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Hook Page 16

by Chelle Bliss

  “I love you, Daddy.” She smiles.

  There’s nothing better than hearing those words.

  “I love you too, baby.”

  She wiggles free of my hold and slides down my leg. “So, how about we play princesses?”

  I growl softly. I’d rather stick needles in my fingertips than play princesses, but I can’t break my kid’s heart. She’s playing me like a fiddle, knowing she has me right where she wants me.

  “Sure,” I say. Who can say no to that face? I thought it would be easier to put my foot down the older she got, but I’ve failed miserably.

  She’s my weak spot.

  “Really?” Her mouth hangs open. “You can be Cinderella.”

  My head jerks back. “What if I want to be Belle?” I tease.

  She touches her chest. “I’m Belle.”

  “Can I be the Beast, then?”

  ’Cause let’s face it. I’m a shit princess.

  “Can I play?” Brax asks as he walks into the living room, carrying his baby blanket and letting it drag on the hardwood floors behind him.

  Tate turns around and stares at him for a second. “Fine,” she says with a sigh. “You can be…” Her voice trails off.

  I prepare myself for whatever crazy thing she’s about to say that’s probably going to make Brax cry. There’s a tiny demon in her that gets joy out of terrorizing her brother.

  “You can be the teacup.”

  His eyes light up. “Yay!”

  The kid’s weird, but he probably would’ve been happy if she’d made him a rug because at least she didn’t tell him no and to get lost.

  “You two have to do whatever I say.” She glances from Brax to me with a serious face. “I’m the princess.”

  I’m already not liking the sound of this. Tate’s bossy to begin with, and given free rein, she’ll be a complete diva. “How about we just watch the movie instead?”

  She twists her body and chews at her lip. “Only if I can make popcorn.”

  “Butter?” I ask like an idiot.

  She looks at me like I have three heads. “Daddy, who likes popcorn without butter?”

  “Get your pillow and blankets, and Brax and I will make the popcorn,” I tell her because I’m not going to argue with the kid about butter.

  She’d probably bathe in it if I let her.

  She runs to her bedroom, leaving Brax and me alone. “You okay with watching the movie again, buddy?”

  He nods slowly and lifts his blanket near his face. “It’s scary sometimes.”

  “Come here,” I tell him and motion for him to come to me.

  He runs across the floor, almost tripping on the shredded blanket he refuses to give up. I don’t have the heart to take it from him either. Not as long as it makes him happy, even if it’s about to disintegrate.

  “I’ll protect you from the Beast, Brax. I love you,” I tell him as I hug him tightly.

  My kids can never hear those words enough from me. I say them daily, hoping that when they’re older and I’m no longer here, they’ll always remember they were loved. I’d do anything for them. I’d give my life if it meant they would be happy and healthy.

  “I love you too, Daddy.”

  I ruffle his brown hair. “You want to help me make popcorn?”

  “I want my own.”

  “We’ll each have our own bowl.”

  The last thing I want is them fighting over the popcorn. Tonight’s family night, and I could use a little peace and quiet. I don’t want Tate flipping her shit because Brax is hogging the food, or God forbid, I do.

  An hour later, after only one yelling match about who’s going to sit on which side of the couch, the popcorn is gone and the kids are glued to the television. They’re curled into my side as I hold them against me and close my eyes.



  My hands shake as I unlock the front door to the shop. I barely slept, and after spending an unbelievable amount of hours prepping for today, I realized I need to hire help. I can’t do it alone. I don’t want to either. At least, not since Angelo’s come into my life.

  I never thought this day would get here.

  When I finally decided to open a cupcake shop, I knew it would take time to find the perfect location, the right recipes, and make my dream a reality. But the process took longer than I expected and hit a few snags along the way.

  Originally, I signed a lease a few blocks away, but the building burned down after an electrical fire, pushing back my timeline. I was horrified, crying for days and feeling like I’d never find a new location. Everything I’d worked so hard for seemed out of reach.

  “It’s the big day,” Roger says as he walks in behind me.

  “You’re not helping.” I run my hand down the front of my skirt. Taking a deep breath, I turn to face him. “How do I look?”

  “Like a sex kitten.” He smirks. “Angelo will like it.”

  It’s funny how things work out. I was devastated by the fire, but if that hadn’t happened, I never would’ve met Angelo Gallo. So many things would be different, and my life and heart wouldn’t be as full.

  I grimace. “I wasn’t going for the sex kitten look.”

  Roger snorts. “Then you should’ve worn Crocs and scrubs, because that outfit—” he points to me, swiping his finger up and down in the air “—doesn’t scream anything except sex.”

  I flick my gaze upward. “Why do I keep you around?”

  “Because life would be boring without me,” he says as he stalks toward me. He grabs my shoulders, holding me at arm’s length in front of him. “I need to be serious for a minute.”

  I nod and swallow down my nerves.

  “I’m proud of you, Tilly. Mitchell would be proud of you too.”

  My nose tingles, and my vision blurs. “Don’t make me cry.”

  He tightens his grip on my shoulders. “There’s no time for tears, babe. You did something amazing here. Look around. This is all because of you.”

