smile. Trisha decided right then and there she loved the woman.

  “There is a dinner tonight to welcome you and the other women to our world. I can’t begin to express my joy at finding that not just one of my sons has been gifted with a true mate but three! For them to find them from another species brings promise to our world.” Morian was saying as she poured a hot beverage that smelled a lot like a type of tea. Handing one to Trisha, she leaned back against the cushions of the couch with a contented smile. “Hopefully, I will be gifted with children of my children soon.” She added with a sparkle to her eye.

  Trisha blushed and took a sip of the drink. It tasted like a mint flavored tea. She hoped it help calm her stomach the way mint tea back home used too. Thinking about home brought sudden tears to Trisha’s eyes. She needed to get home; the sooner, the better. Her dad must be devastated by her disappearance. Maybe Kelan’s mom could help her.

  “I have to return home to my planet as soon as possible. It is imperative that I return.” Trisha said fiercely.

  Morian’s hand paused in the act of raising the delicate cup to her lips. She frowned as she looked into Trisha’s eyes and lowered her cup back to her lap. “Did you not want to come with my son?” She asked softly.

  “I…We…” Trisha tried to answer her question without upsetting Morian. “It’s complicated. Our friend, Abby, had been kidnapped by a really bad man. We were chasing after them to rescue her. We didn’t know there were any such things as aliens or dragons or whatever they are called. We just wanted to save our friend.” Trisha explained disjointedly.

  Morian gazed into Trisha’s eyes, like she was trying to see deep into her soul. “Why is it so important for you to return?” She asked carefully.

  Trisha’s eyes filled with tears and pain as she thought of what her dad must be going through. Disjointedly at first, Trisha explained what she had tried to explain to Kelan earlier in the corridor about her dad and why it was so important for her to return to him. She told Morian about the accident, her failed marriage, and the pain and grief her father endured during the year and a half it took for Trisha to learn how to be whole again. Trisha left nothing out; not her pain, not her grief, not even her fight to live again.

  “Does my son know all this?” Morian asked softly when Trisha’s voice faded to silence.

  Trisha shook her head. “I was just starting to explain it to him when we got distracted.” She said with a rosy color highlighting her cheeks.

  Morian sat back against the cushions of the couch and studied Trisha for a few moments before she replied. “Then, you must return for your father. It is the only way.” She held up her hand when she saw Trisha’s look of hope. “But, understand this, you are my son’s true mate whether you want to believe this or not. You have been accepted by his symbiosis which adorns your wrists. You have been accepted by his dragon who wants you just as desperately as my son does. You must understand that to leave him now would be to condemn him to death. Now that he knows you exist, he cannot survive without you.” Morian paused to let what she was saying sink in before she continued.

  “But, if I return to my dad…” Trisha began only to stop when Morian shook her head.

  “I said you must return for your father. You said you promised if you went to the stars you would take him, is that correct?” Morian looked expectantly at Trisha. At Trisha’s nod, she continued. “Then, my son must take you back so you can bring him with you here. It is the only way for all of you to be happy.”

  Trisha looked at Morian in disbelief. She made something that seemed so impossible, sound so easy. “Do you think Kelan will do that? For me? For my father?” Trisha asked hesitantly.

  Morian laughed softly. “My dear, my son would give you the entire universe if he could. Don’t you know? You are the most important thing in his life. You are the very breath he breathes.”

  Trisha was laughing at some of the stories Ariel was telling her. She almost felt sorry for Kelan’s other brothers, Mandra and Creon. Ariel and Carmen were giving both men a run for their money.

  Trisha was in a much better mood after spending time with Morian. She seemed to make life appear so much simpler. After hashing out what Trisha needed to do to convince Kelan to take her back to Earth for her father, they spent the better part of the afternoon with the dressmaker. Morian ordered one of the guards to bring Ariel, Carmen, and Cara to Trisha’s new living quarters for fittings for the dinner that night. Unfortunately, Carmen refused to come and Cara couldn’t be found. The last anyone saw of her, she was off flying on the back of a giant bird of some type. Morian was determined not to be denied though and gave the dressmaker measurements for both of the absent women so they could have clothing made. Ariel and Trisha loved the fashion show the dressmaker put on for them using different women from the palace to model for them. After some haggling, Trisha was able to pick out some outfits. Trisha was not much of a dress kind of girl so it took both Ariel and Morian to finally make her give in. Ariel on the other hand, loved wearing dresses. She even made suggestions for altering the designs of a few to match some of the styles found back on Earth with a grin that promised the men on Valdier would love the changes. They were just finishing up when a servant came to ask them to join Abby for refreshments.

