The Daughter Trilogy Bundle

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The Daughter Trilogy Bundle Page 31

by C. M. Owens

  I turn back to my crazy dad. "No. I'm perfectly free in this decision. I love him. This is the most I've ever loved anyone this way," I say honestly.

  Devin's eyes flash to mine, and I can feel the stirring of my love for him consuming me. He's always here for me. He pulls me from the darkest of places, and he's been saving me since the moment I met him.

  "You're sure about this?" Dad asks more seriously.

  "I've never been more certain of anything in all my life," I murmur.

  I can tell Devin's resisting the urge to press his lips against mine as his eyes pour love from them. I smile at him, and then I turn back to meet the heavy eyes of the man who raised me.

  He whispers, "I'll kick his ass if he hurts you."

  I smile, just as I feel Devin is doing. Deacon lets a laugh escape, and then quickly recovers.

  "Sorry. Someone sent me a new cat-playing-a-piano video," he mumbles while pretending to stare at his phone.

  Devin snickers under his breath at Deacon's accidental outburst, and then Dad turns back to me.

  "I love you, kiddo."

  "I love you, too, Daddy." I almost cry, newly formed tears wavering on my lids.

  I know what I have to do, and I almost hate myself for doing it. I'm not crazy about entering and enslaving my father's mind, and to force him to do something for a long amount of time is almost heartbreaking.

  I look toward Devin to tell him I'm ready, and he nods at me with tight lips for my silent request.

  "Mrs. Titan? Could you show me where I can find a glass of water?" he asks in an effort to remove my mother from the room.

  "Oh. Of course. Are any of you thirsty?"

  "Yes ma'am," Deacon and Camara answer in unison to offer me more privacy.

  Dad starts to follow them, but I tug on his arm to draw his attention back to me.

  "I'm sorry, Daddy," I whisper.

  "Sorry for what, dear?" he asks quizzically.

  "For this," I say as my eyes turn green, and I enter his mind.

  He gasps slightly as I force his thoughts to change and take away his will.

  "You need to take Mom and get away. Throw away your old phones, and ditch your email accounts. You'll fly out by private jet tonight. You'll be escorted to the airport by two people, and they'll leave you with enough money to have a wonderful month away. You'll have clothes there waiting on you, and you'll have everything else you need as well. There's no reason to pack. Don't call the insurance people or anyone else from home. I'll handle everything here. You need time away," I instruct.

  "We need time away," he repeats with his zombie-like tone, and the tears threaten my eyes.

  I hate doing this to my father. I take a deep breath as his eyes slowly dilate back to normal.

  He smiles at me, oblivious to what I've just done, and we walk quietly into the dining area to rejoin the others. I nod to Devin, and he gives me an encouraging, you-had-to-do-this smile.

  "Mr. and Mrs. Titan, I have a gift for you. My family originally planned on taking a month long vacation at our summer home on the beaches of Costa Rica. I was wondering if you would like to take their place because some family business has come up, and they'll no longer be able to go." Devin lies effortlessly.

  He makes it seem so easy. That's not too comforting.

  "Oh, wow. When?" Mom gushes.

  "Tonight, actually. There's a jet waiting at the airport for you as we speak," Devin adds.

  "Oh. I wish we could, but there's no way I can take off work for a month, and we really don't have the money to do such a thing anyway," Mom sighs.

  "Actually, we can. I have some money saved up that I've been waiting to spend for a while. I wanted to save it for a special occasion. I think this is perfect," Dad answers with his rehearsed lines.

  "Really? Since when do you have money saved up? I still can't take off for that long."

  "You can. You've been working there for too long. We both need a break. I think this is perfect. We can do it honey. We're too old to worry about such things, and with the insurance money we'll get for the house, we can just relax for a while."

  Her eyes light up as she considers the possibility. She finally begins smiling.

  "Okay. I can't believe this, but okay. I'll go pack," she squeals out.

