Prince Charming (Behind the Screen, #1)

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Prince Charming (Behind the Screen, #1) Page 6

by Iris Deorre

  ‘Hey. For you.’ He handed her a bunch of red roses.

  ‘Thank you, they’re lovely.’ She took them. ‘Come in.’

  He stepped inside. ‘Nice place you’ve got here.’

  ‘Thank you. Come, join me in the kitchen while I put these in a vase and get our food ready.’

  He followed her to the kitchen. ‘You have more flowers?’

  ‘Yes, I always buy myself some when I go shopping.’

  ‘Nice idea. Smells nice.’

  ‘Beef casserole with couscous, hope you like it.’

  ‘I think I will.’

  She found another vase and put the roses in.

  ‘Can I pour you a drink? I have Peroni or red wine.’

  ‘I’ll have a Peroni.’

  She pulled a Peroni from the fridge and poured herself a red wine. They moved into the living-room.

  ‘I love your place,’ he said looking around.

  ‘Thanks. I’ve been here a year now.’

  ‘They must pay teachers well these days. I must be in the wrong career.’

  She laughed nervously. ‘I had savings of my own. Money I inherited from the sale of my parent’s house.’

  ‘You don’t have to explain it, I’m only teasing.’

  ‘Oh.’ she laughed. ‘I just thought I should share.’

  He took a sip of the drink.

  ‘How’s work? How’s the investigation going?’

  ‘Slow. It’s hard trying to put an end to something when you feel like you’re chasing a ghost.’

  ‘You still can’t talk about it?’

  ‘Not yet. I promise if anything relevant to the case comes up I think you should know, I will let you know.’

  She nodded. ‘I think I better set the table.’

  ‘Need my help?’

  ‘You’re the guest. Relax.’

  ‘I’d love to. I love watching you.’

  She smiled. ‘Okay then.’

  Mats, forks and knives were set on the dining table at the far end of the kitchen. The opened bottle of wine and another Peroni was also added. The vase with the roses added a romantic touch and so did the two candles.

  ‘That looks good,’ she said. ‘I’ll light the candles.’

  He sat down and watched as she pulled a box of matches from a draw. After the candles had been lit, Harmony put the casserole and couscous in the centre of the table.

  ‘Okay. I’ll dim the light and make this romantic.’ She giggled.

  ‘Sounds good.’

  The lights were dimmed. The only thing missing was some music, but it wasn’t a must.

  ‘Help yourself,’ she said after she joined him.

  He did. There was silence between them as they filled their plates with the delicious food.

  ‘This is good,’ he said after the first fork full.

  ‘Really? You’re not just saying that?’

  ‘Really. I’m lucky to have a home cooked meal that isn’t sausage and beans, or something bland like that.’

  She laughed.

  ‘So, how was your day?’

  ‘My day was great.’

  ‘Children well behaved?’

  ‘Not all of them. I dealt with the bad apples.’

  ‘Are they the usual suspects?’

  ‘Yes. There is this one boy, thinks he’s the best. Never listens, thinks he can do what he wants without taking responsibility for his actions.’

  ‘Well, I’m sure you showed him. I imagine you as this tough cookie in the classroom.’

  ‘You could say that.’ She laughed and remembered earlier that day. ‘I am a tough cookie, have been all my life.’

  ‘I guess it’s a good thing. I don’t want to get on the wrong side of you.’

  She laughed.

  ‘So besides teaching, what else do you love?’ he asked.

  ‘I love crossword puzzles, they keep my brain active. I love long walks in the country. Not when it’s too cold though. I also love going away to hot places.’

  ‘Yeah. Like where?’

  ‘Anywhere hot. There’s this remote Island I want to visit sometime. Perhaps disappear for a while.’

  ‘Why disappear?’

  ‘Sometimes in life you just want that break away from everything.’

  ‘Hopefully not from me.’

  ‘Would you come with me?’

  He laughed.

  ‘I know. Let’s just pretend we are a couple.’


  ‘I organise this get away for a year, year and a half. Would you do it?’