  “Why didn’t you ask Abby to join us?” Trisha asked politely as she placed a bolt of material back on the cart for the dressmaker.

  “The dressmaker has already prepared several outfits for Abby. Zoran was concerned she was exhausted and wanted her to rest for a while. I am afraid I have other pressing issues so I will not be able to join you. I look forward to meeting my new daughter later this evening. If you will excuse me, I will take my leave for now.” Morian said with a soft smile. She gave both Trisha and Ariel a hug and a kiss before she parted ways with them in the hall outside of Trisha’s living quarters.

  “I really like her.�
� Ariel said with a grin. “And, don’t tell Carmen, but I think this place is pretty hot.”

  Trisha laughed. She agreed. She wouldn’t tell Carmen and she was thinking this place was pretty ‘hot’ too, especially when she thought of Kelan in it.

  They were following the servant down a series of corridors. Trisha and Ariel were almost there when Kelan and Mandra’s symbiosis came trotting up to them. Bio was back into the shape of a dog and Mandra’s, well, Trisha wasn’t quite sure what it was in the shape of but Ariel didn’t seem to mind. Trisha didn’t say anything when she saw additional gold bands swirl up Ariel’s arms forming delicate bands on her forearms when Ariel reached down to hug the golden creature.

  Trisha was just responding to a comment Ariel made when the door to Abby’s living quarters opened. “Did you see the material and some of the outfits those women bought in?” Trisha was saying. She absentmindedly ran her fingers over Bio’s huge golden head.

  “I know I’m going to look good tonight in that green creation. The men won’t know what hit them!” Ariel replied.

  “Hey, Abby.” Trisha and Ariel called out together with a huge grin when they saw Abby looking at them with a dazed smile on her face. Trisha looked around the extravagantly decorated room curiously and gave a low whistle.

  “Wow, can you get over the size of this place?” Ariel asked as she moved aside to let by a young female servant who was carrying a tray of refreshments.

  Trisha watched Abby moved over to the low table and made room for the tray, quietly thanking the young girl who quickly bowed and left, closing the door behind her. She couldn't help but feel Abby fit this place perfectly. Abby seemed to have that quiet elegance that fit perfectly into a palace setting.

  “Hi. Come sit and have some refreshments.” Abby said as she poured three cups of tea before she settled into a plush, cushioned chair near the window. “Isn’t Carmen with you?”

  Ariel let out a heavy sigh before shaking her head, “No. Carmen… is being Carmen."

  Abby’s long hair draped over her shoulder and down one side as she pulled her long legs up under her. “What does that mean?”

  Trisha took another chair as Ariel sat down heavily on the couch across from Abby. “Carmen has issues.” Trisha said as she kicked off her shoes and curled her legs under her.

  God, it felt so good to be able to do it without any pain. Trisha still couldn't believe she was as good as new. She really needed to ask Kelan how Bio was able to heal her. She needed to talk to Kelan about a lot of things, Trisha thought with a sigh. She didn't understand all this true mate stuff but she knew something was going on inside her and she wanted to find out what it was and where it was going. All she could think about anymore was Kelan this and Kelan thought. Trisha's lips curved into a small smile when she felt Bio come and lay as close to her chair as possible, propping her huge head on the armrest. Trisha gently stroked the smooth golden head, letting her fingers twirl into the gold. It should have felt weird, but it didn't. A calming warmth seemed to fill her. Bio must have felt it too as her eyes seemed to droop and she let out a little puff of air before they closed all the way. Trisha returned her focus to the conversation at hand when she not only heard the sad tone in Ariel's voice as she talked about her sister, but saw it etched across her face as well.

  “Not issues so much as just so much pain.” Ariel was saying. “She lost her husband three years ago and has never recovered from it.”

  “Do you think being here is making it harder on her?” Abby asked softly.