  "Actually, I hope you don't mind, but I had someone shop for you and leave all the clothes you'll need in the house you'll be staying in. It's sort of important the jet leave as soon as possible so it can move on to its next stop," Devin lies again.

  It's his personal jet, so there's nowhere else it has to be.

  "This feels too good to be true. Let's go," she says giddily.

  Sneakily, I pull her cell phone from her purse and drop it into Camara's bag. Dad pulls his out and drops it behind him while he heads to the door like a mindless drone.

  Devin hands him a card and an envelope full of cash which Dad accepts without hesitation - though in his sober state of mind, he'd never do such a thing.

  Mom rushes to hug me as she squeals in delight.

  Dad turns to Devin and smiles as he says, "You have my blessing."

  Devin looks to me to find out if I had added that to his instructions, and I shake my head to prove my innocence. He smiles at my dad to show his appreciation.

  "Thank you, sir. It means a great deal to me."

  They walk out, and Devin comes to put his arm around my shoulders. He kisses the top of my head and leads me back out to the SUV.

  "I want to go to my apartment. There's something I need to get," I murmur.

  "We'll need to be quick," he cautions.

  "There're just two things I want," I say softly.

  He nods and holds the door open for me to climb in. I should be catatonic, due to how drained I am right now, but I'm still holding it together against all odds. I know it's because I have Devin keeping me upright.

  We pull up to my apartment, and we flash up the stairs. Devin opens the door for me and surveys the inside before he allows me to follow.

  Camara and Deacon are watching the outside, and Camara is using her furry friends for additional eyes.

  I walk to my bedroom and pull my lockbox out from under my bed. The cold, metal top stares at me expectantly, and I hesitate as the fresh tears begin to blur my vision.

  Taking a deep breath, I open it and pull out the necklace I had worn as a child. It has my name inscribed on it. The metal top clanks back shut when I release it, and then I walk over to the dresser and pull out the top drawer to retrieve the tarnished princess tiara I received from the mother I didn't know still cared.

  Devin's eyes soften as I walk toward him with my nostalgic treasures, and he takes my hand as we flash back down to the car.

  "This necklace told the world my name when I was too scared to speak to my new family," I whisper softly.

  "I'm sorry, baby. I wish I knew what to do," he says helplessly.

  "Help me find them," I say with an ominous hue.

  His eyes show their fear for my request, and I duck into the SUV to escape his dread. Deacon starts driving as Devin finally responds.

  "You know how dangerous this is. I'll find them, and I promise I'll take care of it. I don't want you anywhere near them. Athena's poison only targets an Aphrodite. The toxin spawned from her hatred and jealousy she bore toward your blood. You can't fight against them," he warns.

  "I can, and I will. I'll draw them out if you don't help me find them. They've been chasing us this whole time."

  "It's not them. Whoever has been chasing us most likely tipped them off to who you really are. They just wanted someone on their side, and the daughters of Athena are a powerful ally to someone after us," he explains.

  "They didn't know who I was until they saw my eyes. They're allies alright, but they weren't cued in on me. They're part of this, and I want all of them dead."

  "I love you. I won't lose you to a battle you're bound to die in."

  I sit back and keep my mouth shut the rest of the way back to t
he apartment. I will find them - with or without his help.

  I stare at the lying tombstone in front of me. The date born has been falsified for prying eyes, but last night's date is the true ending for her life - a life she willing offered to the monsters disguised as women. She did it to keep me safe. I'll kill them to give her justice.

  Devin walks over and puts his arms around me for added comfort and support to my weary stance.

  "She lived a long time, Adisia. All she ever wanted was to know you were safe. She got the chance to be in your life for a little bit, and she loved it," he encourages.

  "Life. That's a funny word to use. The date born is etched into the stone with all of its lying pretenses. The ending is much clearer. The dash in the middle represents the life she lived. There was no life though. This is all one fatally elaborate game of hide and seek. I'm tired of hiding. I'm ready to seek. I want to be able to live, and this isn't living. This is barely surviving."

  He sighs loudly when he realizes there's no way I'm ever backing down from this, and his eyes show defeat.