  ‘I guess.’

  ‘We could then go somewhere else. Like Zanzibar and disappear for good.’

  He laughed. ‘I’m not sure my department would like me leaving for good.’

  ‘It’s not about them, it’s about you. Anyway this is just a fantasy.’

  ‘Yes it is. Yes I would go with you, if that’s what you wanted.’

  ‘Nice to know.’

  Derek found her both interesting and strange. There was something so attractive about her he couldn’t deny. If she wanted him in her life, he wouldn’t deny that, in fact, he would love it.

  ‘Anyway, enough of my crazy fantasies.’

  ‘I wouldn’t go as far as calling them crazy. Maybe interesting, like you.’

  ‘You find me interesting?’

  ‘I do, and mysterious.’


  ‘Yes, I like it. Don’t think it’s a bad thing.’

  She ate, took a sip of wine and watched him. ‘What about you? What do you do in your spare time?’

  ‘Erm...’ He chewed a moment. ‘I play football when I can, coach a teen group of boys at football as well. Keeps them out of trouble.’

  ‘That sounds nice.’

  ‘Yes, I think it’s one of the things I love doing besides my job. They have something to do, rather than become mischievous out of boredom.’

  ‘Yes that’s true.’

  ‘Maybe you should encourage that Mister know it all in your class to join my club.’


  ‘It would be good for him, you’ll be surprised just how much they can learn about team work playing football.’

  ‘Yes, I’ll mention it.’

  ‘You could give him my mobile number.’

  ‘I will.’ She nodded. She didn’t like where this conversation was heading. ‘Can I take that?’ She put her hand on the plate. ‘Or do you want seconds. You still need room for dessert.’

  ‘Yes take it. I’m full. It was lovely.’

  She smiled mildly, picked up the plates and put them in the sink.

  ‘Do you want to go and sit in the living-room, I’ll bring dessert through.’

  He watched her a moment. ‘Okay.’ He stood up and left.

  She put her shaky hand to her forehead. How long could she keep up the lies without bursting from the inside out? She let her nerves settle a moment.

  ‘You’re all right. You’re a genius at this,’ she told herself.

  Ice cream, strawberries and chocolate sauce were served.

  ‘I hope you still have room.’

  ‘I do. It looks lovely.’

  ‘This has been great,’ she said. ‘Thanks for coming tonight.’

  ‘I’m glad I did.’

  She moved across to where he sat. He smiled.

  ‘What are your rules about third dates?’ she asked.

  ‘I didn’t realise there were any rules.’

  ‘I wouldn’t call them rules, but most men expect sex on the third date.’ She raised her eyebrows.

  ‘Is that so? I wasn’t aware of that.’

  ‘Yes you were. Where have you been?’

  ‘Seriously though. I’m an old school gentleman.’

  ‘Does that mean sex is off the table?’ She kept the spoon in her mouth a moment.

  ‘Do you want it off the table?’

  ‘Ah question for an answer. No I don’t want it off the table. I know I sound forward, but I real
ly like you.’

  ‘I like you too.’ He put down the empty bowl. ‘I will do whatever you want me to do. I’ll only go as far as you allow. Those are my rules.’

  ‘I like your rules, they feel much easier to follow.’

  ‘Good.’ He took the bowl from her and put it aside.

  Their lips touched. A cold and warm sensation past between them! She pulled back, took his hand and led him to the bedroom.

  ‘Are you sure?’ he asked.

  She pulled him towards her and they kissed.

  ‘Of course I’m sure,’ she mumbled against him.

  He slipped off the dress, she stepped out of the heels. His hands ran over her body. He stopped, pulled away and then continued the discovery of her body. Harmony mirrored him, taking off his clothes and exploring every part of his body.

  He lifted her onto the bed. For a moment their eyes met. She smiled.

  ‘I like this. It feels right,’ she said.

  ‘Yes it does.’

  Tiny tremors tingled through her body. It was magical. There was no thought to what was, what could be. It was just then and now. The soft touch of his lips crept down her body, to her stomach and between her legs.