  Trisha could see the concern and guilt in Abby's eyes as she asked the question. Trisha personally thought this might have been the best thing to have happened to all of them. She knew once her dad was here with her, she would be perfectly happy to stay. She wanted to explore the feelings she had for Kelan and knew there was only one place she could do that, on Valdier. Kelan would never be safe on Earth. She just needed to convince the two most important men in her life that she needed both of them.

  Both Trisha and Ariel shook their heads at the same time. Ariel gave Abby a small smile, “I think being here was the best thing that ever happened to Carmen. She can’t run away here; at least not like she has been doing. She was looking for a way to die to be with Scott again. She can’t do that here.”

  Trisha couldn't resist adding with a mischievous smile. “I don’t think Creon is going to let her get away with running anymore.”

  “Who’s Creon?” Abby asked looking back and forth as Ariel frowned at Trisha.

  “Creon is a scary son-of-a-bitch…” Ariel began.

  “…Who has the hots for Carmen and is probably the only one who can break through the wall she has built.” Trisha finished stubbornly. It was true, she heard about what happened in the transporter room after she and Kelan transported down. It seemed when Creon first met Carmen there was one hell of a fight. What surprised Trisha was it sounded like this Creon guy wouldn't let any of the other warriors near Carmen and it hadn't been because she would have hurt them. From the little she heard, he was roaring MINE at anyone who went near her.

  Ariel glared at Trisha before she gave a delicate sniff and replied softly. “You’re right, of course. Carmen would never have let go as long as she was back on Earth. I don’t know if this Creon guy will be the one but I have to agree he looked mighty interested when he first saw her.” Trisha almost laughed at that understatement.

  “So…” Trisha asked looking at Abby. She could tell Ariel wanted to change the subject. “Do you know what this dinner tonight is about? And, has anyone seen Cara?”

  Abby laughed as she explained what had happened earlier with Cara. It seemed as of fifteen minutes ago, Trelon was still trying to catch their nimble little dragonfly. “As for the dinner tonight, I don’t know. Zoran has been very hush-hush about it.”

  Trisha shook her head as she listened to Cara's new mischief. It was just like her to keep things fun. After visiting for another hour, Trisha decided if she was going to knock Kelan's socks off she better head back to their living quarters. A small smile curved her lips as she thought of the word 'theirs'. She never thought she would meet another man. Hell, she never thought another man would ever want her after her accident, what with her being so broken and scarred. Peter used her injuries as an excuse as to why he wouldn't touch her anymore. Later, he blamed her being confined to a wheelchair on why he was having affairs. What he neglected to tell Trisha was the affairs actually started before her accident. She found out that wonderful little news when she went through some papers he forgot to take with him. Trisha shook her head in self-disgust. She needed to open that black hole again - Peter, damn his hide, had snuck out.

  Kelan growled at his brother, Creon, in frustration. Couldn't he read the damn report any faster? Or better yet, just let them read it themselves when they could focus on it better! Between his symbiosis, his mother, and now his brothers he was still in the same position he had been in for the past two weeks- hard and horny. His focus on the topic of Zoran's capture and the Curizan military base Creon found abandon was limited to nil. His brother was safe and they didn't have anything to blow up or anyone to kill. As far as he was concerned everything else could wait until after he claimed his mate. Looking at the position of the sun, he sighed in aggravation. By the time he left here he would need to get ready for the damn dinner Mandra and his mother set up for the human females. He couldn't help but think darkly prehaps Trelon's mate would sabotage it and it would be cancelled. He glanced over to where Trelon was sitting across the table from him. He seemed to be paying about as much attention to the discussion as he was. At the rate they were going, Valdier could be under attack and not one of the brothers would give a damn. So much for the royal family protecting their people! Every single one of them, Creon included if the dark scowl on his face was any indication of his mood, were being turned upside down and inside out by a bunch of delicate, infuriating females from another world. Kelan practically yelled out in relief when Zoran fina
lly said there was nothing else they could do for the evening. Kelan suspected Zoran just wanted to get back to his true mate, lucky bastard. If, no not if, Kelan thought with grim determination, when he got Trisha alone tonight he was not leaving their living quarters until he claimed her as his true mate.


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