  "I'll help you find them, but you have to swear to give me some time to formulate a strong plan of attack," he pleads.

  "I promise," I mutter.

  His lips close over mine as he scoops me up. I pull back though to drop the flowers on the grave. A few more tears drip, and then he carries me to the car.

  Greer is waiting for us, and he holds the door open as Devin lowers me to the seat.

  I lean against him as we ride to the apartment and my tears burn against my cheeks. Devin comforts me as I weep lightly into his chest, and the blurry scenery around me passes us by.

  In my catatonic state, I tune out everything going on around me. I don't even realize we're back until Devin holds the door open for me. With a heavy motion, I step out and take his hand.

  I look over to see Deacon is waiting in front of the building.

  "Anything?" Devin asks with concern once we reach him.

  "Nothing but our people coming in and out. I've been out here for a while, but Camara has had eyes all over. I don't know how everyone can vanish except for us," he gripes.

  "Come on up, and call Camara as well."

  A small pigeon with pale blue eyes tilts its head at us, and Devin smirks.

  "Never mind. She already knows."

  Deacon scowls slightly while glaring at the bird.

  "That bloody pigeon has been checking out my ass for over five minutes now. I thought it was a bloomin' pervert."

  Devin lets out a small laugh, and even I indulge in a soft chuckle.

  The elevator opens and we board it to get whisked upward. I feel something in the air shift as Devin's eyes darken, apparently seeing something.

  "Adisia, I have to tell you something," he says with a scary sort of tone.

  "What?" I ask, but the doors open before he can answer.

  Gemma is standing front and center as soon as we step out. Others are congregated around and indulging in the alcohol.

  Devin glowers at her, and it almost seems as if they're having a private conversation. I'm starting to become a little agitated, and I tug on his arm to draw his attention away.

  Her eyes connect with my hand tugging on him, and her mouth falls open.

  "You're engaged? You can't be," she scoffs.

  Devin's eyes still scold her for something that I have no idea about.

  "This shouldn't be so surprising. I told you I love her. I've actually told you numerous times. Let it go," he warns.

  He's being incredibly aggressive toward her, and I can only assume it's due to our last interaction. Deacon nods at Camara as she walks in, and she pats my shoulder on her way to join him.

  "I'm going to get a drink," I mumble.

  "I'll join you," Devin says gently as he takes my hand in his.

  "Are you going to tell me what that was about?" I whisper to allow only his ears to hear.

  "Yeah, but not right now," he replies evasively.

  I'm curious, but I'm also exhausted. Everyone is compiling theories and plotting attack ideas. Devin has pulled out all the stops in an effort to give me the vengeance I seek.

  Gemma walks up with a glowing menace exuding from her. I look around to make sure there aren't any new houseplant gifts lurking close by.

  Devin turns and shakes his head very sternly at her to dissuade the unspoken future he has apparently seen.

  "Don't try it, Gemma. I swear, I'll make you regret it," he threatens.

  Everyone starts to look toward the newly formed conflict, and Theia walks over to join us.

  "Gemma, please leave them alone. We're here for a meeting. This isn't the time to rehash old wounds," she scolds.

  "I'm not rehashing anything, I promise. I just wanted to give Devin back the watch he left in California," she says with a smug, satisfied smile.

  I can actually hear the pieces of my heart shattering against the floor as she holds the watch in front of him. My mind begins swirling with all the worst nightmares my mind can fathom.

  She was with him in California? He never told me that. He never told me anything at all. No. No. Please, no.

  I turn to him as the newly formed tears reach my eyes. His panicked smoky eyes swirl desperately as they try to explain.

  I grab his hand and pull him into the padded room to escape the prying ears of the other immortals before berating him. As soon as the door shuts, I don't hold back.

  "You lying son of a bitch! How could you?" I wail.

  "Adisia, I swear nothing happened," he says with the same cliché opening line I've heard over and over.