  I take it all in as he turns me around, remembering the day I got the keys. The place was an absolute mess. There wasn’t a surface that didn’t need to be replaced or painted. “What if it fails?”

  Roger shakes his head. “It won’t.”

  I wish I had his optimism, but I know the realities of a new business, especially in the crowded and sometimes saturated market of Chicago.

  “Now take a deep breath and try to relax.”

  I laugh. Relax? Seriously, who can relax when they’re opening a business they’ve sunk every dollar they have to their name into? There’s no relaxation because if I can’t fill the shop and sell out of cupcakes each day, I’ll be penniless.

  “This neighborhood needed a fun little shop like this. Plus, you have catering contracts already in place.”

  “I’m going to stay positive. I can do this.” I nod.

  Roger looks over my head toward the door. “Look who’s here.”

  My eyes widen as I glance over my shoulder.

  Roger releases my shoulders. “Looks like you have your first customers.”

  “We wanted to be your first.” Betty walks into the shop, followed by the entire family.

  “I can’t believe you all came,” I say quickly, barely able to stand still.

  Tate’s the first one to reach me. “I love your cupcakes.” She peers up at me, buttering me up, and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t working.

  God, I don’t know how her father ever tells her no. Her face is so beautiful, and her smile is like her father’s.

  “Can I have one?” she asks as I touch the pink bow in her hair.

  “Of course.” I bend down, coming eye-to-eye with the little Italian princess. “What flavor?”

  Angelo places his hand on Tate’s shoulder and stands behind her. “Tate, why don’t you go see what you want and let me talk to Tilly for a second.”

  I gaze upward at his handsome face. Six months ago, I was lonely, starting a business to fill my days so I wouldn’t hav
e to think about the emptiness. Now, my world is filled with this big, crazy Italian family and a man who has reminded me what it feels like to be loved.

  “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s pick out something good.” Betty takes Tate’s hand and leads her away, giving us some privacy.

  “Can I have more than one?” Tate asks her grandmother.

  I laugh as I stand, coming face-to-face with the man who’s swept me off my feet. “Hi,” I say softly.

  He moves closer and kisses me. “Hey, yourself.” He stares at me with those beautiful blue eyes. “What time does the shop close?”


  “We’re going to celebrate. I’ll bring the champagne.” He stares into my eyes.

  “I’ll bring the frosting.” I waggle my eyebrows, and he smirks.

  Lucio clears his throat. “That’s about enough of that. There are kids present.”

  I laugh as Angelo smacks Lucio’s chest with the back of his hand. “Don’t be a downer.”

  “This place is amazing.” Daphne stands in the middle of the bakery with her mouth hanging open. “It’s like every little girl’s dream.”

  I giggle and tick my head toward Tate. “She enjoys it.”

  Daphne rolls her eyes. “That girl is a bottomless pit.”

  “She’s adorable.”

  “She wants you to sleep over,” Angelo says, catching me completely off guard.

  My eyes widen. “She does?”

  “She does. She also wants cupcakes for breakfast.” He wraps his arm around my waist as he comes to stand next to me. “I think I would be okay with that if you were there.”

  “You’re great and all, but I think she misses having a girl around.” I nudge my hip into him. “For all those tea parties and princess costumes.”

  “I clearly lack in the princess department.”

  I rest my head on his shoulder and watch as his family gawks at the cupcake display. “Thanks for coming today. It means a lot. I can’t believe everyone came,” I tell Angelo.

  “Baby, the Gallos do everything in groups.”

  “I’m finally understanding that.”

  When my parents died, I didn’t think I’d ever be a part of a close-knit family again. Mitchell’s parents live in the Caribbean, preferring the sunshine and turquoise waters to the chill of Chicago. I have Roger and I love him like my own brother, but holidays are never anything crazy with only a handful of people. But the Gallos… They’re like something right out of a fairy tale.

  Angelo walks into the kitchen area just after seven and freezes. He lifts an eyebrow and smirks when he sees me wearing nothing but my heels and an apron.

  I wave my hand in front of the small buffet of every cupcake topping I had on hand and three different colors of frosting. “Put the champagne down and take off your pants.”

  His eyes burn bright as he unzips his pants and pushes them down his legs, never taking his eyes off me. I grab his hand and pull him toward the table. “Sit or stand, but I have a feeling you may get weak in the knees.” I smirk because I’m going to deliver so much pleasure with my mouth, he’s going to have a hard time staying upright.

  Angelo hops up on the table, jumping a little when the cold steel touches his ass. “Fuck,” he groans.

  I fist his cock, making him forget about the cold bite of the table. “This is going to get messy.”

  His eyes light up. “I’ve never been afraid to get dirty.”

  I lick my lips, and his cock twitches against my palm. He reaches out, and I shake my head. “Hands to yourself, big boy.”

  He grunts as I reach for the first bowl of frosting and grab a giant glob with two fingers. “I have to taste test some new combinations, but a girl can only eat so much cake.”

  His eyes widen. “How many?”

  “Five,” I say as I cover the tip of his penis with raspberry frosting.

  He groans as I stick my fingers in my mouth, sucking the last bits of frosting from the tips. I’m doing it slowly, knowing it’s sweet torture as he follows my mouth with his eyes.