  ‘Oh yes!’ she let out as he worked around her. ‘That feels amazing.’

  ‘You are amazing.’ He tickled between the pulsating lips.

  It wasn’t long before she gave into the demands of his tongue. She surrendered and as soon as she did, he made himself known to her. It had been a shock, going from soft tender to full blown in a second. But that didn’t stop him, nor did it diminish her want for him. He kept his eyes on her, Harmony did the same. Their bodies found the right rhythm and within minutes they were panting and giving into an orgasm.

  ‘My god!’ She breathed. ‘Where the hell did that come from?’

  ‘You did this to me! You turned me into an animal.’ He dropped into her neck.

  ‘No regrets?’ she asked.

  He turned to face her. ‘Why would there be?’

  ‘I guess sometimes men just lose the drive after they’ve come inside a woman.’

  He laughed. ‘You are a strange one.’

  ‘Am I?’

  ‘Yes, but I like it. I’d go another round if you want to.’

  ‘Ha. Really?’

  ‘Let me catch my breath first.’ He rolled over. ‘I didn’t expect this. I’m not complaining. I think I’m the luckiest man alive.’

  She laughed. He held out his hand and grasped hers, gave it a little squeeze. Moments later he was on top of her again showing her just how much he appreciated her.


  ‘I’m sorry to wake you, but I think you have to go,’ she said two hours later.

  He squinted to get a clearer picture of her.

  ‘Sorry, I’ve got an early start tomorrow.’

  ‘It’s okay, don’t worry about it.’ He sat up. ‘I’ve got an early start myself.’

  ‘Thanks for understanding.’ She watched him dress.

  ‘Call you later today?’

  ‘Yeah, sure.’ She smiled. ‘If I don’t pick up, leave a message. I never know what I’m doing from day to day.’

  ‘Yes okay.’ He leaned across and gave her a kiss. ‘Speak soon.’

  Harmony slid on a pair of jeans and a top and walked him downstairs.

  ‘Thanks for coming,’ she said.

  ‘Thanks for having me. I had a great time tonight.’ He kissed her.

  ‘Yeah, me too.’

  ‘Does this mean we’re together?’


  ‘You still seeing that other guy?’ He had to know.

  ‘Nope. I’m done with Prince Charming.’

  ‘What did you say?’ He froze.

  ‘What’s the matter?’

  ‘What did you call him?’

  ‘Prince Charming. Why?’

  ‘Why would you call him that?’

  ‘Because he loves to charm the pants off women with his good looks and charm, but it didn’t work on me.’

  ‘I see.’ He turned to leave.

  ‘And because that was his screen name.’

  He stopped. ‘Screen name?’

  ‘Yeah, on the dating site. He called himself prince charming. A bit self indulgent don’t you think?’

  He walked back up to her.

  ‘What’s the matter?’

  ‘When was the last time you saw this man?’

  ‘Why? We’re done.’

  ‘It’s important.’


  ‘Do you have his number? A name. His address?’

  ‘ tossed it. His number.’

  ‘What’s his name?’

  ‘Tony.’ It was the first name that came into her mind.

  ‘Tony who?’

  ‘Erm...I don’t know.’

  ‘You don’t know his last name?’

  ‘I don’t know yours.’

  He suddenly felt a little ashamed. He had just slept with the woman and yet they didn’t know each other’s last names.

  ‘What’s going on?’ She asked.

  ‘I can’t say, but I want you to stay away from anyone with that name.’


  ‘Just do it!’ He snapped. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t mean to shout.’

  ‘Are you investigating him?’ she asked.

  ‘Don’t worry about it. Just stay away from him and if he gets in touch, contact me right away.’

  ‘You’re scaring me.’

  ‘I’m sorry.’ He took her into his arms. ‘Don’t worry too much about it. If he does contact you, please call me.’

  ‘Yes okay.’

  ‘Be safe.’

  ‘I will.’

  ‘I’ll call you tomorrow.’

  ‘Okay. Harmony waited at the door until he pulled away.

  The light switched on and Marcus woke up.