  "Do you have any idea how many times I've heard that? Before you try to start again, you should know I've also heard these before too - 'Adisia, I swear that girl meant nothing.' There's also, 'Adisia, I'm so sorry. It'll never happen again.' Oh, but my favorite is, 'Adisia, I never meant to hurt you.' So how about you just skip the bullshit and tell me the truth," I blare.

  His voice is trembling slightly as he answers my tirade.

  "I know you've been hurt. I know you think the worst right now, but I swear on my own life I didn't do anything at all. She showed up on the last day, and I immediately turned her away. I left shortly after when Deacon called and told me about your attack. I didn't give a damn what I left behind. She went in after I was gone. She was planning to seduce me, but I wouldn't have ever fallen for it. She didn't even realize I had come home until the attack last night," he promises.

  "Then why didn't you tell me?" I cry.

  "When would I have? It's been crazy since I've been back. I wasn't going to tell you such a thing after your mother was killed," he gushes.

  "How about when you got home?" I say with an ice cold, calm tone. "I thought you were mad at me, but now I'm wondering if it wasn't your own guilt surging through."

  "No. I was mad. I was thoroughly pissed. I wasn't going to add that in on the first night back. I was planning on having a calm discussion about everything later - after I saw with my own eyes that you were okay. I was too mad to talk about anything.

  "You seduced me and forced that anger away. I was reveling in the moment you had supplied me with because I'm so in love with you that it's almost maddening. I had bought that engagement ring, and I had planned on giving it to you in the most glorious way. Then you spoke of kids, and I decided that moment was the perfect moment. Then you had the vision, and from there it has been nonstop. There was nothing to feel guilty about. I haven't had a chance to tell you," he defends.

  "I've heard this song and dance with different words before. Every time someone cheated, they always had some fantastically elaborate story, reasoning, or flat out lie. I'm sick of it. Supposedly the mortals all cheated because of my secreting pheromone overload. It was so wonderful to find out that it had been my fault they all cheated on me," I roll out with heavy sarcasm. "I thought it failed to drive immortals crazy. So, tell me, what's your excuse?"

  "Adisia, I never fucking cheated. I've loved you since th
e night you curled up in my arms. Your eyes penetrated through me before you ever had a goddess side. I love you so much. Please don't do this right now. Just trust me," he begs.

  "Trust you? Really? You can't ask me to trust you when Gemma walks up holding your watch in front of everyone!" I scream.

  He sighs out loudly, and I just barge past him on my way to the door. He grabs my hand in his and brings me to a halt.

  "Where are you going?" he demands.

  "Any-damn-where but here," I cry.

  He pulls me into his arms, and I fight against him. His forehead presses against mine as he pleads.

  "Please don't do this. Don't leave me. I told you I'd never let you go. I meant it," he whispers.

  I feel the electricity surging through me, but it fails to strike against him with any force. His lips close over mine as he tries to force me to give into his divinity.

  I cry as I feel my strength building, and it takes all of it to shove him off me. He slams into the wall behind him, and I almost gasp at my empowered act of aggression. Then I seize the moment of his shock.

  "I never want to see you again," I whimper.

  I pull the ring off my finger and drop it to the ground as he starts to climb to his feet. I flash out the door and slam it behind me. I cut through the bedroom and flash down the fire escape before jumping from the fourth floor the rest of the way to the ground.

  The concrete cracks beneath me, and I flash into the crowded streets to hide from the eyes that can't see me any other way.

  I'm so beyond broken. Broken isn't even in the rearview mirror anymore.

  Chapter 14

  Crazy Bitches

  "Would you care for anything else, Ms. Smith?" the waiter asks as he hands me my third colada for the day.

  "No thank you," I mumble as I answer to the fake name.

  He blushes and bows his head, but he struggles to leave. I pull my shades down, and I force the green he can't see back to my eyes.

  "Go now," I command.

  He promptly walks back toward the bar that is resting on the beach. The small setup is decorated by the very animated tourists who are laughing wildly. I tilt my oversized hat down slightly as the seagulls circle overhead.


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