  I grab a bowl of white chocolate shavings and move it closer. “I’m going to enjoy this.”

  As the last bit of chocolate adorns the frosting, I lean forward, dragging my tongue over the tip. Not enough for it to penetrate the gooey goodness, but just enough to have the man on edge and breathing shallow.

  His fingers curl around the side of the table as he tries to steady himself. “Jesus, Tilly.” His voice wavers. “You’re trying to kill me.”

  “Hmmm.” I take another lick. “There’s something missing.”

  “Maybe my cock in your mouth,” he says as I straighten, leaving his dick twitching.

  “Tsk. Tsk. Don’t rush a master.”

  I grab the bottle of lemon syrup and drizzle it over the top of his dick, letting the gooey concoction drip down the sides. I lick my lips and want nothing more than to take him into my mouth. “That might work.”

  He stays silent, but he’s begging me with his eyes. He lets out a shaky breath as I place my hands flat on the table next to his legs, hovering my open mouth over his sweet cock.

  “So fucking good,” he says as I use the tip of my tongue, swiping away the first layer of frosting. When his fingers tangle in my hair, I close my lips around the head and suck him upward instead of moving down. His ass rises off the table, and he drags in a breath, tightening his grip on my hair. “Fuck.”

  I love him with my mouth, sucking every last drop of frosting and sweetness from his skin. He’s shaking, close to the edge and ready to explode, but I’m not ready for my taste test to end.

  He gasps as my mouth slides off his cock. “Don’t stop,” he begs.

  I shake my head. “We have four more flavors.”

  He groans and falls backward, lying flat on the table with his legs dangling over the edge. “Have your way with me,” he says, and I’m more than happy to oblige.

  I barely make it through the triple chocolate cherry surprise I’ve licked off his penis when he sits straight up.

  “Enough,” he says, hopping off the table and grabbing my waist. He turns me quickly, pinning me against the table. “I need to be inside you.” He pushes down on the middle of my back, forcing my chest against the cold metal.

  His cock is pressed against my pussy as he wraps my hair around his hand. “You’re quite the tease, baby.”

  I shiver in anticipation. I look over my shoulder and smirk. “Teach me a lesson, big boy.”

  I barely get the words out before he thrusts into me, silencing my sarcasm. The edge of the table bites into my hips as he rocks into me, deeper and harder with each stroke.

  I push back, meeting him blow for blow as our bodies slap together in complete harmony. This is how it’s supposed to be. Primal, sexy, and filled with so much pleasure, I can barely stay upright.

  His hand comes around my front, pushing between my legs and cupping my pussy. “This is mine,” he says, and who am I to argue. He owns me completely.

  When his fingers tweak my clit, I spiral over the edge as my body shakes uncontrollably and the orgasm pulls me under, almost causing me to black out.

  He collapses over my back, gasping for air from the orgasm that no doubt just ripped through his body too. “Pure fucking heaven,” he whispers against my skin.

  That’s exactly what it feels like every time I’m with Angelo. There’s nothing sweeter.



  “It’s Vegas, baby.” Vinnie moves forward in his chair, unable to sit still. “I never thought this day would come.”

  It’s football draft day, something I’ve watched on television every year since I was a kid. Never in a million years did I think I’d be here waiting to hear my little brother’s name being called to play pro ball.

  Tilly wraps her hand around my bicep. “There’re so many people here.”

  I glance around the large room at the thousand or more people packed inside like sardines, and I pull Tilly closer to my side.
“This is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “Vegas is a different world.” She shakes her head.

  “So is football,” I tell her.

  There’s nothing like draft day, and with it being in Vegas this year, it’s bigger and crazier than ever.

  “God, please let Chicago call my name.” Vinnie rubs his hands together and closes his eyes. “Please.”

  “It would be nice to have you home, kid,” Daphne tells him as she strokes his arm, trying to calm him.

  “Will you still love me if Green Bay drafts me?”

  Lucio gags. “It’ll be hard. Honestly, bro, I can’t wear the green and gold even if it has our name on the back.”

  “I thought Chicago had that crazy chick you were trying to avoid,” I say.

  “She’s the team owner’s daughter.”

  “I thought you said she was hot?” Lucio looks confused, but he wasn’t there when Vinnie told us what really happened.

  Somehow, the chick got into Vinnie’s dorm room and was waiting for him one night. Completely naked. She basically threw herself at him, professing her love, and saying they were meant to be together. Thankfully, and surprisingly, Vinnie called campus security instead of banging the chick. Which is surprising because, let’s face it, Vinnie has never been one to say no to pussy.

  But security didn’t stop her from showing up on campus again, nor did his repeated attempts to explain that he wanted nothing to do with her. The chick was relentless and seemed to have eyes only for Vinnie.

  Vinnie rubs his forehead and grimaces. “If hot means crazy as fuck, then yeah.”

  “You do attract a different breed,” I tell him, trying to bite back my laughter.

  “You’ll never believe who we just saw,” Pop says as he pulls out the chair next to Vinnie for my mother.

  “Who?” Leo looks up from his phone, finally joining the conversation.


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