  ‘Are you hungry yet?’ She placed the tray with the plate of food on the table.

  The tape was ripped from his lips.

  ‘Shit!’ He let out. He felt and looked miserable. ‘Why are you doing this?’ he asked weakly.

  ‘I said, are you hungry?’

  He lifted his heavy head.

  ‘I have beef casserole with couscous.’ She pulled up a seat. ‘Here, try.’

  At first he just looked at the spoon. But hunger got the better of him and soon he took it into his mouth.

  ‘Was that so hard?’ She continued to feed him.

  ‘Why?’ He asked between mouthfuls.

  ‘Why what?’

  ‘Are you doing this to me?’

  Another mouthful of food!

  ‘Has your memory returned?’ she asked.

  He finished the food in his mouth. ‘What do you want?’

  ‘Oliver. Do you know who he is?’


  ‘You’re lying!’

  ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

  ‘Do you want to lose another finger?’

  ‘You’re sick!’

  ‘Are you really going to sit there and call me sick?’

  ‘You need help.’

  ‘No I don’t. God help you! You’ve been a naughty boy, haven’t you?’

  ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

  ‘You never do. The police are looking for you. What have you done?’

  He turned away a moment.

  ‘Hmm. Something bad.’

  ‘Not as bad as you. You can’t hold me like this.’

  ‘I can and I have. Now you might want to think about your answers to me.’

  ‘If the police are looking for me, then they’ll find you.’

  ‘I doubt it very much. The very detective on the case is blinded by infatuation for me. All he’ll want to do is protect me.’

  ‘What do you want?’

  ‘I want you to remember, Oliver.’

  ‘And then what?’

  ‘Na, I get to ask the questions. You’ll need a change o
f boxers.’

  ‘What do you expect? I haven’t been to the toilet.’

  She didn’t answer him.

  ‘Could I at least go to the toilet?’

  ‘You’ve already done your mess. I’m a doctor, I’ve seen it all.’

  ‘Fuck you!’

  ‘I’ll get you some tena lady pants on my way home tomorrow.’ She laughed. ‘You can do your business in them.’

  ‘You will burn in hell!’

  ‘And so will you.’ She taped his mouth, then left.



  Work was busy as usual. Marcus was forgotten, all that mattered was the life in her hands. The man on the table had a tumour on his pancreas. Risky, it was possible that not all of it would be taken out, but Harmony would do her best to give him a few more years.

  ‘How’s the dating going?’ asked Doctor Soli. They had a friendship that started and ended in the O.R.

  ‘Did I tell you?’ She kept her focus on what she was doing. ‘I met two men, one turned out to be a douche bag.’

  ‘You did not.’ He laughed. ‘It’s been a while since we’ve operated together.

  The other team members pretended not to listen, but they always did, how could they not.

  ‘Yes well, that’s the latest news. I have met a keeper though.’


  ‘Yeah, he’s caring, attentive and a cop.’

  ‘Wow, sounds like a catch.’

  Her eyes didn’t move from the patient. ‘He is. He’s the type of guy who would do anything for me.’

  ‘Then you better give him good reason to stay.’

  ‘I’m working on it.’ She laughed. ‘How’s your wife?’

  ‘She’s fine. A little tired with the little one.’

  ‘Aww, hope you’re helping her.’

  ‘I am. I’m doing my best. A bit hard with our crazy schedules.’

  ‘Yes, it must be. I wonder if I’ll ever have a family.’

  ‘You will. Just give it time. Maybe this cop guy could be the one.’

  She laughed. ‘Maybe.’ She worked. ‘Okay, I think I’ve got as much as I can. Any more and we’ll be in trouble.’

  ‘I agree,’ said Doctor Soli. ‘I think he’ll be comfortable enough for another year or two.’

  ‘Chemo might get rid of more. But we both know it won’t go away completely.’


  She sighed. She loved her job, she loved feeling like the hero and sometimes she felt as if life and death were in her hands.

  ‘Would you like to close up?’ she asked an intern.

  ‘Yes, I’d like that very much.’


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